@reenbelt lefty Driesell Is Parade Marshal; ''Chuting Stars" Perform Aerobatics The 17th annual Greenbelt Labor Day Festival gets ~?erw~y this week with "Unity Through Community Involvement as its theme. Charles G. "Lefty" Driesell, col­ orful University of Maryland bas­ lJltws Review ketball coach, will lead off the pa­ AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER rade scheduled for 10 a.m., Sep­ tember 6. Other festival highlights Volume 34, Number 41 GREENBELT, MARYLAND Thursday, September 2, 1971 wlll be an exhibition of aerial ac­ robatics by a parachuting team, the famed U.S. Navy's "Chuting School Enrollment Is Stable Jr. High Bus Schedule - Stars" at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. Students are to be at their 4 and an appearance by the King ~f Softball, Eddie Feigner, and his bus stop ✓ by 7:45 a.m. three-man team, The Court, who But School· Lunch Rises 5c Bus numbers and pick-up will play the Greenbelt All Stars points are as follows: by Elaine Skolnik at 2 p.m., Monday, Sept. 6. The school bells will ring in the new school year on Tuesday, 652 Lakeside & Lakccrest Dr. The opening ceremony for the September 7 for pupils in grades 1 through 12, and on Wednesday, 238 Hillside & Crescent R<l. festival is the presentation of the September 8 for kindergartners. No rise in enrollment is antici­ 334 Ridge & Research & Ivy Queen contestants, Friday evening, pated in public schools attended by Greenbelt students except in Lane (Boys) Sept. 3, at 7 p.m. Mac McGarry, 665 Ridge & Research & Ivy host of the WRC-TV show "It's Greenbelt Junior High. There some 100 students, slated originally Lane (Girls ) for overcrowded Beltsville Junior High, will be in attendance Academic" will again be Master 337 Crescent & Greenhill Rd. of Ceremonies. Mayor Richard until the new Martin Luther King Junior High School opens in 216 Crescent Rd. & Ridge Road Pilski, city council members, and September 1972. County-wide, an enrollment of approximately 207 Behind Co-op Store, Green- other dign~taries will be intro­ 166,000 is expected, an increase of 6,000 over the 1970- 71 enroll­ belt (Girls) duced. ment. 217 Behind Oo-op Store, Green­ belt (Boys) Featured Events On the opening day of school and 155 Ridge Rd. & Plateau Place "Lefty" Driesell Other special attractions spread thereafter, first graders will attend CANDIDATES' FORUM over the four-day fun fest will be a full session of school. bottle crushing, swimming events, Cafeterias will serve lunches on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8 various athletic events (tennis the first day of school. In spite of The Greenbelt Jaycees and the GHI Board Discusses Leases tournaments, ihorseshoe pi,tching, efforts by tihe School Board and Greenbelt Memorial Library will foot races, etc.>, pet show, organ Staff to hold the line, students will sponsor a candidates forum on concert, auction, art contest, tal­ pay five cents more for a hot lunch Wednesday, September 8, in the And Painting Regulations ent contest, crowning of the Queen, this year. Elementary school lunch­ Greenbelt Library from 7:30 p.m. by Sid Kastner Mardi Gras dance, square dance, es will cost 45 cents and lunch until 10 p.m. All eight candi­ The regular Greenbelt Homes, Inc. board meeting last ThursJ pancake breakfast, a dramatics in secondary schools will cost 50 dates for the Greenbelt city day was taken up to a great extent with a committee report on show, a community sing-along, crab cents. Milk bought separately will council will be present. home painting regulations; the discussion showed how difficult it feast, a.s well as a number of spe­ cost 4 cents. Each candidate will make a is to strike a balance between corporation efficiency and individual cial contests for all age groups. three to five minute presenta­ North End expression. A few other things such as a member petition were (See the Labor Day Festival Sched­ tion. The remainder of the time ule of Events for exact times and Principal Helene Poland announ­ taken up, and also it was announced that two open hearings will ced that hours for the school year will be devoted to questions and places for all of the events.) answers from the audience. be held especially for GHI members on Sept. 9 and Sept. 22, the will remain the same - 8:30 a.m. On the l\lidway to 3 p.m. Morning kindergarten first one dealing with the projected engineering and architectural This year's carnival area will hours are from R:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and end at 3:30 p.m. As of survey, and the second on the topic of management audit. a.m., and afternoon k indergartners August 24, 2,475 students were en­ have 40 booths operated by Green­ A member petition originating in responsible for painting ·his unit, will attend from 12:30 to 3 p.m. rolled, approximately 48 less than belt organizations. A variety of the townhouses supported the re­ etc., were reworded to clarify the Ia.st year's total. Two temporary food will be sold, including ham­ Center School quest of one owner to allow a third, extent of the corporation's responsi­ red school houses will again be in burgers, hot dogs, pizzas, sloppy Hours for the school year will be unrelated person to occupy his bility, and were then passed by use for t he driver education pro­ joes, pretzels, and peanuts. Treats 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Morning kinder­ home. In the following discussion the board in the amended form. gram. include frozen custards, cakes, sno­ garten classes are scheduled from this matter was coupled with an­ However the third paragraph, cones, cotrt:on candy and ice cream. Parking problems will still exist, 9 to 11:45 a.m. and the afternoon other issue, whether to cut off the dealing wLlli the way in which Many of- the old games will be even though expanded park ing fa­ session from 12:45 to 3:30 p.m. lease of anoth er member who has m em bers would be allowed to se­ back plus some new ones, such as cilities were constructed in t he There will be two special educa­ been allowing three people to live lect wall and trim colors, had to Zoo Dip, Cat Toss, .Spinning Wheels. front of the school building. Stu­ tion classes, and the program for at h is home in violation of GHI's be rewritten on the spot and was Rosedale Amusements will oper­ dents in the work-study program, partially deaf students will be con­ leasing conditions. There are ap­ still not satisfactory so bhat a ate the rides with a new added numbering over 125 have parklng tinued for the third year. Robert parently no clear guidelines or pre­ motion by GHI Director Donald attraction, the Hustler. Eilis is the principal. priority. It is advised that stu­ cedents, according to GHI mana­ Volk was passed to send it back. dents leave their cars at home. ger Roy Breashears and director Exhibits Springhill Lake Townhouse Differences Stanley Klein, former principal The principal Is Dr. J. Allen Sa­ David Lange; though GHI direc­ The F.B.I., Secret Service, Post Member Gordon Allen gave this of Linden Hill Elementary School, ger. Vice principals are Gerald Bois­ tor Janet James interpreted the Office Inspection Service, and the reporter a copy of a letter he re­ is the new principal. Mrs. Shirlee vert, Dr. S. Jane Lake, Michael handbook to say that renting 'was National Park Police will have ex­ Marks serves as assistant princi­ Nemchiek and Morris Samuel. actua.Jly not allowed. The town­ cently received from Arthur Korn­ hibits in the lobby of the local post pal. The regular school day will house request was granted, how­ blut of the American Institute of office. run from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Morn­ ever, though t he other member's Architects; the Jetter reiterates Other exhibits and demonstra­ ing kindergarten sessions are slat­ lease permission was withdrawn; that the architect's contract has to tions will be one including photo­ be properly redrafted in order to ed from 9 to 11 :45 a.m., and after­ St. Hugh's First the result of this latter decision was graphs from the 1970 festival, a noon classes run from 12:45 to not clear even to the board itself • have the owner's (GHI's) interests home arts demonstration, a pro­ 3:30 p.m. Except for youngsters Week Schedule i.e. how long to allow the lease to protected, and says that "the sub­ gram of Parkdale student-produc­ from the Westchester apartments, continue. Director James had to stitution of the word "Owner" for ed color slide tapes and animated the school is composed of children St .Hugh's opens its doors on introduce a special motion to clar­ "Architect" in the contract is not films, first-aid demonstration, and who reside in Springhill Lake ap­ Tuesday, September 7. The first ify this point. enough. Thus a difference of opin­ a demonstration of the art of ori­ week's schedule is as follows: ion still exists on this point, which gami. artments. Two special education Painting Regulations classes will be based at the school. Tuesday and Wednesday from 8:30 was brought up by Allen some a.m. to 12 noon, Thursday and Fri­ weeks ago in connection with the Ceremonies Greenbelt Junior High A proposed set o! painting regu­ day, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dur­ townhouse construction.
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