Shamy Tommie’s Students from Italy visit Immokalee kids restaurant opens Billie Swamp Safari participate in clinic COMMUNITY Y 3A EDUCATION Y 1B SPORTS Y 4C Volume XLI • Number 3 March 31, 2017 Hard Rock buys former Trump Taj Mahal BY BEVERLY BIDNEY Staff Reporter The iconic Hard Rock guitar will take its place on Atlantic City’s famed boardwalk sometime next summer. Hard Rock International, owned by the Seminole Tribe of Florida, purchased the former Trump Taj Mahal from investor and business magnate Carl Icahn. Scheduled to close March 31, the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City will feature more than 2,000 guest rooms, a 168,000-square-foot casino and a Hard Rock Live that can accommodate more than 5,000 music fans. Guest rooms and most of the SXEOLFVSDFHVZLOOEHUHQRYDWHGWRUHÀHFWWKH Hard Rock vibe. “The Tribe and Hard Rock International are always looking to expand the brand,” said Jim Allen, CEO of Seminole Gaming and Chairman of Hard Rock International. “This was an opportunity we felt would EH EHQH¿FLDO WR ORQJWHUP VXFFHVV ,W LV D project that continues to expand the Tribe’s global presence.” Majority ownership of the 17-acre property on prime boardwalk real estate, Beverly Bidney in one of the largest gaming locations in From left, Big Cypress Board Rep. Joe Frank, Chairman Marcellus W. Osceola Jr., Immokalee Board Liaison Gale Boone, new tenant Gwen Garcia, Immokalee Council project manager Pete Aguilar, President the U.S., is expected to have a positive Mitchell Cypress, Naples Council Liaison Brian Zepeda and Big Cypress Councilman Cicero Osceola cut the ribbon together at Garcia’s new home in Immokalee on March 15. impact on the Tribe and the city. Hard Rock International is in partnership with the Morris and Jingoli families of New Jersey, who have a minority share of the business. New homes debut in Immokalee “The Hard Rock brand is incredibly iconic and when we open new locations, there’s a tremendous amount of excitement BY BEVERLY BIDNEY out faster than we can build.” on a waiting list for housing tribal wide. has been done since then and housing is still and optimism,” Allen said. Staff Reporter Each of the three- and four-bedroom Three-story apartment buildings will be sorely needed. Godspeed for the next 50 The hotel and casino is expected to rental homes are well appointed and come part of a new master plan, which is being units in Immokalee.” create more than 3,000 jobs and add to with two bathrooms, generously-sized worked on now. Hollywood, Immokalee All the dignitaries recognized and the revitalization of Atlantic City. Allen IMMOKALEE — The keys to brand fenced yards, laundry rooms, large pantries, and Lakeland are good candidates for the thanked the staff for their hard work said reaction to the sale has been positive new homes on Alice Jimmie Circle in granite countertops in the kitchens and a multifamily units. completing the project. throughout the state, including Gov. Chris ,PPRNDOHH ZHUH RI¿FLDOO\ KDQGHG RYHU walk-in closet in the master bedroom suites. 2WKHU 7ULEDO RI¿FLDOV LQ DWWHQGDQFH DW “This has been a long time coming,” Christie and state senate president Stephen March 15 to seven families who had been Most of all, the homes provide a secure place the opening ceremony included President Boone said. “We look forward to the future Sweeney. waiting years for a home on the reservation. to raise a family. Mitchell Cypress, Big Cypress Councilman and, to the families, welcome back home to “It has been nothing but positive,” Allen “This is a step in the right direction and “This is a small step to providing Cicero Osceola, Big Cypress Board Rep. Joe Immokalee.” said. it took a lot of people to make this happen,” housing for Tribal members,” said Chairman Frank, Naples Council Liaison Brian Zepeda Gwen Garcia has been waiting seven President Donald Trump opened the said Immokalee Council project manager Marcellus W. Osceola Jr. “We have a long and Immokalee Board Liaison Gale Boone. years for a home on the reservation. In hotel and casino in 1990 but his company Pete Aguilar. “Soon we will have to update way to go, but this is a start. The challenge ³$ERXW \HDUV DJR WKH RULJLQDO the interim, she lived in a trailer home in ¿OHGIRUEDQNUXSWF\LQ,FDKQSXUFKDVHG our master plan and go vertical with our is to build homes on all the reservations and Immokalee families had a dream,” Rep. Immokalee. it, retained the Trump name and shut its structures. More than likely we will have to we’re working hard to get more built.” Frank said. “The Tribe just built 12 or 15 take care of more people in the reservation’s doors for good in October 2016. The Tribe Chairman Osceola said 300 people are KRPHVZKHQD¿UHEURNHRXW$ORWRIZRUN )See HOUSING on page 4B announced the purchase March 1. limited space. These kids are popping them Seminoles play big role in Chalo Nitka celebration 7KH 0DUFK SDUDGH WKH FHQWHUSLHFH parade route and kids gleefully gathered 6, and Allekeao Billie, 3. children waited patiently as mom made sure BY BEVERLY BIDNEY of the two-day festival, was led by Mingo candy as quickly as it was thrown. Seminoles The festival grounds offered Seminole, all the important details were in the right Staff Reporter Jones and grandsons Justin and Cisco and non-Seminoles alike donned colorful local and carnival food as well as rides, plenty place. Rodriguez in traditional Seminole garb on patchwork as a tribute the Tribe. The entry of shopping opportunities and entertainment. Chalo Nitka means big bass in Creek, MOORE HAVEN— – Although Moore KRUVHEDFN0RRUH+DYHQ¶VHOHFWHGRI¿FLDOV fee into the fairgrounds was waived to all The Country Rhythm Cloggers opened the VRRIFRXUVHWKHUHZDVD¿VKLQJWRXUQDPHQW +DYHQ¶V&KDOR1LWND)HVWLYDOEHJDQLQ and Seminole and Chalo Nitka royalty those wearing the traditional Seminole onstage entertainment, were followed by the Feb. 25 on Lake Okeechobee. Like a county to commemorate paving of Main Street, followed, along with the Moore Haven fashion. clothing contest and alligator wrestling. fair, the event lasted the entire week and it has evolved into an annual celebration Middle and High School marching band and “We don’t come to Chalo Nitka often, A conveniently placed chickee made included a 5K run, royalty pageant, ranch of small town life near the banks of Lake other Glades County groups and businesses. but this year we are competing in the an impromptu dressing room for clothing rodeo and country and western dance. Okeechobee. What makes the festival unique A slew of horses and their riders brought up clothing contest,” said Alice Billie, who was contest competitors. Families helped each is how the culture of the Seminole Tribe is the rear. there with her children Tahniya, 9, Mohayla, RWKHUZLWKWKHLURXW¿WV7RGGOHUVDQG\RXQJ )See CHALO NITKA PHOTOS on page 7A intertwined into the festivities. Residents and Tribal citizens lined the Beverly Bidney Beverly Bidney Betty Billie and her grandson Myron Billie ride their decorated ATV in the Chalo Nitka parade March Mingo Jones and grandson Cisco Rodriguez lead the Chalo Nitka parade through the streets of Moore Haven on March 4. 4 in Moore Haven. Editorial ..............2A Health .................9A Sports .................1C See page 4A for Betty Mae Jumper portrayal INSIDE: Community .........3A Education .......... 1B Announcements ....6C 2A • The Seminole Tribune • March 31, 2017 Testimony of Ryan K. Zinke, Secretary U.S. Testimony of Jefferson Keel, Department of the Interior, before the U.S. Senate Chickasaw Nation Lt. Gov., before Committee on Indian Affairs, March 8, 2017 the U.S. Senate Committee on potential by extending the Indian Coal the Bureau of Indian Education must be Indian Affairs, March 8, 2017 • Ryan K. Zinke Production Tax Credit and demanding their addressed to ensure long-term stability rightful seat at the table with the federal in Indian country. I read the Government • Jefferson Keel SURWHFWLRQRIWULEDOVRYHUHLJQW\6SHFL¿FDOO\ ood Afternoon, Chairman government to actualize their treaty rights. $FFRXQWDELOLW\ 2I¿FH *$2 +LJK 5LVN the Board concluded that non-tribal labor Hoeven, Vice-Chairman Udall, I am grateful to have Chairman A.J. Not Report for 2017; the determinations were organizations could assert the protections Gand Members of the Committee. Afraid sitting next to me today to tell his disheartening and devastating. Words cannot of the National Labor Relations Act against hairman Hoeven, Ranking Thank you for inviting me to testify before story about their future goals and priorities capture how terrible it is that children in tribal government employers—treating you today. I would also like to extend a thank Member Udall and members of for success and look forward to working schools overseen by Bureau of Indian the committee, thank you for tribal governments in a manner that no you to my fellow Montana Senators, Steve C state or territory has ever been subjected to. together in my new capacity of Secretary of Education are so poorly served. Each of inviting me to testify in today’s important Daines and Jon Tester, for their service on the Interior. them deserves a high-quality education The Chickasaw Nation litigated the matter this Committee and for welcoming me here hearing to identify Indian Country priorities I now have the honor to lead the very that prepares them for the future. Having for the new Trump Administration. My name IRU VHYHUDO \HDUV EHIRUH WKH %RDUG ¿QDOO\ WRGD\ 7KLV LV P\ ¿UVW KHDULQJ VLQFH EHLQJ Department that, unfortunately, has not served as Chairman of the Senate Education acknowledged that our sovereignty and FRQ¿UPHGDV6HFUHWDU\RIWKH,QWHULRUDQGLW is Jefferson Keel. I serve as the Lieutenant always stood shoulder to shoulder with many Committee during my time in the Montana Governor of the treaties with the United States demand the is truly an honor to be here before the Senate State Legislature, I have a keen interest parity of treatment Committee on Indian Affairs to discuss the Chickasaw Nation in education in rural communities.
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