Wendy Glenn History Flows Beneath the Fiction: Two Roads Chosen in Redemption and A Northern Light istory is a version of events, a story that sexual favors from her mother, and is befriended by features a cast of characters much like you the baron’s son, Ethan. Upon landing, Lily and Ethan Hand me. In any age, people laugh, hurt, are separated from their shipmates. Together, the two stumble, and endure, emerging sometimes unaffected, young people set out to find Lily’s mother and are sometimes scathed, always representative of a human saved when members of an Indian tribe find them condition that the alteration of time and place can hungry and in enemy territory. Lily is overjoyed to never erase. Julie Chibbaro and Jennifer Donnelly, two find that her father is among the natives but wonders new voices in the world of adolescent fiction, have how he could have taken up with another woman crafted tales that allow readers to serve as witnesses to when he remains married to her mother. Members of events of the past, to see themselves in the people the tribe volunteer to continue the search for Lily’s who lived lives far removed from their own. Through mother, only to find her dead. There is hope, however, the creation of well-developed characters situated in a as Lily undergoes a process of mourning and reflection given time and place, a refusal to water down histori­ and begins to find her place among the tribe. cal facts, and the skilled use of literary techniques, Chibbaro’s story is based upon the often unwilling both authors provide a glimpse into the past that few, journey to the New World of English colonists aligned if any, history textbooks can provide. with Martin Luther. In her research, Chibbaro came upon the story of a group of nobles who had an idea When Fact and Fiction Meet to colonize a part of America and claim it for England. Redemption After a disastrous first try that resulted in the death of Julie Chibbaro’s novel, Redemption (2004), is set the colonists, they sent another group to give it a try. in early sixteenth-century England and the New When the nobles returned to check the progress of this World. At the novel’s outset, readers are introduced to batch of colonists, they found no trace of them and twelve-year-old Lily and learn that she lost her father returned home to Europe. Around the time when when the baron’s men took him during the night. His Jamestown and the other colonies were being settled, disappearance is surrounded by accusations regarding the new colonists encountered a group of white- his involvement with Frere Lanther, a man excommu­ skinned Indians. As a result of uncovering this nicated from the Church due to his questioning of the intriguing tidbit, Chibbaro says, “My curiosity about practice of indulgences. Unable to defend rights to these White Indians was set aflame. I began to create their land, Lily and her mother flee England with a story around them, to place myself in their skin and fellow religious protesters and voyage to the New imagine who they were, where they came from, and World. During the trip, Lily goes without adequate how their fate could have occurred” (Author’s Note food and supplies, suffers when the baron demands 258). Chibbaro based her research upon old ledgers, 52 THE ALAN REVIEW Summer 2005 j52_58TAR_Summer05 52 6/4/05, 10:33 AM badly kept account books, and found was capsized and floating unreliable, boasting journals of Chibbaro based her re- amongst water lilies in a secluded nobles, as well as myths, art, and bay. Her companion, a young man written memories and oral histories search upon old ledgers, who rented the boat under the created by native peoples (Author’s name of Carl Grahm, was nowhere Note 257-59). badly kept account books, to be found and believed dead by and unreliable, boasting drowning. It was learned that Grace A Northern Light Brown was single and pregnant and Jennifer Donnelly’s A Northern journals of nobles, as well that the man who had taken her Light (2003) is set in the boating was the father of her child. Adirondack Mountains in the year as myths, art, and written Chester Gillette, the real name of 1906. The protagonist, sixteen-year- memories and oral histo­ her companion, was ultimately old Mattie Gokey, feels trapped. Her tried, convicted, and executed for mother has died, her elder brother ries created by native Grace’s murder. Grace’s letters has fled, her father is emotionally begging Gillette to rescue her distant, and she is now responsible peoples. before it became obvious that she for the domestic work on the farm, was with child served as key pieces including taking care of her younger sisters. These of evidence in the case. Donnelly casts her judgment responsibilities interfere with Mattie’s desire to write. in the claim, “Chester Gillette hoped to improve his Her liberal-minded teacher, Miss Wilcox, encourages social standing by courting a wealthy girl and marry- her to apply to Barnard College. Mattie fears, however, ing her. To do so, he first needed to rid himself of the that even if she is admitted on scholarship, she will factory girl he had once seduced, a girl he once loved not have the money to go and, more importantly, will but later came to regard as an obstacle” (Author’s not have the courage to leave her father and sisters Note 381-82). In her research, Donnelly utilized when she thinks they need her most. Mattie’s di- transcripts of the Gillette murder trial; diaries of lemma is further complicated by Royal Loomis’ Lucilla Arvilla Mills Clark; exhibits from the romantic interest in her. She appreciates his charms Adirondack Museum library and the Farmer’s Musuem but fears losing sight of her goals. When money gets (Cooperstown, NY); photos, oral histories, census and tight, Mattie convinces her father to allow her to tax records, and information on early Inlet businesses spend the summer working at Glenmore, a resort a and the Inlet Common School via the Town of Webb few miles up the road from her rural community in Historical Association; out-of-print Adirondack titles the Adirondacks. While there, Mattie and her cowork- from the Port Leyden Community Library; and visits to ers learn of the death of one of the patrons, a young the Waldheim and Glenmore hotel sites (Acknowledg­ woman who drowned while in a boat with her male ments 383-84). companion, Carl. Just prior to her death, the woman, Grace, gives Mattie a bundle of letters and begs her to A Young Person’s Perspective dispose of them. Overtaken by curiosity, Mattie reads the letters and learns the truth behind Grace’s relation- In these two novels, Chibbaro and Donnelly have ship with Carl and the murder that ended Grace’s life. created engaging characters through whose lives we This truth drives her to make a difficult decision can see a side of history that research documents regarding her own future. alone cannot convey. Although the adult characters in Donnelly’s novel is based upon the sensationalis- these novels are well-developed and complex, both tic murder of a young woman named Grace Brown authors share a young person’s perspective not often whose body was discovered in the waters of Big included in history books. Upon reading these stories, Moose, a lake on the edge of the Adirondacks (inter- as told through the eyes of teenage protagonists, estingly enough, also the inspiration for Theodore young readers are afforded both distance and connec­ Dreiser’s An American Tragedy and the film, A Place tion. They can imagine an existence that does not in the Sun). The boat in which Grace Brown had been include, for example, the search for a prom date, the 53 THE ALAN REVIEW Summer 2005 j52_58TAR_Summer05 53 6/4/05, 10:33 AM quest for a car of one’s own, or the pressure to one moment, the mother is protective and defensive, succeed on Friday’s math quiz. But they can also telling Lily to remain by her side, that Lily is her sole participate in an exploration of themes inherent in the confidant (82). At other times, she frightens Lily with human condition—love, friendship, the conflict her talk of suicide and disbelief in the Bible and words between both needing and needing to reject one’s of Frere Lanther (76-77). At all times, she is dependent parents—that comprise a part of life for teenagers in upon her child to help her endure. As a child, Lily all times and places. needs her mother’s nurturing care; as a young adult, In writing about the Lily is forced to nurture and care for her mother. process of developing the In the development of the character of Mattie, In these two novels, protagonist in the novel, Donnelly has created a narrator whose love of lan­ Chibbaro says, “For years I guage and literature and contemplative nature reveal a Chibbaro and Donnelly tried to look beyond the talented young girl who feels she is a victim of social have created engaging basic American history convention. Mattie is bright and witty, surely capable dates we all memorized in of attaining her dream to become a writer. Yet, she characters through whose school, such as 1492 and finds herself wondering if this dream is worth pursu­ 1776, to dig deeper and ing given the expected norms for women of her day.
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