?«^«t'-Hft T)»«. tr^^. ERBt Havea Haeamuil Llbfaijy ll'iltliki-.'. Ginvr I"i"|tl tjiiy will KA.STIIAVLN NKW.S East'Haven, pinygruimd team ha;i been able lo •hony i,;iz«ili, Illil I'ir.v. .V'Try Page a rhursdny, AufEiist 1, IM". do nil sen.son, lhi'y:.lopp('d the lilgli .locjivalii, I'cli'r GdjeH'.ald, Mark Hotchkiss Grove lie held Siilui'day, AoKO^I. ••'•'I'd "ilh Conn. {i«3 flying Hammer Field elinic team, vvaler and lanil events. Prize.s for V ir^envnid, Pclnr. .IJuviie, Micluicl Pleasii phone ili'liis for litis Bloodmobilc Visit Recreation Center Ncv/s 8 1(1 Tt, In a nlh and luck nrlnlp ,ili and rcfrcshmenl.s. I'"ield Day at the Short Bsach Playground. Iraiiin, Donald Grigloy, John column lo .Mr.i. John Hrailford, Is Due August 20th Our Telephone Niintbcfs Xiarr'l, Alan .'jmllli, fianny .Smith, under the direction ot Jock'Town- Mrs. James A. Tracey. new chair­ ny JOB THAI'ASHO The Short BcAchcrs got off to WeicDiiie III ail our Summer • cnd. Publicity will bo handled by An Independent a flying start scoring two runs la 'elcir Magee, David Magce. Cliai - man ot the lirantord Blood Pro­ Business: ATwalcr 8'1661 Bu7,/le Hall. Further ilenr; on tiie each of the flr.it two Innings. rn Wallace, Thomas Mutt, Howard visitors, and cipeciaiiy I hose ar­ gram, has announced that Hie Red The Di'nnroid nccicBlion Ad­ ' JudRCS at the Short fteach I'loy- .Tudgca at the ' Ilrinimer Field Hitting hard for the Short Beach 'nbel, John Donofrlo, John Fa'- riving tor Augu.M. Field Day will Ojipear In liiis Cros.'i Bioodmobile will visit Bran­ Weekly Newspaper Editorial: ilObarl 7-2060 visory Bottrrt aiiimsorotl nl the town ,;rountl were Mrs. .lolin I'owcl and playground' were Mrs. Arnold tord on Wednesday, August 'M, Nptos team wore negnn, C. Ilcgnn, Mrs. K. 1.). Kiy ol New Haven has eulunlii. -.ir.s. Charles Kyle. P'ln, Richard Arnold, Ronald ®i|P itaBl I opcratcil pliiysrounds a Cowboy, Noble, Mrs. lillsworth Harrison Mason and Hall. Meek lend off rented iiio Bradford bonie till from U'lS to 0:30 at St. Mary's The al,ovc piOBranl wn.s under '. ryon, Robert Tolin, Nicl; Puil- Mr. and Mr.s. Bitell and family Cowlrl Freckle King nn<l Queen, and Mrs, John Kn.wllnlis. for Short Beach, got on base on rt Labor Day and lias her daiigiiler Churcii. Branford's quota Is 150 KAST llAVKN, (lONiNKCTICrT. Tll|il!!Sl)AV, AlHiWST II, IH.VJ 5 Cents A Copy — $2,50 A Vear .110 (iirccllon oi Loona Potci-iion. 1, Giiijort Kent. are enjoying. Iheir Summer liomc pints of idood. VOfi. VII ~ No. 47 Publlihfd W((Hy by fm Prjil PuhlitallDiiv. Int. and n wntor pistol contest. Vdlunteers na.sistihg with 'the fielders choice and scampered and Boii-ln-iaw, Mr. anti Mr.s. Bruce ViatiT SubiHiption 52.50. special event Were Mrs. Anthony home minutes later on £. Ucgan's Wilcox, and .sons as guesls. on Second Avenue. Winners on the pliygrounds ore Indian Neck Playground hit to second base. Mr. and Mrs. Wliilani Waidcii Clilc, Mrs. Arnold • Scholeinann, Free Roller SkattnQ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sullivan To Hold Food Sale Chief Priest Warns Hated below. cjuctn of Freckles: Betsy Doody. Mrs. Anthony CiisScllil. Hilling hard for the lads of Wal- and family of Pillstield, Mas?., are Woods Acknowledges Call Special Town Meeting Tliere will be free roller .sknllng and fniiilly of Hotchkiss Grove St. Klizabelli's Women's Club will :l<lng of Freckles: Mlcliiiel Ueatly. lor Ilawkes, were Ardcn, Salvia, .spending several weeks wllh Mr. New Voters Agninst Vandalism Short Beach Playground ; I'lio above program was under It Ihe Community House on. Frir Road liave been spending several hold a food .sale, on the Churcli Rftnt Control Action Prize Winners Smallest child with frccklbs; the dlleclloh ot Walter M. Ilawkes Ciric, Naccarala And 'riiunms; Zoltan si. Policy. Town Queen ot Freckles: Nancy Ikin- lay August Dill. 6:30 to 8:30. weeks at Cape ,Cod. Rcsemary Confratornily of St. ground.s. Main Sti'bcl, Shorl Beach. Chlel EilMlii rrlest of Ihf Itldiaril CImlrio. ,. and Mary M. O'Bflcn. j^rdep and ':iyi(iisp'n both . pitched Saturday, August 16 at 10 A.M. A Ictler trom Mr. 'lighc 1 /\tonday, August 18 At 0:lM hnh, Lindtt Knmb, Priscljla, Iloda- jnly Junior lligil School students At liiu Kiliiiartln collage for the Thcresc Church In Slony Creek Will Be Made rolli'o Dcpnrliiirnt hellcve* the . ~ •, Cowboy Cnntciit > Ilrtp ball for their respective teani.s. Chalrlady is Mrs. Peter Anton Woods. I)U'e('lor of Uenl .Stahili- bnugh, ." Stony Creek playground ivill be pcrnd'tted locSkale. month ot August are Mr. and Mrs. \vlshC3 lo thank all who helped to rpmnvnl of Keven milnhnlc cov­ • Most orlijlnal: Jack Itcynolds. Glllen nssLsted by Mrs. Iferman zallon. Washington, D.C. received A cnll for.n siiepinl Idwti mebl- King ot Ffcckles: Francis Gath-' Queen of •'Frnckle)ii',Norccn Cor- From 8:30 to lll:.30 High School J. C. Little of .Waterhury and.Mr. make the recent food sale a suc­ hy Ihe Board of Sclecimcn rend ers In I''o\on Is n case of Topics Best dressed cowboy; Cartiien nSiiii Week's Special Event Swanson. Mrs. Harris Swansoii. On Monday Ing to be held.uh ^ibnti|{iy, Atig&st crnl,' Bollbj* Hush, Richy Lynn. bntt. Ijyrin Olafr.siJn;.'Cypsy Klln- .md adulla v/lil bo permitted to ami Mrs. A. L. Fi-ew of Wrtodliury. cess. • . , ds follows: "Gentlemen: I wish to Mindiilism. CavUllei'o;.' • • • ' Tills week's special event that Mr.s. George Breneher, Mr.s. Peler New votcr.H will be inade in lite 18 ,at 8:15 Ii. lii. for (m'thcr atitlpil Smallest^: cl^d' with freckles: )>aUr!';i .'... "-. •:•"•• ••'•• ;• j|;alc. • ,! Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomiwon . .Bci)!.- pair of gun.s anfljiliolstcr: Batrow, Mrs. James Kring and acitnowlcdgc receipt of advice tlial AeconllnE to Chlel I'rlest the oil I lie crisis In scliogl nccoininbdi,^ rrlscll'lii' IlodnbnuBli, and Scotly, wlUbc staged on ,tlie.f.our summer Duo lo liif: targe , demand tyr and iJonmi nnfljIJndu are, .back In 1870 the expendiuii'e ot the lown.liail by tlie Board at Seleci* liny,i .shorteiilng, crli'kel.s cliii'p- Momauguin Jlihmy Oannbn. ' ••' •" Make Believe yijcpn;, Barbara Mrs. Roiierl Cave. The telcpiione the governing body of your muni­ unrovcrcd ilrahi'i present n very lions hail licen issued by Illc lloird FMnklah. • . ; • . |/lal;gj'ounds 'wlfl'lje.'h Hat show, skates, skalers will Only i)c per­ nfler spending .'two wecits at 'Lake Brantord Town treasurer aniouiilcd nieii and 'I'own (.'leri< from •lilJO to ing, snnppcr blues running, all • , klng'of Cowboya: Jack Iteynolils. CBHcii," I'nlty Monaat,, Kathy srjuad will call tor tlie donations. cipality has talten tiie nbce.ssan -dii'.'iRernus huMirl to both niotor- of Sclcblincfi. Tills ineclini v.Ul, al­ pl'Wcs Will be given for the fun­ mitted to skale i whenever their Rescue, Vermont. to $30,158. 7:a0pni. Monriny, AOeust 18. 'rhoso licrald Ihc noplpnchhiR Fail. llrnilford Munoi- Drum Corps cn- Largest child with '.freckles: ., Cowgirl Oontiisl '•.••' Monast;:nnd'Suo 'rilllhghast. i action under the Housing and Rent tsl and pedeslrinn?*. so be held' lit ilic high ..'ichoPl aUiil- niest, most original, biggcsl, group Is scheduled lo skate that Mr. onii Mrs. Lars Fromen enr whq arc ciiBlbio to bo made vot­ tei'lnlned the veterans pt. I^Jcwing- Llndn Krtmb arid WpodV rfanklsh: • Most:,orlBli\al: Jqunn.iSmltli. Best pasted Fidcklca; Sherry Act. ot 1947, as amended, to con­ Thr I'liirf u-nrns the oircnder.i Tlic welcome sign is out tor rrii- torlum, which has been tlib scatic smallest and most attractive hal.s. evening. Joyed having Mr; and Mrs. G(^rgc ers niii.'il have lived in Connecticut ton itospllnl Snluinriy afleriioon ' Best Dressed Cowboy or Cowgirl: liiiilt dressed,, ejiwglrl:. Ulanc Kinibnii:.',•'• .•'•:•• •' ,' .• .;• tinue rent control after Seiitembci Ihal they will he prosiHiiitpi! to lo's Dry Good's Slore on llemlng- of^ two liertlc Incetlhsa 'bri . school Rpotly Fffafclsli, ' f Aj''pig tall contest, prisees will Ohninn and dau^iilcr ot New York for tlic pnji yeai'.ln East Ilnvcn Willi sciocliojis nnd Kitty Pollard, DerlSc. ' , ,1 KIng.ot Frecl(les| Jlrtmiy Gardeh. Community" Softball 3U,- 19.")2. Ihc fnlirsl rxipnl of the law. - wny Avenue. Opened for liusiness problems during the past montli, Funniest ;;Cqwi)oy''or Cowjglrl: bb given lo llie longest, curliest, here over a .long week enfl. tor .si.x months; and be 21 or more twirier perfijrmed. T'lic corps also CJUcenot cowgirls;- Uluiie perlse. 'Make .,Bellov,d,.K,ll!l!i Nl^liy The foliowing'games weie played ,We have examined the material last Snturdny. Malcolm Busli,' ,. • ' audjpltorlost hair.' 5" , ric.nicking'' Wednosdny . at Ihe ytafs of agt. participated In llic pai-ade nt Mor- .'I'liC'nbvv m^otlhg hSk bcen.'calj- , W»l«r l'l»l<(l Crtift^itt'• PiilUiiAii;" Art Pai'ilt, Tommy Motl. In the Community Sottljaii league .••'!Ti«"" .slibnillted and find that Ihe action UeUirned, to their home at 160 f'llierc will also lie'an Umbrella home of Mr. and Mrs.'James King iLs yovc, ^poii.sored by the Orban- eili by iiii board • lisv a reault jCjt Best Pair of Gun.'i and. llolilcr: SlioptlnK tor. accdracy: Pat : pinitllpst • L'lilld 'wltli. Freckles: last week: Naturalized cilkeiis ni'c asked, lo taken Is In accordance wllh the llenilnswny Avenue nttcr spend­ stibvv, |)rl/.es wli be given lor the were Miss Ellen Prendergftst and bring their nalui'allzatioii: papers Sergeant Melillo erit.
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