Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 2-14-1957 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1957). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 2890. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/2890 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. GTCProfs .... ......... .... .....l ' , To THE BUt.LOCH TIMES Play III , 'M-id-.W-in-t-er-Food-IliiiiiiiliCar-ni-vaI' SERVES A TRADE AREA . BY FAR OF MORE THAN Rollins Feb. 9 , BULLOOB OOUNTY'B 40,000 PERSONS BES1' OJ' The Georgia Teachers Collego MED� con­ BULLOCH NEWS AND llnskctbnll Professors to TIMES ADVBRTlSING hope ITATESBORO NEWS tinue their tor rid home pace STATESBORO EAGLB against Rolfina College Saturday , Es:rABLISHED 1892 in the annual STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY, FEB. 14, 1957 night Homecoming .VOL. 86--NO. &I gnme So fur the Profs hnve not lost lin official game at home. Rockwell Conch J. D. Scearce, Jr, und his Boy Scouts boys will go nil out to lick the Teachers Floridn visitors who upset GTC 77-76 at Rollins Jununry 28th, Establishes CouriOf Howard (Bo) Wnrren, co-captain Of Year Are guard from Ludowici, who, was in­ jured in the gnme at Rollins, lind .ArtAward who has been out of action for Selected three gnmea, IS expected to be Rockwell General Man age r back nt his stnrttng slot Suturduy PRICES GOOD THRU SAT., FEB. 9th "Ralph A. Purcelll revealed I today MI.. Ima Reta ,LIndH" el.. 1hat a to in­ 'night. Other regulars to take the progrum encourage mentary teacher of the Salll. zn.. noor 6t the buzzer in­ terest ana initiative in l1\gh school opening terower Elementary School, ... industrial arts clude DOll Wnllen at the other hns been establish­ honored on Friday evenin.. of Jut cd with the the guard slot, Doug Corry and Ches­ FRESH ROASTED co-operation of week at epeclal eeremont. hel. (limit One With $5.00 or More Food ter Curry nt Iorwards, and Ronnie Order) -ccunty high schools offering this Ior the uTeacher of The ' Ye..... Rush at center for type of eurrfculum. Standing by program. Started la.t r..r under With a record of :substitute notion will be G-7 Jim twelve win. and five loue. the GTC In a with the throUlh Saturday, February 2, Profe..ort are fiihtinl'to make another trip MAXWELL planning meoting the of the to the sponsorship aeorela Jor­ National AlA Tournamcnt in Kann. have an school nnd Long, freshman center; G-6 City. The,. undefeated record at hom. of ei,ht .lrai.ht from I.ft county aupej-intendent Chamber of Commeree, the Teach­ ,arne.. Re.dinl the wnrd, Don Avery, 6-1 WlIltel' to ri.hl, rront row, they are: Aui"ant Coach J. I. Howard "Do" principals and industrial arts er of the Year, Clemenh, Warren, OOUI Carr,., Don Aycry, 'Carland "Hump" Camp. I prolP'&m ha. crown HOUSE Instructors nt Stntcsboro Cook, Jorward ; nnd others who bell, Don Wallen, and athletic director and head J. D. See High" this year to where coach, eree. Second row: Trainer Jack Miller, Howard Wan., Marvin the majority of huve seen this sen- Southeast Bulloch and Marvin Pltt­ limited action Vanover, Fra nklin and the counties of the etate have Ru.hinl, Mick, WiI.on, Deld" Maue, Mana,er Dobb,. Tea.ley. Third rowl Walker son, Ralph Berryhill, Cook, Ron. Ulan it was ' High folt that nie Ru.h, Jim Lon" Che.ter and Bob Melton. Schools, participated and have named their Curr, ('Oecea.ed). a of this ------- program nature would The Profs ure only five games individual selections for tbe teach. , do much to stimulate interest in Shown above i. a truck·traUer o'terturned er to nwuy from what could be one of after an attempt to avoid represent the prof...ion. The is went on the an only remuiniug nwuy gnrne to the national touma- schools industrial arts pro. accident at the entrance ,at. of the Rockwell State.bora Cor. The thei� most successful sensons. They Th. Ur.t anni....rlar, of the Rockw.U St.teeboro in orficials of the IponlOrinw at Stetson Feb. I J. ment in Kunsns Students would also on U. S. 301 A .imilar Corporation City. Lunchroom grams. be en­ poration recentl,.. aecident occurr.d at the Statelboro .a. hope to improve their present im- recolni.ad b,l the Stat••boro Lion. Club at a r.cent organization have emph..iled that do • ame .pot in September of la.t y.ar. The recent For the second Homecoming' couraged to creative and origi­ I accident r.euhed me.linl of the ch)b. Mamben of the local rather a contest pressive 14-6 won-lost record atralght year .hown in the abo.. thpn the when an who wa. a plant prol'J'&ftI REVIVAL A'J1. nal in employee makin, turn to enter the late and the the club lit GLENNVILLE thinking designing prize photo broulht up to date on th. of Ihe designed to .. ... agntnst Rollins Saturday night nnd Georgin Teuchers College will be of the lriYer of the op.ration. plant. recopl the teaeb Menu For under the att.mpt truck-trailor from Durham. N. C., 10,. Shown left to the five We�k winning projects dir­ rilhtl W. R. F.rr.nc•• John.on Black, Ralph Purcelli, ing proCcssion and that In .against remaining op· host to the District 26, NAIA Rev. avoid a eellte ion. No one wa. injured. The honor­ pluy­ c. L. Lowe, pastor of the AtG. T.C. eetfon of their Instructor. company'. entrance i. Ih. cak. on b.half of the official ponellts. regular acceptinl compan, •• memb.... of Ing the IndIvIdual te..hers They pIny Newberry Col· offs. The tOUl'nament is slutcd Monduy,' Feb. II-Hnmbul'gers directly at the rear of the overturned truck.-Hick's Photo. the throuah Culvul'Y Bo»t"'t Church of Glenn­ I "Not should the schools and .talf and .mplo,•••• from Kermit R. of the local out lege here Feb. East Tennessee Dnd buns only Carr, pre.idenl thc state and In the dietriet 14, here MUl'ch 1-2. The Profs lire ex· with suuce, cnsp cucum- Liane. W. R. ville, unnounces I'cvi\'nl services ! the students from this TKornton an. CI.m R.lh IDOk on.-Dobbs and State here Feb. and the Uni- bel' profit pro. �hoto. slate finAhi that the teaehen 16, peeted to eurn n m thut Will be held euch wnfel's, bilked pork nnd bellns pluce COIJ1- there cvening 'gram," said Mr. IIbut we so of hero Feb. 23. I 9 With Purcelli, honored are in effect honored Ycrsily Talllpu petltlfll. Tiley won it lust yeur nnd Feb. nt 7:30 o'clock. February molnsses, cooked vanilill wd­ Blue 11-17, feel that many of these students Key Chapter as CIS With lemon custnld, milk. Longines Tri-Hi- represontatlves of this great = The Annulil ut be Holds Homecoming may potentiul Rockwell omploy­ r (orce In our Tuesdny, Feb. 12-Tunu fish Williams teaching communlUea. Will ees. the better To GTe be on next Nnturully, prepared To Be A Bulloch Min Lind ... held, Saturduy !mlud on criSp lettuce leuf, butter· Organized countlah, they ure In high school, the more sey is the Februllry n. llCCOldlllg to the nn· ed white mblet cob· da'Ughter of Mn. L. E. corn, pellch ,'aluuble nn January Meetinq could Symphonette to an empluyee they According announcement Lindsey and the late Mr. nouncement by the Alumni Assoc­ bier, Snltine cl'uckers, milk, Llndae,. become with Dr, Head Easter or her grenter opportunities I'ecently by J. D. Pork, direc­ 24 years In Ihe h.. iutlOn. W,odnesdny, Feb 13-Buked teaching for advllllcement. more tor of teacher' Possibly education at G. T. lipunt nil but two yean in work ham with tomato SUlICC, turnip 20 Registl'lltions 'wlll be held nt studllPts may even pursue u college February C., they will soon have a local here in Bulloch II a 1;'1 cellS, pickled suuce county. Sh, Eust 1Iull on beets, apple education in this field or some Saturduy, 9-2 :30 und The Seal Drive graduate of Teachers Col ... cuke, cOI'n bl'cud s(Junrcs, Statesboro Community Con· Gec;rgia fl'om 3 :30·5 The bonrd meet­ butter, techOlcnl profession a8 u result of with p.m. milk. cert Association will �:����o��e��e f:�lI�!e�� nt�;::��i; lege post grAduate work both this' present F. Eve�ett ing of the Alumni Association will progrnm, which would help in education m'stitutions Wilhums, Stotesboro nt and at Thul'sdlty, Feb. 14-Brunswick unother of it's pro·, Ptmbody Boone, N. C. be held ut the office the of outs�nding in community leudel, will setve as In the gUldnnce Snt­ 'alleviating critica.l shorlngo when the Lon- Membership Biue Key is IIlloclal ceremonlel held at stew (bcef, pO"k nnd vegetubles), gl'allls they brmg Flnt District chulrmnn urdny mornmg at 11 :00. The engineers.
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