Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(6):8506-8515 www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0007780 Original Article Ultrasound elastography and magnetic resonance examinations are effective for the accurate diagnosis of mammary duct ectasia Feixue Zhang1, Dexin Yu2, Mingming Guo3, Qing Wang2, Zhigang Yu3, Fei Zhou3, Meng Zhao2, Feng Xue2, Guangrui Shao4 1Department of Radiology, Division of Ultrasound, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan City, Shan- dong Province, P.R. China; 2Department of Radiology, Qilu Hospital, Shandong University, Jinan City, Shandong Province, P.R. China; 3Department of Breast Surgery, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan City, Shandong Province, P.R. China; 4Department of Radiology, The Second Hospital of Shandong University, Jinan City, Shandong Province, P.R. China Received March 10, 2015; Accepted May 28, 2015; Epub June 15, 2015; Published June 30, 2015 Abstract: Objectives: This study is to investigate the values of multiple quantitative evaluation parameters in the diagnosis of mammary duct ectasia (MDE), using real-time ultrasound elastography (UE) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods: This retrospective study was performed on 15 patients (16 lesions) with MDE. Ultrasound examination was performed with the LOGIQ E9 ultrasound instrument, with all lesions being examined by routine ultrasound and UE. MRI examination was performed with a Signa HD × 3.0T TWINSP MR System, including of plain- scan, diffusion-weighted imaging, dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Imaging features, as well as semi-quantitative and quantitative parameters, were analyzed to determine their diag- nostic value for MDE. Results: According to the five-point scale in UE, twelve lesions belonged to 1-3 point scale, and four lesions were in 4-5 point scale, with an average of 2.93 ± 0.77. In dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI, the lesions appeared as obviously enhanced signals. The MRI early-enhancement rate ranged from 0.35 to 1.07 (0.67 ± 0.30 on average); the time peak ranged between 192 and 330 s (248 ± 37 s on average); the peak-enhancement ratio ranged from 2.26 to 3.06, with an average of 2.59 ± 0.33. According to MRI time-signal intensity curves classified into persistently enhancing (type I), plateau (type II) and washout (type III), 12 lesions (75%) belonged to type I, three (18.75%) belonged to type II, and one (6.25%) belonged to type III. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy showed that a total choline peak occurred only in one lesion. The diagnosis accuracy rates for ultrasound alone, MRI alone and the combination of ultrasound and MRI were 75% (12/16), 87.5% (14/16) and 93.75% (15/16), respectively. Conclusions: Both ultrasound and MRI show clinical importance in MDE diagnosis. However, UE, dynamic contrast- enhanced MRI, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy demonstrate significantly better diagnosis and differential diagnosis of MDE. Keywords: Mammary duct ectasia, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic resonance spectroscopy, ultrasound elastography Introduction because of its diversified and complex symp- toms [2] as well as its resemblance to breast Mammary duct ectasia (MDE) is a type of non- cancer in some cases [4]. Inappropriate diagno- puerperal benign mastitis with an incidence of sis or treatment can result in recurrent onset 1.1-75% depending on the diagnostic methods and persistent symptoms. For example, misdi- used [1]. Historically, MDE descriptions involved agnosis of breast cancer can lead to complete diverse terminologies, according to different breast resection [5]. Accurate and timely differ- histological and symptomatic features [2]. ential diagnoses are critical for the treatment of However, Haagensen et al. proposed using MDE. MDE as the formal and unified name in 1951, based on its major pathological feature - a Imaging examinations that can identify mam- blocked or clogged lactiferous duct [3]. The mary diseases include mammography, ultra- diagnosis of MDE is clinically challenging sound (US), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Effective UE and MRI in MDE diagnosis and galactography [6]. Each method has its osis), Wegener’s granulomatosis, giant cell unique advantages and disadvantages. For arteritis, polyarteritis nodosum, idiopathic instance, mammography provides superior granulomatous mastitis and lactational masti- sensitivity to calcification [6] and is optimal for tis [18]. All patients were female with ages the diagnosis of dense breast tissue, but its between 24 and 48 years (average 34 ± 7.12 specificity is relatively low [7]. Galactography is years). Among the 15 patients, 14 patients sensitive to minor intraductal lesions, but it can were married with histories of childbearing (one be unsuccessful if the pathologic ducts cannot childbirth for 10 patients and two childbirths be cannulated [8]. In addition, some patients for the other 4 patients). Ten patients had a his- may feel uncomfortable during galactography tory of bilateral breastfeeding with only two [6]. In general, most MDE can be diagnosed by having galactostasia, two patients had a histo- routine US [9], which typically shows thickened ry of single-breast breastfeeding without galac- walls of mammary ducts with widening lumen tostasia, one patients had a history of single- (> 3 mm) or fistulae connected with abscesses breast breastfeeding with galactostasia and [9]. The diagnosis of large lesions can be diffi- one patient had no breastfeeding but had cult and differential diagnosis is often required galactostasia. One patient had never been mar- in the presence of inflammation for breast can- ried or given birth to babies. For all patients, cer [10, 11]. Although real-time ultrasound MDE onset occurred over a period ranging elastography (UE) can provide informative between four days and half a year. Local mass- images that distinguish between benign and es and tenderness in the breast, as major clini- malignant lesions [12, 13], there are few cal manifestations, occurred in 10 patients; reports on its use for MDE diagnosis. For soft local masses without tenderness occurred in 3 tissues, high-resolution MRI proves advanta- patients; and tenderness without masses geous for the diagnosis of mammary diseases occurred in 2 patients. Four patients suffered [14, 15]. However, its ability to differentiate bet- from skin irritation, and 3 showed skin ulcer- ween benign and malignant mastitis remains ation with sinus formation. Five patients had controversial [11, 14, 16, 17]. Quantitative nipple inversion (bilateral in one patient) and measurements could significantly reduce sub- three patients experienced nipple discharge jective evaluation required for images obtained (white liquid in two patients and purulent liquid from ultrasound or MRI, and improve diagnosis in one). All 15 patients had normal menstrua- accuracy. This study used UE and MRI to inves- tion, no history of smoking, no history of hepati- tigate the diagnostic value of quantitative mea- tis, diabetes, or tuberculosis and no family his- surements in clinical treatment of MDE pati- tory of breast cancer. The study was approved ents. by the Medical Ethics Board of The Second Hospital of Shandong University. Informed con- Materials and methods sent was obtained from all patients or their families. Patients US A total of 15 MDE patients were recruited for studying a total of 16 lesions between May US examination was performed with the LOGIQ 2012 and June 2013. They were first examined E9 ultrasound instrument (GE Healthcare, Little by routine US, which could not make definitive Chalfont, UK). The breasts of each patient were diagnosis. Afterwards, the patients were exam- fully exposed in a supine position with the arms ined by UE and MRI, followed by mammotome being raised above the head. A 9-14 MHz high- biopsy within seven days after the imaging frequency probe was used to scan the breasts examination, before the samples were sent for and axillaries of the patients bilaterally. UE was pathological investigations. All examinations performed after routine US. Routine US and UE were carried out within a week. The diagnosis were performed by two specified senior experts, of MDE complicated with/without acute and each with at least 5 years of experience in chronic inflammation, abscess, or granuloma breast US. was made after excluding inflammatory breast carcinoma, other infective and non-infective According to the routine US features [19], all causes of inflammation (such as tuberculosis, lesions were classified into four types: mamma- parasitic and fungal infections, and sarcoid- ry-duct dilation (type I), cyst-and-solid mass 8507 Int J Clin Exp Med 2015;8(6):8506-8515 Effective UE and MRI in MDE diagnosis Table 1. The diagnostic results of ultrasound, NEX 2.00), and diffusion-weighted imaging (b = magnetic resonance imaging and the combi- 0, 1000) (TR6000/TE70, Matrix 512 × 512, nation of both NEX 4.00). Dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)- US MRI US + MRI Pathology MRI scanning was conducted by injecting the MDE 12 14 15 16 contrast medium Gadolinium (Gd)-diethylene triamine pentacetate acid at a dosage of 0.2 IDP 1 0 0 0 mmol/kg in 20 ml saline into dorsum manus IBC 2 2 1 0 vein at a speed of 1.5 ml/s, followed by another IPC 1 1 0 0 20 ml saline. A scanning mask was obtained Note: US, ultrasound; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; before contrast medium injection, and 3-dimen- MDE, mammary duct ectasia; IDP: intraductal papilloma; IBC, inflammatory breast cancer; IPC, intraductal papil- sional vibrant-axial
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