Action Statement Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 No. 132 (Revised in 2008) Spiny Rice-flower Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens This Action Statement is based on a draft Recovery Plan prepared for this species by DSE under contract to the Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. Description Spiny Rice-flower ( Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens ) is a stunted shrub, 5-50 cm in height. The stems may be partly herbaceous and are often tipped by a small spine (Walsh & Entwisle 1996). The leaves are narrow, green, hairless and oval- shaped, 2-10 mm long and 1-3 mm wide (Walsh & Entwisle 1996). Six to 12 pale yellow flowers form inflorescences which are often found on short branchlets (Walsh & Entwisle 1996). The flowers are unisexual and small with four egg-shaped petal-like lobes; they are not hairy or otherwise decorated. The style is shorter than the ovary in female flowers. Four leaf-like, stalk-less, green bracts, 3–7 mm long and 1.5–4 mm wide, grow at the base of the flower; these bracts are often subtended by other smaller bracts (Walsh & Spiny Rice-flower Entwisle 1996). The fruits are dry capsules (Photo: N. Stimson, Enviro Images) approximately 3 mm long. Flowering occurs from April to August. This species can be distinguished from the Wimmera Rice-flower ( Pimelea spinescens subsp. pubiflora ) by its glabrous flowers and stalks. The Wimmera Rice-flower was presumed extinct until rediscovered in the Natimuk area in western Victoria in 2005. Distribution Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens is a Victorian endemic which occurs on basalt-derived soils west of Melbourne (Walsh & Entwisle 1996) across the central Victorian volcanic plains, and on alluvial soils across north west Victoria (B. Thomas pers. comm. 2006). Distribution in Victoria (Flora Information System DSE 2007) Habitat Populations of Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens occur in grassland or open shrubland on basalt-derived soils, usually comprised of black or grey clays (Walsh & Entwisle 1996). In north population of >500 plants has been located. west Victoria, however, it occurs on alluvial soils. Parks Victoria are reviewing management. The The McKenzie Road, Heathcote-Moora Road, Tait site has historically been used for low density Hamilton Road, Sheedy's Lane and Browne’s Road sheep grazing, and this is likely to continue. populations occur beneath an open tree canopy • Deep Lead Flora Reserve: small population cover (J Thomas pers. comm .). Plants from more (probably <20 plants) in high-quality northerly populations appear more robust than vegetation. The site is atypical for the taxon those from southern areas and occur on red clay (swampy Yellow Gum ( Eucalyptus leucoxylon ) complexes. The Spiny Rice Flower has also been forest), and is at or near the western limit of its discovered in Grey Box/White Box woodlands near range. Marong and Toolleen. Site topography is generally flat, but populations may also occur on slight rises Other reserves or in damp depressions. Vegetation is often • Former Laverton RAAF Base grassland reserves: dominated by Spear-grasses ( Austrostipa spp.) or there are three private reserves containing a Wallaby-grasses ( Austrodanthonia spp.), with reasonable number (>500) of plants. These Kangaroo Grass ( Themeda triandra ) co-dominant sites are currently managed specifically for on the southern, basalt-derived soils. Associated botanical attributes. This situation, however, species include Sheep’s Burr ( Acaena echinata ), may change in the future. Lemon Beauty-heads ( Calocephalus citreus ), Common Everlasting ( Chrysocephalum • Truganina Cemetery: contains >300 plants and apiculatum ), Blue Devils ( Eryngium ovinum ), is an intact small native grassland within an Variable Plaintain ( Plantago varia ), Hairy Tails active cemetery. Other nationally listed plants (Ptilotus erubescens ), Common Bog-sedge ( Schoenus occur within the grassland. A Public Authority apogon ) and Spur Velleia ( Velleia paradoxa ). Management Agreement exists between the Cemetery Trust and DSE. • Lake Borrie Spit, Western Treatment Plant: Life history and ecology contains ~250 plants, and is a secure site (RAMSAR) which is actively managed for its South of the Great Dividing Range, Pimelea biodiversity values by Melbourne Water. spinescens subsp. spinescens inhabits Themeda - dominated communities which require fire for Roadsides (VicRoads) ongoing biomass reduction. Good seasons, in • combination with fairly frequent burning, probably Western Highway, Dobie: supports >350 plants provide recruitment opportunities for Pimelea on the roadside reserve which is adjacent to a spinescens subsp. spinescens . This species rail reserve. A management plan has been presumably germinates in autumn or spring. written for this roadside, but the site is still Plants appear to re-sprout well after fire (Mueck threatened by weed invasion and accidental 2000; J Thomas pers. comm .; C Grant pers. comm. ). damage during road and rail maintenance Little is known, however, about optimal burning works. requirements or pollinators. Plants are thought to Roadsides (Shire) be slow growing and may live as long as 100 years (Mueck 2000); most of the biomass is probably • The largest known population of Spiny Rice- underground in the form of a stout, woody flower occurs on the Mt Mercer – Shelford Road taproot. in Golden Plains Shire. This site contains ~20,000 plants. The site is also important for Abundance its good condition and frequency of burning, but is dependent on continued beneficial There are believed to be between 30,000 and management. 50,000 plants remaining in more than 120 known wild populations. • Other roadside populations in Golden Plains Shire are Geggies Road (>2000 plants) Important populations Rokewood-Shelford Road (~500 plants) and Important populations necessary to the long term Urches Road (~350 plants). survival and recovery of Pimelea spinescens subsp. • Important roadside populations in the Colac- spinescens occur in the following locations: Otway Shire include the Pitfield-Cressy and Conservation reserves Cressy-Shelford Roads. • • Blacks Creek Nature Conservation Reserve: This Roadsides in Corangamite Shire include Lower is one of the largest grassland reserves on the Darlington Road (~750 plants). All roadside Victorian Volcanic Plain (234 ha). Only a small populations are threatened by weed invasion, section of this reserve has been surveyed, but a 2 inappropriate fire regimes and accidental works Victorian conservation status (e.g. ploughing). Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens is listed as • On the Northern Plains, there are numerous threatened under the Victorian Flora and Fauna roadside populations of the more robust Guarantee Act 1988. ‘northern form’ of the subspecies which has It is considered vulnerable in Victoria according to almost certainly declined more dramatically DSE’s Advisory List of Rare or Threatened Plants in than southern, basalt plain populations. These Victoria – 2005 (DSE 2005). occur in the Pine Grove, Baringhup, Dingee, Pia Vella and Guildford Plateau areas. All Potentially threatening processes populations are threatened by weed invasion, Inappropriate biomass reduction / fire regimes accidental works (e.g. ploughing) and inappropriate grazing regimes. Plants appear to resprout in response to fire. Lack of fire or analogous biomass reduction (e.g. Private Land grazing or slashing) may threaten populations. • Farm south of Echuca Sewerage Farm: Weed invasion thousands of plants in lightly grazed farmland. All known populations are threatened with weed • Farm in Patho, adjoining Murray Valley Hwy: invasion. The most problematic weeds include the ~200 plants. perennial grasses Toowoomba Canary-grass • Farm in Pine Grove, south of Mitiamo – Echuca (Phalaris aquatica ) and Tall Wheat-grass Road: 200–300 plants. (Lophopyrum ponticum ). Both are long-lived and probably survive long periods without the • Bence's Road, Bacchus Marsh: several disturbance (e.g. fire) that is required for general properties containing >500 plants across the maintenance of the grassland communities plateau. Sites are threatened by weed invasion inhabited by Pimelea spinescens subsp. s pinescens. and development. Lack of active management is likely to lead to • A small parcel of private land between the rail expansion of weed invasion. reserve and Hamilton Highway, east of Cressy Road works supports ~1900 plants. The site has been Roadworks are a particular threat to shire roadside fenced to prevent accidental damage and the populations. Plants can be damaged by machinery current landholder is sympathetic to the values or inappropriate clearing of roadside vegetation. of the site. Weed invasion is the biggest threat. All roadside populations in the north-west are Rail reserves threatened with spray drift which de-foliates (but • Populations occur at Wingeel Rail Siding (~500 not necessarily kills) the plants, thereby reducing plants), Poorneet West Rail Reserve (~500 their fitness. plants) and Gnarkeet Rail Reserve (>200 plants). Reservation status Wingeel Rail Siding has been fenced to prevent accidental damage; the population is Only three populations occur in conservation threatened by weed invasion. Poorneet and reserves: Blacks Creek Nature Conservation Gnarkeet Rail Reserves are threatened by weed Reserve, Deep Lead Nature Conservation Reserve invasion and accidental damage from rail and Derrimut Grassland Reserve. Blacks Creek works. Nature Conservation Reserve supports at least 500 plants,
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