r----=----------~-------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ----..---------- ... Inside : TIi~ Watu Wazuri's "Soul Unlimited Weekend" Page 4 National League '74 BRYANT COLLEGE. SM ITHFIELD, RHODE ISLAND Page 12 FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1974 VOLUME X XXIX NO. 22 HAN HEARD ROUND THE EXORCIST by Paul Carroll Exorcil.m-the bottHt word She said .. "the devil does Lhls to Theresa. Theresa told the DJ THE WORLD around these days, bas an electric me. Look where they beat go to Gooding's Church and connotation. It shocks some, me-look at the weill." The • woman there. The Edited by Lawrence 8. Selvin disgust otbf'rI, and evokes oohs woman would scream In her own per plexed over the and ails from all. When we think voice and then In another ,·olee. consulted a psychlatrlst to see Hank Aaron bu equaJled 8I.ood up and gave the Braves' or the Exordst, visions or Linda Sbe bwpbemed Cod in another he was sick; but he was found to Babe Ruth's AII-Ume Home Run 40.year-old superstar a rousin, Blair 1m mediately enter our voice and the voice said, "'this Is be sound. Theresa told tbe DJ Record by hitting tile 7141b ovation and a ll the Braves' minds. but there \5 more to it my body and I won't give it up." that she needs a body to love home run or his career. The players came running from the than what is seen in tbe cinema, The woman then screamed and him . She wants to possess tbe homer came In the first Inning or ducout to greet and congratulate and Bryant students had the fain ted. Later she got up and body of her cousin who killed her yesterday's National Leque him as he crossed home plate. opportunity la have as a guest dressed, and ror a week she did when she wu 12. To see it the opener between the AUanli The historica1 shot came with lpeake,....-gn exorcist. nO work. About a week later she spirit was real he drew • picture Braves and Cincinnati Reds at two men on base. Dr. Burton Fiscbman, who is was repossessed and taken away of a horse with • pipe In its Cincinnati. Aaron lot the record Ford, ushered by baseball reknowned for the lectures he by the authorities. Gooding says mouth. While on the other end of homer on his nnt time at bat Cor commissioner Bowie Kuhn, left brings to Bryant, had the that she gave up to the devil. the phone she described what he the season. his left·field box to meet Aaron Reverend Robert T. Codding of Gooding has not seen the had drawn. Aaron's record-tyina: blow at the plate. the Appanoag Pentecostal Church movie or read the book TiiHE;;;. __~H:.~t:O~ld:.;;or:.;;.n: O:Ih::::":.::::..: came on I three and one pitch orr Said the Vice President, as the guest speaker for his New Reds' right-hander, Jack "Cood luck for 715 and many Dlrecllons class which is Billingham Ind Hank put the more." Kuhn presented Aaron ptt!sently reading the bestseller, Braves into I 8.0 leaa. with. trophy. mE EXORClSI' . Coodin&, a man "It is a great honor," Kuhn In his SO'I, evokes an air of The home run, which cleared aid, "to present this trophy, not self·rellance which permeates the the innft' renee of the ball park only to onE' of the &realest people around hIm. Fischman sliaMay to the len of the proressionaLs eyer to play this began the lecture by 5lr1k.1ng 375-root marker. came "jth such game but one of baseball', upon l ome fundament.1 starl.llna: luddt'nnl':S5 that It grelt.est genUem.n." questions-What Is exorcism and caught the crowd (It more than Aaron accepted tbe trophy an nodst? 61 ,{)OO, Includinr: '.Ct' fnosident along with a pbque liven to him Recalllni records or of t Unih'd Slam. Gerald by his Atlanta le8mmltes. antiquity "th" driring out of ml Ford in .Im.o~l complete Aaron .HI simply, '''nIank spiri t s" reaehet back .cross surprise. you very much. I'm glad it's millennia. Fischman, Introducing When the Impact o( what had almOfit over. Thank you." UPI : Gooding and the Reverend Ernest happenKi hit them. tbe crowd 4(4/74. Welford, Putor of the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers Interna tional, Sprine:neld, Vi rginia-who is a close fri en d of Re v . EXORCISJ'. He explains that It church wholle eyet dialated and Munchies Galore Gooding-pointed out that this is doesn't glorify the powe r of God, wu thrown to the Door, hissing serious business, aud the guests rather that the movie glOrifies the like a snake she ran into a waD here today have strong feel ings power or the devil. Particularly head on but wall not hurt. Then a Munchle Mongen, fear no A contest is being held to about it. objectionable to Gooding is the spirit spoke tbrougb her and she Your prayers have betn name the Candy Store , and a In an aura of estatic brain' scene where Father Canas tells confessed to be a witch. l,nsw,,,,,I,, and belle\'e it or not, prize will be given to whoever Is waves, Coodlnl recalled his first the devil to take him instead or Another case of possession Is Store Is open! Yes, it's successful in nami ng the store. experience with Cod. He related the young gi rl, Gooding sees this one In which a young boy who'd Those magnificent morsels Suggestions for its name can be to an Incident when he was fi ve a s d efeat. " An exorcist neve r been mlde a Christian iot confectionary concoctions brought to the Candy Store. and very sick. H is parents commands the devil to come out, Interested In a Ouija Board, Tarot thoUlht he wu loing to die. As he does not receive the Cards, and tea leaves. The boy's yours to bebold and wolf One problem has risen [rom he lay in bed at ntcbt he looked devil." rather came to Gooding's chUrch Tbrouith the efforts of Mr. him the Candy Store's opening. It tluoU(.h the window and &aW J ust two Fridays a~o he had and pleaded with to come to Petrucci and Mr. Thomas seems that peanut fancien have Jesus Christ; who came Inla the an experience where a leading DJ his house saylna: tbat his son I~;:,;' , the Candy Pcrson of taken to littering the College with room and laid his hand on him. called him. The OJ had made a possessed. The boy was "';:~~ I J College tw fi nally arrived. shells wherever they like. If the From Ua t time on he began to recording of himselr ta1klng on by seven demons, and . ( reco ver . He stated that "on the t.e lepbone la a spirit. The mUd that seven men December 5, 1941 , J surrendered spirit was a woman named bold the boy d~n. my IIf~ to Christ." 'I'hne weeks Continued on Page 4. later he said the Holy Spirit came upon him and he spoke in a t ongue he'd never learned ARCHWAY Appoints before-perfed Hebrew. At the .ge of 18 Christ became the Lord of his lire. He related that he'd reCt'ived persecutions because he New Editors was different, but did what he though t was best. At the An nUAl ARCHWAY Goodlna; claims that he can Banquet held on March 29, the tell people what'l wrong with new editors of THE ARCHWAY them. He even claims to be II were appointed. Joan Frias, a healer, and has In the past cured sixth-semester Management major cancer. Originally from North and member of the Delta Mu Carolln., Good ing Clme to Delta Honor Society, was named Rhode Island when the Holy Editor·in-Chlef. Paul Carroll was Spirit, God, took his tongue and promoted to Managing Editor said "Go to Rhode Island." Whe n and Eileen Pulaski has taken o ver Laun Mrosek and Gail Rotondo sweetening up the Candy Store. Gooding first came here be had the job of News Editor. Peter the palaLe over 40 problem gets worse, peanuts and o n Iy ten parishonen at his L ockatell will remain SPON other sh eUed nuts may not be c h urch , four or whom were Editor and Lawrence B. Selvl n Is I;,~ ~;~~:~ or chocolates, jellies, relatives of his. Today his church his new assistant. Jef Stein will I ~ and nuts, the Candy sold. Is the sun place to ,ain a Ir you're not on a diet, take a has a membership or O'ier 200. continue u Photography Editor H t t o ld or his fi rst and Mike Dalbey has become his pounds. Already stocked wal k over to the store and check excellent staff and will continue chips, popcorn, pretzels, it out. And for those or you on a experience with. Demon. A man assistant. The new Production in Providence called him and to produce the type of quality I"C., ... M'. Petrucci stated that the diet, throw your calorie counters Manager is Kurt Schlott with asked him to pray ror hb wife, Lynnda Pollen as his assistant. newsplper that Br y an t would also be selling quart 10 the wind and buy a whole Collen deserves. For rurther of Coke and eight·packs pound of chocolates-you'll love wbo was possessed. The woman Non Carnetl was appointed Ibt,,,, ,,, had on body and details, see ''The Lighter Side," 'T'Jh And Sprite.
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