Jliumb. 26. 441 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1943. Setting apart Native Land as a Nati-ve Reservation. Declaring Private Land in McKerrow Survey District, Otago Land I District, to be a Private Reserve under the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-Genera]. ORDER IN COUNCIL. C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. At the Government House at Wellington, this 7th day of April, 1943. N pursuance of the powers and authorities conferred upon me Present: I by subsection two of section six of the Scenery Preservation Hrs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN CouNcrL. Amendment Act, 1933 (hereinafter referred to as " the said Aot "), URSUANT to section five of the Native Purposes Act, 1937, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the Dominion P His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare the private land advice and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby set apart described in the Schedule hereto to be a private reserve under and and reserve the Native freehold land described in the Schedule subject to the provisions of the said Act. hereto as a Native reservation for the common use of the owners thereof as a meeting-place and meeting-house site. SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. OTA.Go LAND Drs'l'ItIC'.I'. .Area: ALL those areas in the McKerrow Surv~y District containing together · Block. A, R, P. Survey District. an area of 371 acres, more or less, and particularly desc:dl:ied as Ruatoki A, Section 22A (being 2 0 0 Block II, Waimana. follows:- part of the }and formerly Firstly, all that area containing 10 acres; more or less, being known as Ruatoki ln le 3 part of Section 21028, and bounded as follows: Towards the north­ Block) east by a public road ; towards the south-east by Section 3333 ; C. A. JEFFERY, and towards the south, south-west, and north-west by the bush edge Clerk of the Executive Council. to the place of commencement. Secondly, all that area containing 321 acres, more or less, being Sections 21037, 23825, 23826, 23866, 23867, 23868, and 2387lj and parts of Sections 23869, 21028, 23870, 4687, 4688, and 4689, and Officers authorized to take and receive Statutory Dedarations, bounded as follows: Towards the north-east, south-east, and south­ west by Sections 3333 and 4690; towards the south-west generally by the bush edge; towards the north-east by a publio rMd # C. L. N. NEWALL, Governor-General. towards the north-west and south-west by Section 4855; and towards the north-west generally by the bush edge to Brady Creek URSUANT to the authority conferred upon me by the three­ and the place of commencement. P hundred-and-first section of the Justices of the Peace Act, Thirdly, all that area containing 40 acres, more or less, being 1927, I, Cyril Louis Norton Newall, the Governor-General of the part of Sections 21027 and 21038, and bounded as follows : Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify and declare that the Towards the north-east and north-west by Section 4691; towards. persons whose names are set out in the Schedule hereto,. being the north-east by the bush edge to Section 7698 ; towards the south­ officers in the service of the Crown holding the offices stated opposite east and north-east by Section 7698; towards the south-east by their names respectively in the said Schedule, are authorized to take Section 3333 ; towards the north-east by a public road ; towards anrl receive statutory declarations under the three-hundred-and-first the south-east by Run 99; and towards the south-west and north­ section of the Justices of the Peace Act, 1927. west by the bush edge to the place of commencement. As the same are delineated on the plan marked L. and 8. 4/803; deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, a.t- SCHEDULE. ,v eJJington, and thereon bordered red. · John Chipelen Robins, Second Assistant District Public Trustee, Christchurch. As witness the hand of His Excellency the GoV'ettior-Gmtei'Eil, John William Durey Mardon, District Public Trustee, Stratford. this 12th day of April. 1943. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, J. G. BARCLAY, this 7th day of April, 1943. For the Minister in Charge of Scenery Presen1Ettion, H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. (L. and S. 4/803.) A THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. Notices under the Regulations .A.ct, 1936. NOTICE is hereby given in pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making of regulations and orders as under:- Authority for Enactment. Short Title or Subject-matter. Serial Date of IPm; (Postage Number. Enactment. ld. extra). The Health Act, 1920 The Hairdressers (Health) Regulations Extension 1943/57 13/4/43 ld. Nqtice 1943, No. 1 · . The Medical Supplies Emergency Regula­ Revoking the Medical Supplies Notice ~9:42, No. 7 .. 1943/58 14/4/43 ld. tions 1939 Copies can be purchase1 at the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be, ordered. by quoting serial number. · , E .. v; ·PAUL, Government Printer. Appointments in the Royal New Zealand N:lVIJ. '.Probationary Temporary Sub-Lieutenants (R.D.F.) Rueben Lionel Grover. Challis and Clarence Spencer Sharp, confirmed in Navy Offi0e, rank with original seniority of 23rd March, 1942. Wellington, 12th April, 1943. Mr. Cedric Victor Fordham and Mr. Thomas Turnbull, entered IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleaRed to as Probationary Temporary Lieutenant and appointed H.M.N.Z H approve of the following appointments and promotions iff ship as directed, to date 15th March, 1943. the Royal New Zealand Navy:- ~· Alan Herbert Carter, entered as Probationary Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Special Branch), and appointed H.M.N.Z. ship as Lieutena11t Michael Louis Bernacchi, R.N. (Retired), granted directed, to date 9th March, 1943. _ the acting rank of Lieutenant-Commander whilst holding present Mr. Ian Kenneth Walker, granted the honorary rank of appointment~ to date 30th September, 1942. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant (Special Branch) (with · permission to Lieutenant (E) George Clayton~Greene, R.N., lent Royal New wear the uniform of this rank whilst performing duty of a military Zealand Navy .and appointed_ H.M:N.Z ,ship ··as, direct,ed, to .d.ate nature), to-date 15th March, 1943; 3rd December, 1942. Mr. Arthur James Dale, Temporary; Acting Warrant Shipwright, confirmed in rank with original seniority of 19th October, 1942. CORRIGENDUM. Promoted to the rank of Temporary Commissioned Sltipwright, to . With reference to the list of appointments approved on the date 9th March, 1943 (to receive pay and allowances at New Zertland 15th September, 1942, the date of loan to the Royal New Zealand rates). _ Navy of Lieutenant Colin Courteney Lowry, R.N., should read 10th Mr. Thomas Lewis Luckman, Temporary Acting Warrant May, 1942. · · .. Supply Officer, and Mr. John James Hinton, Temporary Acting . A. G. OSBORNE, Warrant Cook, confirmed in rank with original seniority of 1st For the Minister of Defence. February, I942. · ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVA!; RESERVE. Appointments,. Promotions, Transfers, Resignations,. and Retirements Probationary Temporary Lieutenant Robert Dalrymple Stewart, of O.fficers of the New Zealand Military Forces. confirmed in tank with original seniority of 20th December, 194L Appointment and temporary commission terminated (medically unfit), to date 24th March, I943. Army Department, Probationary Temporary Lieutenant Peter William Cook Wellington, 10th April, 1943. McCallum, confirmed in rank with original seniority of 13th July, IS . Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to _ 1942. H· approve of the following appointments, promotions, transfers, • . Probationary Temporary Lieutenant James Rankine, confirmed resignations, and retirements of officers of the New Zealand Military in'rank with original seniority of 29th October, 1942. Forces!-'- : Mr. John Robert. Percy Hopkins, entered as P;robationary STAFF. Temporary Sub-Lieutenant, and appointed H.M.N.Z. ship as directed, Temp. Lieutenant M. Pringle, 2nd New Zealand Expedi, to· date 1st· March, 1943. R. tionary, Force, to be temp. Captain whilst holding the appointment ROYAL NEW ZEALAND NAVAL VOLUNTEER RESERVE. of a G.S.0. 3. Dated 10th March, 1943. , , · Lieutenant H. Jacks, 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Force, Lieutenant Arthur Duncan Honi · Ralph-Smith, promoted to to be temp. Captain. Dated 9th March, 1943. the rank of Lieutenant-Commander, to date 19th September, -1942. 2nd Lieutenant P. Parata, 2nd New Zealand Expeditionary Temporary Sub-Lieutenant Kenneth Coveny, promoted to the Force, to be temp. Lieutenant. Dated 19th March, 1943. rank of Temporary Lieu.tenant and reappointed, to date 8th March, 1943. N.Z. STAFF CORPS. Temporary Sub~Lietitenant Bertram William-'Thorpe; promoted to the rank · of Temporary Lieutenant and reappointed,· to date · Major J. A. Worsnop, 2nd .New Zealand Expeditionary Force, 19th February, 1943. is granted the acting unpaid rank of Lieutenant-Colonel whilst · Temporary Electrical Su}:i-Lieutenant Percy Alexander Griffin, employed on the Directing Staff of a Staff College. Dated· 22nd promoted to the rank of· Temporary Electrical Lieutenant and . March, I943. reappointed, to date 19th February, 1943. SurgeonaCommander Harold Keith Corkill, O.B.E., V.D., N.Z .. PERMANENT STAFF. seniority antedated to 6th June, 1938. Temp. Lieutenant and Quartermaster C. Prentice to be temp. -Surgeon-Commander Arnold Perry, seniority antedated to Captain and Quartermaster. Dated 28th February, 1943. 27th i\.pril, 1939. Surgeon. Lieutenant~Commander Eric Snow McPhail, seniority N.Z. TEMPORARY STAFF. antedated to 7th January, 1939. Surgeon Lieutenant-Commander Ian Brandon Ewart, seniority Temp. Captain C. M. Mu]es, M.B., Ch.R, to be temp. Major antedated to 9th October, 1939. whilst holding the appointment of Assistant Senior Medical Officer Surgeon· Lieutenant-Commander Frederick William Helmore, :of a Camp.
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