Maharam Fabric Program: Alphabetical fabric grade fabric grade fabric grade fabric grade A Band Apart CALL Candor 7 Dwell 3 Instill 7 Abacus 11 Caper 8 Eden CALL Jacobs Coat CALL Across 11 Carapace CALL Edges CALL Keen 7 Agency CALL Cashmere Ripple CALL Ellipsis 11 Knot CALL Akimbo 10 Chalet 10 Embed 9 Lanalux CALL Albemarle CALL Chasm 9 Emboss 11 Lariat 3 Alloy 8 Chassis 9 Emit 6 Layers Garden CALL Alpaca Epingle CALL Checker CALL Enmesh 9 Layers Garden Double CALL Alpaca Velvet CALL Checker Split CALL Entwine 11 Layers Park CALL Alter 9 Chime 7 Epingle Stripe CALL Layers Park Double CALL Ample CALL Chroma CALL Equate 10 Layers Vineyard Large CALL Amulet CALL Circles CALL Etch CALL Layers Vineyard Small CALL Anagram CALL Circles CALL Exaggerated Plaid CALL Lea 11 Angles CALL Circuit 10 Exchange 9 Lean 9 Apex 10 Clamber 11 Facets CALL Ledger 7 Apt 10 Coach Cloth CALL Fathom 9 Lens 10 Arabesque CALL Coast 9 Feature 10 Levity 8 Arcade CALL Coin 7 Festoon 10 Lift CALL Aria CALL Coin Crypton 10 Flint 11 Limn CALL Article 5 Coincide 7 Fluent Crypton 9 Linden 11 Assembled Check CALL Coincide High Performance 10 Flurry CALL Lineage 8 Balm CALL Colorfield CALL Fluted Silk CALL Linen Basket CALL Bander CALL Colorwheel CALL Flutter CALL Link 11 Bask CALL Column 10 Fold CALL Lithe 10 Bavaria CALL Compartment CALL Foliage CALL Loam CALL Bavaria Stripe CALL Compound 9 Fore CALL Loop 8 Beacon 11 Conduit 8 Frequency 10 Lunar 7 Beryl 9 Confetti CALL Fruit CALL Manner 3 Beside 10 Cosset 9 Gallant 7 Mantle 6 Bespoke Stripe CALL Cotton Velvet CALL Garden CALL Marquee 7 Big Stripe CALL Cove CALL Geometri CALL Massive Paisley CALL Bind CALL Crew 11 Gild 8 Mechanism CALL Bitmap 10 Croft CALL Glaze CALL Medium 5 Blended Stripe CALL Crosspatch CALL Glen 6 Mela CALL Blocks CALL Crush 9 Grade CALL Melange Tweed CALL Bluff 8 Cursive CALL Grid CALL Meld 3 Blumen CALL Cycle 9 Grove 11 Meridian 9 Borders CALL Dapper 7 Gust 7 Merit 5 Boundary 9 Darning Sampler CALL Hearth 11 Mesh CALL Bright Angle CALL Darning Sampler Large CALL Herringbone Stripe CALL Messenger 3 Bright Cube CALL Darning Sampler Plaid CALL Hewn 11 Metric 3 Bright Grid CALL Deconstructed Rose CALL Horsehair Basket CALL Micro 7 Brim CALL Design 9297 CALL Horsehair Check CALL Mikado CALL Brindle 5 Dingbats CALL Horsehair Striae CALL Milestone 5 Brio 11 Disc 8 Houndstooth CALL Millerstripe CALL Brush CALL Ditto 11 Hours CALL Mimic 11 Brushed Camel CALL Divide 8 Huddle CALL Mineral 8 Brushed Cashmere CALL Divide Crypton 10 Hue CALL Mingled Plaid CALL Brushed Merino CALL Dot Pattern CALL Idle CALL Minicheck CALL Buffer 10 Dots CALL Imbue CALL Mister CALL Bureau 6 Double Triangles CALL Industry CALL Mode 5 Bushel 9 Draft CALL Inlay CALL Mohair Extreme CALL Candid 7 Drape CALL Insignia CALL Mohair Supreme CALL * Call customer service at 336-235-3450 for pricing. Additional patterns available, please contact Level 4 Designs customer service for fabric grade. Certain Patterns may be phased out by Maharam. Orders placed with Level 4 Designs subject to fabric availability. P.O. Box 6900, Rasons Court Maharam reserves the right to periodically phase out fabric patterns and may also require minimum yardage orders on some patterns. Hauppauge, NY 11788 Please refer to the Maharam website www.maharam.com for detailed information. CALL* for memo samples: 800-645-3943 516-582-3434 / 516-582-1026 Fax rev. 02/21 LEVEL 4 DESIGNS www.level4designs.com 7 Maharam Fabric Program: Alphabetical cont. fabric grade fabric grade fabric grade Monk's Wool CALL Repeat Dot Print CALL Taper CALL Monsoon CALL Repeat Dot Ring CALL Taut Linen CALL Motley 9 Rill 9 Teatro 11 Multiply 8 Roam CALL Tempera 10 Murmur 3 Roster 6 Tend 11 Muse 3 Rove 9 The Firm CALL Names CALL Rule 11 The Story of My Life CALL Nestle CALL Runner 11 Ticker 10 Nimble 9 Runner Standard 9 Tilt 11 Offset CALL Scape CALL Tinge CALL Optik CALL Scuba 8 Toostripe CALL Orakelblume CALL Scute 10 Tracery CALL Orbit 7 Scuttle 9 Trait 9 Ottoman Stripe CALL Seal CALL Trees CALL Overlapping Stripe CALL Segmented Stripe CALL Trellis 11 Pace CALL Sendal 9 Tress CALL Painted Stripe CALL Sequence 10 Trio CALL Palio CALL Sequential Stripe CALL Trundle 7 Pallet 5 Serried CALL Tuft CALL Parched Silk CALL Shadow 10 Twice 9 Pare 9 Sheen 9 Unisol CALL Parquet CALL Shift CALL Urban 11 Passel CALL Shuttle Standard 8 Valor CALL Pebble Wool CALL Sift CALL Vases CALL Pebble Wool Multi CALL Silk Canvas CALL Veer 7 Pepper 8 Skein 7 Velvet Stripe CALL Pick 7 Slumber CALL Vestige 11 Pick Crypton 9 Small Dot Pattern CALL Vineyard CALL Pinnacle 11 Soft Tweed CALL Voyage CALL Pitch 7 Songbird CALL Waver 9 Plait 9 Sort 9 Wend 7 Plume CALL Source CALL Wide Corduroy CALL Pocket 10 Span 10 Willow 10 Point CALL Spare CALL Wool Check CALL Press CALL Splay 9 Wool Rib CALL Pressed Linen CALL Spry 7 Wool Striae CALL Pressed Plaid CALL Stark CALL Wool Velvet CALL Prime 9 Stature 9 Wrap 10 Prompt 7 Steady 7 Province 9 Steady Crypton 9 Quatrefoil CALL Steep CALL Quay 8 Stow CALL Quell CALL Stripes CALL Queue 10 Strum 9 Rail 11 Study CALL Reef CALL Sudden 9 Regatta CALL Sundry CALL Relay CALL Superweave CALL Repeat Classic CALL Swathe CALL Repeat Classic Print CALL Switch 9 Repeat Classic Stripe CALL Swivel 11 Repeat Dot CALL Tangram CALL * Call customer service at 336-235-3450 for pricing. Additional patterns available, please contact Level 4 Designs customer service for fabric grade. Certain Patterns may be phased out by Maharam. Orders placed with Level 4 Designs subject to fabric availability. P.O. Box 6900, Rasons Court Maharam reserves the right to periodically phase out fabric patterns and may also require minimum yardage orders on some patterns. Hauppauge, NY 11788 Please refer to the Maharam website www.maharam.com for detailed information. CALL* for memo samples: 800-645-3943 516-582-3434 / 516-582-1026 Fax rev. 02/21 LEVEL 4 DESIGNS www.level4designs.com 8 Maharam Fabric Program: By Grade fabric grade fabric grade fabric grade fabric grade Dwell 3 Loop 8 Buffer 10 Treat 11 Lariat 3 Mineral 8 Chalet 10 Urban 11 Manner 3 Multiply 8 Circuit 10 Venn 11 Meld 3 Pepper 8 Coin Crypton 10 Vestige 11 Messenger 3 Quay 8 Coincide High Performance 10 A Band Apart CALL Metric 3 Scuba 8 Column 10 Agency CALL Murmur 3 Shuttle Standard 8 Divide Crypton 10 Albemarle CALL Muse 3 Alter 9 Equate 10 Alpaca Epingle CALL Article 5 Beryl 9 Feature 10 Alpaca Velvet CALL Brindle 5 Boundary 9 Festoon 10 Ample CALL Medium 5 Bushel 9 Frequency 10 Amulet CALL Merit 5 Chasm 9 Lens 10 Anagram CALL Milestone 5 Chassis 9 Lithe 10 Angles CALL Mode 5 Coast 9 Pocket 10 Arabesque CALL Pallet 5 Compound 9 Queue 10 Arcade CALL Bureau 6 Cosset 9 Scute 10 Aria CALL Emit 6 Crush 9 Sequence 10 Assembled Check CALL Glen 6 Cycle 9 Shadow 10 Balm CALL Mantle 6 Embed 9 Span 10 Bander CALL Roster 6 Enmesh 9 Tempera 10 Bask CALL Candid 7 Exchange 9 Ticker 10 Bavaria CALL Candor 7 Fathom 9 Willow 10 Bavaria Stripe CALL Chime 7 Fluent Crypton 9 Wrap 10 Bespoke Stripe CALL Coin 7 Lean 9 Abacus 11 Big Stripe CALL Coincide 7 Meridian 9 Across 11 Bind CALL Dapper 7 Motley 9 Beacon 11 Blended Stripe CALL Gallant 7 Nimble 9 Brio 11 Blocks CALL Gust 7 Pare 9 Clamber 11 Blumen CALL Instill 7 Pick Crypton 9 Crew 11 Borders CALL Keen 7 Plait 9 Ditto 11 Bright Angle CALL Ledger 7 Prime 9 Ellipsis 11 Bright Cube CALL Lunar 7 Province 9 Emboss 11 Bright Grid CALL Marquee 7 Rill 9 Entwine 11 Brim CALL Micro 7 Rove 9 Flint 11 Brush CALL Orbit 7 Runner Standard 9 Grove 11 Brushed Camel CALL Pick 7 Scuttle 9 Hearth 11 Brushed Cashmere CALL Pitch 7 Sendal 9 Hewn 11 Brushed Merino CALL Prompt 7 Sheen 9 Lea 11 Carapace CALL Skein 7 Sort 9 Linden 11 Cashmere Ripple CALL Spry 7 Splay 9 Link 11 Checker CALL Steady 7 Stature 9 Mimic 11 Checker Split CALL Trundle 7 Steady Crypton 9 Pinnacle 11 Chroma CALL Veer 7 Strum 9 Rail 11 Circles CALL Wend 7 Sudden 9 Rule 11 Circles CALL Alloy 8 Switch 9 Runner 11 Coach Cloth CALL Bluff 8 Trait 9 Swivel 11 Colorfield CALL Caper 8 Twice 9 Teatro 11 Colorwheel CALL Conduit 8 Waver 9 Tend 11 Compartment CALL Disc 8 Akimbo 10 Tilt 11 Confetti CALL Divide 8 Apex 10 Trellis 11 Cotton Velvet CALL Gild 8 Apt 10 Urban 11 Cove CALL Levity 8 Beside 10 Vestige 11 Croft CALL Lineage 8 Bitmap 10 Tread 11 Crosspatch CALL * Call customer service at 336-235-3450 for pricing. Additional patterns available, please contact Level 4 Designs customer service for fabric grade. Certain Patterns may be phased out by Maharam. Orders placed with Level 4 Designs subject to fabric availability. P.O. Box 6900, Rasons Court Maharam reserves the right to periodically phase out fabric patterns and may also require minimum yardage orders on some patterns. Hauppauge, NY 11788 Please refer to the Maharam website www.maharam.com for detailed information. CALL* for memo samples: 800-645-3943 516-582-3434 / 516-582-1026 Fax rev.
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