![Arxiv:2007.08532V2 [Quant-Ph]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Experimental implementation of non-Clifford interleaved randomized benchmarking with a controlled-S gate Shelly Garion,1, ∗ Naoki Kanazawa,2, † Haggai Landa,1 David C. McKay,3 Sarah Sheldon,4 Andrew W. Cross,3 and Christopher J. Wood3 1IBM Quantum, IBM Research Haifa, Haifa University Campus, Mount Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel 2IBM Quantum, IBM Research Tokyo, 19-21 Nihonbashi Hakozaki-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-8510, Japan 3IBM Quantum, T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA 4IBM Quantum, Almaden Research Center, San Jose, CA 9512, USA Hardware efficient transpilation of quantum circuits to a quantum devices native gateset is es- sential for the execution of quantum algorithms on noisy quantum computers. Typical quantum devices utilize a gateset with a single two-qubit Clifford entangling gate per pair of coupled qubits, however, in some applications access to a non-Clifford two-qubit gate can result in more optimal circuit decompositions and also allows more flexibility in optimizing over noise. We demonstrate π calibration of a low error non-Clifford Controlled- 2 phase (CS) gate on a cloud based IBM Quantum computing using the Qiskit Pulse framework. To measure the gate error of the calibrated CS gate we perform non-Clifford CNOT-Dihedral interleaved randomized benchmarking. We are able to obtain a gate error of 5.9(7) × 10−3 at a gate length 263 ns, which is close to the coherence limit of the associated qubits, and lower error than the backends standard calibrated CNOT gate. I. INTRODUCTION sets with a Clifford two-qubit like CNOT are appealing as a variety of averaged errors in a Clifford gateset can Quantum computation holds great promise for speed- be can be robustly measured using various randomized ing up certain classes of problems, however near-term benchmarking (RB) protocols [4, 12–16]. applications are heavily restricted by the errors that oc- cur on present day noisy quantum devices [1]. To run a In some cases it may be favorable to introduce an ad- computation on a quantum processor requires first cali- ditional two-qubit gate to a gate set if it enables more brating a universal gate set – a small set of gates which hardware efficient compilation of relevant circuits, how- can be used to implement an arbitrary quantum circuit – ever this adds the overhead of additional calibration and which has low error rates, and then transpiling the circuit characterization of the gate errors. One such gate is the to this set of gates. This transpilation should be done in Controlled-Phase (CS) gate, which is a non-Clifford two- a hardware-efficient manner to reduce the overall error by qubit entangling gate that is universal when combined minimizing the use of the highest error gates [2]. Two of with the Clifford group [17]. The CS gate is particularly the most significant error sources on current devices are attractive to fixed-frequency transmon qubit systems as incoherent errors due to interactions with the environ- it can be implemented using the CR interaction, since it ment, quantified by the coherence times of device qubits, is locally equivalent to √CNOT. This means it can be and calibration errors in the gates used to implement a calibrated using the same techniques as the CNOT gate, quantum computation [3, 4]. but with a shorter gate duration or lower power, poten- If a gate set could be perfectly calibrated the coher- tially leading to a higher fidelity two-qubit gate when cal- ence time of the qubits would set the fundamental limit ibrated close to the coherence limit. Furthermore the CS on error rates without active error correction. Thus the gate is a member the CNOT-Dihedral group and can be goal of gate calibration is to get as close to the coherence benchmarked using CNOT-Dihedral randomized bench- marking [17]. Recently an optimal decomposition algo- arXiv:2007.08532v2 [quant-ph] 14 Mar 2021 limit as possible. Current quantum hardware typically use a gate set consisting of arbitrary single-qubit rota- rithm for two-qubit circuits into the Clifford + CS gates tions and a single entangling two-qubit gate [5]. State was developed [18]. This method minimizes the num- of the art single-qubit gate error rates in these systems ber of non-Clifford (CS) gates, which is important in the approach 2 10−4 [6], where two-qubit gate errors are context of quantum error correction as non-Clifford gates around 10−×3 [7–9], see also Appendix A. In supercon- require additional resources such as magic-state distilla- ducting qubit systems using fixed-frequency transmon tion to prepare fault-tolerantly [19]. However, in non- qubits a microwave-only two-qubit entangling gate may fault tolerant near term devices it is often preferable to be implemented using the cross-resonance (CR) interac- minimize the total number of two-qubit gates in a de- tion [10]. The CR interaction can be used to implement composition rather than non-Clifford gates. An opti- a high fidelity Controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate [11]. Gate mal decomposition for gates generated by the CNOT- Dihedral in terms of the number of CNOT and CS gates has also recently been developed [20]. Another exam- ple is the Toffoli gate which can be decomposed into 6 ∗ Corresponding author: [email protected] CNOT gates and single qubit gates, but requires only 5 † Corresponding author: [email protected] two-qubit gates in its decomposition if the CS and CS−1 2 gates are also available [21]. Assuming each gate gi has an associated error Λi(ρ), −1 In this work we calibrate CS and CS gates of varying the sequence Sjl is implemented as durations on an IBM Quantum system and benchmark ˜ l the gate error rates by performing the first experimental Sjl := Λj l gj l [Λji gji ] (1) ( +1) ◦ ( +1) ◦ i=1 ◦ demonstration of interleaved CNOT-Dihedral random- ˜ ized benchmarking. For specific gate durations we are The expectation value of E is E jl = T r[ESjl (ρ)]. able to obtain a high-fidelity CS gate approaching the Averaging this overlap over K independenth i sequences of coherence limit, which due to the shorter CR interaction length l gives an estimate of the average sequence fidelity time results in a lower error rate than can be obtained for ˜ a CNOT gate. In addition to RB we also compute the av- Fseq (l,E,ρ) := T r[ESl(ρ)] (2) erage gate error of the CS gate using two-qubit quantum ˜ 1 ˜ process tomography (QPT) and compare to the values where Sl(ρ) := K jl Sjl (ρ) is the average quantum obtained from RB. Pulse-level calibration was done us- channel. P ing Qiskit Pulse [22], and the RB and QPT experiments We decompose the input state and this final measure- ment operator in the Pauli basis (an orthonormal basis were implemented using the open source Qiskit comput- P ing software stack [23] through the IBM Quantum cloud of the n-qubit Hermitian operators space, constructed of n provider. single-qubit Pauli matrices). This gives ρ = ΣP xP P/2 ′ and E =ΣP eP P . Given that the gate errors are close to the average of all errors [17], the average sequence fidelity II. CNOT-DIHEDRAL RANDOMIZED is BENCHMARKING l l Fseq (l,E,ρ)= AZ αZ + ARαR + eI We describe the protocol for estimating the average where AZ = ΣP ∈Z\{I}eP xP and AR = ΣP ∈P\Z eP xP , gate error of the CS gate using interleaved CNOT- with being tensor products of Z and I gates. Dihedral Randomized Benchmarking, which is a natu- Z l l Each of the two exponential decays αZ and αR can ral generalization of the CNOT-Dihedral RB procedure be observed by choosing appropriate input states. For described in [17] with interleaved RB [13] to estimate example, if we choose the input state 0 ... 0 then Fseq = individual gate fidelities for the CS gate l | i eI + A0αZ where A0 =ΣP ∈Z\{I}eP . On the other hand, l if we choose + + then F = e + A+α where 1000 | ··· i seq I R 0100 A+ = ΣP ∈X \{I}eP , with tensor products of X and I CS = . X 0010 gates. 0 0 0 i The channel parameters αZ and αR can be extracted by fitting the average sequence fidelity to an exponential. In the following we let G denote the CNOT-Dihedral From αZ , αR the average depolarizing channel parameter group on n qubits and g G denote a unitary element α for a group element g is given by of G. Here the CNOT-Dihedral∈ group is generated by n n the single-qubit gates X,T and the CNOT gate. More α = (αZ +2 αR)/(2 + 1) (3) precisely, and the corresponding average gate error is given by G = Xi,Ti, CNOTi,j / λI : λ C , h i h ∈ i r = (2n 1)(1 α)/2n. (4) where i, j 0,...,n 1 ,i = j. We denote I, X, Y , Z − − ∈{ − } 6 1 0 as the single-qubit Pauli matrices and T = . 0 eπi/4 Step 2: Interleaved CNOT-Dihedral sequences. Choose a sequence of unitary gates where the first el- Step 1: Standard CNOT-Dihedral benchmarking. ement gj1 is chosen uniformly at random from G, the second is always chosen to be g, and alternate between Randomly sample l elements gj1 ,...,gjl uniformly uniformly random elements from G and fixed g up to the from G, and compute the (l + 1)th element from the l-th random gate. The (l +1) element is chosen to be the −1 inverse of their composition, gj(l+1) = (gjl gj1 ) .
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