Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1973-03-28 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1973). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2280. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2280 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '' .,...______________ •................... • I f j .... I 6 ~I I• I • • " ______ ...._._ .............. .-i ..... __ -...:·-.- ......... ·"'-' VOL. LVlll NO. 18 XAVIER UNIVERSITY CINCINNATI, OHIO I XAVIER NEWS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28; 1973 Slates debate issues• by Steve Kunath crete reasons why people are diuatiefied News Staff Reporter with. Xavier. He maintained. that student Thursday night, March 22, Brockman government has givven people a right to be Hall hosted the first of three scheduled de­ unhappy. Saracina feels that the primary bates between the slates contending for thrust of student government should be President and Vice-President of Xavier's academic reform. He also stated that Xa­ student government. The debates have vier needs a study of the dorms and that been set up to enable students to hear and student government should help get the question the slates. Thus informed, the stu­ small things done, such as getting "oli the dent body will be better able to make a back of a janitor to fix a window fast.er." wise decision in voting. To assure equal op­ Moroney agreed and said that apathy will portuni tes for each of the slates, John go away when students see things being Wettstein, elections ch~irman, insisted acted upon. He then said that fixing the that questions be phrased so that each little things will make students aware that slate oould answer. This policy was also things are being done. meant to assure the safety of each slate The Zeno-Lechleiter ticket ended the from planted and leading questions. short speeches with Zeno stating that stu­ The debate began with short speeches by dent government has been effective this each slate which included some reasons year. He mentioned the studies on the core why they are running for election and curriculum and the residence halls that some basics of their respective platforms. will be published in the near future. Zeno Due to Smith's absence, John Baum spoke noted three substantial improvements: The for· the Smith-Baum ticket. "I really love administration has started to talk; the fac­ this place," was the thematic phrase of ulty has come alive; and over 700 students Baum's talk. Baum mentioned that he voted in the last student government sena· can't promise five concerts for next year torial election, more than voted in last because he just doesn't know what next year's student presidentail election; Lech· year has in store. Baum also notes that leiter followed with the statement that the there seems to be a game played at present only things in their platform are things student government meetings, with the re­ that they can accomplish. He feels that sult that an aware observer can usually student government can apply pressure to tell how the voting will go. Baum insisted get better quality course in the core curricu· that "we have a lot of great things here" lum. Lechleiter stated that by lowering the and that "the students haven't lost contact ID fee (from which student government is with student government, but student gov­ funded) from $.5 to $2.50, they could set an f' ernment has lost contact with the stu­ · example for the administration by show· The debate between the contenders for the Presidential position in student dents." ing that student government doesn't sub­ government which was reeently held in the Brockman Hall Lobby. Rocco Saracina said that he can see con- sidize itself. He also said that it is the job of student government to make sure that . - Xavier students get their money's worth and that the Zeno-Lechleiter slate would ·Mulligan expands intervisitation carry the enthusiasm of this year's student government into next Y,e~.,, . by Frank Landry The question of where-their emphasis imum permitted under the new policy by uits who live in the residence halls, the would lie if elected was. then posed to the News Editor number of educational programs provided, A proposal dealing with new inter~ simple majority vote of the residents. candidates. The Smith-Baum ticket would hall grade point average, property damage, visitation hours for Xavier University Under the guidelines of the new policy, like to get the students to enjoy the school Residence Halls has been. approved by the Assistant Dean os Students (Housing) and alcohol abuse. Rev. Robert W. Mulligan, S.J., President of is called upon to work with his staff and Xavier University. colleagues to "conduct educational pro­ . ''N ,, The new proposal, put int.a effect March grams at the hall and floor levels to assist Committee says o to 26, 1973; provides for the following inter­ students to better understand how to use visitati on hours for all halls: 3 p.m.-11 their greater degree of freedom in the con­ p.m., S\lnday through Thursday; 3 p.m.-1 text of their own standards of conduct." University Public(Jtion a.m., Friday and Saturday. The final draft Additional guidelines stress strict en­ of the pf9posal had been submitt.ed to Mul­ forcement, especially on the part of all by Dennis C. King and added that the committee was not ei=' ligan by Mr. Roderick .C. Shearer, Vice R.A.s and Directors. The proposal, in an ef­ Editor-in-Chief pected "to investigate cost factors in· President for Student Affairs, on March 19. fort to provide for uniform enforcement, The University Programs and Publica- volved." · According to the Shearer proposal, the spelJs out specific penalties which in some instances provide for suspension. tions Committee voted Friday to recom- In the following· discussion, the com· expanded hours for intervisitation ~re in­ mend the retention of Xavier's two present mittee beCame convinced that both publi­ tended to provide for commuter visitation · The new intervisitation program will be publications (Xavier News and Commu- cations were intended to reach a specific in dorms when commuters are on campus, evaluated at the end of the current semes­ nique). The committee had been asked by audience and to develop a publication to that is, during afternoon hours. In addi­ ter. AT that time, the proposal notes, a de­ Roderick C. Shearer "to study the feasibil- reach the entire community would be diffi. tion, the change in hours is intended to in­ cision on whether to .continue the policy ity and advisability of establishing a Uni- cult, if not impossible. crease study and socializing for men and will be rendered. The proposal states that versity newspaper to replace· both the Xa· It was also brought to the committees at- women students. several factors will influence the eval­ vier News and the Commuunique." tention that to attempt such a merger The proposal states that each floor or uation; Several factors cited.are: the degree of compliance, the observations of the Jes- The committee initially viewed three pos- would be contrary to present trends in pub­ wing. must choose its hours from the max- sible alternatives: recommend the reten- lishing with periodicals and newspapers tion of the publications; eliminate one or concentrating their scope on specialize<J both; other alternatives of merging the two audiences. Co0101ittee· for dor01 life publications. Some members expressed concern over Some members expressed confusion over the fact that the intention of the study was how much influence was exerted by eco- a punitive one and directed toward the nomic factors and how much was based on elimination of the Xavier News. The com· study making progress criticism of the publications. Shearer's mittee w~ generatly agreed that such a . memorandum had stated that "there is a move woiild be viewed as such by the stu- great deal of criticism of both papers by dent population at Xavier. The vote to re· by Frank Landry representation within the next two weeks. facuity and students for different reasons," ·tain the publications was unanimous. News Editor Tom said that this method of approach will enable committee members to gather ···-r~(~ ~-·~ '-~- :r' The Committee for the quality of Student " ·:· .' • .• ·,.. .,, ·- •• ·;: 1- -.- • : • ideas to stimulate discussions. ~'.: --~.'.'.:' Life in Residence Halls has i.ssued a pre· ·! ~ .. -:-. \. ~...... .......~ . ~ -· -·~ liminary draft entitled Towards a Philoso­ Tom said that he did not believe that a . ! : phy of Residence Hall Life.' This statement, survey would yield significant data. In­ according to Mr. David A: Tom, Director of stead, he observed that the conducting of Housing and Chairman of this committee; meetings in .each area would "stimulate points to progress which has been made in questions and reactions." anticipation of a final report which will be Reporting on the progress of his com· submitted to Rev. Robert W. Mulligan, S.J., mittee, Tom noted that a lot of things have President of Xavier University, iri April. · been discussed although his committee is / Committee m~mbers, in addition to Tom, still in the data gathering stages. :~are: Miss Yvette Asque, Mr. Pete Caproni, Tom reported that his committee will Mr. Bob Adolfson, Mr. John Gohman, Mr. make a recommendation to the President Vincent C. Tucker, Mr. Bill Daily, Sr. Ellen some time in April.
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