The Macaroni Journal

The Macaroni Journal

THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume 66 No.7 I ~Jovember, 1984 ; ! Macaroni Jou rnal \ 66 /'II/I/,l/h",1 lII"rulllv to,' 'h,' .\ 'Ilwmlll l'r~\hJ .1slrIll,1II"" I.lCJ .\ .04$1,1,/1101 7 ·1 \ ,' fltl, ·. 1'1111111111'. /l1i",." .4 J.Jr.'.f\ ,III ,', ''''',lI,,,,,,/''III',, rt'~'llrJUI ." Illh't r/fJ"I.l' ,I' ".litorilJi ml//l'riaJ.J /11 Robl"/ M . (;,,'('11, H,/i'm.I'U 1/", 1008. " Idal/M . ''ll t..'mber 111/11"'1 f)f1//78 '\,'c,'nd·c'/,Lf< I'''frlll:,' "11"/ ,1/ 4/'f,I""1/1 U'/f",,' IIl1d I'roll 984 mil', Iffmrlu ,) ., , -r1 ( \,qLlI.lIh'II' ;~ ., ' "nlh"I1~ II ( " "", ')UIUlIi I " " ".,.' _.11.1 \\ "rld "u!'l'h . ~ --1.J:t- C' , .r t 111 11 J,.111I ' ) Ikrll,1.. IhllUIII 11.111 , . 1 " '111 _., ht t ·, 'III."I ,'U,,- '. .. \ hll' \{. ,h" lt \{,III/.'111 1',III d "11 1111111. 11\ t " U.,' I U' \ ,.'1. 1\ lkl , I" I'IIII'n1 .,'ld 11111' ,, " "'11"111 ,.­ " ~' !uu 11.1".1" J \\l'udl I I, '111 ," 11 , .,11,1 \\ , or I. ~ I' ~" ' I ....· ' II\~' ,., " nl J'''''ph \1 II.- hll·lIh·l ;: ' t. , I,~rl,. C "n."I, ., 1I H~ · ~, . 'hh I ., t. Ih"l', '11 \\h,.11 Indll'[' \ I " HII , d " r [' 1',. ·" , 1. \ t 1II.·IIH1' I h,· I lI~ h.h \''IIII'llh'rr~ I hi' 1:, ·IIU' .- , 'I \1." l"IIII ~ 111 1 >, 111.1., t •• \dh 1 1I ~ 11I ;: ,>, ,\ .1 1h'IIIl.lII Hershey to Purchase 11I,lI l .-1 II~ 1',1 ' :" I'".,h,. l. Ih,' '\111,'1 ., .111 Ih'.HII \ I'I .,II.! \1011 "'1111' 11111"111 ..:111 ').:\ ),'111\' 111, . , American Beauty from 11., ,1 , tit.· ,,'1111 '. 1111 , • "'"IIY 1',1,1,. ,Hid ( Ii ;u 11",1 '\ Pillsbury bU'lth'" \.h,,'h I. 1\1'1 1 lu,"\1I I,', II .. {, j,II.1 '\ " II~ Ikl ~II, , \ 1 .",.1, t "".",.,1,"11 .11 1 1". 111 11 1111 'lU,0I 111 1'1",111,1, ,lIhl "'''"~ _""'I1I11 ,' r 11,111,111 " •. l~h.h,II,1 J Il Ikrrid" . , .. "111,',·,1 Ih.d II h,I' , ,·,I.- h.d ,In . I ~ I" , ',II,t \ 1 1111111 , " m .1I1 Ik.,lh·l, 1" "'"k111 ,llht J, 'h \ 1 I II'ht.- nl11.·I;: IU , ' U\ \\.,11 I h,' l' lll~bll'\ ","111' .111\ \ , '1 Ilh' pII.,·h"" ,., \11 '1'\1,.111 1"',1111\ t ·h.d 1',',11 1,1, t 111 ,.-," Ii , II 1{"'1/1'1II \ 1;1,'.11"111 , ','1111',11" ,I ,11\ 1""11 , .1 I' I II~ , I.dl'~ SI.rnll,·' hll' ~ Borden to Acquire Ronco I' .\ . \ \'II II ~kll 1 , 1111 ' •• \ ' h,' . 1 ~"· "1U , III •• , ' " II ," ( ,',.1 ( .. I.. C. ,,,,,I 1I,."h-Il. III, , 11.111 I) \\ "I' h' ll ~ ,I" lh'Un' l"\1 " ' ~ II'" 1, 11 .'1 Hl l\' 111 1, '1 lh,' I ".1,' 1 Ih,' ,1;! I,"1I1. 1I1 , ,,bl", \ I. ' ·'1 ' 11 ,11 , ,. , .1 I ' ·1.1 1. \\ ,'11.11 .. ,.I, ,,1 H".",., I n" " I'I",, III, ., I,' 1'",\ .1' 11\ ,,',k',ll h · ~III. IIo "\ . I~'· ". "... \.'1, ..... 1 1"",111, .-, •• 1 .h , I. .I~' · .t 1' , 1~t.I . •Im \\ "',II·,lwl ;: Ik" h," \\,.,,1.1 I'""h",,' , ,'II, lIn " " , I, 1'," 1.,11" ,, 11- 11 Ie \\ IIh .111 1 ,., ,hi' '\111 ,' 11.,111 11 .- .1111' b,,'III '-" 111 , tudm!! Ih,.-,· I'la,,' 1.• " I, lh·' , l'u·.1 ," \ , '1"1'11"", " 1 Ih. \kllll,III'·".I,l't1 ' '''' till' ','I'. 1,.ld,·"',IIl, 1'" ,1.. ,'1• •, 111,', I III 'wl""IIIIo" j 1":-. = 10\ ,I I· "~ ilrrll' r 1;1"' U" " I " ~ ,.U.! 11 I, ",UI,'IIII'I,lh'" Ihal Ih.- 11,111,." t " "I ",.1.1 1II ,lIl,·.! th, ,',111\ . ,1 th,' II. 'II \\ III b,' ,,'II'"I11,II, .r ,.'1 ." b..r, .r, ,,'1111',1111 11,1,' II, . I".,.hl' 11,'11 ,111.1 111.1' " IlIIS\1 '",,' 11111," .'0 ['ISol l"'111~ . ·1 ",1111 10 '(1.1. III 1\ , .1111111 ,1\ I,' . \Ul,'II.-, t1\ I k""I~ I' ,1 '11 11 ·1111,'. ,,'II' 1"'" 1", Ih.· tl ~ , .•1 ,,'.II , lId ... I I h' • .11 . 1'1:-' .1. , ', ',,1.1 "II.! II, h" I ' UI1l~'1 "\ ;lIl1k.l ,It~ 1',"\,1 ,,'1111'.111' '1',,\ ., 1.1, Ihl ! '" li P 1" " '• • "" \\hldl ,·,lndu.-1 ' It. hU'"I.'" 1"1111,1111\ ,,"'II '" lIlh'lhl, I,' h".;,.1.'" II' p,,,,lIll."l 1.1 ,~U p .. ' ... ... 111 ""1111,11. ",t1111\1"~I"11I ,11111 ,\\·,1,' 111 b,I'" 10 ... "".1 II , ";ldl1l1ll1al ""1''' "I '., n uu . 0l 'l I 1Hh'.I SI.II," II' lhll" · 1,lalll, ,11.- , .. ' '· 'I,,·tll '" 11' th" I I 1111 1111 , " ,111.1 1111 11 n'lU "0, 10 l',llnl III I',.- ,u,'. { ·ahh', UI,1. Ih' II,,·r. ba,,'" b,·,,",I;:, .11,' 11 ,1" I h.- .. ,' pllll {",".,ad" . .1 11 .1 I-\.;rIl',I' ' · II~. I-\.,IU',I' "h,' ",'1,'" Ih," " I Ih,' ,'nd ,., l'IS .\ , " 11", " ,'qUI'1111I1I I' •• ,",,'1.-111 "IIh H" ,.. I''' 1II11. ld". ,'.I I'IIIdud, "' III '"'' .. dd ' e\ ~ " ,Id , ,,"I,I IUII ,n 1I1,1t ~d' .111.1 " " [' 111" , ~l· I '· " " ., ''''"111,'/ . ,. : t • ..,~\ \ut.,><"phUt' U .. fI\'I I" ~ '" III, 1.",11\' .11 ' " ~I . " l·d "hl"dlll" ,.1 ,' " I,.,. Mocolo,," lou",ol. P 0 Uo • l'alld11l~ ',I< '1111'1111."" 111 \1' ~1·"~"lphl.;r1 , 'n.-nl,',1 1II;r'~I' tlll~ ,,1;111 1\1 .0.: \:1111"'" II" • , :~' , .: ,! ~I~ ..., . , Il 6UO/8 Pw.lmD\'el Ma.1 ,', ' 111 1','1111\ ,' 1';r~ I, . ,. I " ' ~"" "Ol,tt'\ 10 PO 8 0 _ 100B. Palo ;11 1';1' I.h,'" , "" "11I"111 ~ II dll'" Ih" I bOu / B I J .,. Borden to Acquire Ronco WIly N... t:opod1 per week in Lowell. In ad, Ourum wheat Is used to Forsythe laid the Japanese also may oping new technology or improving (Conllnued from poge J) What is a flour mill, a common­ regular line of pasta, Prir . "North Dakota has a real be considcring Italy for the plant. manufacturing processes. place sight around Minneapolis, doing Superonl, a high-protein Forsythe said, ubecausc "U the Japanese wcrc to sell into ContDctthc NPA or Departmcnt of At the lime of the purchase, Ronco Prince Light, pasta with ., Ie raw material they need." Commcrce for marc in[ormation re· Enterprises, producer of cut goods, sitting on a bluff lurrounded by 30 the United States market, Dodd said, acres of bucolic New England country­ ries than regular pasta. I ,tate officials said they be­ they'd simply be anothcr compctilor garding the services Dnd locations o[ long goods Dnd selected noodles under produces and markets a Iii. the 13 Tradc Adjustment Assistancc the Ronco brand for retail and institu­ side? lapanese would ship pasta in nn nlready crowded market." "Providing higher quality Hour .than breadcrumbs, cheeses and b Ilh rlant back to Japan {or sale. "U they decide to sdl in the U.S ., Cenlers (TAACs). tional markels, had annual sales in ex­ and institution-sized pradu.'ts. cess of $ J0 million. we have ever been able to o'6~ain rrom they ..: ould sell directly into the nUl can say to thcm is, 'Good luck,'" any of our suppliers," says Joseph P. has created a marketing , mlTI.d, officials admit. he sahl. For Borden, acquisition of Ronco PeUegrino, president of Prince. Prince not only has made them Ihe I If the Japanese decide to build in Duru,n: Harvelt Forecast would continue an expansion of its is the only major pasta company to independent pasta maker left stlte, construction could begin in pasla operations. In 1981, Borden U.S., but has allowed them 10 and World Supply build its own mill, but Pellegrino says officials said, although Forsythe Commerce Depirtment acquired National Food Products, Inc., that there are centuries o( tradition their base and establish relali.'d this "a best case scenario." IncreasL-d durum yield estimates over Harahas, Ln., producer of Luxury behind this seven-story plant that needs related industries such as Aides Companle. expectations werc the major factors brand pastil, and began construction of thought· the plant would be increasing 1984's harvcst forecast. This only 18 employees to kcep it going 24 rugated Container, Prince Inlured by Imports a $7.7 million Creamellc Co. pasta 10 Noodles by Leonardo near summer's dry weather in the northern houn a day, seven days a week. .... and Chem·Tech Inl.mlni"'l plant at Tolleson, Ariz., ncar Phoenix. , N.D. which is presently the The U.S. Commerce Depanment's wheat belt rcgion did not crode the That facility. the first pasta plant to be Wheat flour and its byproducts were in the United States where Trad\! Adjustment Assistance Program harvest outcome quite to the extent crucial to survjval in medieval Europe. is milled and processed into is designed to help U.S. companies built in the West in the past decade,", May Build Ih ut Ihe dry August conditions had was completed last year. The land on which the wheat was one roor. hurt by Imports. sled. North Dakota Palta Plant Dodd, II supervisor or the DcFrancisci Machine Corporation, Dorden sait! that acquisition of grown was owned by royally. who supplied the wheat to the serfs. The plant, said a Japanese plant Brooklyn, New York, a NPA Asso­ U.S. DURUM WHEAT Ronco allow to extend its pasta A Japanese company may build will it gentry also owned the first mills to ,._ ........ little to Noodles by Leo- ciate member, has been helped. Busi­ SUPPLY IDEMAHD distribution to ahe Mid-South region.

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