INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED KXPI-LD, POCATELLO, ID, CHANNEL 35 tvstudy v2.2.5 (4uoc83) Database: localhost, Study: kxpi35p06, Model: Longley-Rice Study build station data: LMS TV 2018-06-01 #206 Proposal: KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP POCATELLO, ID File number: kxpi35p06 Facility ID: 28231 Station data: User record Record ID: 2874 Country: U.S. Build options: Protect pre-transition records not on baseline channel Search options: Baseline record excluded if station has CP Stations potentially affected by proposal: IX Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Yes K49ND-D D34 DC CP FISH CREEK, ETC., ID BLANK0000034081 0.9 km No K49ND-D D34 DC APP FISH CREEK, ETC., ID BLANK0000054295 0.0 No K34MS-D D34 LD CP IDAHO FALLS, ID BNPDTL20100624ABB 89.1 No K34MQ-D D34 LD CP MC CAMMON, ID BNPDTL20100609AHG 39.1 No K21CE-D D34 LD APP MONTPELIER, ID BLANK0000053120 106.8 No K39GZ-D D34 LD APP SODA SPRINGS, ID BLANK0000029609 72.1 No KXTF D34 DT LIC TWIN FALLS, ID BLCDT20110201ACB 155.7 No K41GQ-D D34 LD APP LOGAN, UT BLANK0000054005 154.5 No K34FR-D D34 LD LIC RANDOLPH & WOODRUFF, UT BLDTT20100422ACL 179.8 No KUTV D34 DT LIC SALT LAKE CITY, UT BLCDT20020211AAD 247.5 No KZAK-LD D35 LD APP BOISE, ID BLANK0000053698 308.5 Yes K35LL-D D35 LD CP HAMER, ID BNPDTL20100609AHS 119.1 No K35GW-D D35 LD LIC MALAD CITY, ID BLDTT20090225ABE 91.6 No K35GJ-D D35 LD LIC PRESTON, ID BLDTT20111116AHU 102.9 Yes K35HD-D D35 LD LIC SODA SPRINGS, ID BLDTT20100809CNI 72.9 No K46KO-D D35 LD APP THREE FORKS, MT BLANK0000054576 330.1 No K35LR-D D35 LD CP WENDOVER, NV BNPDTL20100512AIC 270.3 No K40KM-D D35 LD APP CLEAR CREEK, UT BLANK0000053512 376.3 No K35IK-D D35 LD LIC DUCHESNE, UT BLDTT20100111AFV 350.0 No K35JK-D D35 LD LIC FOUNTAIN GREEN, UT BLDTT20100914AHS 379.2 No K35IJ-D D35 LD LIC HANNA & TABIONA, UT BLDTT20100111AFW 312.6 No K35EW-D D35 LD LIC HEBER/MIDWAY, UT BLDTT20110202ABV 270.9 No K35GG-D D35 LD LIC HUNTSVILLE, ETC., UT BLDTT20110406ABQ 180.0 No K35KL-D D35 LD LIC MANILA, ETC, UT BLDTT20110406ABR 332.9 No K35JL-D D35 LD LIC NEPHI, UT BLDTT20110722AAH 352.4 No KUCW D35 DT CP OGDEN, UT BLANK0000029841 247.5 No K35OP-D D35 LD LIC PARK CITY, UT BLDTT20100322ACD 257.0 No K35IS-D D35 LD LIC PEOA,OAKLEY, UT BLDTT20090624ADY 257.4 No K26GH-D D35 LD APP RANDOLPH & WOODRUFF, UT BLANK0000052888 179.8 No K35JJ-D D35 LD LIC SCOFIELD, UT BLDTT20100222AAU 360.9 No K35CV-D D35 LD LIC SHOSHONI, WY BLDTT20101203ABG 355.5 Yes KIDK D36 DT LIC IDAHO FALLS, ID BLANK0000001151 70.4 No K36KU-D D36 LD CP TWIN FALLS, ID BNPDTL20090826AAD 156.0 No K49FS-D D36 LD APP LOGAN, UT BLANK0000054010 154.5 No KUEN D36 DT LIC OGDEN, UT BLEDT20030528ACQ 247.5 No K36FS-D D36 LD LIC RANDOLPH, UT BLDTT20140416AAQ 179.8 No K36JD-D D36 LD LIC JACKSON, WY BLDTL20090828AAE 156.9 No K39GV N39+ TX LIC BURLEY, ETC., ID BLTT20060717AAN 103.1 No non-directional AM stations found within 0.8 km No directional AM stations found within 3.2 km Record parameters as studied: Channel: D35 Mask: Full Service Latitude: 42 52 25.60 N (NAD83) Longitude: 112 30 48.90 W Height AMSL: 1820.8 m HAAT: 0.0 m Peak ERP: 15.0 kW Antenna: MCX-SFN-2030-2346-10 (E/P) (ID 1002192) 0.0 deg Elev Pattrn: Generic Elec Tilt: 2.00 50.8 dBu contour: Azimuth ERP HAAT Distance 0.0 deg 11.8 kW 465.2 m 62.1 km 45.0 15.0 371.4 59.3 90.0 15.0 252.8 53.0 135.0 12.6 239.1 51.4 180.0 4.20 -95.0 23.7 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED KXPI-LD, POCATELLO, ID, CHANNEL 35 225.0 0.087 353.7 29.3 270.0 0.108 447.1 33.1 315.0 3.43 471.8 54.8 Database HAAT does not agree with computed HAAT Database HAAT: 0 m Computed HAAT: 313 m Distance to Canadian border: 680.8 km Distance to Mexican border: 1145.1 km Conditions at FCC monitoring station: Livermore CA Bearing: 236.9 degrees Distance: 969.2 km Proposal is not within the West Virginia quiet zone area Conditions at Table Mountain receiving zone: Bearing: 114.1 degrees Distance: 675.4 km Study cell size: 1.00 km Profile point spacing: 1.00 km Maximum new IX to full-service and Class A: 0.50% Maximum new IX to LPTV: 2.00% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLANK0000034081 CP scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: K49ND-D D34 DC CP FISH CREEK, ETC., ID BLANK0000034081 Undesireds: KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP POCATELLO, ID kxpi35p06 0.9 km KXTF D34 DT LIC TWIN FALLS, ID BLCDT20110201ACB 155.7 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 6592.7 122,752 5095.0 118,032 5091.9 118,032 5056.8 118,030 0.69 0.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP 35.2 2 35.2 2 KXTF D34 DT LIC 3.0 0 3.0 0 3.0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BNPDTL20100609AHS CP scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: K35LL-D D35 LD CP HAMER, ID BNPDTL20100609AHS Undesireds: KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP POCATELLO, ID kxpi35p06 119.1 km K35JT-D D35 LD CP DRUMMOND, MT BLANK0000019044 309.2 KIDK D36 DT LIC IDAHO FALLS, ID BLANK0000001151 59.8 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 911.7 843 905.7 843 865.2 834 861.2 834 0.47 0.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP 22.2 0 4.0 0 KIDK D36 DT LIC 40.4 9 40.4 9 22.2 9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to BLDTT20100809CNI LIC scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: K35HD-D D35 LD LIC SODA SPRINGS, ID BLDTT20100809CNI Undesireds: KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP POCATELLO, ID kxpi35p06 72.9 km K49ND-D D34 DC CP FISH CREEK, ETC., ID BLANK0000034081 72.5 K21CE-D D34 LD APP MONTPELIER, ID BLANK0000053120 36.2 K39GZ-D D34 LD APP SODA SPRINGS, ID BLANK0000029609 0.8 K35GJ-D D35 LD LIC PRESTON, ID BLDTT20111116AHU 56.6 KUCW D35 DT CP OGDEN, UT BLANK0000029841 223.2 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 5656.8 12,951 4072.7 8,611 3945.8 8,551 3931.7 8,551 0.36 0.00 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP 17.1 0 14.1 0 K21CE-D D34 LD APP 5.1 11 4.1 11 4.1 11 K39GZ-D D34 LD APP 66.5 44 57.4 35 54.4 35 K35GJ-D D35 LD LIC 59.4 14 52.3 5 52.3 5 KUCW D35 DT CP 8.1 0 2.0 0 2.0 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS FOR PROPOSED KXPI-LD, POCATELLO, ID, CHANNEL 35 Interference to BLANK0000001151 LIC scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: KIDK D36 DT LIC IDAHO FALLS, ID BLANK0000001151 Undesireds: KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP POCATELLO, ID kxpi35p06 70.4 km KUEN D36 DT LIC OGDEN, UT BLEDT20030528ACQ 317.8 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free, before IX-free, after Percent New IX 25229.3 305,362 23078.7 301,987 23054.6 301,987 23023.3 300,813 0.14 0.39 Undesired Total IX Unique IX, before Unique IX, after KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP 33.2 1,174 31.2 1,174 KUEN D36 DT LIC 24.1 0 24.1 0 22.1 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to proposal scenario 1 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP POCATELLO, ID kxpi35p06 Undesireds: K49ND-D D34 DC CP FISH CREEK, ETC., ID BLANK0000034081 0.9 km K39GZ-D D34 LD APP SODA SPRINGS, ID BLANK0000029609 72.1 K35LL-D D35 LD CP HAMER, ID BNPDTL20100609AHS 119.1 K35HD-D D35 LD LIC SODA SPRINGS, ID BLDTT20100809CNI 72.9 KUCW D35 DT CP OGDEN, UT BLANK0000029841 247.5 KIDK D36 DT LIC IDAHO FALLS, ID BLANK0000001151 70.4 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free Percent IX 7338.0 126,776 5614.0 120,959 5454.7 119,127 2.84 1.51 Undesired Total IX Unique IX Prcnt Unique IX K49ND-D D34 DC CP 7.0 82 6.0 82 0.11 0.07 K39GZ-D D34 LD APP 3.0 0 1.0 0 0.02 0.00 K35LL-D D35 LD CP 5.0 0 2.0 0 0.04 0.00 K35HD-D D35 LD LIC 4.0 0 2.0 0 0.04 0.00 KUCW D35 DT CP 4.0 0 4.0 0 0.07 0.00 KIDK D36 DT LIC 142.2 1,750 138.2 1,750 2.46 1.45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interference to proposal scenario 2 Call Chan Svc Status City, State File Number Distance Desired: KXPI35P06 D35 LD APP POCATELLO, ID kxpi35p06 Undesireds: K39GZ-D D34 LD APP SODA SPRINGS, ID BLANK0000029609 72.1 km K35LL-D D35 LD CP HAMER, ID BNPDTL20100609AHS 119.1 K35HD-D D35 LD LIC SODA SPRINGS, ID BLDTT20100809CNI 72.9 KUCW D35 DT CP OGDEN, UT BLANK0000029841 247.5 KIDK D36 DT LIC IDAHO FALLS, ID BLANK0000001151 70.4 Service area Terrain-limited IX-free Percent IX 7338.0 126,776 5614.0 120,959 5460.8 119,209 2.73 1.45 Undesired Total IX Unique IX Prcnt Unique IX K39GZ-D D34 LD APP 3.0 0 1.0 0 0.02 0.00 K35LL-D D35 LD CP 5.0 0 2.0 0 0.04 0.00 K35HD-D D35 LD LIC 4.0 0 2.0 0 0.04 0.00 KUCW D35 DT CP 4.0 0 4.0 0 0.07 0.00 KIDK D36 DT LIC 142.2 1,750 139.2 1,750 2.48 1.45 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