VOLUME 42 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER30, 1938. NUMBER 39 H. S. Football Squad Local Shoe Store Moves 15 Home Economics Groups BIG BASEBALL EVENT Go To Frankfort V To New Location Expected In New This Friday Home Management Project COMING TO EAST JORDAN Matt's Shoe Service, formerly lo- Football season is here again ,for cated at the foot of Main Street, is , All details are being rapidly work- BILLY ROGELL'S ALL-STARS Y». moving to-its new home in the Love- THOSE OF NORTHERN MICH., Republicans Hold Coach 4be Cohn's Crimspn Tide who ed out in preparation for the new open their current season in a non- day Bldg., Monday, Oct. 3. It is be- Home Management Project which County Convention eonfereitee tilt with a high powered lieved by making this change the starts October 6 in the Boyne City AT FAIR GROUNDS, EAST JOR- Store will be more easily accessible DAN, COMMENCING AT 2:00 p. m. Wednesday, Sept 21 Blue and Gold at Frankfort Friday Library. Already eleven different 125 4-H MEMBERS VISIT JORDAN afternoon. The opposition will be j;o all its friends and customers. communities have their, leaders se- fresh from their 18 to 6 trimuph over :: Matt's Shoe Service began opera- lected and definite plans made for FIRE TOWER TO STUDY FIRE The East Jordan Chamber of Com- The Republican County Conven- tions here in this city one year ago merce came out with an announce- Reed City last Friday evening and carrying out the five lessons in the PREVENTION tion was held at the Boyne City will endeavor to avenge their 6 to 0 Sept. 1 and was-the first repairer in project. At the present time four ment Monday that they had secured Gymnasium Wednesday September this section to introduce invisible half Billy Rogell. and his barnstorming defeat administered them by the Jpr- other communities are interesting On Thursday afternoon of last 21st. at 8 o'clock P. M. danites last fall. , soling. During the year new equip- themselves in organizing for the pro- week, 125 Boys and Girls from four major league troup to play the. Nor- Clarence B. Meggison, Chairman of ment has been added and a complete thern Michigan All-Stars here Wed- The Cohnmen although lacking ex- ject. , 4-H Clubs in Forest Fire Prevention the, new County Committee was intro- Stock of Wear-U-Well Shoes installed. in Antrim County visited the Jordan nesday Oct. 5th. at the Fairground duced to the Convention he succeeds perience in many positions should The pleven Communities aljready Ball Park at 2:00 P. M. put up a whale of a battle and with V Mr. Matteson wishes to express his organized are: South Boyne, Charle- Fire Tower on M. 32, Jordan Town- William M. Sanderson. Warmest appreciation to all for the ship and spent the afternoon learn- Coming with Rogell will be play- any kind of breaks should give the voix, Barnard, Marion Center, Bur- J. M. Harris was elected Chair- kind business shown him and promi- gess, Clarion, Evangeline, . Horton ing about: the technic of Forest Fire ers representing four major and man of the Convention, Fay A. heavier Frankfort boys a real run for top honors. As the teams stack up ses in the future even greater ser- Bay, North Boyne, East Jordan, and detection, forest fire dangers and the three minor league clubs. Included in Bradley was made assistant Secre- vice. his roster of fourteen players are; this time of the season both seem, to Advance. The other communities ex- field organization of the Department tary, and on motion duly made and pected to organize are: Peninsula of Conservation, ' . Joo Krkauskas, ace southpaw fire- suported it was unanimously carried have equal chance with either ag- ; ball twirler of the Washington Sena- gregation being held as favorites. Red Cross Annual South Arm,. Bay Shore, and one or The Tower visited is one hundred that all Delegates and alternates pre- two new ones in East Jordan. sent be seated, and that the author- The Jordanites have men three i Meeting, East Jordan, feet high and all Boys and Girls ized proxies be made Delegates. deep in several positions and Conn Miss Helen Noyes, Specialist in climbed the tower, during the course EAST JORDAN BUSINESS Friday, Oct. 14th. Home Management, Michigan State of the afternoon, to the "Crows nest" Arthur L. Fitch, Edwin K. Reuling will have plenty of opportunity to PLACES TO CLOSE use a number of men for they are all College, will be the specialist in char- in order that they could ge£ first and Mrs. R. B. Armstrong, was ap- The Local Chapter of the American ge of the program. Owing to the fact hand information concerning the ex- pointed to the Resolution Committee so evenly matched that he : will be All East Jordan places of busi- able to substisute frequently at any Red Cross of Charlevoix County wish- that only one training center may be act routine of a Towermah's occupa- ness arc scheduled to close and submitted the following resolu- es to inform the public that there held in the county, the first meeting tion and how the Towerman uses var- tion: position without weakening the teams next Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 5 chances. Cohn as yet is undecided as will be an annual meeting to elect will be at Boyne City which will be ious instruments including the Ali- for the game. (AH employees Resolved by the Republican Party to his staring lineup, but indications officers, hear the reading of the more or less central with the under- dade, tower map, etc., as was ex- would probably be "sick" and go of the County of Charlcvoix in Con- are that most of the squad will see Treasurer's Financial Report and standing that plans for the next four plained by the Conservation Officer, "home to bed" if they didn't close) vention assembled in the City of: Boy- action. conduct such other business, as ma les ni. will be decided at this time. Leslie Miles. The' District Club Agent, ne City on the 21st. day of Septem- come before the meeting. The pubKc \f'y '•immunity interested in parti- Orville F. Walker and County" Agri- ber A. D. 1938, that; Whereas, the Between East Jordan and Frank- is cordially invited and urged to at- itatii s in this very attractive pro- cultural Agent, Walter G. Kirkpat- tors, Denny Galehouse, one of the People of the State, of Michigan are fort exists one of the finest athletic tend. Remember the time and place! ject should get in touch with their rick were also present. •, Cleveland Indians starting" mounds- now confronted with a condition in relationships of any two aggregations East Jordan, City Hall Friday Even- county agent immediately. We still men, and Bruce Campbell, hardhit- this State which threatens the exis- in Northern Michigan, A relationship ing October 14th, 1938, at 8:00 o' have room for two or three more Second year club members were ting outer gardener of the same club, tence of Free and Orderly Govern- which has existed for a period from clock. May we further advise the groups and solicit your interest in required to build Camp fires proper- Roy Hughes, formerly of Cleveland, ment and thesright of the State to 10 to 12 years without a breakup. public that your local Red Crosc the Home Economics Extension Pro- ly arid extinguish same. Several Clubs who went to the Browns along with control its own internal affairs.and chairman is ready to accept your con- gram. ...... made use of the, wonderful day and Billy Sullivan in the trade which sent constitutes a menace to the property tributions toward a funtf for flood re- camp fires by having a picnic dinner. Rollie Hemsley to Cleveland, Rogell, of the State and its People, and; Temple Theatre News lief in the Eastern States. B. C. Mellencamp, The. Clubs represented were Alba Tebbetts, and Christman of the De- whereas, It will be necessary that the Co. Agr'l Agent. with 43 members, Elk Rapids with 38 troit Tigers, Benny McCoy, Roy Cul- Republicans of Michigan act united- C. B. Meggison members, Ellsworth with 27 mem- lenbine, and Archie, of Toledo, all of Four great pictures are announ- County Chairman. bers, and Alden with 17 members. ly, continously, vigorously and un- ced for the current week at our pop- whom finished the current season in selfishly to return to the Republi- Detroit uniforms, and Barney Mc- can Party the responsibilities of ular Temple playhouse presenting a Miss Stewart Writes Eskimo Bite Is Hardest, Coskey, heavy sticker from Beau- Government, National, State and splendid variety of entertainment. Even With Baby Teeth ALBA CLUB WINS .FIRST AT STA- mont of the Texas League. Local Therefore be it Resolved: That We scarcely believe that anyone can Book "Straight Wings" recall a theatrical week presenting a MINNEAPOLIS. — Athletes and TE FAIR ON ELECTRICAL .'- The Northern Michigan All-Stars we Pledge hereby our full and whole-, The following article appeared in armchair invalids have teeth of al- EXHIBIT hearted support to the election of group of such outstanding attractions will be managed by Charles Dennis, as arc listed below; "~~ +be"Si*pt: 21 issue of the Oshkosh Ad- most equal strength, and neither is local manager, and every effort will Hon. Fred Bradley as representa- vance •—• the newspaper of the Osh- a match for an average six-year-old Reports just received from the tive of this 11th. Congressional Dist- Thurs.- Fri.- Sat; Mickey Rooney bo made to secure the outstanding and Spencer Tracy in "Boy's Town." kosh (Wis.) State Teachers College.
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