l initial loop l oo p a loop The basket has a loop on the side. lime l i me a lime There is a lemon, a lime, and an orange in the bowl. lead l ea d pieces of lead The glass is held in place by pieces of lead. light l i ght will light The flame will light the candle. laugh l au gh laugh loudly The funny story made her laugh loudly. lid l i d the red lid The red lid is leaning against the garbage can. log l o g the old log The old log is at the edge of the dirt. lace l a ce to lace A shoelace is used to lace up the boots. leash l ea sh wearing a leash The lizard is wearing a leash, so it can go for a walk. lake l a ke the lake They built a cabin at the edge of the lake. lug l u g lug sole These lug sole boots are good for climbing. leg l e g one leg The stork is standing all alone on one leg. lick l i ck lick the chocolate If you don’t have a napkin, lick the chocolate off your face. latch l a tch the latch The latch will keep the case closed. lawn l aw n green lawn This house has a big green lawn. lunch l u n ch having my lunch Today I am having my lunch outside. lamp l a m p street lamp They turn on the street lamp at night. land l a n d going to land The bird is going to land on the top of the tree. leaf l ea f leaf lettuce The leaf lettuce is red at the end of the leaves. lion l i • o n the lion The lion is resting in the tall grass. l medial alley a l • l ey this alley There are several shops along this alley. dollar d o l • l ar sand dollar I found a sand dollar and some shells on the beach. gallop g a l • l o p the giraffes gallop In Africa, we watched the giraffes gallop across the plains. gallon g a l • l o n a gallon It is easier for me to pour a half-gallon of milk than a gallon. pillow p i l • l ow pink pillow The pink pillow matches the flowers on the chair. balloon b a l • l oo n green balloon The green balloon has landed in the field. tulips t u • l i p s yellow tulips There is one red tulip and two yellow tulips on this bowl. salad s a • l a d fresh salad The fresh salad is ready to eat. melon m e • l o n the melon The melon has been cut with a long sharp knife. shallow sh a l • l ow shallow water The marsh is in the shallow water near the ocean. pulling p u l • l i ng is pulling The tractor is pulling something behind it. antlers a n t • l er s large antlers The moose has large antlers. eleven e • l e v • e n the number eleven Why is the number eleven at the top of this page? telephone t e • l e • ph o ne white telephone The white telephone is on the cluttered desk. calendar c a l • e n • d ar calendar of events The newsletter lists the calendar of events. envelope e n • v e • l o pe in the envelope When the letter is finished, it goes in the envelope. lollipop l o l • l i • p o p one lollipop There is only one lollipop in the pile of candy. wallet w a l • l e t the wallet The wallet has money and credit cards. willow w i l • l ow the willow tree The willow tree is growing by the lake. yellow y e l • l ow yellow fish The bright yellow fish has a large mouth. l final owl ow l the owl The owl has big round eyes. oil oi l full of oil The rail cars are full of oil. ball b a ll the ball Will the ball make it through the net? tall t a ll tall giraffe The tall giraffe can eat leaves from the top of the trees. bell b e ll bronze bell The bronze bell is near the fence. pole p o le using a pole He is using a pole to move the log boat through the water. hill h i ll steep hill The trolley tracks go right up the steep hill. peel p ee l banana peel The banana peel has been pulled down half way. bowl b ow l ceramic bowl A fish is drawn on the side of the small ceramic bowl. bull b u ll the large bull The large bull has a green tag on its left ear. pail p ai l yellow pail The yellow pail is on the ground. tail t ai l moving its tail The horse is moving its tail to keep the flies away. doll d o ll the doll The doll is bundled in a blanket in the cradle. pool p oo l the pool Empty chairs are on the left side of the pool. hole h o le a hole There is a hole in the elbow of the knit sweater. sail s ai l white sail The sailboat has a red and white sail. whale wh a le killer whale The killer whale is very friendly. stall s t a ll first stall The horse is in the first stall on the right. snail s n ai l the snail The snail is moving up the wall. drill d r i ll use the drill Use the drill to make a hole in the board. lm initial lop l o p lop eared bunny The brown and white lop eared bunny is sitting in the corner. loaf l oa f loaf of bread The loaf of bread is cooling on the rack. lag l a g lag bolts Lag bolts have flat heads and sharp points. loop l oo p a loop The rope makes a loop around the bollard. lane l a ne one lane bridge There is a one lane bridge ahead. lone l o ne the lone pine The lone pine grew on the slope. line l i ne line the middle Trees line the middle of the lane. lush l u sh lush foliage The lush foliage of the vine has purple flowers. long l o ng the long sandy beach The gentle waves lapped against the long sandy beach. lima l i • m a lima beans The lima beans are ready to serve. limo l i m • o long black limo The long black limo is parked in front of the pier. limit l i m • i t speed limit The sign lets us know that the speed limit is 30 miles per hour. lunar l u • n ar the lunar eclipse The moon turned orange during the lunar eclipse. lump l u m p a large lump The sugar was left open and has formed into a large lump. lens l e n s the lens The lens has been taken off the camera. lint l i n t the trap collects lint The trap collects lint in the dryer. list l i s t the list The list shows all of the materials for the experiment. left l e f t left a wet footprint Someone left a wet footprint on the flagstone. link l i n k to link The lock is used to link the two parts of the chain. lighthouse l i ght • h ou se the lighthouse The lighthouse helps boats stay away from the shore. lm medial falling f a l • l i ng water is falling Water is falling down the waterfall. willow w i l • l ow willow leaves Willow leaves are long and thin with one vein in the middle. pulling p u l • l i ng horses are pulling These horses are pulling a heavy wagon. pallet p a l • l e t on the pallet The bricks are stacked on the pallet. silos s i • l o s two silos The two silos have domed tops. pilings p i l • i ng s the pilings The pilings are tied together at the top with thick rope. pipeline p i p e • l i ne this pipeline This pipeline is used to carry oil to the refinery. shotline sh o t • l i ne a shotline They will use a shotline to connect two boats. alpine a l • p i ne alpine meadow There is an alpine meadow beneath the snow covered peaks. jelly j e l • l y plum jelly Raisin bread tastes good with plum jelly. balcony b a l • c o n • y a balcony The high rise hotel has a balcony for each room. foliage f o • l i • a ge the foliage The foliage of a banana plant is red and green. coliseum c o l • i • s e • u m the coliseum The coliseum was built by the Romans long ago. trolley t r o l • l ey the trolley The trolley has made a stop to pick up passengers. stroller s t r o l • l er the stroller She is pushing the baby in the stroller. metropolis m e • t r o • p o • l i s busy metropolis There are many tall buildings in the busy metropolis.
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