MAY 17, 2007 719 329.5236 [email protected] Reach over 70,000 readers! 31 E. Platte, Top Floor Rates vary, call for details. Prepayment is required. 3 line minimum. Please check your ad the first week of publication and call by Monday through Friday, 8:30-5 noon the following Tuesday with chanegs or corrections. This paper is not liable for errors after the first publication of an ad. Colorado Publishing Company is not liable for the content of advertisements. All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Deadline: Noon Tuesday! Act of 1968. We do not endorse any product or service and we reserve the right to refuse any advertising we deem inappropriate. 3 Lines FREE for active-duty, retired military, and their dependents as well as civil service employees. 3 Ways to place your ad! Online at www.csmng.com Call (719) 329-5236 or fax this form to (719) 329-5237 Name____________________________________ Address _________________________________________ Category:__________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ Zip ____________________________________________ Grade ____________________ Unit ____________ Signature ________________________________________ My signature certifies that this advertisement is for the purpose of selling my personal property as a convenience to me or my dependents. It is not part of a business enterprise, nor does it benefit anyone involved in a business enterprise. Any real estate advertised is made available without regard to race, color, religious origin or sex of any individual. Free ads in accordance with military regulations must be non-commercial and for personal property offered by local base or unit personnel without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex or religious origin. FREE ADS are limit- ed to one ad per household at 3 lines max. The editor and publisher reserve the right to edit ads, and/or not publish ads. NO DUTY PHONE NUMBERS WILL BE PRINTED. DEADLINE: Noon Tuesday DIVORCE EDUCATION HAULING Roosevelt Edison (grades K-5) FREE HAULING of unwanted appli- THIS AIN’T NO BULL! LOW COST 205 Byron Dr. Colorado Springs ances & metal. Fountain, Security & Ft. Emerson Edison (grades 6-8) Carson areas. Please Call 460-1279 COMMERCIAL TAX VALUATION DIVORCE 4220 E. Pikes Peak Colorado Springs TOO HIGH? I CAN HELP! BANKRUPTCY Enroll for the 2007-08 school year. $50-$350 Tuition-free schools that offer: The Daily Transcript I’ve been doing successful tax Fast & Easy! Same Day Svs. Avail. • Full Day Kindergarten. • Music, Art, 21 yrs. exp. Payment Plans. Physical Education, Spanish, Technol- can publish your appeals since 1991! PARK PARALEGAL 608 S. Nevada. ogy. • Extra- Curricular Sports 632-1985 (Middle School) • English as a Second Notices of parkparalegal.com Language (ESL) • Free Tutoring • Rich and challenging curriculum You benefi t twice. Save tax dollars. • Highly qualified staff that cares Guardianship Increase your building’s value. • Longer school day and school year (precurser notice to adoption) Ft. Carson • Uniforms required for all students Roosevelt Edison Charter School Call Bob Hoff @ 719-630-2277 Soldiers: 719-637-0311 Emerson Edison Academy ACAP 719-570-7822 ASAP Need some Power behind your advertising message? 2 bedrooms: $100 Call 526-1002 Call: (719) 329-5236 For more info call 634-1048 APPLE 3 bedrooms: $130 Colorado Power Classifieds 4 bedrooms: $160 (Extra charge for stairs) CARPET ALL STAINS FREE For Military whether you are on or off Base. Pet Treatment Available. CLEANING Priced for Our Services Service Men and Women Call Now 233-3641 or 632-2382 AUTO SERVICES Turn Prospects Into Customers MILITARY With Contact DISCOUNTS Management AMERICAN System Call 538-6015 or visit our website ENGINE www.actcolorado.com INSTALLATIONS for information and training schedule 391-0444 GENERAL REPAIR TRAINING • CONSULTING • CUSTOMIZATION ENGINE REPLACEMENT IMPORT OR DOMESTICS 1504 S. Corona A & P Automotive - All your automotive needs! MILITARY DIS- COUNTS! On B-street behind Subway, Yellow Building, Est.1976, 576-0283 BUSINESS SERVICES Another Look Home Inspection ITA/NACHI certified, Military Discounts.Call 719-963-1894 after 4pm. Join us on Thursday June 7th 6pm-8pm “Learn how to get on top of Google” To register call 719-302-3194 CHILDCARE 24 hour Childcare close to Shriever in the Falcon/Peyton area. Call 719-502-9686 for an appointment. NEWLY Remodeled Child Care Ctr. Close to PAFB & Ft. Carson. 12mos - 12yrs, Military Discount. Certified Staff at 719-392-1290 MAY 17, 2007 HEALTH SERVICES Windjammer 22nd Annual Garage Sale Hair Stylist Needed for our Ft. Carson Saturday, May 19th 8am-3pm. Salons. Licensed in any of the 50 States. FOCUS. TRAIN. BUILD YOUR FUTURE! (The Mother of All Garage Sales) Immediate openings, call 303-518-4383 $AVE from 25% - 80% Over 75 homes between Lexington and or fax resume 866-377-8533 PREMIERE MEDICAL AND Union. South of Research Park Way. DENTAL PLANS $59.95/$11.95 Don’t Miss This One!!!!!!!!!!!!! Receive the skills MAY SPECIAL, ONLY: 1ST CHILDCARE MONTH “FREE” WITH PURCHASE necessary for a rewarding OF DENTAL FAMILY PLAN EDUCATION Wanted: Part-time nanny for 5 & Test Drive for 30 Days 2 yr old on USAFA. 4 hours/day M-F, daytime. Call 472-9810. career in a profession HIGH VALUE/INSTANT SAVINGS! • Great for children that have aged-out SCHOOLS GENERAL of parent’s med plan. that’s perfect for you. • Very Affordable For Retirees CONSTRUCTION A new career is just • Accepted in 48 States around the corner. • Low Cost Employee Retention Aid Get the career training you need. HEAVY EQUIPMENT • Group Enrollment Accepted. IntelliTec Medical OPERATOR • 100% Satisfaction GUARANTEED! Institute TRAINING www.mybenefitsplus.com/cs Call today! 1-800-510-0514 call for info: 719.574.0839 Financial Aid is available for Discounts Are NOT Insurance those who qualify. Day and evening classes. HOUSE CLEANING Programs approved for veterans. Accredited Member, ABHES Christian lady offering weekly or www.train-in-colorado.com bi-weekly housecleaning. Retired military. Call Shirley, 637-2938 DentalDentalPROGRAM INCLUDES: 800-257-8750 Ý%HFRPLQJFHUWLßHGLQGHQWDO Magic Touch Prof. Cleaning Service Associated Training Services Clean weekly, biweekly, monthly, Denver, CO AssistantAssistant radiology (CO) move in’s & move out’s. Free www.equipmentoperator.com estimates. 596-6059 or 641-3345 • Training on digital X-ray systems PLAN B CLEANING SERVICE DRIVERS For a Clean Home or Business, Choose • Hands-on training in dental “PLAN B”...IT’S A GUARANTEE! Driver CDL Training: materials, chairside and infection We are Insured and Experienced and $0 Down/No Worry Financing! We Would Love to Talk to You. Experienced or Not - Career you De- control Give Us A Call! 719-219-9723. serve is @ Central Refrigerated www.planbcleaning service.com. 800-521-9277 Military Disc. & Move-Out Specials. Accredited Member, ABHES INTERIOR DECORATING EDUCATION Call Today! Rochelle Miller Home Interior Repre- Instructors Needed sentative. If you need candles, pictures, Retiring? Looking for a new career? 1-800-510-0514 est. Call 559-7890 or 433-2390 New Horizons is looking for you! Teach the latest technologies & be part of a cutting-edge team. www.trainingcoloradosprings4.com LEGAL SERVICES We’ll teach you to train! Email resume to Melissa @ 2345 North Academy Blvd. • Colorado Springs, CO 80909 DIVORCES-$150-$175. Bankruptcy 7 [email protected]. $275. I have all forms/delivery. Availa- ble 7 days week. Mary’s Typing Service. Day and evening classes • Financial Aid is available for those who qualify Credit Cards Accepted. Call 392-9624 KINDERCARE LEARNING CENTERS Approved by the Commission on Dental Accreditation (ADA) • Program Approved for Veterans are currently hiring for the following PAINTING AND PAPERING locations: Monument, Northgate, Cheyenne Meadows & Briargate. We INTERIORS BY CHRISTIAN have the following positions available: Professional Wallpapering/Removal, • Infant Supervisors Painting, & Faux. Call 684-2061 Employment •Qualified Group Leaders with docu- mentation •Cooks PET SERVICES •Bus Drivers ACCOUNTING FINANCE •Assistant Directors Farrier Services Quality Please apply in person: Respectful Service One Horse 1004 Middle Creek Pkwy or fax at a Time 1-719-406-2478 CONTROLLER For the USAF Academy Association resume attn Kelley to: of Graduates. Provide leadership and Let your pets stay at home while you coordination of company financial re- 719-487-3095 travel. Bonded/retired AF house sitter. porting, budget preparation and man- Long/short term. Please Call 229-0400 agement. Oversee the system of inter- nal accounting controls. Must have a thorough knowledge of GAAP, fi- ANNOUNCEMENTS nance, accounting, budgeting, cost control principles and understand au- tomated financial and accounting re- SPECIAL NOTICES porting systems, preferably Financial Edge; knowledge of statutory reporting Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care requirements; demonstrated ability to needs volunteers who will support pa- analyze financial data and prepare fi- tients and families in their homes in the nancial reports, statements and projec- Widefield/Security/Fountain area. We tions; short and long term budgeting, have many veterans who live in this forecasting and analytical superiority. area and need help during this difficult Successful candidate will possess pro- time of their lives. Training is provided. fessional, effective written and verbal If you are interested in volunteering, communications skills; proven time GENERAL please call Volunteer
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