July 14, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D825 Senate Messages: Messages received from the Senate MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES today appear on pages H4939 and H4984. Committee on Energy and Commerce: Full Committee Senate Referrals: S. 2893 and S. 3207 were held at concluded a markup on H.R. 5510, the ‘‘FTC Proc- the desk. S. 1555 was referred to the Committee on ess and Transparency Reform Act of 2016’’. H.R. Financial Services and the Committee on House Ad- 5510 was ordered reported, as amended’’. ministration. Page H5002 MISCELLANEOUS MEASURES Quorum Calls—Votes: Four yea-and-nay votes and Committee on Foreign Affairs: Full Committee held a nine recorded votes developed during the pro- markup on H. Res. 634, recognizing the importance ceedings of today and appear on pages H4964–65, of the United States-Republic of Korea-Japan tri- H4965–66, H4966, H4967, H4967–68, H4968, lateral relationship to counter North Korean threats H4969, H4969–70, H4970, H4970–71, H4971–72, and nuclear proliferation, and to ensure regional se- H4972–73, and H4973. There were no quorum curity and human rights; H. Res. 660, expressing calls. the sense of the House of Representatives to support Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- the territorial integrity of Georgia; H. Res. 728, journed at 6:32 p.m. supporting human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Cambodia; H. Res. 729, expressing support Committee Meetings for the expeditious consideration and finalization of a new, robust, and long-term Memorandum of Un- MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE derstanding on military assistance to Israel between Committee on Appropriations: Full Committee con- the United States Government and the Government cluded a markup on the Subcommittee on Labor, of Israel; H. Res. 750, urging the European Union Health and Human Services, and Education Appro- to designate Hizballah in its entirety as a terrorist priations Bill for FY 2017; and Report on the Re- organization and increase pressure on it and its vised Interim Suballocation of Budget Allocations for members; H. Res. 780, urging respect for the con- FY 2017. The Labor, Health and Human Services, stitution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Education Appropriations Bill for FY 2017 was in the democratic transition of power in 2016; H. ordered reported, as amended. The Report on the Res. 808, calling on the Government of the Islamic Revised Interim Suballocation of Budget Allocations Republic of Iran to release Iranian-Americans Siamak for FY 2017 passed. Namazi and his father, Baquer Namazi; H. Res. 810, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives NAVAL DOMINANCE IN UNDERSEA regarding the life and work of Elie Wiesel in pro- WARFARE moting human rights, peace, and Holocaust remem- Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on brance; H. Res. 821, urging the Government of Seapower and Projection Forces held a hearing enti- Gabon to respect democratic principles during the tled ‘‘Naval Dominance in Undersea Warfare’’. Tes- August 2016 presidential elections; H.R. 4481, the timony was heard from Rear Admiral Charles A. ‘‘Education for All Act of 2016’’; H.R. 5094, the Richard, USN, Director, Undersea Warfare Division ‘‘Stability and Democracy for Ukraine Act’’; H.R. (N97), U.S. Navy; and Rear Admiral Michael E. 5537, the ‘‘Digital Global Access Policy Act of Jabaley, USN, Program Executive Officer for Sub- 2016’’; and H.R. 5732, the ‘‘Caesar Syrian Civilian marines, U.S. Navy. Protection Act of 2016’’. The following legislation was ordered reported, as amended: H. Res. 634, H. PRESIDENT OBAMA’S NUCLEAR Res. 728, H. Res. 780, H. Res. 810, H. Res. 821, DETERRENT MODERNIZATION PLANS AND H.R. 4481, H.R. 5537, H.R. 5732, and H.R. 5094. BUDGETS: THE MILITARY REQUIREMENTS The following legislation was ordered reported, Committee on Armed Services: Subcommittee on Stra- without amendment: H. Res. 660, H. Res. 729, H. tegic Forces held a hearing entitled ‘‘President Res. 750, and H. Res. 808. Obama’s Nuclear Deterrent Modernization Plans and Budgets: The Military Requirements’’. Testimony THE STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF was heard from Frank Klotz, Administrator, Na- BUILDING A STRONGER U.S.-CARIBBEAN tional Nuclear Security Administration; Robert PARTNERSHIP Scher, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on the Plans, and Capabilities, Department of Defense; Ad- Western Hemisphere held a hearing entitled ‘‘The miral Cecil Haney, USN, Commander, U.S. Strategic Strategic Importance of Building a Stronger U.S.- Command; and General Robin Rand, USAF, Com- Caribbean Partnership’’. Testimony was heard from mander, Air Force Global Strike Command. public witnesses.’ VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:49 Jul 15, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D14JY6.REC D14JYPT1 srobinson on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST D826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST July 14, 2016 U.S. HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE TO ‘‘The Status of Ivanpah and Other Federal Loan- SYRIA: MINIMIZING RISKS AND Guaranteed Solar Energy Projects on Bureau of Land IMPROVING OVERSIGHT Management Lands’’. Testimony was heard from Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on the Mike Nedd, Assistant Director, Energy Minerals, Middle East and North Africa held a hearing enti- and Realty Management, Bureau of Land Manage- tled ‘‘U.S. Humanitarian Assistance to Syria: Mini- ment; and public witnesses. mizing Risks and Improving Oversight’’. Testimony RECALCITRANT COUNTRIES: DENYING was heard from Thomas Melito, Director, Inter- VISAS TO COUNTRIES THAT REFUSE TO national Affairs and Trade, Government Account- TAKE BACK THEIR DEPORTED ability Office; and Calvaresi Barr, Inspector General, NATIONALS Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Agency for Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Full International Development. Committee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Recalcitrant MISCELLANEOUS MEASURE; HOPE Countries: Denying Visas to Countries that Refuse to DEFERRED: SECURING ENFORCEMENT OF Take Back their Deported Nationals’’. Testimony THE GOLDMAN ACT TO RETURN was heard from Michele Thoren Bond, Assistant Sec- ABDUCTED AMERICAN CHILDREN retary, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of Committee on Foreign Affairs: Subcommittee on Africa, State; and Daniel Ragsdale, Deputy Director, Immi- Global Health, Global Human Rights, and Inter- gration and Customs Enforcement, Department of national Organizations held a markup on H. Res. Homeland Security. 290, calling for the global repeal of blasphemy laws; EXAMINING MISMANAGEMENT IN OFFICE and a hearing entitled ‘‘Hope Deferred: Securing En- OF JUSTICE PROGRAMS GRANTMAKING forcement of the Goldman Act to Return Abducted American Children’’. H. Res. 290 was forwarded to Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- the full committee, as amended. Testimony was committee on Government Operations held a hear- heard from Karen Christensen, Deputy Assistant Sec- ing entitled ‘‘Examining Mismanagement in Office retary, Bureau of Consular Affairs, Department of of Justice Programs Grantmaking’’. Testimony was State; and public witnesses. heard from Michael E. Horowitz, Inspector General, Department of Justice; Beth McGarry, Principal WORLDWIDE THREATS TO THE Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice HOMELAND: ISIS AND THE NEW WAVE OF Programs, Department of Justice; Gretta Goodwin, TERROR Acting Director, Homeland Security and Justice, Committee on Homeland Security: Full Committee held Government Accountability Office; and a public wit- a hearing entitled ‘‘Worldwide Threats to the ness. Homeland: ISIS and the New Wave of Terror’’. Tes- LAGGING BEHIND: THE STATE OF HIGH timony was heard from Jeh C. Johnson, Secretary, SPEED RAIL IN THE UNITED STATES Department of Homeland Security; Nicholas J. Ras- mussen, Director, National Counterterrorism Center, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Sub- Office of the Director of National Intelligence; and committee on Transportation and Public Assets held James B. Comey, Director, Federal Bureau of Inves- a hearing entitled ‘‘Lagging Behind: The State of tigation, Department of Justice. High Speed Rail in the United States’’. Testimony was heard from Sarah Feinberg, Administrator, Fed- LEGISLATIVE MEASURE eral Railroad Administration; Chris Koos, Mayor, Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on the Con- Normal, Illinois; and public witnesses. stitution and Civil Justice held a hearing on S. EVALUATING FDIC’S RESPONSE TO MAJOR 2040, the ‘‘Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism DATA BREACHES: IS THE FDIC Act’’. Testimony was heard from Anne Patterson, SAFEGUARDING CONSUMERS’ BANKING Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, INFORMATION? Department of State; Brian Egan, Legal Advisor, De- partment of State; and public witnesses. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Full Com- mittee held a hearing entitled ‘‘Evaluating FDIC’s THE STATUS OF IVANPAH AND OTHER Response to Major Data Breaches: Is the FDIC Safe- FEDERAL LOAN-GUARANTEED SOLAR guarding Consumers’ Banking Information?’’. Testi- ENERGY PROJECTS ON BUREAU OF LAND mony was heard from Martin Gruenberg, Chairman, MANAGEMENT LANDS Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; and Fred W. Committee on Natural Resources: Subcommittee on Gibson, Acting Inspector General, Federal Deposit Oversight and Investigations held a hearing entitled Insurance Corporation. VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:49 Jul 15, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D14JY6.REC D14JYPT1 srobinson on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with DIGEST July 14, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD
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