HE FORDHAM RAM ; 43—No. 1 Fordham College—New York 58, N.Y.—February 15, 1962. 401 Twelve Pages >dd Chides American Scholar Incentive Policy ;ople Before Alumni Under Univ. Consideration By ELMER BRUNSMAN, JR. lathering At Waldorf RAM Managing Editor Confusion and conflict involving administration of the Thomas J. Dodd (D.-Conn.) told Fordham alumni last New York State scholar incentive award arose at spring reg- [hat the country's failure to thwart the creeping ad- istration and remains unresolved. When Albany did not no- >s of world communism is the result of a tendency of tify the school of the amount of each students' award, In* lineiifan people to be materialistic, weak in spirit, and in- students subsequently were not informed and were puzzled rent to human suffering. as to how much money to bring to registration. •akine at the 108th annual It soon became evident r of the Fordham College credit for $100 was being extend- award, This move poses a possible (ni Association at the Wal- ed to some students. Dr. William problem for the school later in Aslorin's main ballroom, Sen. F. McAloon, chairman of the the semester since some students ieclared: "We see our coun- Fordham scholarship committee will owe cither $50 or have $50 opins along from one de- clarified the situation for The due them from the University to another at the hands of RAM. He said that "an effort was All eligible students, including communism, " apparently made by us to relieve those hard- those with partial scholarshu nit any national consensus as est hit by registration. This was will receive the scholar incentive mt ought to be done or with- done by extending credit of $100 aid, according to Dr. McAloon. ;ven an adequate awareness toward the tuition of all non- No partial Fordham Scholarship e danger." scholarship students. Any student will be lowered, he added. A stu- Dr. William F. McAloon lile Connecticut's junior sen- who had a start on paying his dent will receive the scholar in- centive award as long as the total lightens a New York State un- i was essentially pessimistic tuition was excluded from the dergraduate student's educational , the past he said he held credit." amount of his scholarships includ- ing the scholar incentive stipend burden by either $50, $100 or $150 for the future, indicating Dr. McAloon explained that is earmarked for tuition only. Fur- |nt federal policies and a does not exceed his tuition charge. since the state did not meet its ther complication has arisen in national sentiment When confronted last week at Fordham's scholarship offices over help reverse the current publication date for notices, the a University Student Council school did not have to extend the how the incentive money is to be meeting with the accusation that used by students who already have i I traveled across the coun- credit. He said that the list of stu- partial scholarships were being Sen, Thomas Dodd their tuition paid for in full by recent months," he said, dents eligible did not arrive until lowered, Fr. Victor R. Yanitelli, Fordham scholarships. lave seen evidence that the well after registration began, vice-president for student per- Two possible courses of action |t of our nation, each day the evening to honor one under- about January 26. He explain- sonel commented that all cases graduate and nine fellow alumni. as Dr. McAloon sees it are: (1) to apparent, Is causing men ed that $100 was given as the will be given full consideration lower the student's full Fordham iwhere to rally to the good Receiving awards were: Peter and review. Campbell Brown; Douglas J. Hen- intermediary amount of each stu- scholarship and deposit toward his i of national reawakening." dent's possible scholar incentive The scholar incentive aid, which tuition the amount he receives ter 800 college alumni braved nessy; Edgra Debany; Francis A. O'Neil, Jr.; Dr. Ward D. O'Sul- frim the state or (2) take the first ht snowfall to get to the Wal- step and remit to the student the high ceilinged, candlebra livan; Rev. William T. Hogan, S.J.; Leo F. Paquin; and Edward Phi Beta Kappa amount deducted from his Ford- :ed main ballroom to renew ham scholarship. friendships and to salute their D. Sugrue. Senior Winston J. i mater. Churchill, the College's second Dr. McAloon said that when th members of the adminis- Rhode scholar received a travel- College Will Be Installed New York high school students >n and faculty in attendance, ing scholarship for expenses in- (Continued on Page 7) ! Alumni Association utilized volved in getting to Oxford. In National Honor Society Fordham College's chapter of Phi Beta Kappa will be of- Dispute Blurs ihate Sets Winning Pace ficially installed on Thursday evening, March 1, in the Cam- pus Center. Whitney Oates, professor of classics at Prince- ••v • ton University and vice president of the United Chapters of unior Show Phi Beta Kappa will deliver the principal address. Pordham's chapter of the honor society will be called Tau of New York Along with the announcements Liegy, professor of English at By PETE WARD of the date of installation, the' Fordham; Dr. William McGill, RAM Copy Editor . academic requirements for en- chairman of the department of The Junior Show scheduled trance into J lordhain's chapter psychology at Columbia; Dr. Tho- for Feb. 16 has been cancelled. were published. A minimum in- mas King, scientist; Dr. Leo Yan- Controversy over the precise dex of 3.25 is required for con- owski, professor of chemistry at factors that led to the cancel- sideration. In addition, the candi- Fordham; Monsignor Skehan of lation arose during this past date shall be taking a course pro- Catholic University; and Fr. Wil- week. gram expected to include no less liam Lynch, English professor at Junior class treasurer, Gerry t- than 100 semester hours of liberal Georgetown. McLaughlin, was appointed to arts studies. A maximum of ten The election committee of Ford- oversee the show last spring and \l~photo liy Jim Masttrson per cent of every year will be ac- ham's chapter of Phi Beta Kappa in September named Bob Good- I'"1' (.inilt 111 mil liihn Hili'ii uuli ili'li.iliiif;' .uv.tid cepted though the actual count will be composed of those full win to serve as co-chairman with may be less depending upon the time faculty members who are al- him. Last Tuesday evening Mc- • .The Council of Debate, par- end. At the same time a novice number of qualified students. ready members of the honor so- Laughlin submitted a "report" re- bating in the William & team debating on the varsity level Along with the basic index, a stu- ciety. They will elect the specified sponding to a statement by junior ?y tournament at Wllliams- placed thirteenth out of thirty- dent must give an indication of number of studen class president, Tom Gherardi. It . Va., finished first out of four schools at King's College in intellectual promise and achieve- chapter each year. said that "such an undertaking en colleges from various Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ment. was not feasible at this time due The team at Williams and Mary, Prospective Junior candidates to a lack of enthusiasm on the Js of the country last week- composed of Dennis Roberts and will need a basic index of 3.75 to part of the administration and a John Bclum on the affirmative, be considered. He must have com- dearth of funds in the class treas- and Mike Dowell ami Bob Good- pleted at least 75 hours of work ury." mumnus Figures win on the negative, compiled a in liberal arts courses. Two per Gherardi's statement, which 10-4 record to finish ahead of cent of junior year may be ac- prompted McLaughlin's "report," Wers Swan such powers as South Carolina, cepted but as in the case of the By PHIL TOI5IN is as follows: "I am aware of what Gooiw Washington, the Univer- seniors, the number may be less. Fr. Victor R. Yanitelli, vice i:: at very least a great misunder- ami's IBrltt Donovan, ilie sity of Pennsylvania and Prince- Student installation has been president of Student Ptrson- standing among the junior class '•-.'•.yd' who acted as intermed- Ron Zanoni and Jerry Croghan tentatively set for April or early nel, prefaced Tuesday eve- officers regarding cancellation of ''--}• in the Abi'1-Poivi-rs cx- upheld the affirmative at King's May. ning's Student Congress meet- the junior show. Despite the fact that I have called for a written "•UiKf! between the Xlnilcil Collect-. The negative was repre- At the official installation on ing with an announcement sented by freshmen Chris O'Phnn March 1, five honorary members that "all dances scheduled for report from the Junior Show chair- ^"'li's aim Uussia, i.s si Foi-rt- and Steve Del Rey. The Fordham will be accented into the chapter. the second semester . are man, it lias not been forthcoming. •'i'1'i College alumnus, C 3fi, ami record at this tournament was They are: Father Lawrence Mc- to be suspended" until a thorough It is unfortunate that plans for .cilitttr-in-rliii-r. 5-5 including two forfeits because Glnley, president and rector of review can be made of the pres- (Continued on Pane 7) or n failure to make the first Fordham University; Father Vin- ent policy on the conduct of un- cent O'Keefe, academic vice-DresI- iduit of the newlyfonm-d round due to a snowstorm.
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