TelTel AvivAviv YafoYafo Indicators Indicators –– MonitoringMonitoring thethe CityCity AccordingAccording toto itsits VisionVision TelTel AvivAviv YafoYafo MunicipalityMunicipality StrategicStrategic PlanningPlanning UnitUnit Metropoltan area pop.: 3 million (12%) 371.4 (27%) 805.2 (32%) 941.8 (29%) 869.0 TheThe StrategicStrategic PlanPlan ObjectiveObjective Preparation of an urban master plan for T.A.Y based on a multi-disciplinary Strategic approach. The work process included: z Wide public participation z Consensus-building z Combination of short &long-term courses of action z Short time-scale z Improved co-operation between Municipal Departments z Empowerment of the Municipality as an organization TheThe StrategicStrategic PlanningPlanning ProcessProcess CityCity ProfileProfile DiscussionsDiscussions EconomyEconomy Land-UseLand-Use North-WestNorth-West CultureCulture UrbanUrban NorthNorth DesignDesign SocietySociety TrafficTraffic && EastEast TransportTransport EducationEducation EnvironmentEnvironment SouthSouth PublicPublic CentreCentre JaffaJaffa ParticipationParticipation CityCity ProfileProfile DiscussionsDiscussions • Analysis of city features by workshop participants using the SWOT Method • Workshop participants setting the agenda • Voting on priorities Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats CityCity ProfileProfile documentdocument Produced by: The Planning Team on the basis of workshop results and of research studies carried out ,in parallel, by professional consultants Product: Comprehensive document for wide dissemination About 1000 copies disseminated About 100 copies sold Publication on the Municipal Web site CreativeCreative VisioningVisioning -- summarysummary ofof processprocess z Workshops: 29 with about 200 participants in all z The process: - formulation of “Thinking Hat” Visions by each workshop - formulation of an agreed Vision by each workshop - presentation of agreed Visions at plenary session -voting WorkshopWorkshop VisionsVisions FormulationFormulation ofof oneone VisionVision forfor thethe citycity Tel-Aviv Yafo will continue to function as the economic & cultural capital of Israel, whilst caring, in parallel, for its residents’ quality of life. StrategicStrategic LinesLines && ConceptualConceptual FuturesFutures Strategic Line 1 Strategic Line 2 An economic & cultural centre A city for all its residents • A Metropolitan & National • An attractive city for living Economic Centre • Equality of opportunities & • A Cultural Capital with cultural reduction of disparities facilities for all • A leading excellent education • A leading centre for higher system for all education & knowledge • Strengthening the community • Enhancing pluralism Strategic Line 3 Strategic Line 4 Citizen-oriented governance An attractive city for living • Textural and High-rise • Citizen-centered Municipality development combined • Residents involvement & • A sensible land-use mix participation • A well-developed public realm • An Autonomous city • A city well-connected with the • Metropolitan co-operation sea • A multi-mode, efficient, sustainable transport system • Improved environmental quality Metropolitan CBD First mass transit line Policy – Defining areas by degrees of Development & Texture Conservation - Example הרצליה N HERZELIYA רמת השרון ASHARON ד RA MAT H ר ך נ מ Classification of textures by י Classification of textures by ר נ ת intensity of development י intensity of development ב י א י י בנ ל י ו מת ן קיי ה א רן פ שד' ק ל נ ר ו י ס י ם ה א ח ש ש י דבורה הנביאה שד' קרן קיימת י כ מ ו ם ל ל קי ב ס נ לונ ו ש ן ב נ י א ד פ Development while • ר Development while • ר י ך נ ם מ ר י א ו ן ר ל ז ו ו ר ל ל נ ו ב ס נ י ר ח ת ג י א נ פ ב י ש כ preserving the texture א ו preserving the texture י י ל ל שיט שד ו רית ' י ן שר ח אל יי ר ם ל וק בנ ח ון ש"י עגנון שד' י שראל רוקח שד' י בני ברק שראל רוקח התער BNEI BRAK וכה ד ח א ר . Development while • ב Development while • ך ו ן י נ ג צ מ ב י מ י ן ה ר ר י ו ר ל נורדאו א ק שד' . ו ן ה ב כ ד.צ. פנק ן הל ס ה י ה ו conserving buildings נ ד ת ה י ב י ד ר א ך רמת גן י י נ מדינה ל כר ה וב מ כ ר ו זו י רלו ן א ר ה RA MAT GAN מ י . ר ד ק י ו א. וב ז ן לוזור י ב אר נ ן ג א ו י ב ן ף ה ד ח ר ו . ך ג ד פ ו ב ת י ה י ח צ ר ת ו קו מ פרישמן ה ן ל Development incorporating • ש Development incorporating • ד' שאו ל ה ה י מל ר ג ך ב א ר ל ט זינגוף א די ' ס ל מ. ה ו א. קפלן מ מ ן ל ו גבעתיים ך א ג' ל ם ו ה high buildings in texture ו ר י high buildings in texture ל ש ג ך ה ר דר ק GIVATAYIM ו ן י י ג ב א י נ ל ל ם ה ו א ו א ד ל ל ש ו ד ה מ ר ן ה ך ה ש פ ל ה ו ך נ ת ח י ר ת ד י ד י ב ת י י קו ן ק א ה ו יי י לו פ ן מ ן Area for high building • דר Area for high building • ך י לה גארדיה פו י ג מ א ל ש א יל ה ת א ם ל י ד ס ו י י הרצל טי י ן ה ן רך ד למה דרך של מה development, mainly in the דרך ש דרך ההגנה מ ש ה טייסים ש ד ' י ה פ י ד ת יו ר י גלו ת י בוץ- י ו ן ק ב רך -צ ש ד ן ל ב י ה Metropolitan Centre ד רך ך ר ר Metropolitan Centre ם לח" ד י צ ל דרך לוד ן ו ל י ד י ר א ך י ח ב י י ל ת - ה נ בי ש צ ש ר ן ד י ב ' ו ך ן ר י ד ר ו ש ל י ם מים Intense development • הלוח י פ ת חולון elsewhere in the city בת ים BAT YAM HOLON Tel Aviv-Yaffo policy for green network: • Shore line – the main open spaces connector and it’s recreation and leisure centers. • 3 Main urban parks of a metropolitan scale. • A green network of boulevards and gardens of various scales • Pedestrian and bicycle network Strategic management of municipality working plans City vision Strategic Lines Policy guidelines Annual Objectives Annual Departments’ targets for municipal each Municipal Objective working plan Detailed working Plans Monitoring and Evaluation MunicipalMunicipal workingworking planplan –– objectivesobjectives (examples)(examples) z A "client Oriented" municipality. z Public participation in decision making processes. z Adaptation of the local tax policy to city vision. z Implementation (together with the national company) of the LR first line z Preparing an action plan for reducing air pollution z Renovation and extension of main cultural institutions z Urban design of central costal strip z Action plan to strengthen city center MONITORINGMONITORING -- THE THE GOALGOAL MonitoringMonitoring thethe statestate ofof thethe citycity accordingaccording toto thethe citycity’’ss visionvision IsIs TelTel AvivAviv YafoYafo goinggoing closercloser toto thethe vision?vision? TheThe CityCity Vision:Vision: TheThe BasisBasis forfor thethe MonitoringMonitoring ProcessProcess LevelLevel 1:1: StrategicStrategic LinesLines LevelLevel 2:2: ConceptualConceptual FuturesFutures LevelLevel 3:3: PoliciesPolicies TheThe IndicatorsIndicators asas anan InstrumentInstrument forfor thethe followingfollowing Comparisons:Comparisons: • Changes in Tel Aviv Yafo. • Tel Aviv Yafo and Israel. • Tel Aviv Yafo and big cities in Israel. • Tel Aviv Yafo and the Metropolitan Area. • Tel Aviv Yafo and other cities in the world. MonitoringMonitoring forfor UpdatingUpdating PoliciesPolicies MeansMeans City Second Cycle of Profile Strategic Planning City Vision: Policy Lines Updating Delivery Means Delivery Means Monitoring and Controlling TheThe ProcessProcess Discussion of Proposal of Indicators Literature Indicators (Representatives Survey (Team) of municipal departments) Final Draft: Operating First Draft: 140 50 the Indicators Indicators Indicators Periodical Measurement of Indicators LiteratureLiterature SurveySurvey •• BigBig CitiesCities inin thethe world,world, thatthat havehave aa visionvision andand aa strategicstrategic plan,plan, developdevelop monitoringmonitoring systemssystems usingusing indicatorsindicators Examples:Examples: London,London, Toronto,Toronto, SeattleSeattle WhatWhat IsIs aa GoodGood Indicator?Indicator? •• SimpleSimple •• RelevantRelevant forfor PolicyPolicy •• ValidValid •• LowLow costscosts andand highhigh benefitsbenefits •• UnderstandableUnderstandable HowHow toto PresentPresent Indicators?Indicators? Wichita, Kansas Toronto, Canada CriteriaCriteria forfor TelTel AvivAviv Yafo’sYafo’s IndicatorsIndicators •• AnAn overalloverall urbanurban viewview •• TransparencyTransparency •• InformationInformation AvailabilityAvailability •• UpdatingUpdating ProcessProcess SimplicitySimplicity •• UnderstandingUnderstanding SimplicitySimplicity •• ComparisonComparison AbilityAbility Indicators’Indicators’ Evaluation Evaluation InIn TheThe EndEnd ofof TheThe Process:Process: AA ListList ofof 5050 IndicatorsIndicators TheThe IndicatorIndicator StructureStructure • Strategic line • The subject of the Indicator – The linkage to the vision • The name of the indicator • Description • Measurement and comparison • Description of the trends • The situation regarding the vision • Graphic presentation • Sources of data • The calculation method ExamplesExamples • The Rate of change in the open public spaces, public parks and integrated streets. • The number of buildings that are higher than the permitted height in a preservation area. • The growth in frequency of rides in public transport. • The rate of home garbage recycling. • The rate of exceptions in air pollution. StrategicStrategic LineLine 22 AA citycity forfor allall itsits residentsresidents שטחי גינון בטיפול העירייה, לפי רובע, 2000, 2005 2,500 2000 2,000 2005 Description: The indicator measures 1,500 the extent of open public spaces, public ,parks, pedestrian streets, plazas 1,000 דונמים 1,950 1,535 promenade, boulevards and plazas. 500 1,105 1,037 875 784 750 648 0 1-2 3-6 7-8 9 Measurement and Comparison: Absolute numbers רובע percent of the overall area שטחי גינון בטיפול העירייה, לפי רובע, 2000, 2005 12% 10% Sq. meters per resident. % 8% מסך כל 6% 2000 Period: 2000, 2005. שטח 11.2% 10.5% 10.5% 2005 9.2% 4% 9.2% 8.7% 7.7% 7.2% 6.8% 5.8% Comparison: Between different areas in 2% האזור 0% the city.
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