- S-UPPLEI3MENT' TO TEB BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL LONDON: SATURDAY, JULY 4Th1, 1914. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGN Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the British Medical Proceedings of Council (continzled)- Association-Programme: Committee Advertisements for Tuberculosis Officers- THE SECT1ONS.-PATHOLOGICAL MUSE.UM.-EXCURSIONS, ETC. 1-12 Deputation to Members of the Governml-ent on Security of Tenure and Superannuation for Medical Officers of Health. Proceedings of Council: Hospitals Committee: Workmen's Medical Aid Associa- Return of the Chairman.-Apologies.-Deaths.-The Tr?a- tions and Members of Staffs of Voluntary Hospitals. Naval surer.-Resignations.-Vote of Thanks to Deputy Chairman and Military Committee: Resignation of a Member from of Council.-Representative from Australian Branches.- the Committee-The Shortage of Medical Officers in tho Dr. J. A. Macdonald's Visit to Australasia.-Sir Thomas Royal Navy. Insurance Act Committee: Returned Medical Roddick.-University of Wales.-Postal Vote.-Annual Cards-Relation of British Medical Association to Proposed Meeting at Newcastle, 1917. Finance Committee: Accounts Federation of Local Medical and Panel Committees- -Appointment of Assistant Medical Secretary-Appoint- Appointment of and Reference to Insurance Act Committee. ment of Solicitor to the Association-Heard v. Pickthorne- Non-Panel Committee: Consultants Employed for Purposes Candidates for Election to the Association-Election of of Insurance Acts. Supplementary Report of Council 13-16 Vice-Presidents. Scottish Committee: House of Lords Midwives (Scotland) Bill (No. 81). Organization Committee: MEETINGS OF BRANCHES AND DIVISIONS ... .. 16 Stuidents' Union-Grants to Branches for 1914-Election of ASSOCIATION NOTICES ... ... .. ... 21 Members of Council, 1914-15 and 1915-16, by Grouped Repre- LOCAL MEDICAL AND PANEL COMMITTES ... ... 25 sentatives under BY-law 43 (C)-Grouping of Branches not in the United Kingdom for 1915-16-Grouping of Divisions INSURANCE COMMITTEES 26 for Representation in Representative Body, 1914-15. Science INSURANCE NOTES ... ... 28 Committee:c Middlemore Prize. Central Ethical Corn- INSURANCE ACT IN PARLIAMEN'T' 28 snittee: Regulations relative to the Insertion in tho "British Medical Journal" of Notices regarding Appoint- NAVAL AND MILITARY APPOINTAIENT.S... 23 ments-Position of Medical Practitioners in Connexion wi Lli VITAL STATISTICS ... ... ... 23 *Publications to the Public on Medical Subjects-Case under HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS 30 Articles 10 and 11. Medico-Political Committee: Fees for VACANCIES AND APPOINTM1ENTS 31 Medical Examinations for Life Insurance-Payment of Ship 32 Surgeons for Attendance upon First and Second Class BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. AND DEATrH' . Passengers-Fees for Medical Certificates under the Mental DIARY FOR THE WEE1.K ... 32 Deficiency Acts-Telephone Service Rates. PuLblic Health DIARY OF THE ASSOCIATION 32 EIGHTY--SECOND ANNUAL MEETING of the Br'itish Medical Association. ABERDEEN, JULY, 1914. PROGRAMME OF BUSINESS. THIE SECTIONS. President: WILLIAM AINSLIE HOLLIS, M.A., M.D., Tlle scientific business of the meeting will be conducted F.R.C'.P., Consulting Physician, Sussex CouLnty Hospital, in sixteen Sections, wlichl will meet on Wednesday, July Brighton. 29th, Thursday, July 30tlh, and Friday, July 31st. President-elect: Sir ALEXANDER OGSTON, K.C.V.0., M.D., The President, Vice-Presidents, and Honorary Secre- LL.D., Consulting Surgeon, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary; taries of each Section constitute a Committee of Reference in to H.M. the King in Scotland. for that Section, and exercise the- power of inviting, Surgeon Ordinary accepting, or declining any paper, and of arranging the (Chairman of Representative Meet-ings: THOMAS JENNER order in which accepted papers shall be read. Communi i- VERRALL, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Consulting Surgeon, Sussex cations with respect to papers slhould be addressed to one County Hospital, Brighton. of tlle Honorary Secretaries. Chairman of Council: JAMES ALEXANDER MACDONALD, A paper read in the Section must not exceed fifteen M.D., M.Ch.R.U.I., LL.D., Honorary Physician, Taunton minutes, and no subsequent speech miust exceed ten and Somerset Hospital, Taunton. minutes. Treasurer: EDWIN RAYNER, B.A., M.D.Lond., F.R.C.S. Paper-s read are the property of the British Medical Consulting Surgeon, Stockport infirmary, Stockport. Association, and cannot be published elsewvhere than in the Eng., BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL without special permission. Tlle Eighty-second Annual Meeting of the Britislh The following sixteen Sections have been authorized b:- Medical Association will be held in Aberdeen in July, 1914. tlle Council: The President's Address will be delivered on Tuesday, July. 28th, and the Sections will meet oln the tllree ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. following days. The Annual Representative Meeting will at 10 a.m. President: Professor ROBERT WV. REID, M.D., F.R.C.S., beain on Friday, July 24th, Aberde'en. Vice-Presidents: DENIS P. FITZGrERALD, M.B., The Address in Medicine will be delivered by ARCHIBALD B.Cll., Cork; J. STRICKLAND GOODALL, M.B., F.R.C.S., EDWARD GARROD, M.D., F.R.C.P., F,.R.S., Physician, St. London, S.E.; Professor. J. KAY JAMIESON, M.B., C.M., Bartlholomew's Hospital, London. Leeds; Professor J. A. MACWILLIAM, M.D., C.M., Aberdeen. Honorary Secretaries: NORMAN J. CALDER, M.B., Ch.B., The -Address in Surgery will be delivered by Sir JOHN Anatomy Department, Marischal College, Aberdeen; BLAN-D- SUTTON, Surgeon to the Middlesex Hospital, EDWARD PROVAN CATHCART, M.D., D.Sc., Department of London, W. Physiology, University of Glasgow; R. J. GLADSTONE, The Popular Lecture will be delivered by Professor M.D., F.R.C.S., University of London, King's College, J. ARTIHUR TIOMsoN, M.A., LL.D., Natural History Strand, W.C.; HUGH MACLEAN, M.D., Chemical Pathology Vepaitnicnt, Marishlial College, Aberdeen. Department, St. Thomas's Hospital, Londonr S.E. [5 321 'BU"LEMENT TO TUX ' 2- PROGRAMME OF ANNUAL MEETIN'G. 2* BIMMSHBIIHMDILJUniPMEDICAL JOUBNAL O R M E O AN U L M E NG[JL [JULY 4,14, 19144 The following papers have been accepted: tions of neo-salvarsan should be given, and mercurial BOYD, Sidney. A Note on a Congenital Anomaly of the treatment for two years. In the recurrent stage tlhe Duodenum Encountered during Operation. patient should be treated as if in the eruptive stage, but CALDER, Norman J. Rare Anatomical Anomalies. a cure is far less likely to result. In -the gummatous CATHCART, E. Provan. The Influence of Carbohydrate on stage two injections of salvarsan should be given Metabolism. and CULLIS, Winifred. The Distribution of Nerves in the Heart. ono or two courses of intramuscular injections of mercury EDIE, E. S. Some Experimental Work on the Action of and iodides, since no more can be expected than to cure Enzymes. the svmptoms. In the latent stage, provided the patient GARDNER, A. D. The Sugar of Blood and Urine. is perfectly healthy and nothing abnormal can be found GLADSTONE, R. J. Description of some Australian and upon thorough examination, in spite Tasmanian Skulls. of the Wassermann GOODALL, J. Strickland, and RICHARDS, Hedley N. D. Some reaction being positive, no treatment is indicated, because Instrumental Variations in the Human Electro-Cardiogram. a positive Wassermann reaction is by no means necessarily LEVY, A. Goodman. Ventricular Fibrillation, the Cause of indicative of active syphilis; it is often rather a measure Death under Chloroform. of the host's protective capacity against the organism. M,cKENDRICK, Emeritus Professor J. G., F.R.S. Theories of Hearing with Analogies from the Gramaphone, with a Pure meningeal and pure arterial lesions of the central Demonstration of Improvements on the Gramaphone and the nervous system can be markedly benefited by intravenous Obliteration of Noise. injections of neo-salvarsan and mercury. Some cases of McKENZIE, Ivy. The Reptilian Heart and its Significance in tabes are slightly improved, some are made worse or the Interpretation of the Co-ordinating Muscular Systems in unaltered; most cases of general paralysis of the insane the Mammalian. MCKENZIE, Ivy, and ROBERTSON, Jane I. Some Further are made worse or unaltered. Intrathecal injections of Researches on the Anatomy of the Bird's Heart. salvarsanized serum exert a beneficial and rapid action MAcLEOD, Professor J. J. R. (Cleveland, U.S.A.). Some Recent upon pure meningeal lesions. They may improve cases Researches on Sugar Metabolism. of tabes or leave them unaltered. They may slighltly MACWILLIAM, Professor J. A. (1) The Regulationi of the Heart improve cases of general paralysis of the insane, but on Beat. (2) Some Points in the Action of Chloroform. MELVIN, G. S., and MURRAY, J. R. Some Observations on the whole they tend to make such cases worse. Every Blood Pressure. woman who has once given birth to a syphilitic child ORR, J. B. A Contribution to the Metabolism of Creatine and should be treated throughout tlle whole of each suic- Creatinine. ceeding pregnancy, first with five intravenous injections REID, Professor R. W., and TOCHER, J. F. Anthropometric of neo-salvarsan at weekly intervals, and for the rest of Characteristics of Students of Medicine in the University of Aberdeen. the nine months with mercury. Congenital syphilis is RIDDOCH, G. The Sympathetic System of a Full-time Fetus. best treated with mercury. Every case of syphilis should ROBERTSON, Jane I. (1) The Phylogenetic Development of the be treated individuallv, as no two are alike. The treat- Bulbar and Ventricular Septa of the Heart. (2) Cardiac ment should be guided by clinical observations, and little Malformations in which the Great Efferent Vessels arise or no reliance should be upon any existing bacterio- from the Right Ventricle. placed TRIBE, Mrs. The Existence of Vasomotor Nerves in the logical or serological test. A spontaneous cure in most Lungs. stages is possible, and all that treatment does is to stimulate the factors which are responsible, thereore DERMATOLOGY AND SYPHILOLOGY. no treatment will kill directly all the' plhases of the President: ALFRED EDDOWES, M.D., M.R.C.P., London.
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