How much money can you make The amount of money an individual will earn or possess depends upon 2 important factors viz., efforts in the right direction and the dhana yogas in his/her natal chart. But for few people money comes the easeasyy wayway,, somsomee earearnn thrthroughough lottelotteriries,es, and somsomee thrthrougoughh proprogragrammemmess ! HerHeree we disdiscuscusss few astrological rules for money making through efforts and also through luck or game shows. According to the Maharishi Parashara if the 2nd and 11th lord combines together in the 5th and 9th houses, it will lead to lot of money. In modern parlance we can say that the person will earn in lakhs easily. If the 2nd and 11th lord combines with 5th and 9th lord and are placed in 5th and 9th houses, it will lead to money in crores. For the people who make money through lottery or game shows, here are the astrological factors written by our great Indian saints. The planets should be strong from Indu Lagna. Indu lagna is the special lagna, which is used just to calculate the money and wealth of a person. If the planets from Indu lagna are weak, especially the 2nd and 11th lord, then there will not be much of earnings. Also the Ekdasamsa chart is used for judging the wewealthalth of an individual. FEW FACTORS THAT INFLUENCES INSTANT MONEY *First and foremost, there should be a good transit happening; also many planets should be there in Kendras and Trikonas. *Saturn should be transiting the 5th and the 9th house, and Jupiter must me in Trikona of 2nd and 11th lord. *The running Dasha and the Bukhti should be of Raja Yoga. This websiteThe abovestores datapoints such are as the most important factors to make instant money, or one can easily say that there cookies willto enable not be essential huge windfall site of money. functionality, as well as marketing, personalization,The same and rules analytics. can alsoYou be used for athletes and cricketers, who make huge money in endorsements may changeand advertisements.your settings at any time or accept the default settings. Moreover, the Ashtavarga points of the 2nd and 11th lord must be more than 24 points. In most cases it Privacy willPolicy be 30 points. MarketingIn Kala Chakra dasa the 2n2ndd and 11th lord from the Dasha must be very strong. Personalization Whether the earned money will be spent intelligently or will be wasted, also depends upon the sign of Analytics the 11th lord. SaveIf the 11th lordAccept is in a All fixed sign, the money will be saved and spent usefully. If the 11th lord is in a moving sign it will be difdifficultficult to save the money. If 11th and 3, 6, 8 and 12 lords are connected then money will be wasted and it will be not be much of use for the person. If the 11th and 4th lord are connected, the money will be used to buy property or to acquire education. spiritualIf the 11th activities. lord and 9th lord are connected then money will be spent on gurus, temples and other what is indu lagna or wealth ascendant (Dhana Lagna) Indu Lagna also known as Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant. This is a specispecialal ascendant, which is derived through calculating cumulative position of ninth house from Ascendant/Lagna and the Moon. It has very calculation, you have to just see lord of 9th house from lagna and moon, just add values assigned to them and divide by 12. Reminder that is left is counted from moon and this is Indu Lagna. Here I have told how to do it, First, we have to know about some values assigned to the planets, which are to be used in this calculation and are mentioned below: Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Value 30 16 6 8 10 12 11 This website stores data such as cookies to enable essential site functionality,• After as wellthis, as find marketing, out the zodiac sign (rashi) falling in the ninth house of the Lagna Chart; and personalization, and analytics. You may changewrite your down settings the atvalue any timeof the lord of ninth house. or accept the default settings. • Find out the zodiac sign (rashi) falling in the nninthinth house of the Moon Chart; and write down the value of ninth house lord in Moon Chart. Privacy Policy Marketing• Add both these values; and then, divide it by 12 and note down the remainder, which will be betweenPersonalization 0 to 11. Analytics • Count the number from the position of the Moon; aandnd the house identified will be the Indu SaveLagna or DhanaAccept Lagna All or Wealth Ascendant. If the remainder is zero, the house/sign falling in the twelfth house from the Moon Or the previous house from tthehe natal Moon’s pospositionition will be conconsideredsidered as Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna or Wealth Ascendant. If the remainder is one, the house/sign occupied by the Moon will be considered aass Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna or Wealth AsAscendant.cendant. Let us take the example of horoscope of Shahrukh Khan Shahrukh Khan is born in Leo Ascendant (Simha Lagna); and, the ninth house is ruled by Mars. The value assigned to Mars is 6. Now ninth house frfromom moon is ruled by mercumercuryry and its assigneassignedd value is 8. Adding these values gives a total of 14; and after dividing it by 12, the remainder is 2. HeHerere sesecocondnd frfromom momoonon sisigngn is CaCaprpricicororn,n, so it is InIndudu lalagngnaa in ththisis hohororoscscopope.e. AAnnaallyyssiiss ooff IInndduu LLaaggnnaa oorr DDhhaannaa LLaaggnnaa oorr WWeeaalltthh AAsscceennddaanntt This website stores data such as cookies •to The enable planets essential placed site in the first, second, fourth, seventh, tenth and eleventh houses of Indu functionality, as well as marketing, personalization,Lagna andor Dhana analytics. Lagna You are told to be the giver of wealth and financial gains to the native. may change your settings at any time or accept• Thethe default planets settings. having their aspect on the first house of Indu Lagna or Dhana Lagna are also ccoonnssiiddeerreedd ttoo bbee ssuuppppoorrttiivvee ffoorr ggeenneerraattiinngg ffiinnaanncciiaal ggaaiinnss ffoorr tthhee nnaattiivvee.. Privacy Policy • Debilitated, weak or malefic planets, in the above situation, are considered to be the destroyer Marketing of wealth. However, if such malefic planet is exalted or otherwise strong and/or receiving Personalization aauussppiicciioouuss ppllaanneettaarryy iinnfflluueenncceess;; iitt ccaann aallssoo ggeenneerraattee ffiinnaanncciiaall ggaaiinnss.. Analytics • Planets disposed in third, sixth, eighth and twelfth houses from the Indu Lagna or Dhana Save Accept All Lagna are considered to be inauspicious for wealth and financial prospects of the horoscope. • The results of these planets are experienced during their Dasa and/or Antardasa and in accordance with their strength and disposition. What is Indu Lagna? How is it used in predictive astrology? Manda Krishnamurthy, ThiruvallurThiruvallur.. THE Tamizh authority, "Jataka Alankaram" gives rules for determining Indu Lagna. Kala values of planets are as follows: Sun:30; Moon:16; Mars:6; Mercury:8; Jupiter:10; Venus:12; Saturn:1. The Kala of the Ninth lord from Lagna, and that of the Ninth lord from the moon should be added and the total divided by 12. The remainder, counted from the moon's Rasi in the horoscope, leads us to Indu Lagna. For a Dhanu Lagna, Thula Rasi native, e.g., the 9th lord is the sun with Kala value 30; the lord of the Ninth from Thula is Mercury, whose Kala is 8. The total is 38. This is divided by 12. The remainder is 2. From Thula Rasi, the second Sign is Vrischika, wwhichhich is the Indu Lagna for this horoscope.. Use of Indu Lagna in Ashtakvarga ThThee fifinanancnciaiall ststatatusus of ththee nanatitiveve is dedetetermrminineded by ananalalyzyziningg ththee InIndudu lalagnagna in AsAshthtakakvarvargaga.. Sarvashtakvarga in a horoscope is used to analyze the strength of the houses and the lord of the houses. The yogas for wealth are determined by analyzing the position of ascendant along with other houses in a horoscope. However, in order to determine the wealth prospects of a native through Indu Lagna, the position of second and eleventh house, along with their lords is also studied. The study of wealth and prosperity This website prospects stores of data the such native as becomes easy when the bindus of all the houses in Sarvashtakvarga are also cookies to enable essential site functionality,considered. as well as marketing, personalization, and analytics. You may changeThe nativeyour settings attains at wealthany time when the ascendant and the fourth house together provides 33 bindus, while or accept the default settings. their respective lord are in the position of change. Privacy ThePolicy situation in which the bindus count of eleventh house is over the combined bindus count of tenth and twelfth house is considered to be favourable. In this situation, the native experiences satisfactory Marketing wealth benefits. Similarly, the native attains high position in the society and materialistic gains when Personalizationthere are more bindus in the ascendaascendantnt as compared to the twelfth house. Analytics Ascendant, ninth house, tenth house and the eleventh house with 30 or more bindus gives success and Savestability in everyAccept field. All On the other hand, the native may have to suffer from scarcity of money when the ascendant, ninth house, tenth house and the eleventh house have 25 or less bindus, while the malefic planets is in the trikon house. Such a person may have to suffer from the obstacles in the finances. The native is blessed with immense wealth when the total bindus count of ascendant, twelfth house, ninth house, tenth house and eleventh house is 164 or more.
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