sftM Hoar* Mam Pric« 3 Cla. • L% THE dies> rment Official Journal of the International Ladies' Garment PUBLISHED MONTHLY IN ENGLISH, ITALIAN AND YIDDISH VOLUME I. NEW YORK, APRIL 1, 1910 NUMBER 1, = en You Go Out Shopping The General Sympathetic emember the Shirl Strike in Philadelphia DO YOU EVER STOP TO girls went on strike feeling that Man is known to be a thinking reason will never do it. HINK where, how and by whom trade conditions were too uncertain animal, at least people say so; but When the C. L. U. began to talk e thousands of shirt waists you for them to continue to depend on every now and then we come across of a general sympathetic strike, the ee on sale all over the city are the good will of any individual em­ incidents which reveals man as any­ capitalist press thought the land ade? Do you know that 45,000 ployer, so they joined together with thing but the thinking animal he contended that it is mere bluff, and omen and girls in New York alone the poorer paid workers in their claims to be. assured us that the trade unions of re employed in making these demand for a union shop. Take for instance the present Philadelphia will never dare to i waists? Do you realize that the general sympathetic strike in Phila­ carry out their threat. They de Conditions under which these girls WHAT THE UNION HAS delphia. When" the Central Labor dared that the unions are nothing rk, the wages they receive, the '^ADONE Union of the City of Brotherly more than combinations and trusts, irs they spend at their machines run for the benfiti) of their own The strike is now over and a Love declared the strike, thousands, epend directly upon YOU? merribers. They stated that in this few hundred factories have settled tens of thousands of unorganized country there',arc no classes, tliat with the union. In such settled people responded to the call. UNDER PAY AND OVER the laboring people are not a sep­ shops, the girls are now working The Cloak Makers. I-ocal No. 58 * WORK. arate class in the community and 52 hours a week. Their wages are had a membership of 250. Over finally, that the unionists will not Most of us probably would never fairer, and they receive half again 3,000 left their employment to dare to leave their employment for have thought at all about such as much pay for overtime. Sunday champion the cause of motormen the good and sufficient reason, that I things except for the great strike is now a real day of rest; fines are and conductors; people whom they these unionists are well aware that last winter of about 20,000 waist abolished, and the individual girl do not know. There was no spe­ the moment they leave their better nwkers in New York and Phila­ does not have to deal with her cial reason why they should sacri­ paid occupations their places will be delphia, when the true conditions powerful employer, the representa­ fice their position. Many of these taken by their n«hpal enemies, the uader which the mass of workers tive of the union takes up all the unorganized cloakmakers have on unorganized workpeople. "No," in the trade were forced to make a grievances with the firm. In the several occasions turned against they said, "all this talk of a general living were revealed. It was found jx»st, thesinir«|uent visits of a fac­ their fellow craftsmen in time of sympathetic strike is bluster and that the wages, already too low for tory inspector, for whose coming strikes. They helped the employ­ bluff." Well, how did things turn health and decency, were declining the management was well prepared, ers to break the organization, while out and how did the events of these or remaining * stationary though were the girl's only-protection, now the majority of them were satisfied two weeks justify the prediction of food and rent were rapidly rising. THE UNION IS ON THE JOB to work for any wages the em­ these self satisfied and "well in­ Overtime three and four nights a EVERY HOUR OF EVERY ployers offered them. All appeals formed" gentlemen of-the capitalist week during the busy season in ad­ WORKING DAY TO SEE of the organization to induce them press ? dition to the usual working hours, THAT THE HEALTH AND to join the union and demand from and Sunday and Holiday work was WELFARE OF ITS MEMBERS their employers better conditions Even should the traction com­ not "Unusual. Fines and petty ARE PROPERLY LOOKED of labor for themselves proved use­ pany and the city authorities of tyrannies practiced by foremen and AFTER. These results have been less. Yet these same men who did Philadelphia be successful in their superintendents made hard con8i- gained by dint of a very bitter not dare to stand up and fight for attempt to crush the organization of tions doubly hard. The girls' thin struggle, and through this the girls their own benefit, and the benefits the street railroad men of that city. and poorly nourished- bodies and are obtaining not only material ad­ of their own families, responded so the General Sympathetic strike has insufficient clothing testified at what vantages, but marked development readily to the call of the C L. U. proved to be an overwhelming suc­ cost to themselves and future gen­ in individual character;' this dis­ of Philadelphia to fight for the cess. The working people of erations they were working. cipline is only a part of the training rights of others. Philadelphia have responded man­ that comes with trade unionism. No. we should say that man is a fully and heroically to the call of THE "FAIR" EMPLOYER nervous, rather than a thinking ani­ the C. L. U. The capitalists of HELPLESS. mal. We cannot for a moment ad­ this country know now what they THE CONSUMERS RESPON­ Even the good employers who mit that these unorganized cloak- have to expect in the future of any SIBILITY. would like to treat their, workers makers loved the motormen and attempt to crush unionism. well were being forced by competi­ Now comes your part and respon­ conductors rather than themselves. This sympathetic strike has alsc tion to adopt bit by bit the methods sibility. As the consumer for It is a state of nervous excite­ demonstrated fallacy of the con- * of the more unscrupulous. For whom all things are made you can ment that compdls us to take dras­ tention of the capitalist press that this reason many of the best paid (Continued on page 6) tic ^action. Logic argument or the organized workmen, the labor mm THE LADIES* GARMENT WORKER t union are the natural enemies of EXTEND THE HOURS NEEDED LEGISLATION. Telephone CM 349$ Orchard 1Eh* "non-union and unorganised IN PUBLIC LIBRARIES. work people of this country. This Public libraries are for the whole RADICAL LAWS ASKED Great Central Palace itrike proved fully that the organ people. Do they serve the whole TO PROTECT WORKMEN. ired workpeople are simply tbt people ? Are there lost opportunit­ H. MILLER, Prop. more energetic, intelligent and ad­ ies for service in the New York A fundamental change in the me­ vanced portion of the laboring com­ public libraries? thod of compensating injured work­ Large Moll for Wedding: Reception,, munity, and that the non-organized A little "figuring*' will answer men was recommended in the report Ball,, Ctc. portions understand and feel that the question. submitted to the Legislation March the advantages which labor gains Most wage earners work from 22, by the commission created to 90,92, 94 & 96 Clinton St. t through organization is not confined eight in the morning until six at investigate the question of employ­ NEW YORK to the members of the labor organ­ night. Often they work until seven ers' liability, the causes of industrial isations, hot is shared by every man o'clock or eight. By hustling and or woman who have to work fot eating a brief dinner, they can get accidents and similar matters. Two ELEGANT MEETING ROOMS their living. to the theatre or public library by radical bills carrying out the com­ J. GTOM, Prop. Tel. 2568 OKcWd eight o'clock. And they are free mittee's recommendations were in­ WOMAN NEEDS THE VOTE on Sunday, which is their day of troduced. BEETHOVEN HALL rest and self-upbuilding. TO CHANGE THE HOME. One, which applies only to certain Elegant Club and Ball Room,, for Since the sentimental man still It is clear from this that any Ball,, Wedding, and Banquet, utility, to be available to the wage specified employments where the opposes Woman's Suffrage on the trade hazard is great, provides that Bowling Alley,, Pool and Billiard ground that woman must be pro­ earner, must lie open until 10 o'clock the workman's heirs, no matter whe Room i Pino Mooting Room* To Let tected and cared for by man, and P. M., at least, and if possible on is negligent or whether the risk was that her sphere is "The Home," we Sunday. // a theatre or library is 210-214 FIFTH STREET ask him to read the last report of closed on Sunday, and is closed at 9 assumed, must receive in case of his the New York Committee on Con­ o'clock in the evening, at least 9c death four years' wages, not to ex­ Near Cooper Square NEW YORK gestion of Population, and learn per cent, of its possible utility to the ceed $3,000, and in case of total or something of the way in which wo­ wages earner is lost.
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