Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-9-1962 The Ledger and Times, August 9, 1962 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 9, 1962" (1962). The Ledger & Times. 3824. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3824 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0. # •• „a• 'A' S. 1962 14410164 Xi X Zen XI Round Xenfuety Coftininety Newgpaper In Largest God Circulation In The City We Largest Trust Circulation In The County milk, eggs ill peppers. International IN OUR 83rd YEAR id crumbs. United Press Murray, Ky., Wednesday Afternoon, May 9, 1962 Ukk.‘1.- 1'O1'UI-V1ION 10,100 Vol. LXXXIII No. 110 AN. oven for 'es 4. Douglass Twins Are N. B. Ellis Joins oSTA Lodge No. 105 Elected Members In Patton Real Estate 'Troop No. salmon 45 cottage 1 • Host To Meet Beta Gamma Sigma Plans Are ;hells J. 0.. Pattonhas announced that Made Ann and Gail Douglass, twin Top Winner water • daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Har- N. B. Ellis is now associated wilh sold Douglass of North Twelfth him in the real estate business or mar- District Mason Street. have been elected to mem- located in the Gatlin Building. At Camporee bership in the Alpha of Missis- Ellis successfully completed all the requirements of the To Chapter of Beta Gamma, Kentucky Beautify sippi Park Sigma. Real Estate Commission at a re- Troop 45 of the First Methodist The annual, meeting of Masons Both formerly attended Murray cent examination in Louisville. Church was the top Ribbon win- District No. 2 will be held at the State College and are now grad- He formerly owned and operat- ner at the Chief Chennubby Dis- Plans for the beautification of tubs around the s,ciaare are in the Murray High School Auditorium uate students in accounting at ed the N. B. Ellis Company on trict Camporee held at the Boy the city park are nose being form- plans of Rose and Garden Club, -ained on May 12th. The East entrance the University of Mississippi. They East Main Street. He invites his Scout Reservation last week-end. ulated according to representa- Junior Rose and Garden Club, will be used. were notified of their election by friends to visit him in regard to They won the Presidential Ci- tives of the city council. Frank the Bustnese and Professional Wo- nnesan a letter from Joseph L. Presley, their realtor tation which is awarded the best Lancaster and Frank Ryan. and men's Club and the Kiwanis Nub. Murray Lodge No. 105 is the needs. president of the chepter. all around Troop. This is based the Woman'a Club. Mrs. Herschel I The Homemakers and the Farm host lodge and Flavil M. Robert- Election to membership in Beta on their camping ability, skills, Corn and Mrs. Jack Kennedy. Bureau are working on the court- almon. Add son is Master. Murray is the home Gamma Sigma is the highest sco- conduct and sportsmanship. They house lawn. The Chamber of Com- 'nix well. lodge of the District Grand 'Mas- larship honor that a student in also won a Blue Ribbon in the The group met with Ames Tack- merce is furn.shing prices of and M boiling ter. commerce and business administra- Letter to the Editor tentpitching event and a White ett, e presentative of the horti- places to purchase the adopted 15 mm. or The program hos slated the til- tion can win. Ribbon which is third place in culture department of the Uni- trees — magnolias and golden Rinse with ed business session to start Only one other graduate stu- tent-peg making. versity of Kentucky. here Satur- chain — that are adopted aess starch. Bethel Richardson Miss Sandy Lilly as Val promptte pt- 4430 p.m. in taie dent at the University received The Camporee attended by 140 day. Mr Lancaster and Mr. Ryan two trees that are to be planted id in flour auditorium of the school. EDITOR: Ledger And Times boys and leaders of the Chief are on the park comnuttee of the idd milk membership in the recent elec- in the beautification program. At 6:30 a buffet dinner will be Chennubby District was planned city council. Mrs. Corn and Mrs. a thick and tion. Dear Sir, ' The tubs for the Square are served in the cafeteria of the and conducted by the Explorer Kennedy represent the Woman's istantly. Richardson Is Honor Students about ready for distribution and school. • I would have a small Post 45 also sponsored by the Club and are also on the steer- dd to milk like to progress has been made on the At 7:30 the meeting MethodistFirst ing committee of the city beauti- roughly. will be Murray place in your good paper to say re_• . -- two south approaches to town, ac- reconvened as an open and social Tennis Team Boys at.tii se Oamporee fication committee Tackett will :e into well. thanks-au-all-in--West Kentucky cording to reports to Mrs. George Named Head from Troop draw the plane meeting in the Auditorium. Grand Of who have been so kind in help- Are Named At 4.5 were:' Tommy Wil-• for the project. king disk__ , Defeats Western 4-1 Hart, project chairman. hams, Mickey Devine, Ronnie oath salmon Senior Warden Samuel E. Paris. ing with the shipments of supplies Fox, Following a study with Dr. I Steve Douglas, Jerry Caldwell, e in baking and Most Worshipful Grand Mas- Murray State's tennie team to Korea and Jordan the past two- Bill Harold New of the University of ter C. J. Hyde will be present and Lions Parker, Bill Metzger. Mike Dill. Sprinkle downed visiting Western..4.3 yes- Club years. Without the help of many Murray High Kentucky. the approximately 40 andMike Morris. They were un- PSC. their addresses will be the features terday by making a clean sweep friends the ships could have rfever civic groups of the town and der the leadership of Their Scout- Red Cross Caps 'n, 350 F., of the evening program. of the doubles matches. sailed. county accepted various places in master Tom with par* There has been no provision for Bob Cooper and Jerry Rhoade This year we are working in Viallians and Steve the community to work on in the • attendance of non Masons al- defeated Don Meyer and Dan Day California, Texas. as well as other Douglas Senior Patrol Leader. planning program. Bethel Richardeon was elevated Sandy Lilly and Richard Work- though visitors will be welcome cot Western 7-5. 6-4. and Dave states in an effort to help set up Explorers of Post 45 who assist- In Awards to president of the Murray Lions man were named first and seC- The city park is a long-term at the evening open session. All Payne and Terry Tippin topped a program for Mexico, and a ed with the Camporee were: Bill Club at an election 4 officers ond honor students of Murray program that is being sponsored Grand Lodge Officers whom W2 Don Traughber and Don MeEl- Leper village in Korea. The New Adams. Dale Sykes, Louis Parker, last night at the Murray Woman's High School by Principal Fred by the park division at the city have not been able to contact are haney in three sets, 3-6, 13-11, York Times described Waloer 0. Dwain James, Carl Roberts, Stan- Ceremony Club House. Schultz in Assembly Tuesday. council the Murray invited. Also a welcome is ex- 6-4 Parr as, "one man foreign ad ley Jewell. Danny Glover, Kent and Woman's As valedictorian Sandy had a Kingins. Phil Rather. Edward Kirk; Club. tended to officers of the other Jerry Rhoads and Whit Whot- Others named to office were plan" The New York Times didn't WI.t12 scholastic average for her John Bennett. Steve Trevat'han Another project in which the districts and to all Master Ma- ton won the single matches fur James D. Clopton, first vice- presi- know haw many people. were in- four years_ She is the daughter and Jimmy Thurman. The Advisor city council accepted co-sponsor- sons. Murray. dent, Rob Ray. second vice-presi- volved in the 8 shipments we have The Calloway County Chapter of Mr. and Mrs_ G. T. Lilly, South was Cleo Sykes. ship is the east approach to town, Calloway. Marshall, and Graves dent, James Rogers, third vice- made. Without the help of good of the American Red Cross held Sixteenth Street. I Both unite participated in the including the sewage plant. The Counties with 16 lodges and a president Bob Melugin. secretary, people such as we have in West a Gray Lady Capping and Awards Committee Asks For Salutatorian Richard Workman, Scout-o-rama held in Paducah Garden Club is coo-sponsoring this. total of 2,991 members are in- Jamee Thurmond, treasurer. W. Kentucky, the projects would ceremony Sunday in the Student • son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Work- April 28-29. Both units were Blue Other points in the program • eluded in District No. 2. Dog Law Enforcement B. McCuiston. Lion tamer. Z. C. have failed. I have always felt Union Building of Murray State out), 801 Sycamore Street, had a. Ribbon winners there.
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