NGÁTI KURI TRUST BOARD TE MANAWA O NGÁTI KURI TRUST Annual Report 2018 The Pūpū whakarongotāua is one of Ngāti Kuri’s most treasured taonga. It is our kaitiaki. The pūpū (flax snail) is held in special regard by Ngāti Kurī as a guardian. This status is signified by its name – pūpū whakarongotauā, the snail that listens for war parties. When the snail is startled by human invaders who are quietly making their way through the flax stands, it lets out a high-pitched squeal, emanating from the rapid rush of air from its body as it deflates and retracts. The species is now endangered. NK / ANNUAL REPORT / 2018 REPORT ANNUAL / NK Tēnā koutou e ngā uri 1 o Ngāti Kuri In Saana Murray’s lament “Te Kōkota o Pārengarenga” she writes: Maranga mai e te rangatahi e, pupuritia tō koutou mana kei ngaro noa te tauranga waka e, te onepu kōkota o ngā tūpuna o Pārengarenga, o Ngāti Kuri. Arise, the younger generation, take hold of your heritage lest the canoe’s landing place, the white sands of the ancestors of Pārengarenga, of Ngāti Kuri, disappear forever. It is within this context that Ngāti Kuri’s journey is being shaped. Contents Report from the Chair 2-7 Summary of the Trust Board's AGM, 2017 8-9 Marae reports 10 2018 Election process 11 Profiles of this year's election candidates 12-14 Financial summary for the 21 months ended 30 June, 2018 15-22 Agenda for the Trust Board's AGM, Saturday 8 December, 2018 23 Obituaries 24 Ruia Ruia Opea Opea Whiria Whiria Tahia Tahia Kia hemo ake te ka koa-koa Kia herea mai ki te kauwau koroki Kia tataki mai ki tana pūkoro whai koro He kuaka mārangaranga Kotahi te manu i tau atu ki te tāhu Tau atu tau atu tau atu. Ko te mea tuatahi e tuku ana i te reo whakamoemiti ki a Ihoa o Ngā Mano mō ngā manaakitanga maha i uhia mai ki a tātou katoa ngā uri o Ngāti Kuri. Me mihi hoki ki ō tātou tini mate, haere ngā mate, koutou te hunga mate ki a koutou, tātou te hunga ora, ki a tātou. Kia ora tātou katoa. Financial Overview Although we are reporting on a 21-month period, the annualised results reflect: % $ . 49growth in revenue million2 going into 5 our communities via wages • Start-up investment and activity in Ngā Puna o Ngati Kuri. • 36% increase in farming costs as we continue to invest in people, land and infrastructure. 50 • Governance costs, 4% of revenue, are similar We currently employ to the previous reporting period. around 50 people • Finance costs are 11.6% of revenue, compared to 18.3 % for the previous reporting period. • Although the net surplus (-16%) is less than the previous reporting period, this is reflective of our trading realities. The accounts recognise $8.1 Million of Treaty Settlement assets that are being included at cost. A full set of accounts will be available to beneficiaries at the AGM. The audited accounts are unmodified. NK / ANNUAL REPORT / 2018 REPORT ANNUAL / NK Report from the Ngāti Kuri 3 Trust Board Chair On behalf of Ngāti Kuri, I have the privilege of providing an overview of the activities of the Board for the reporting period October 2016 to June 2018. As a result of the 2017 AGM, the Board moved its reporting period from October/September to July/June. The reason for the change is to harmonise all of our • Wananga at Waiora Marae, businesses to a reporting period Te Hononga 26–28 October 2016, and 15–17 that best suits their trading and Ngāti Kuri / Te Hiku Iwi November 2017. production activities. • Hui at Auckland Museum to As a function of the Treaty name Rimurimu, 25 May and Over this period, the Board has Settlement, Te Hiku Iwi have chosen 4 October 2018. been refining and evolving its Harry Burkhardt to work together on Te Hiku Forest, • Repatriation of Koiwi, 12 February strategic direction. Our focus has Te Oneroa a Tōhē Beach Board, and 27 March 2018. been on how we can build on the and Te Hiku Conservancy Board. • Bioblitz Kapowairua, 25-27 following key issues: However, owing to the divisive March 2018. nature of treaty settlements and Te • Ngātaki Schools regular skyping • Community resilience Hiku Iwi failing to crystallise their connection with scientists from • Shared prosperity whanaungatanga, Ngāti Kuri has the Museum. • Mana motuhake/ Tino withdrawn from the Beach Board • Loan of Rehua to Auckland Rangatiratanga (absolute and the Conservancy Board. After a Museum in January 2018. Rehua’s sovereignty). hiatus of 12 months, Te Hiku Iwi are jawbone and teeth were recovered revisiting this. from Te Paengarehia (Twighlight Beach) in December 2004. These themes are implicitly Ngāti Kuri / Auckland Museum • Rangitāhua One Drop Campaign powerful interplays. We should for Global Sanctuary at Parliament be able to see this reflected in the This relationship continues to 13 June 2018. tactics we develop and execute grow, led by Sheridan Waitai, Sandi • Coordination and funding applica- now, and in the future. As a Board, Ringham, Huia Murupaenga, with tions for multiple research projects we are conscious that the execution support from Bruce Ngauma, Jerry for Rangitāhua, Manawatāwhi and will require significant diligence Mainland. Norman, Wayne and Vonni Petera, and skills to succeed. and Ngāti Kuri Kaumātua kaunihera. • Te Hāpua and Ngātaki School students visited the Auckland To date, this has resulted in : Museum, September 2017. Ngāti Kuri/Pou Taiao Environmental Ngāti Kuri / Northland Management Plan 2018 Sports Awards Under the guidance of Sheridan On 11 November 2017, Ngāti Kuri Waitai, Walter Wells, Lillian Karaka, hosted the Inaugural Northland Pani Petera, Wayne and Vonni Petera, Māori Sports Awards at Waitangi. and Ngāti Kuri Kaumātua/Kuia, After being in hiatus for six years, the Management Plan captures it was a privilege to lead out a the cultural and environmental celebration of Māori sporting success, attributes that are Ngāti Kuri. It is a with an ongoing commitment for key document that requires local others to lead over another eight Ngāti Kuri / Rangitāhua government to both acknowledge years. A big thank you to Walter and respond to. Thank you to all Wells for facilitating this. Ngāti Kuri continue to advocate who have contributed. for the 620,000 square kilometre marine protected area at Rangitāhu. Ngāti Kuri / Te Kahu o Taonui Though this initiative has been and Iwi Leaders Forum written into the Labour and Green’s individual policy documents, they We continue to articulate our have yet to pass it into law. Global relationships alongside other Iwi in environmental NGO’s continue to a regional and a national context. support us in this initiative. The current coalition government is choosing not to engage with Māori as Treaty Partners. Though Walter Wells was the guest of Ngāti Kuri / Ngati Whatua o Orakei PEW Foundation at The Ocean the conversation has changed, the challenges and responsibilities for Conference, United Nations, New On 14 May 2018, Ngāti Kuri, York in June 2017. We also launched the Board still remain live. alongside Ngāi Te Rangi, were the Rangitāhua exhibition at Kā Uri We will continue to pursue: interveners supporting Ngāti Whātua in November 2017, with the • The aspects that are enshrined o Orakei at the Supreme Court. support of PEW. under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. • Our rights and interest in water The Court upheld Ngāti Whātua o At the eleventh hour, we have as captured by WAI 2358, while Orakei’s legal right to pursue their cancelled two trips to Rangitāhua ensuring that we have water quality manawhenua claims through the that we had been invited on; March and access at a catchment level. judiciary process. This outcome is 2017 and March 2018. This has been We will continue to support: establishing the place of tikanga in the direct result of the Department • The recommendations of the the common law of New Zealand. of Conservation not recognising Climate Summit at Pipitea Marae, The Crown, government agencies 24–25 March 2018. Ngāti Kuri’s manawhenua status at and local government will need Rangitāhua. This is a work in progress. • Constitutional transformation as to rethink how they engage and captured by Matike Mai Aotearoa. consult with Iwi and hapū. NK / ANNUAL REPORT / 2018 REPORT ANNUAL / NK 5 Ngāti Kuri / Te Hāpua and It allows us to tell our own stories, Te Haumihi Ngātaki schools and reminds us of our reciprocating responsibilities. It amplifies our role This is 31,500 hectares of The Board, via the Commissioner, of kaitiaki of Te Rerenga Wairua, and environmental, cultural and economic provides oversight of the schools. affirms our messages around restoration. The area from Waitiki Recent ERO reviews have validated Rangitāhua. It is the activation of Landing north has unique the taitamariki–centric enquiry Saana Murray’s lament “…pupuritia biodiversity value not found model, underpinned by strong tō koutou mana.” anywhere else in New Zealand. teaching leadership. Maniakalani It also includes a 3,300-hectare have partnered with Te Hāpua for Kā Uri working farm, two camp grounds the 2018 year. The recent retire- and plantation forests. ment of Pat Conrad, and the internal The Purchase of Ancient Kauri appointment of Tracey Ashby as Kingdom in December 2016 was Te Rerenga Wairua Interim Principal demonstrates the the first roll-out of Te Ara Whānui resilience of the platform that has framework. Kā Uri is positioned as Nearly 300,000 visitors per annum been invested in. the gateway that directs and informs visit Te Rerenga Wairua with little manuhiri of the spiritual journey north. understanding of people and place. Ngāti Kuri / Waiora and Te Hiku In the Treaty Settlement, 72 hectares o te Ika Marae at the Cape is returned to Ngāti Kuri.
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