CAMPUS ROUNDUP DATELINE Page 2 EUROPE Po9e5 K.O.T+C9 Band* Gaets ToRepresentFordham • By Jim Prior With drums banging, cymbals Prom to be University /Wide; clanging, the horns blazing away, the University Band and both B.O.T.C. units will proudly Juniors Hire Two Bands represent Fordham tomorrow as ^:Ks^ The first ticket sale for the Junior Prom, to be held in the gym they march up Fifth Avenue's.- on Saturday, May 8, will begin in the cafeteria on.March 22 and con- newly-painted green line in thop tinue to March 26. Bill Rothschild, College Chairman, announced annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. THE NF.WLV-E'LBCT1!» JUSTICES M the Student Government that the prom* will, for the first time, include the whole University They will occupy their traditional and will feature the bands of Johnny Long and Les Elgavt. pictured *» thty *HtXnti «vet ifhe. present constitution, which : position of honor marching only To eliminate useless competi- j> behind the "Fighting 69th", th# intUiedtw«.wMM<^«1IN*,teelMe <tf*ndljur, left to right) Dick tion, the College, Business School ; ulous choice, he has now formed a Police Dept. and a few other I,, jack Ctart "#«*»X-SfcwKM; <«t*t«4 left to rUht) Ron Tag-j and School of Ed are coordinating select groups. ; : new band and is being billed' as- »and Ald» Vnrti, ,C|Wf- J«»lke.. The other twj, Assistant Justices, this year's efforts for the tradi- Columbia Records' newest sensa- The Air Force B.O.T.C. unit, Lvailable at preM U««, »re Btn Lop«i and Ken Donnellon. tional spring affair. Joe Kelly and tion. The bands will play contin- consisting of approximately 850: Ted Newman, the ticket chairmen, cadets, will be led by Wing Com- have set the bids at $8.50, alloting mander William Walsh while th« 550 men in both the Artillery and 250 to the College, 200 to the Transportation Corps of the Army Business School and 50 to the R.O.T.C. will march behind their tea? Student Justices downtown school. Bids sold during Regimental Commander, Kenneth, :he first sale will cost $4.25" down, Adams. ,. Aith the remaining $4.25 due dur- Band To March ' iscuss Court Ideals ing the second sale, April 8-14. Drum Major Joe Mclaughlin, will lead the 40-piece band, whil« Dick Racfc, newly-elected President ol Student Government, Vast Bands Are Top-Notch Mr. George F. Seuffert will di- jnday officially announced the list of justices who will assist Chief Both bands have four-star rat- rect it in such familiar songs aj lice Aldo Pvet.i.on the "ntw Student Judiciary: It contains three ings., Johnny. Long and his or- the "Ram," "Fordham Marching tors, two juniors, and 'one sophomore. chestra are listed among the na- Song" and many traditional Irish airs,- including the "Irish Parade 3ie seniors are Jack Clary, RayS> tion's top three collegiate bands 1 March." and Ben ..lk>pe%".,01ji(£y. is his appointment, Murdy stated, "I 8J .d>ahgye_, ^layedjit almost;.every t&Wer cartorb^tr«'ii^'M;yHe shall regard it as srti honor to serve major theater and location in the The Archbishop Hughes Gaelic . "';ed on the paper "for<- three the Court, and through it, the en- United States. His band has star- Society of Fordham College will tire student body." parade with the Philo-Celtic unit s and is now editorial adviser. red at several large colleges in his in the third battalion. This will rhas been a member -of the Ron Taggiasco, speaking on his native south, and at many Big Ten mark the first time that this lent Council for two years ana selection to the judiciary, said, "It eastern schools. He now has group has participated in the St. Jnow assistant sports editor of is our duty to advance the Student ] bookings as much as three years Patrick's Day festivities. Pat I MAROON. Asked for ft corn- Court to an accepted and re- in advance, He has made over a Dowd, President of the Society, he stated, "The-power of spected position. It is an honor hundred records for five major JOHXXY LONG and his orches- invited all Fordham men (Irish clal review in the. hands of the (Continued on Page 8) or not) to join in the fun of the should be the best way companies. tra have -Been selected by the parade by marching with the | solve most problems encoun- The other orchestra is just as junior committee to provide en- Gaelic group. by Student Government." renowned. The leader, Les "Elgart, tertainment at the annual Junior At twelve noon, Gran<TMarshaI, Massa Former SC Veep Eleven Schools the "Trumpet Player's Trumpet Prom. Mayor Robert F. Wagner, Jr., will Player," was a featured soloist with lead the marchers up the Avenue lien asked for a statement oh Harry James, Woody Herman and uously from 9 to 1, alternating every half-hour. from Forty-Fourth St. to Ninety- I appointment to the judiciary, To Participate others before he formed his own Fifth where the parade will end., T Massa said, "A true adminis- group. Bill Rothschild has expressed a Cardinal To Review Parade ,'lon of justice is the Jinn pillar desire to limit the tickets to Jun- Francis Cardinal Spellman, •good government; and we ln- In Model UN His first band included Ralph 1 Flanagan and Bill Finnegan of iors. This, he says, can only be Archbishop of New York, accom- to have good government.". The Collegiate Council for the done if the class gives the prom its panied by several, bishops, will was vice president under Sauter-Finnegan, with Lisa Kirk United Nations continues its ac- as vocalist. With the same metic- whole-hearted support. 'Continued on Page Z) ' [old student Council. He is a jttve program, March 27, when the «r of the Italian Club, the New York Metropolitan Hudson Jlican Club, and. the Cadet Valley Area Council and Newark 'Kick-Off Day' !rs' CI"b. in sophomore-year, State Teachers' College co-sponsor 1*as the treasurer of the Italian a Model Security Council, Of thhe '». and in junior years he was 330 schools in C.C.U.N., eleven '""" President. schools from the New York City Grid Drive Opens April 3 *iLLopeZl an Honors Program and Jersey councils will partici- |mbe: is the third senior ap- pate.. The topics for this Council "Kick-Off Day" for a drive to that all loyal Fordham support- Day," a drive will get underway luted. He is the Glee Club's are: "Kashmir" and the "Israeli- sell season tickets for next yeaPs ers will attend. They are Invited for interested students to sell tic- NPanist as well as the chair- football games will take place to bring dates. The band and of Egyptian Water Dispute." kets to their friends both in and its board of directors. He The second Model Security April 3. The drive will be a uni- cheerleaders will be present to "Banisc for the University versity-wide activity run m con- out-side Fordham. A season ticket Council will be held at St. Joseph's add to the spirit of the festivities. will be available to students for *. and the.director of Schola junction with the Alumni. The -wee-Jj following "Kick-OIf m. the University choir. College for Women in Brooklyn lour dollars and to others for ten on May ,15. At this time, Fordham The program for the day will 1951-52 he was the presi- be jam-packed with sports. High- dollars. Valuable prizes will be of- ^' °i the Spanish Club, "I was will participate and probably treat the same topics, with the possible lighting the events will be a base- New Offices fered for those who lead in volume """•id and happy to learn of ball game with City college at sales. , TOointment," • said Lopez, additions of "Atomic Energy Pool" Applications for presidential ap- noon, followed by a scrimmage Survey Spurs Drive I™ ' !-'Oue that I will be able to and "United States Intervention in between squads of the 1954 grid- pointment to 18 Student Govern- "•"ken a greater sense of China." iron eleven. Climaxing the affair The need to promote greater in- ment committees arid their chair- terest in football was made ap- lability in the student body." The purpose of the Model Se- will be the Block F dinner at manships must be submitted by T curity Councils, states Jim Far- parent by a survey which showed »o Juniors Named 6:30 p.m. in the Concourse PIa?a this Friday, March 19, according rell. Area Council chairman, "is Hotel. that between 2,000 and 3.000 stu- »« two juniors appointed were to president Dick Rack. The list dents throughout the University ••-Murtiy and.lion Taggiasco. to increase international under- Innovation at Fordham standing and to understand the includes committees on student failed to purchase even one tic- I "•• is co-chairman of the •Kick-Off Day" is an innova- reasons for international misun- budget, faculty and course rating, ket to last season's home games. tion in Fordham sports history. It Since the football team is for the and derstanding". honor system, and publicity. Com- j "Ange]s Angles", is Mmilai" to affairs held annual- students, and since the Alumni Jllnlor Ban. During April 2, 3. 4. the World plete details can be found on the mt ly at such schools as Notre Dame. has been willing to dig deep into w'J 'mber of the Freshman Federation of United Nations As- Student Council bulletin board in sociations will conduct an inter- Junior Jack McGovcrn and soph their pockets to aid in maintain- ",.,' '""1 a member of the Dealy Hall.
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