Perek IV Daf 44 Amud a NOTES Th e Sages say: For them in Eretz Yisrael it also does not overrideN ָא ְמִרי: ְלִד ְיד ּהו ַנ ִמי ָלא ָ ּד ֵחי. ְו ֶא ָּלא ַק ׁ ְשָיא The : ְלִד ְיד ּהו ַנ ִמי ָלא ָ ּד ֵחי – Shabbat. Th e Gemara asks: But if that is the case, the contradic- For them it also does not override Rambam explains that the Sages instituted ordinances to ָה ֵני ַּתְר ֵּתי; ְ ּד ָת ָנא ֲח ָדא: ָּכל ָה ָﬠם ִמוֹל ִיכין -tion between these two sources is diffi cult, as it was taught in prevent the Jews from splitting into sects where some seg ֶאת ּלו ְל ֵב ֶיהן ְל ַהר ַה ַּבִית, ְו ַת ְנָיא ִא ָיד ְך: one mishna: All the people bring their lulavim to the Temple -ments of the people practice one custom and other seg ְל ֵבית ַה ְּכ ֶנ ֶסת. ּו ְמ ָתְר ִצ ַינן: ָּכאן – ִּבְז ַמן Mount on Friday, and it was taught in another mishna that they ments either do not practice it or practice another custom bring their lulavim to the synagogue. And we resolved this con- instead. Although in other matters, e.g., the second day of ׁ ֶש ֵּבית ַה ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש ַקָיּים, ָּכאן – ִּבְז ַמן ׁ ֶש ֵאין ,tradiction as follows: Here, where the mishna says that they bring the Festivals observed in the Diaspora, this is not a concern ֵּבית ַה ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש ַקָיּים. their lulavim to the Temple Mount, it is referring to when the as can be explained the way Ritva explained it here: With Temple is standing, and there, where the mishna says that they regard to lulav, the Sages instituted that everyone follows his ancestral custom. Therefore, in the Diaspora the practice bring their lulavim to the synagogue, it is referring to when the is not to take the lulav on Shabbat, since in ancient times it Temple is not standing. Based on the above, when the Temple is was never the practice to take the lulav on Shabbat due to not in existence the mitzva of lulav does not override Shabbat. the uncertainty concerning the correct date of the Festival. Based on the conclusion of the Gemara here, apparently Th e Gemara resolves the contradiction: No, both this mishna and the practice in Temple times in the outlying areas of Eretz לֹא, ִא ִידי ְו ִא ִידי – ִּבְז ַמן ׁ ֶש ֵּבית ַה ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש that mishna are referring to Eretz Yisrael when the Temple is in Yisrael was not to take the lulav on Shabbat so as not to ַקָיּים, ְו ָלא ַק ׁ ְשָיא: ָּכאן – ַּב ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש, ָּכאן – deviate from the custom of the rest of Jewry. Therefore, existence; and nevertheless, it is not diffi cult. Here, where the ַּב ְּג ּבו ִלין. mishna says that they bring their lulavim to the Temple Mount, it even today, the lulav is not taken in Eretz Yisrael on Shabbat, is referring to the procedure in the Temple. And there, where the in keeping with the ancestral custom. mishna says that they bring their lulavim to the synagogue, it is HALAKHA referring to the procedure in the outlying areas in the rest of Eretz Nowadays the lulav is : ּלו ָלב ַּבְזּ ַמן ַהֶזּה – Yisrael, where they knew when the new month was established. Lulav nowadays However, today, neither in the Diaspora nor in Eretz Yisrael does not taken on Shabbat at all, even on the first day of the H Festival and even in Eretz Yisrael (Rambam Sefer Zemanim, the mitzva of lulav override Shabbat. Hilkhot Lulav 7:17–18). Since the mitzva of : ֲﬠָר ָבה ַּבְזּ ַמן ַהֶזּה – Abaye said to Rava: What is diff erent about lulav such that we Willow branch today ָא ַמר ֵל ּיה ַא ַּבֵיי ְלָר ָבא: ַמאי ׁ ְש ָנא ּלו ָלב perform the mitzva seven days in commemoration of the Tem- the willow branch is not explicitly written in the Torah, the ְ ּד ָﬠ ְבִד ַינן ֵל ּיה ׁ ִש ְב ָﬠה ֵז ֶכר ַל ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש, ּו ַמאי ple, and what is diff erent about the willow branch that we do Sages restricted their ordinance to taking it on the seventh day of Sukkot in commemoration of the Temple (Rambam ׁ ְש ָנא ֲﬠָר ָבה ְ ּד ָלא ָﬠ ְבִד ַינן ָל ּה ׁ ִש ְב ָﬠה ֵז ֶכר not perform the mitzva seven days in commemoration of the .(H Sefer Zemanim, Hilkhot Lulav 7:22 ַל ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש? ָא ַמר ֵל ּיה: ִהוֹאיל ְו ָאָדם ֵיוֹצא Temple? Rava said to him: Since a person fulfi lls his obligation -with the willow branch in the lulav, no additional commemora ְיֵדי ָחוֹבתוֹ ָּב ֲﬠָר ָבה ׁ ֶש ַּב ּל ּו ָלב. ָא ַמר ֵל ּיה: tion is necessary. Abaye said to him: Th at is not a satisfactory ַה ּהוא ִמ ּׁש ּום ּלו ָלב ּהוא ְ ּד ָקא ָﬠ ֵביד ֵל ּיה. answer, as he is performing that action due to the mitzva of ְו ִכי ֵּת ָימא ְ ּד ָקא ַמ ְג ַּב ּה ֵל ּיה ַו ֲהַדר ַמ ְג ַּב ּה taking the lulav and the other species. And if you say that he lift s ֵל ּיה – ְו ָהא ַמ ֲﬠ ִׂשים ְּב ָכל יוֹם ְ ּד ָלא ָקא the willow branch bound with the lulav to fulfi ll the mitzva of the ָﬠ ְבִד ַינן ָה ִכי! four species and then lift s it again in commemoration of the willow branch in the Temple, aren’t actions performed daily proof that we do not do so, as no one lift s the lulav twice? Rav Zevid said in the name of Rava: Since the mitzva of lulav is ָא ַמר ַרב ְז ִביד ִמ ְּׁש ֵמ ּיה ְ ּדָר ָבא: ּלו ָלב -a mitzva by Torah law, we perform it seven days in commemora ְ ּד ַאוֹרְי ָיתא – ָﬠ ְבִד ַינן ׁ ִש ְב ָﬠה ֵז ֶכר ַל ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש. tion of the Temple even today. Since the mitzva of the willow ֲﬠָר ָבה ְ ּדַר ָּב ַנן – ָלא ָﬠ ְבִד ַינן ָל ּה ׁ ִש ְב ָﬠה branch is a mitzva by rabbinic law, we do not perform it seven ֵז ֶכר ַל ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש. days in commemoration of the Temple. Th e Gemara asks: In accordance with whose opinion did Rava ְל ַמאן? ִא ֵיל ָימא ַא ָּבא ׁ ָש ּאול – ָה ָא ַמר: say this? If we say that Rava said this in accordance with the ַ״ﬠְר ֵבי ָנ ַחל״ ְּכ ִתיב, ׁ ְש ַּתִים – ַא ַחת ַל ּל ּו ָלב opinion of Abba Shaul, didn’t he say that it is writt en: Willows ְו ַא ַחת ַל ִּמ ְק ָ ּד ׁש. ִאי ְלַר ָּב ַנן – ִה ְל ְכ ָתא of the river, i.e., in the plural, indicating two willow branches, one ְּג ִמ ִירי ָל ּה. ְ ּד ָא ַמר ַר ִּבי ַא ִסי ָא ַמר ַר ִּבי for the lulav and one for the Temple? In his opinion, the mitzva .of the willow branch in the Temple is also a mitzva by Torah law ָיוֹח ָנן ִמ ּׁש ּום ַר ִּבי ְנ ּחו ְנָיא ִא ׁיש ִּב ְק ַﬠת ,If Rava said this in accordance with the opinion of the Rabbis ֵּבית ְחוֹר ָתן: ֶﬠ ֶׂשר ְנ ִטיעוֹת, ֲﬠָר ָבה, ְו ִנ ּיס ּו ְך ,they learned this as a halakha transmitt ed to Moses from Sinai ַה ַּמִים – ֲה ָל ָכה ְלמֹ ׁ ֶשה ִמ ִּס ַיני. as Rabbi Asi said that Rabbi Yoĥanan said in the name of Rabbi Neĥunya of the valley of Beit Ĥortan: Th e halakha of the ten saplings, the mitzva of the willow branch in the Temple, and the mitzva of the water libation on the altar during the festival of Sukkot are each a halakha transmitt ed to Moses from Sinai. Rather, Rav Zevid said in the name of Rava: With regard to the ֶא ָּלא ָא ַמר ַרב ְז ִביד ִמ ְּׁש ֵמ ּיה ְ ּדָר ָבא: ּלו ָלב ,mitzva of lulav, which has its basis writt en explicitly in the Torah ְ ּד ִאית ֵל ּיה ִﬠ ָּיקר ִמן ַה ּת ָוֹרה – ַּב ְּג ּבו ִלין -in the outlying areas we perform it seven days in commemora ָﬠ ְבִד ַינן ֵל ּיה ׁ ִש ְב ָﬠה ֵז ֶכר ַל ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש, ֲﬠָר ָבה tion of the Temple. With regard to the mitzva of the willow ְ ּד ֵלית ָל ּה ִﬠ ָּיקר ִמן ַה ּת ָוֹרה – ַּב ְּג ּבו ִלין ָלא branch, which does not have its basis writt en explicitly in the Torah, in the outlying areas we do not perform it seven days in ָﬠ ְבִד ַינן ׁ ִש ְב ָﬠה ֵז ֶכר ַל ִּמ ְקָ ּד ׁש, commemoration of the Temple. Perek IV . 44a 215 . פרק ד׳ דף מד. NOTES :Apropos the willow branch in the Temple, Reish Lakish said ָא ַמר ֵר ׁיש ָל ִק ׁיש: ּכֹ ֲה ִנים ַּב ֲﬠ ֵלי Some say that Priests with physical defectsN enter between the Entrance Hall : ּכֹ ֲה ִנים ַּב ֲﬠ ֵלי ּמו ִמין – Priests with physical defects ּמו ִמין ִנ ְכ ָנ ִסין ֵּבין ָה ּאו ָלם ְו ַל ִּמְז ֵּבח -since in this case individuals with physical defects were permit and the altar in order to fulfi ll the obligation of the mitzva of the ְּכֵדי ָל ֵצאת ָּב ֲﬠָר ָבה. ָא ַמר ֵל ּיה ַר ִּבי ted to enter the area between the Entrance Hall and the altar, it willow branch.
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