% Pqgfr TWO CATHOUC CQWMHI April !6, 1942 Avt\I • rssgsssssssss ass WTEINATIOHAL KOR *Down Under* 'Leave The Church? Holy See Rules Thrice No!' German On Divination VATICAN CITY —(NC-RadIo>-The Sacred Congregation of th« • Prelate Answers Holy Office has published a decree instructing Siahops and religions superiors la forbid their clergy and Religious to. practice "radio- ( WASHlN0TON—(3Sr. C.)—A consistent effort on the part eathetics" with reference to personal circumstances or for purposes • of N»xj Authorities, by misleading slogans, by outrageous of dlvlnaUoa. n Practices including the use of the divining-rod .to detect thrt oppression of the Church and by the threat of digcharglnr presence of water or metals under ground and of similar means for •,' Individuals from thtlr positions, to ascertaining personal circumstances such as health or guilt, nrc|> fores German ChrMUan*. Catholic smallest one In the possession of •;4 reported to have been the subject of much experimentation particu­ and Prote*t*nt, to renounce,, their each church being left. This latter, .••9 larly In France and northern Africa under the nnmb "Radiesthesie." faith la revested in * doeumint howev«rt said Cardinal y«u|hab»r, (Such practices are Ileted-lif the "Catholic Encyclopedia" as doubtful fg Which ha* become avsltsMs in Catholics *wpt oonsWera patriotic cases possibly M ther borderline of diabolical Influence.—Ed. > |% this country. sacrlflce, not an arbitrary meas­ Penal actions are authortesd by the decree where necessary or y] Th» document U ths text •?• a ure; against the Church." The opportune and Bishops and Superiors are instructed to report to^i wrnton delivered at New Tear's measures applying to youth and JKvsl services In ths' Munich Cathe- religious training; he said, "can the Congregation esses of repeated transgression or grave scandal :.i drat by HI* Eminence Mlolmitl Car­ have but one purpose: to alienate The decree declares that in its provisions there is no intention of in- u, I dinal vonFanlhaber, ArehbUh*^ of th* young; systetnailcalty from the terferlng In the scientific question of radioestheties, l'\ Munich and FMlslng-, on D#c #1. Church and thus prepare the way 1941. In that sermen, snUtled for apostasy" "t*avs ths Church? Thrice No!" Cardinal- Faulhabar gavs hla*vo- AgeHHd Sttruggt* »t» a threefold answer to the que*- "I will not leave the Church, be­ Maryknollers Leave \ Uon? «W}I you leave tht Church r cause I will not let -my light be reviewed th* p*s**lst»nl oppressive; darkened," was the third answer measures of this preceding year, the Cardinal offered his people to ThOM tart from the boy* To Open New South and predicted an even more in­ meet the official demands of apos­ "Down it" war* probably tents campaign of pressure for tasy Reviewing the doctrine* of eenao apostasy during WIS. the Church that in a special way «W Mm—-Chaplain Cfcarlat '<&**, W. S. A. Be- New Demand* Fsr+acea have been "a light" to the world, tid« Mar errcan "In the past year the war against he said the "Christ Whom they of .the tual dvties as «t» want to take away from the Ger­ at an American the Church has culminated in -the man people" Is "the Judge Who Army RYKNOUU N. T.—Marklag hsid at the national headquarter | demand to leave the Church," he will try oven the great of this the task of' Australia, he has extension sf Maryknoll mis­ of the Catholic Foreign Misstoi,- declared. "Clear indication* give earth." "The spectacle that passes doughboys ng letter* the sionary work to the South Amer­ Society of America, here. , \ promise that In the new year this Quest was ican region, s> three-man vanguard The missionaries* were accom /j demand will be made with renewed before our eyes on the stage of t« home, father^ history today is like a chapter of Church, Kaii tor of St of missionary priests has left for panted by the Most Rev. James E $ emplia»U and that the question, entering the the newly-opened Maryknoll mis­ Walsh, Superior General of Marv •'• *WU1 you leave the Church or will the Apocalypse." he added. "It la lie. Tenn.. 1 a part of the ago-old struggle be­ as a first lieu* sion in tropical northern Bolivia knoll, who preached the sermon • you resign your position? will he tween Light and Darkness." yChaplsiniJFirpa following a departure ceremony the departure. raised again, louder than before." int. in JuiTlMl- Drawing a sharp contrast be­ The Moat Rev. Francis J Spell ' tween the peaceful relations relgn- man. Archbishop of New Yorh in* among the variousuChrtstian presided at the ceremony, whirl "confessions in Germany and the Nazis Test Perseci >n of Church was attended by over 1.000, includ < "saddest of all wars, the war ing persons outstanding in inter '> against the Church," His Eminence American relations. ; Mid, with echoes of last summer's I eld Areas The priests who left with Bishoi h In Poland For : Fuld* pastoral of all the German ier Walsh are Fathers Alonso Esm , Btlhop*. that the Christian confes­ lante, of New York, Superior o ;. sions "know that It la a.question SBON—The arlhegau,—or Wartheland, that section the new mission; Raymond J p* now of the very existence on- an­ Polish Leader f Poland annexe o the German Reicli—is serving as an Bonner, of South Ardmore, Pa. i nihilation-: of Catholicism and experimental cam for Nazi government in other annexed and Thomas J. Denehy,'of Mam Protestantism alike. territories andw it reported.».— . towoc, Wis. The other 17 select n . eventually for the te staff tho mission will Isavs » ~i While Catholic soldiers at the ch. OF front "stand shoulder to shoulder Germany proper befon and no more social, cultural or June following their ordination ti ' With other Gorman men" and Cath­ trian aggression, accord I Aua- charitable activities by Catholic the priesthood. , groups. olic* at home share tn every war port on conditions in th< £to a re- In his sermon. Bishop Waist • sacrifice, "still the Church at home received here from a prritopy 1. Strict segregation of nationali­ said "We are going to South Amer * is treated with constant distrust, source. pliable ties; Poles; French. Czechs, otc« lea as missioners. We will endear I« spied upon, and oppressed by Reich's Governor Grelsl arc not allowed to attend religious or to preach the Catholic Faith ir ' 'exceptional restrictions. Ind build­ mer president of the Dan: services with Germans. areas where priests are scarce ton-* ings belonging to. the Church and ate, has fall powers and 8. No religious instruction Is mission work is needed," he added to Religious are" confiscated on *» the schools, "but as regards the elements oi sponsible only to Dor Fi l far large* scale than private one*," Adolf Hitler, for the conduct 9. No collections for the Church true civilisation, we expect to re His Eminence declared. fairs In what was Western within the church or elsewhere. ech'c as milch as we have to give 3 After scoring some of the Insidi­ —a section In which for cenl M. No confessional cemeteries. "We are going to a eontinenH ous and "satanic" slogans and the population has been, in the' that is largely Catholic, and we ex | catch phrase* tossed about by Kail jority, Polish. The Arch!epis< It. No more charity work under officialdom to Induce Catholics to Church auspices.. pect to tell our people that th»-v| 1 Se* of Gnieino (Gncsen) is the ISrl- have already received the only fceyl apostatise, Cardinal Faulhaber matial See of .Poland. The Arp>- t*. No Religious Orders and Con­ to true, civilisation in the pearl of] west on to review the. oppressive: bUhops of Gniezno were Polish gregations. great price that was brought uj measures that-halve been brought even under the Prussian domiiiia- 13. New regulations hampering them by the Spanish missioners pi; to bear against lhe~ehu*ch. tion which ended in 1938. ^ religious vocations. Barred From i&hool* the past, namely the Catholto Present Status at Church •Before the present war, about Faith. We will teU them that they Stating that the1 first of Since Nasi rule in the Warthr- 4,000,000 Catholics were living in have always possessed the true Measures were directed agalru*' re­ the Wartheland served by st least ideals and the correct philosophy ligious instruction in the schools, gau Is to provide the norm for Nasi rule elsewhere, tt Is interesting to 2,000 priests. The Church enjoyed of life, and that we come, hoping ho told how priests in some sec­ all the rights and prerogatives as­ td share this heritage with them. tions had been assured officially note the status of the Church in this section, which may be summed sured by the Concordat concluded We could scarcely tell them any­ that -religious iitftructlen would be between Poland and the Holy See thing else, since we go to them for •Dewed, but had then been pre­ up, as follows: the sole purpose of preaching the! I. Any Intervention on the part in 1925. Since the German annexa­ vented from giving It by being per­ tion, all communication with the- Catholic Faith." sonally barred from teaching Monsignor lygmunt KaciynskI, of the Hoty See has been rendered who is visiting in the United impossible. Holy See or with the Papal Nun­ Among the prominent persons; through special interdicts;. "It ciature -^at Berlin has been pro­ present at the ceremony were: seems like a reversion to the times State* with Genera) KkorsM, 5. The Episcopate has been al­ most completely eliminated. hibited. In vain the Be?Un Nuncia­ Postmaster- General Frank tl •f Nero or Diocletian." he said, Prim* Minuter orPoland.
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