2 0 1 7 REPORT 8 GAUTENG PROVINCE OFFICE OF THE PREMIER REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PR365/2018 ISBN: 978-0-621-46703-1 PART GENERAL INFORMATION 1 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION 2 A 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS 3 3. FOREWORD BY THE PREMIER 6 4. OVERVIEW BY THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 9 5. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY AND CONFIRMATION OF ACCURACY FOR THE ANNUAL REPORT 11 6. STRATEGIC OVERVIEW 12 6.1. Vision 13 6.2. Mission 14 6.3. Vaules 14 6.4. Strategic Goals 14 7. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES 28 8. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 30 9. ENTITIES REPORTING TO THE OFFICE OF THE PREMIER 34 PART PERFOMANCE INFORMATION 19 10. STATEMENT OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 20 B 11. AUDITOR-GENERAL’S REPORT – PREDETERMINED OBJECTIVES 21 12. OVERVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE 21 12.1. Service Delivery Environment 21 12.2. Service Delivery Improvement Plan 21 12.3. Organisational Environment 25 12.4. Key Policy Developments and Legislative Changes 26 13. STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS 27 14. PERFORMANCE INFORMATION BY PROGRAMME 30 14.1. Programme 1: Administration 30 14.1.1. Sub-Programme: Executive Council Support 31 14.1.2. Sub-Programme: Director-General Support 33 14.1.3. Sub-Programme: Financial Management 35 14.1.4. Security and Risk Management 38 14.1.5. Programme and Sub-Programme expenditure 40 14.2. Programme 2: Institutional Development and Integrity Management 40 14.2.1. Sub-Programme: Strategic Human Resources 41 14.2.2. Sub-Programme: Information and Communication Technology 46 14.2.3. Sub-Programme: Legal Services 49 14.2.4. Sub-Programme: Provincial Communication Services 51 14.2.5. Sub-Programme: Service Delivery Interventions 53 14.2.6. Programme and Sub-Programme Expenditure 55 14.3. Programme 3: Policy and Governance 56 14.3.1a. Sub-Programme: GEYODI and MVO, including Tshepo 1 Million 57 14.3.1b. Tshepo 1 Million 59 14.3.2a. Sub-Programme: Intergovernmental Relations 63 14.3.2b. Sub-Programme: Integrity Management 66 14.3.3. Sub-Programme: Cluster Management 68 14.3.4. Sub-Programme: Planning, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 71 14.3.4a. Sub-Sub-Programme: Gauteng Development Planning (GCR Planning Division) 71 14.3.4b. Sub-Sub-Programme: Deliverology Support Unit (GCR Planning Division) 74 14.3.4c. Sub-Sub-Programme: Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 77 14.3.5. Programme and Sub-Programme Expenditure 81 Annual Report 2017/2018 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government • iii 15. TRANSFER PAYMENTS, EXCLUDING PUBLIC ENTITIES 82 16. CONDITIONAL GRANTS AND EARMARKED FUNDS PAID 82 17. DONOR FUNDS 82 18. CAPITAL INVESTMENT 82 PART GOVERNANCE 83 19. INTRODUCTION 84 C 20. REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, 2000 86 21. RISK MANAGEMENT 87 22. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION 89 23. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST 91 24. CODE OF CONDUCT 91 25. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 92 26. GOVERNANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 92 27. SCOPA RESOLUTIONS 93 28. PRIOR MODIFICATIONS TO AUDIT REPORTS 93 29. INTERNAL CONTROL 93 30. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT 94 PART HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 97 31. LEGISLATION THAT GOVERNS HR MANAGEMENT 98 D 32. INTRODUCTION 99 33. HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS 100 PART FINANCIAL INFORMATION 117 34. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 118 E 34.1. Overview of the Operations of the Department 118 34.2. Overview of the Financial Results of the Department 125 34.2.1. Departmental Receipts 126 34.2.2. Programme Expenditure 126 34.2.3. Virements / Roll Overs 126 34.3. Unauthorised, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure 126 34.4. Future Plans of the Department 127 34.5. Public Private Partnerships 127 34.6. Discontinued Activities / Activities to be Discontinued 128 34.7. New or Proposed Activities 128 34.8. Supply Chain Management 128 34.9. Gifts and Donations Received In Kind from Non-related Parties 128 34.10. Exemptions and Deviations Received from the National Treasury 128 34.11. Events after the Reporting Date 128 34.12. Other 128 34.13. Acknowledgements and Conclusion 129 35. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL 130 36. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 135 iv • Gauteng Provincial Government | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Annual Report 2017/2018 15. TRANSFER PAYMENTS, EXCLUDING PUBLIC ENTITIES 82 16. CONDITIONAL GRANTS AND EARMARKED FUNDS PAID 82 17. DONOR FUNDS 82 18. CAPITAL INVESTMENT 82 GOVERNANCE 83 19. INTRODUCTION 84 20. REPORT ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROMOTION OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION ACT, 2000 86 21. RISK MANAGEMENT 87 22. FRAUD AND CORRUPTION 89 23. MINIMISING CONFLICT OF INTEREST 91 24. CODE OF CONDUCT 91 25. HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 92 26. GOVERNANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 92 27. SCOPA RESOLUTIONS 93 28. PRIOR MODIFICATIONS TO AUDIT REPORTS 93 29. INTERNAL CONTROL 93 30. AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT 94 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 97 31. LEGISLATION THAT GOVERNS HR MANAGEMENT 98 32. INTRODUCTION 99 33. HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS 100 FINANCIAL INFORMATION 117 34. REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER 118 34.1. Overview of the Operations of the Department 118 34.2. Overview of the Financial Results of the Department 125 34.2.1. Departmental Receipts 126 34.2.2. Programme Expenditure 126 34.2.3. Virements / Roll Overs 126 34.3. Unauthorised, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure 126 34.4. Future Plans of the Department 127 PART A 34.5. Public Private Partnerships 127 GENERAL INFORMATION 34.6. Discontinued Activities / Activities to be Discontinued 128 34.7. New or Proposed Activities 128 34.8. Supply Chain Management 128 34.9. Gifts and Donations Received In Kind from Non-related Parties 128 34.10. Exemptions and Deviations Received from the National Treasury 128 34.11. Events after the Reporting Date 128 34.12. Other 128 34.13. Acknowledgements and Conclusion 129 35. REPORT OF THE AUDITOR-GENERAL 130 36. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 135 1. DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 30 Simmonds Street Corner Fox Street Johannesburg 2001 POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag X 74 Marshalltown 2107 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 011 355 6000 FAX NUMBER: 011 834 9177 EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE ADDRESS: www.gautengonline.gov.za 2 • Gauteng Provincial Government | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Annual Report 2017/2018 2. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS ACR Annual Citizen’s Report ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution AET Adult Education and Training AG Auditor-General of South Africa AGSA Auditor-General of South Africa APP Annual Performance Plan B-BBEE Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment BCP Business Continuity Plan BEPP Built Environment Performance Plan BMT Broad Management Team CCC(s) Customer Care Centre(s) CDW(s) Community Development Worker(s) CEO Chief Executive Officer CFO Chief Financial Officer CGICT Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology CIC Central Information Centre COGTA Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs DDG Deputy Director-General DG Director-General DLTC Driving License Testing Centre DPME Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation DPSA Department of Public Service and Administration DSU Delivery Support Unit EE Employment Equity EHWP Employee Health and Wellness Programme EMT Executive Management Team EQPRS Electronic Quarterly Performance Reporting System Exco Executive Committee / Executive Council FSDM Frontline Service Delivery Monitoring FSPAPP Framework for Strategic Planning and Annual Performance Plans FY Financial Year GBN Gauteng Broadband Network GCR Gauteng City Region GCRA Gauteng City Region Academy GCR IIMP Gauteng City Region Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan GCRO Gauteng City Region Observatory GDoE Gauteng Department of Education GDHS Gauteng Department of Human Settlements GDoH Gauteng Department of Health GEYODI Gender, Youth and People with Disabilities GIS Geographic Information System GPD Gauteng Planning Division GPG Gauteng Provincial Government GRAP Generally Recognised Accounting Practice GRV Goods Received Voucher GSDF Gauteng Spacial Development Framework Annual Report 2017/2018 | Vote 1: Office of the Premier | Gauteng Provincial Government • 3 HDI Historically Disadvantaged Individual HEI(s) Higher Education Institute(s) HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HOD Head of Department HR Human Resources ICT Information and Communication Technology IGR Inter-governmental Relations IR International Relations KPA Key Performance Area LEA(s) Law Enforcement Agency/ies M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MEC Member of the Executive Council MerSETA Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services SETA MINMEC Ministers and Members of Executive Council MMC Member of the Mayoral Committee MoA/U Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding MPAT Management Performance Assessment Tool MPSA Minister for Public Service and Administration MSP Master Skills Plan MTEC Medium Term Expenditure Committee MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework MVO Military Veterans Organisations NACH National Anti-Corruption Hotline NDP National Development Plan NPA National Programme of Action NSDWR Ntirhisano Service Delivery War Room OCPOL Oversight Committee on the Premier’s Office and Legislature OHS Occupational Health and Safety OHSC Office of Health Standards Compliance OoP Office of the Premier PAIA Promotion of Access to Information Act PAJA Promotion of the Administrative Justice Act PFMA Public Finance Management Act PMDF Performance Management and Development Framework PMDS Performance Management and Development System PME Performance Management and Evaluation POA Programme of Action PSA Public
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