Z-III—Vol. XXI ATLANTA, GEORGIA, APRIL 3, 1942 No. 25 New Student Publication ROTC Joins in Council Men Heads Elected A rmy Day Here Announced Last Monday Tech students elected their Student Council representatives Service, Experience Determine Selections; Atlanta Public Invited to Attend for ^the coming semester. Of the twenty-two running after the primar­ New Officers to Take Charge Next Term Military Demonstration on Monday ies, March 23, the following eleven Last Wednesday evening at the regular Student Council meet­ Georgia Tech's large Army R.O.T.C. unit will join other organ­ men have received positions: ing the editors and business managers of the publications for next izations of the United States Army throughout the world on Juniors: H. S. Bell, R. O. Dodd, S. year were elected. The student publications board made the nec­ Monday, April 6, in celebrating ARMY DAY with an especially C. McLendon, J. B. Tharpe, W. K. essary recommendations from which the men were chosen. Selec­ planned program. This announcement was made jointly by Dr. Woodard. tions were based on ability, competence, and the amount of work M. L. Brittain, president of the school, and Colonel R. W. Collins, Sophomores: D. C. Eldredge, B. D. done by these men in the past three P.M.S.&T. of the unit as they issued Fitzgerald, W. H. Harris, W. J. San­ years. invitations to the public to visit the ders. Florida Armory Tech Alumnus Editor of THE TECHNIQUE will campus on that day to witness a pa­ Freshmen: W. S. Johnson, M. J. by Ed Killam, who is at present news rade and demonstrations. Sanders. editor of the newspaper. Killam was Named in Honor Army Emphasized Elected as New Although now members of the jun­ vice-president of the sophomore class "Monday, April 6, is Army Day," ior, sophomore, and freshman classes, and treasurer of Skull and Key last they will serve during their coming Of Graduate said Colonel Collins is announcing Firm President year, and is a member of Pi Delta this program. "Through military respective senior, junior, and sopho­ Epsilon. Jim Suddeth will be busi­ Colonel Homer W. Hesterly, Geor­ channels I have been informed that Among the many Georgia Tech more years. Installation of new offi­ ness manager. gia Tech C.E., 1910, commanding of­ the President desires that a special graduates prominent in the field of cers will take place after graduation Next year's Yellow Jacket will be ficer of the 116th Field Artillery, was effort be made this year in the ob­ engineering is Mr. James Fulton exercises in May. Serving for two edited by Jim Tharpe, who is a mem­ honored toward the close of 1941 servance of Army Day to show the Towers, who has been elected presi­ semesters, the Student Council will ber of Phi Eta Sigma, and a member when the new Florida State Armory various components of the Army to dent of Ford, Bacon and Davis, Inc., function throughout the summer term, of the Student Council. Business man­ at Tampa, Florida, was named Fort the people. The importance of the outstanding New York engineering placing the next elections in the fall. ager will be Ray Sadow. Homer W. Hesterly. The 56th Field R.O.T.C. element of the civilian com­ firm. Heading next year's Blue Print is Artillery Brigade paraded to mark ponents of our Army is emphasized Graduated in 1901 Sam McClendon. Johnny Bier will by the present war. We are proud of the outstanding occasion. take over as business manager. Bier Mr. Towers is a native of Rome, Band Honorary its record. Our people should know ii Praised by General is president of the Debating Society, Ga., and graduated from Tech in more intimately." Brigadier General Sumpter L. Low- secretary of the Bulldog Club, and a Mechanical Engineering in the class ery delivered the principal address at member of the Stud*nt Lecture Asso­ R.O.T.C. Here Since 1920 of 1901. Upon graduation he took a Holds Banquet the dedication ceremony, and praised ciation. The R.O.T.C. unit at Georgia Tech position with the Tennessee Coal, Colonel Hesterly's ability as an army established in 1920, is one of the Iron & Railroad Company of Birming­ New Officers Will Be officer. oldest in the country. Each year a ham, Ala. After a long period of Installed Saturday large number of Reserve officers have service in the steel business, he be­ Colonel Hesterly graduated as a Defense Course been graduated in the service of the came associated with Ford, Bacon Iota Chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi, civil engineer from Georgia Tech in country, and today these are scat­ and Davis, Inc., and served in the ca­ the honorary band fraternity, will 1910. He began his military career In Explosives tered throughout the world on mis pacity of vice-president from 1919 hold their annual banquet and offi­ at Tech. He received his first lieu­ sions assigned them by the War De- through 1941, when he was elected to cers* installation this Saturday night tenant's commission in 1917, and (Continued on Page 6) his present post. at the Paradise Room of the Henry shortly after went into the regular Again Offered Grady. At this time individual awards service. After serving for less than a Outstanding Business Men year, he was honorably discharged as for special achievements also will be The third session of the Explosive Besides being a member of leading a captain. Capacity Crowd presented. It is expected that all of iron and steel, coke, and blast furnace Course taught by Dr. P. K. Calloway the score and one-half members will Made Colonel in 1934 associations, Mr. Towers is a direc­ started on March 5. Of the seventeen attend, as this is the fraternity's larg­ He returned to Tampa, Florida, students taking the night school Attends 'Pirates tor in his own company and also in est function of the year. where he became active in the re-or­ course, only one is a regularly en­ Ford, Bacon and Davis Construction While the officers were elected a ganization of the Florida National rolled student in day school. Since the Corporation, Allied Products Corpo­ Of Penzance' few weeks ago, their official installa­ Guard. While doing this work, he ad­ course is especially offered, practical ration, and Overseas Credit Corpora­ tion will take place at the banquet vanced to the rank of Lieutenant training and credit are not given in tion. He was also assistant director On Friday evening, March 27, the and their terms of office will carry Colonel. During the flood of 1926, he day school, most of the students come of priorities in the Office of Produc­ combined glee clubs of Agnes Scott them through the next football sea­ performed valuable service in the from industry. tion Management from January to and Tech gave a performance of the son. The members of this fraternity Lake Okeechobee district. He was The explosive course is a govern­ May, 1941. comic opera, "The Pirates of Pen­ form an integral part of the football promoted to the rank of Colonel in ment project to train inspectors and zance," at Presser Hall, Agnes Scott. band which was so successful during 1934, and is now in active service testers for civil service work in de­ Saturday afternoon the same cast the last season. for his country. fense industries. Last year the gov­ gave another performance for the Debating Club ernment trained instructors from benefit of the soldiers at Lawson thirty schools to teach this course. Dr. General Hospital. After the perform­ Half of Senior Class Calaway is being helped by Dr. Clary To Begin Tour ance the group went to Agnes Scott and Dr. Waddle. The twelve weeks for dinner, being guests of the col­ course consists of 36 hours of lecture lege. The last of this series of per­ Next Weekend To Join Armed Forces and 108 hours of lab. It is significant formances was presented at Scott that no accident has occurred, al­ that evening. A capacity crowd was Tech's debating club is preparing though all of the common explosives Personnel Office Releases Data Showing That present at all three performances. for a strenuous schedule this com­ are prepared and tested. Safety gog­ The Saturday evening attendance, ing week. The subject for the com­ Over 150 Lieutenants, 50 Ensigns to Graduate gles are worn. which was the largest, concluded a ing debate is: "Resolved, that the Of the students completing the Professor F. W. Ajax has released figures which show that of very successful series of appearances. Federal Government should regulate course last summer or this winter, the 484 seniors who registered last fall, all who graduate will by law the labor unions in the United approximately two-thirds are now em­ enter either war industries or the armed forces after their gradu­ States," which is now being debated ation in May. Although the information is incomplete and is dated ployed in explosive plants. by Pi Kappa Delta, national debating March 27, ii shows that approximately one-half of the graduating Radio Discussed society. class and graduate students will en­ A debate with Mercer on April 3, ter defense industries and that the Col. Brownell at the Tech "Y," starts the ball roll­ Critic to Close Over Airwaves remainder will enter the Army, Navy ing. This is followed by a debate on and Marine Corps. Last Tuesday's Georgia Tech Ra­ the sixth with Georgia, also at the Leaves Tech 154 to Enter Army Lecture Series dio Roundtable theme was "Radio in "Y." On April 9, the club will send One hundred and forty-eight ca­ Colonel Gilbert S.
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