CJ'he G/Jallas Quarterly GIJallas. CJ"exas Volume XXXII March 1986 Number I In Cooperation Wilh The Dallas Public Library Dallas Genealogical Society A TEXAS NON·PROFIT CORPORATION P.O.Boxl2648 Oalla1,Tu.n75225 lncoopuationwiththe DALLAS PUBLIC LIBRARY 1985 - 1986 OFFICERS AND OOARD OF DIRæl'ORS OFFICERS President l\drierme JAMIE&JN 348-3414 Executive Vice President Nonna CANSIBR (Mrs. r.c..ell, Jr.) 348-4264 Vice President - Programs Helen LU (Mrs. J. L. ) 350-6586 Vice President - PUblications Mary Helen BRENiEL 942-0550 Vice President - Meni:lership Vern GILLIS 487-8631 Vice President - Ccmrunications Joyce Martin MURRAY 691-0226 Recording secretary SalTITlie LEE 349-1435 Treasurer Mary Frances STEVENS 241-5680 Public Relations Richard Stn'CLIFFE 363-8291 Mailings Robert W. JOHNSEY 358-4320 Libra:ry Liaison (R) 522-1302 Lloyd D. BOCKSTROCK (O) 749-4115 Special Projects Barbara RIMMER 722-0090 E><change Margaret HUD&JN (Mrs. J. E., Jr.) 661-5126 Books (R) 352-8153 Lea MARKOFF (0) 749-41p All correspondence concerning Dallas Genealogical Society and THE DALLAS QUARTERLY should be sent to P. o.Da~~a~2~~a&,"Yt~; ~~ty75225 crhe CVallas Quarterly Mary Helen Brengel, FJ:litor VOLUME XXXII MARCH 1986 NUMBER æE CONTENTS SOCIETY SEX:TION Officers and Directors. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Inside Front Cover Public~tions and Membership card ••••••••••••••••••••• Inside Back Cov7r FJ:l1tor s Page •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••.•.•••..•.. 11 GENEAI.JXICAL RESEARCH SEX:TION Recent Acquisitions to Genealogy Section, Dallas Public Library. Lloyd DeWi tt Bockstruck ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Metro Past (Reprinted from THE DALLJ\S M:JRNING NEWS) ••••.• 40, 57' 60, 62 Dallas County Deed Book "C". • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 34 Dallas County Marriages - 1881 •••••..•.•.••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• 41 Book Reviews, by Mrs. Harry Joseph Morris • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 55 ~eries ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••.•••••••.• 58 Bible Records - from Vertical Files of Genealogical Section, Dallas Public Library (Ferreee, McCausland, Slaymaker, Bygate, Davis, Phelps,McMains, Maxwel, etc.) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 60 Index (not including Acquisitions and Dallas County Marriages) ••••••• 61 THE DALLJ\S QUARTERLY, published by the Dallas Genealogical Society, (formerly THE QUARTERLY of the I=al History and Genealogical Society, of Dallas, Texas) is published four times each calendar year; March, June, September and December. Subscription is by membership in the Society. Dues for the calendear year are $10.00 if paid by Jan. 31, $11.00 after Jan. 31. Foreign Residents: Please inquire about the additional cost of mailing. Information about the Society may be obtained by writing to P. o. Box 12648, Dallas, TX 75225. All correspondence and materials relative to THE DALLJ\S QUARTERLY should be directed to the FJ:litor, P. O. Box 12648, Dallas, TX 75225. Since no proofs are required for materials published, neither THE DALLAS QUARTERLY, The Editor, nor the Dallas Genealogical Society can guarantee the accuracy of materials printed herein. Copyright © March, 1986 Dallas Genealogical Society Dallas, Texas EDITOR'S DESK A number of expressions of appreciation are in order, not only this quarter, but each quarter during which I have been xcur editor, for the wonderful assistance offered by various members. First and foremost, to Marjorie Radley, your former Editor (1984-85), who has continued to prepare the Acquisition Lists for publication, and thus has considerably lightened the load of preparing each quarterly; then also to Margaret Ann Thetford, who obtained approval of THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS for us to use their "Metro Past" publications of items from their back files as fillers, and to THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS for allowing that use. Thanks also to Jeanne Tabb, who consistently supplies interesti?<:/ material, such as the early Tarrant County census material published in our December quarterly which had been found mixed on the reel with the Ellis County microfilmed census. Thanks to Pat Hatcher, who has helped by alphabetizing our Dallas County Marriages; and to Pat llatcher and Robert Johnsey, who have helped your editor, a neoph):'te computer operator, a greatdealwith numerous problems which have arisen. Our Quarterly has been carrying a good deal of material that will be valuable for future research use -- but I feel it would be of more general interest to our members if all of this excellent Courthouse material were interspersed with articles written by our members on ''How I solved this or that problem!" "How I interested my family in genealogy," -- and when we have a particularly good speaker at our meetings, if a copy could be provided to the quarterly for reprint purposes, wouldn't that be of interest? This is your quarterly -- and if you can send in some interestin9 material for publication -- every member of our society can benefit by it. In our September quarterly last year, I urged people to send in their family charts, feeling if there were sufficient interest we might be able to plan a new publication of our member's ancestors -- as Collin county has just done (see our Book Review section). Perhaps you missed my request, but if you'd like to see this family information published, please send in your 5-generation chart for that purpose. I have received only three or four of them, and while I haven't begun working on them, I will be retiring from my working career as a legal secretary as of March lst, and now, more than ever before, I can anticipate being able to work on your charts. Be sure hey are dated, so that if you have sent any earlier on which you might now have updated information, we will be sure to use the most recent and complete. You will remember that we issued such a publication five years ago -- and there are many charts in our files that were not received in time to be included. We will need to determine how many of those charts are from our present members -­ include any address changes -- and decide whether to include the charts of past members. It would probably not be advisable to use them, as earlier members may have moved to some other city or state, and the purpose of such a publication is to allow each of us to contact others researching the same family lines. Our Dallas County Marriages will run for at !east one more issue -­ but those that are being published were excerf'ted from records at the Courthouse by a team headed by Clytes CUllar five years ago. They were later re-checked for accuracy at the Courthouse. Very shortly I will arrive at a place in the files where those records have not been re­ checked, and unless another team is formed for that purpose, it may""l5e deemed advisable to hold up on printing them until they are rechecked. On the other hand -- these are taken from handwritten records -- and sometimes I wonder if the first person who checked them might not be just as accurate as the second! It's often just a matter of interpretation! If you have any genealogical material that would be interesting to include in the quarterly, please send it in! In the meantime, see you at the library! Sincerely, lY; ~ :::c ii RECENT ACQUISITIONS Genealogy Section -- Dallas Public Library Lloyd DeWitt Bockstruck ALABAMA AT LI BER TY ON BEAR CREEK, Charles E. Boyd ALABAMA 1850 FEDERAL CENSUS. JACKSON, JEFFERSON, LAUDERDALE COUNTIES. M432. Roll 7. Microfilm, Donor: Mark B. Arslan BUTLER COUNTY, ALABAMA, OBITUARIES, Marilyn Davis Barefield AGE (ALABAMA GENEALOGICAL EXCHANGE QUARTERLY) l, AGE Tuscaloosa, Alabama *INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVES OF ALABAMA NO. 14, CLAY CO. NO. 17, COLBERT CO. NO. 3 3 , HALE CO • NO. 43, LOWNDES CO. NO. 46 MARENGO CO. NO. 61, TALLADEGA CO. *All of above Inventories by Alabama Historical Records Survey, Donor: Dallas Historical Society LIMESTONE COUNTY CEMETERIES v. 3, Limestone County Historical Society CHECK LIST OF ALABAMA IMPRINTS, 1807-1840, Alabama Hi stor i cal Records Survey, Donor: Dallas Historical Society COVE' S LEGACY, THE MOBILE MARRIAGES RECORDED IN FRENCH TRANSCRIBED WITH ANNOTATED ABSTRACTS IN ENGLISH, 1724-1786, Jacqueline 0. Vidrine GATHERING UP OUR SHEAVES WITH JOY: A HI STORY OF TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH FLORENCE, ALABAMA 1824-1976, Mary Holland Lancaster INDIAN PLACE NAMES IN ALABAMA. Rev. Edition, William Alexander Read HARDIN OTHERS N. MARSHALL COUNTY, ALABAMA, James Oran Hardin, Gift of the Author CENSUS INDEX 1860 TALLAPOOSA COUNTY, ALABAMA, Steve Iwanski, Donor: Mrs. Wanda Hardin ARIZONA *INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVES OF ARIZONA. NO. 7, MARICOPA CO. NO. 10, PIMA CO. NO. 12, SANTA CRUZ CO. *All of the above Inventories, by Arizona Statewide Archival and Records Project, Donor: Dallas Historical Society A CHECK LIST OF ARIZONA IMPRINTS, 1860-1890, Historical Records Survey U. S. Donor: Dallas Historical Society GUIDE TO PUBLIC VITAL STATISTICS RECORDS OF ARIZONA, Arizona Statewide Archival & Records Project, Donor: Dallas Historical Society ARKANSAS CROSS COUNTY, ARKANSAS CEMETERY RECORDS. v. 2 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH DISCIPLES OF CHRIST, RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS, ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE, Donor: Mrs. Mary V. Humphrey CARROLL COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, v. 30 "I GIVE AND BEQUEATH" WILL RECORD BOOK "A" MONTGOMERY COUNTY, THE DALLAS QUARTERLY - March, 1986 ARKANSAS' James M. Hart HEADSTONE HISTORY CEMETERY INSCRIPTIONS: HOT SPRING COUNTY, ARKANSAS. v.4, BORDER-LINE CEMETERIES, Donor: Mr. David Strickland CITY DIRECTORY OF BATESVILLE,ARKANSAS 1960, Donor: Anonymous MONTGOMERY COUNTY, ARKANSAS 1845-1849 RECORD BOOK "A" ALSO KNOWN AS "FOLIO LETTER A"' James M. Hart *INVENTORY OF THE COUNTY ARCHIVES OF ARKANSAS. NO. 3, BAXTER CO. NO. 4, BENTON CO. NO. 8 , CARROLL CO. NO. 12, CLEBURNE CO. NO. 13, CLEVELAND CO. NO. 19, CROSS CO. NO. 2 3, FAULKNER CO. NO. 30, HOT SPRING CO. NO. 33, IZARD CO. NO. 34, JACKSON CO. NO. 44, MADISON CO. NO. 48, MONROE CO. NO. 4 9, MONTGOMERY CO. NO. 57, POLK CO. NO. 62, SALINE CO. NO. 6 3, SCOTT CO. ( WALDROM) NO.
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