FRIDAY, NOVEMBER *i, 1940 isumwcN ■' ^ flbmrlirstrr E v n tl^ V m O The Weather ForecaiM e f Uy.8. WoUlMr Ber aaa The executive hoard of the Chamlnade Mualcal club will meet Find Fa Cloudy, ncwrtnael H|M fata to­ Xbout Town Monday afternoon at 2:30 at the night; mmdajr, doaijr, BBeaii iinal home of Mrs. Carl GusUfson, 14 rain, Httlo ehaiife ta tempamHin. Jackson street. Mrs. Marjorie Nel­ In Ge^rators Tomorrow The M u n m COM p^. TiM Do t m i •ocUty, » group of son the president will be unable to MANCMISTIR COHH* Ifea younger women o f the Emen- attend as she Is to sing on that af­ MancheBter— A City of Village Charm uel'Luttoeren church, will hold » ternoon at the meeting of the East P olic^oard Receiving Will End this Great W ie Of Swediah baked fooda, to­ Hartfqjvl Mendelssohn club. l^y-Away A Gift A Day Until Christmas! PRICE TURBB CBNIR morrow morning at 10 o’clock in plaints About the MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER .23, 1940 (TWELVE PAGES) Hale’a atore. Miss ■Virginia Armstrong of isers* Equipments. 3 Day Sale o f Lovely A ll ehUdron In the Beglnnert 1028 Tolland Turnpike underwent an emergency appendectomy 1 ^ and Primary departmenta of Cen- Ths local police department’s All Silk night at the Memorial h o s p ^ . tar Church achool, are reminded, complete eatlefactlon with the RInRiesa Finance Man to bring their gifta of food for Her condition today is r e p o r ^ to A xis; (^^0.vvay radio system installed in j Rumania Joins Thankagiving basketa. to the 9:30 be satisfactory. y" Furs aeaaion of school, Sunday mom- its three police cruisers a year ago You’ll Find Our Terms Convenient— Chiffon Kills Family iBg- ____ The Thanksgiving tea held by doesn’t extend to thv Bosch gener­ 10% Down Payment the Women’s Homr.League In the ators used to provide the “Juice" The Soagatar Brigade of the Salvation Army ^ w e r hall last for batteries, lights, ignition, etc. 10 Months To Pay Salvation Army will omit its regu­ Hosiery To Head Foreign And Himself A reas night was hlghiy'succesaful. under Turkey Puts lar practice period this evening. Reports at last night’s meeting of the management of Mrs. William the Board of Police Commtsolonera Hale’s Guarantee Hall and Mis. James Munsie, Jr. of Service and Satisfaction Last night ps Policeman Walter showed that the generators have Montanan Slays Wife, The gift/^tlcles prepared by the been giving trouble for many la Given With Each Coat 79c Cassells was about to leave his membert found a ready sale, also Relations ^ro u p beat, a steam shovel mounted on months and nobody seems to have 2 - 3 or 4-thread with rein­ Daughter, Son with the drtidous sandwiches, cake and a reasonable explanation. Martial Law a truck owned by Alexander Jar­ forced heels and toes, in the U n d e r tey/served by Mrs. Russell Clough Axe, Shoots Self in vis came down the street. With­ Were Re^minended season’s flattering new out warning, the shovel plummet­ id Mrs. Rlchsrd Wil.son at small Henry St,irkell maintenance House Used as donvent tables. Hot frankfurter sandwiches ■hades. Elevation to Chairman*; Their Home at Helena. Hitler Pusheti Influence ed to the ground grazing a ci^ man of the West Hartford police ‘Stalls’ in Street Center Action Taken on Sec* Roosevelt 'Will Appoint that was following close behindjXe were in charge of Albert Richard­ department, was present and will A special group of Fashion ship in Senate Seen son. Helena, Mont., Nov. 23,—<ff)- I>eahy Envoy to France ; Deep into Balkans to truck. Luckil.v, the shovei mycely take two of the generators, which Haddonfleld, N. J., Nov. 23. t i o n H Surrounding landed on the car's b iim p ^ and are said to be burned out, and have Fur Coats that regularly sell L Assnred ,as Barkley, Cllnton C. Peterson was founi —I/Pl—A three story hOuse, Hyde Park. N. 'Y., Nov. 23.— Point I^ess Than 250 no damage was done. them put back into condition. Strategic Dardanelles I .Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hackett of at $100 and $125. Genuine Leather CjiIIs Steering Com­ used ns a convent, was "stall- i shot to death In the basement f/P,—President Roosevelt an- , i North Main street have been en­ When the radio equipment was ed’’ today In the center of a his home shortly after officers dis­ I Miles from Vital Dar- fTTm lOSTBY6UL6AltlA Because of ‘General, noiinced today through a seerc- ] tertaining their son-in-law and purchased, Irvl.ig Strauss, RCA mittee into Session i Haddonfleld atrect. lary that he would appoint Rear .ALICE COf^BA.N representative, recommended the covered the hacked and bullet rid­ UlUlAFreg WOULD w ar ; danelles; Antohestru ! daughter. Lieutenant and Mrs. Handbags To ,\ct on Vacancy. ^ It bogged down last night dled bodies of his wife and their Political Situation’ in , Admiral William D. Leahy, re­ (Known .As t^ueen .Alice) i Harold S. Bottbmley. Jr. who have Bosch generator as the best and when a wheel on a moving ap­ tired, now governor of Puerto I Signs Pact Which Al­ SPIRITED MEim .M. the Board is hoping that he’ll be Caracul two children In their bedrooms. Balkans; Orders Are I been living in Miami, Florida, and Smartly styled handbags in -------- ' i paratus came off aa the build­ County Attorney Harold K. An­ Dispatches from Sofia, Bulgaria, to Rumania predicted that Bul­ Rico and'former chief of Naval Seventh IJauglilcr of a Setenth Son willing to stand the expense of the ready Links Germany, I made the northward trip by air- Rrnwn flne quality capeskln leath­ Bulletin! ing was being transported to a derson said he believed Peterson. garia soon W'ould present demands to Greece for an area (shaded) operations, ambassador to Bom With a Veil. repairs. Mr. Strauss could not be Grey Black Issued .Short Time Aft­ I plane. They, are leaving shortly for ers. new location. 46-year.-old assistant secretary- which might be used by German troops going to the aid of Italy in France to succeed William C. ReauUnga 'Dall.v 9 A. M. to 9 P. Al. reached for hla views. Si/.es I t lo 20 Washington Nov. 23.— Greece. The shaded area was lost by Bulgaria after the World war, ■ Italy, Japan, Hungary’. I San Diego. Cal., where Lieutenant But it still was home to six treasurer of The Mpntana Live­ er Von l*apen Returns. 1 Bullitt. Or By .Appointment. In the Service Bottomlcy will report for duty on Two of the police cars are now — Despite the refusal of Con* and Is of great strategic importance along the Aegean^Sca and in the i Top handle pouch styles nuns, teachers at a parochial stock Production Credit Assoclo- of the People for 80 Years. i the aircraft carrier. U. S. S. Sara- using Ford generators, which Dardanelles area. — Ru­ with zipper compartments. Rress to adjourn. House mem­ school. They spent the night in tlon, hsd killed his family and Berlin, Nov. 23.— (/P) 17>Llhurch Street, Hartford, Conn. I toga. Mrs. Bottomley was the for- sren't powerful enough to carry the house after being assured- Ankara, Turkey, Nov. 23. Phone 6-3337 Northern Seal bers were told by Speaker then himself while suffering from mania, a foe of Germany in 1 mer Miss Mary Hackett. the load required. Mr. Starkcll it was safe. "a fit of temporary Inaanlty.” — (/P)— Sections of Turkey stated that he didn't think there Colors: Black and Brown, Rayburn today that they the World war two decades Fine.at Quality Buck.vikin Nearby residents provided Sequence of Tragedy surrounding the .strategic Nazi Raiders was an.vthlng w Tong with the could go home with the as* ago, joined the Nazi-sponsor­ Sizes 38 to 14 water and a public service com- Sequence of the tragedy as re-j Dardanelles, which straddle Bo.soh generator.s that wa.an't due surance that they would be I pany hastily slning upw#n elec­ constructed by Sheriff Brian D ., Greeks Claim 6 Crack ed Axi.s alliance today. W lt’n to heavy usage and insi.'»ted that the land route from Europe given ample notice If any tric line. O’Connell: ! Over London this diplomatic stroke, too gallon Iota. they wotild do the Job .sati.sfactor- Peterson entered the room in ; to the Near East and Africa, Reichsfuehrer Hitler formal^ gal. 7 c lly.' matters arose requiring their RANGE OIL Premier Bonded __ _ which his daughter. Betty Ann, j \ Divisions Are Routed were under martial law today ly pushed the Axis spher4 New tYulsem ea. attention. — 17-year-old high .school senior, was I becau.se of “ the general poli­ In Rush Hour The purchase of two 1941 Ford $1.95 (Jeep into the Balkans to a gal. 6 1 * 1 0 C sleeping and struck her With an | tical situation." The Turkish FUEL OIL police cnil.sers will make it neces- Wa.shington. Nov. 23.—(fP) Sees Cabinet axe. ’ ' point less than 250 miles 100 gallons or mure. sarv to transfer radio equipment Beaverette — Elevation of .Senator Mrs. Peterson, possibly aroused Cavalry, Highland Reg* J a u g Give Ul) government ordered Corps from the vital Dardanelles. from the cars now in use and Mr. Gen. Ali Riza Artuokalin, Millions Sent lo Cover Sizes 11 to 20 George (D., Ga.) to the chair-' by the noise in her daughter’s bed­ iments Smash Beyond F 1 Rumania’s premier, Geh.
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