.r~----~~----~--.. ------------------------~--------- ~----------·-------~----~----..-.----- - ~-~---~--~~ ------- , , Road lights page 3 VOL. XVII, NO. 19 tht.· imkpt:rHknt ~tudt.·nt nt:w~papt:r ~t:rving notrt: Jamt: and saint mary's WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1982 U.S. to send tnilitary forces to Lebanon (AP) - The Israeli government 1,400 by PLO chiefYasser Arafat. approved yesterday the plan to send Israel blamed Phalangist U.S., Italian and French militiamen Joyal to the slain peacekeepers back to Beirut, where Gemayel for the rampage. Lebanese the confirmed death toll from a officials and some survivors said the frenzy of bloodletting in two refugee killers were from the militia of camps climbed to 204. renegade Lebanese army Maj.· Saad With support from the Moslem Haddad. leaders who tried to block his The Phalangists and Haddad brother's election, Maronite Chris­ denied involvement. Israel was tian Amin Gemayel was chosen charged with .doing nothing about president of Lebanon during a spe­ the killing for 36 hours and was con­ cial Parliament session held one demned for not preventing the week after President-elect Bashir slaughter with its troops in west Gemayel was assassinated. Beirut. Israel pulled more of its troops But Israel rejected these charges, out of west Beirut, which it seized in saying it stopped the killing as soon what it called a peacekeeping move as its army found out it was going on. following Bashir Gemayel's murder. But the Israelis kept an overnight In announcing his decision to curfew in force in the predominant­ send U.S. Marines back to Beirut, ly Moslem sector for a third night. President Reagan said Monday night Red· Cross members and other workers· walk United States bas joined Italy and France in sen­ Prime Minister Menachem among corpses at Saf;Jra camp in West Beirut. The ding military back to frenzied Lebanon. ( AP) Begin's Cabinet, after a 5-hour See LEBANON, page 5 meeting in Jerusalem, announced that it endorsed reconstitution of the 2, 100-man force that left earlier Beirut earlier this month after evacuation of the main body of PLO Congress to intervene in continuing rail strike fighters. '· Cabinet Secretary Dan Meridor WASHINGTON (AP) The But Lewis was greeted with sharp Human Resources,. there was solid agreement that the said the government also called for a 5enate opene(l an express track yes­ criticism from some Democrats at Furthermore, insisted Lewis, any government must move to end the committee of five nations - Israel, terday for President Reagan's bill to both the House and Senate hearings attempt to impose another man­ strike. Lebanon, the United States, Italy and halt the nationwide rail strike, but over concern that the administra­ datory cooling-off period,. as the en­ The effect of the strike has been France - "to ensure that in the new the measure may be flagged for at tion was asking Congress to impose gineer's union wants, would put into widespread. circumstance, the bloody terror will least a day or two in the House. a settlement on the railroad unions. jeopardy the tentative agreement al­ Most freight traffic has been not be renewed." ·. As committees in both chambers Instead, the critics suggested an ready signed by the railroads and the halted across the nation, although But he said the Cabinet rejected held hearings on the 3-d_ay-old extension of the cooling-off period 80,000-member United Transporta­ Conrail continues to run because its President Yitzhak Navon's call for an strike, Senate leaders indicate<fa which had precluded the strike for tion Union. engineers are under a different con­ Israeli investigation of the slaughter vote on the proposal to order 60 days, or imposition of arbitration. Fred Hardin, president of the tract. Amtrak passenger trains have last Thursday and Friday at the Sabra 26,000 locomotive engineers back UTU, confirmed in an interview that been halted in the South and West. and Chatilla refugee camps. Meridor to work could come soon. Both of those options, said Lewis, he would "absolutely" withhold his Commuter rail traffic in Chicago and said only that the government But House Speaker Thomas "Tip" were considered and rejected by the contract from ratification if a San Francisco has been interrupted. would discuss "the manner to con­ O'Neill indicated a slower pace, administration. He said Congress at cooling-off period is ordered in the The negotiatins between the uni­ duct an appropriate examination in­ though he promised the bill "will be least six times in recent times has engineer's union negotiations. on and National Railway Bargaining to the facts." expedited before the week is out." itervened in various degrees to halt a "I'm not about to ratify mine (the Council, which represents 110 rail­ At the Moslem Chatilla camp, Red Transportation Secretary Drew rail work stoppage. contract) while they're cooling off," roads, collapsed Monday after the Cross spokesmen said 84 more Lewis urged Congress to move "I think we've mediated this thing he declared. two sides failed to resolve the ques­ bodies were recovered from rubble rapidly to impose a settlement al­ almost to death .... You're not going While disagreements emerged tion of a wag differential for en­ bulldozed by the marauders· over ready proposed by a special com­ to get this resolved," he told the among members of both the House gineers over those earned by other victims. This pushed the confirmed mission. He estimated the strike was Senate Committee on Labor and and Senate over what action to take. members of a train crew. toll to 204, but the spokesmen said costing the economy between 5500 many more corpses were still million to S1 billion a day and within buried. Estimates of the dead range a week could result in 450,000 Oraflex danger from .300 by the U.S. government to people out of work. No warning given about drug use WASHINGTON (AP)- The Food not submitted prior to the approval vestigating whether Lilly has vi­ and Drug Administration got no da•e." Lilly withdrew the once-a-day olated any of its regulations. reports of eight deaths in the United arthritis medication from the market Ronald Culp, a Lilly spokesman, Kingdom that were related to Eli Lil­ in the llnited States and other read a statement saying, "Lilly policy ly and Co.'s controversial anti­ countries Aug. 4 after British health is to comply with all requirements of arthritis drug. Oraflex, before the officials suspended its sale. the law and FDA regulations regard­ drug was approved for sale in the The drug, which went on the ing the reporting of adverse reac­ United States, a congressman said market in England in 1981 under the tions to the FDA. Beyond that, we yesterday. trade name Opren, reportedly has don't think it would be appropriate Rep. L.H. Fountain, D-N.C., said been linked to 61 deaths there and to comment." the Indianapolis-based drug firm 15 in the Onited States from liver or It was not clear whether the eight gave FDA no reports of the deaths kidney failure or other problems.-· deaths were reported by Dista itself before the drug was approved on Fountain, whose subcommittee or by individual British physicians April19. held hearings last month on the prior to April 19. Nor was it clear Fountain, chairman of the House drug's appro,·al, said in a statement, whether Dista informed its head­ Government Operations subcom­ "I doubt that FDA would have ap­ quarters about the reports. mittee on intergovernmental rela- proved Oraflex earlier this year had . tions, released an exchange of it known of the eight deaths A telex from the secretary of the letters with British medical officials reported by the company to the Committee on Safety of Medicines of and the head of the FDA, Dr. Arthur British governmem·or the: much lar­ the United Kingdom Department of Hull Hayes Jr. ger number of deaths reported by Health and Social Security to Foun­ The FDA commissioner, in a letter British physicians." tain said, "You should note that the dated Sept. 14, informed Fountain The FDA commissioner said in his committee receives reports of that "according w our recocds the letter, "Because the deaths in ques­ suspected adverse effects direct eight deaths reported by (Lilly sub­ tion were reported by Dista after from doctors as well as from the sidiary) Dista Products Ltd. were not submission ofthe NDA, it has not yet pharmaceutical companies con­ Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan, left, checks his watch while reported to FDA by Lilly prior to ap­ been determined whether a viola­ cerned and that there therefore may Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis briefs reporters in the press proval of the NDA (new drug ap­ tion of (an adverse drug reaction) have been reports to the committee room at tbe White House concerning President Reagan's request to plication). ... A recent phone call to regulation has occurred." of which Dista products ... were not Congress to order t~ end to the nationwtde'rail strike. (AP Photo-) Lilly confirmed that the data were Hayes said the FDA was still in- aware." --- ·-----.-:-- _._;,t. ---- --------- -----~- ----·----------------------------------------- NewsBrie_b Wednesday, September 22, 1982- page 2 By The Obsen•er and The Associated Press The 38-year-old actor, known on the screen as COTH restructuring johnny Wadd, ate his first meal Sunday, 11 pounds thinner than when he started the strike. But sheriffs officials said Holmes may Communication and Theater, the only department have been passed cookies and candy bars from other jail inmates administered jointly between Notre Dame and Saint during his fast. Holmes began refusing food after he was held in con­ Mary's College, may eRtl this arrangement by the end of tempt of court for refusing to answer grand jury questions about the lelli FliDt · the 1983-84 school term.
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