February 8-14, 2019 Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton Volume XLVIII, Number 6 BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK Center for Israel Studies to show documentary on Jewish-Arab immigrants on Feb. 11 The Center for Israel Studies at Bingham- the campus. The screening will be followed institutionalized policies that placed them politics,” said organizers of the event. ton University will hold a public screening of by a discussion led by Professor Erez Tzfadia. in development towns. “Touching on the Tzfadia was the scientific adviser of “The the documentary “The Ancestral Sin” (Israel “The Ancestral Sin” tells the story ideological nerves of Israel, the documen- Ancestral Sin.” He teaches public policy and 2017) on Monday, February 11, from 3:30-6 of Jewish-Arab immigrants in the early tary sparked a public storm about the role administration at Sapir College in Israel. His pm, in the Fine Arts Building, room 258, on days of the Israeli state and reveals the of ethnicity and race in Israeli culture and work focuses on spatial policy and politics. Demonstration of 3-D printer at BD on Feb. 17 On Sunday, February 17, from 10- how it works and what sort of things can gether. He has done several upgrades and Kohn has made a working model of a Toy- 11:30 am, Harold Kohn will demonstrate be done with it. modifications. I’ve heard about file formats ota five-speed manual transmission, square and explain how 3-D printing works at Manasse, who organized the event, stored with endings .com, .odt. and .gif. The gears, some spiral vases and much more. He Beth David Synagogue, 39 Riverside Dr., said, “Harold Kohn is a retired engineer inventor created a new .g file format. Other has agreed to demonstrate the printer, and Binghamton. The event is sponsored by the who has his own 3-D printer. As a friend engineering software writers are writing to explain the process and operation. Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton of Toby and Harold and, being curious this format. The amount of new, free stuff Following the 3-D printer presentation, and is open to the community. Breakfast about 3-D printers, I asked him about it. is crazy. This demo can be appreciated by there will be an exploratory discussion for will be served. The cost to attend is $5. To I was invited to their home for dinner and anyone from artsy to just plain curious. You those interested about forming a unified com- RSVP, call Charlie Manasse at 765-3304. a demonstration. With the technology in do not need to be an electrical engineer. I’m munity service group that would not be defined Kohn will discuss what 3-D printing is, its infancy, he bought a ‘kit’ and put it to- not and I loved it.” by congregation membership or identity. JFS “Beyond the Rainbow” now to be held Feb. 26 Jewish Family Service, in con- Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/ due to inclement weather. Those still interested in attending junction with Pride and Joy Families/ Queer in the Binghamton Jewish There will be no charge for the need to RSVP to Roz Antoun again Lesbian and Gay Families Building Community” on Tuesday, February 26, program and the light dinner. The at 724-2332 or [email protected] to Project and Temple Concord, will hold at Temple Concord, 9 Riverside Dr., dinner will be held at 5:30 pm, with prepare enough food and materials for the program “Beyond the Rainbow: Binghamton. The event was postponed the program running from 6:15-8 pm. all participants. Children of Abraham to host Passover seder for non-Jews on March 3 The Children of Abraham will host many Christians consider the seder to be Temple Concord and Rabbi Geoffrey Brown zoh ball soup and macaroons. Grape juice a Passover seder for non-Jews on Sun- the setting of the Last Supper of Jesus,” of Temple Israel will lead the seder, the will be used in place of wine to respect the day, March 3, from 2-4 pm, at Temple said Eve Berman. goal is for each table to have a family-like Muslim prohibition on alcohol use and for Concord, 9 Riverside Dr., Binghamton. “I was approached on more than one experience. “Anything we can do to share those who also refrain from alcohol. Members of the Jewish community occasion by Christian leaders asking if we the seder’s symbols, in particular, those on Contact Temple Concord at 723-7355, will be needed to host tables and assist could have a seder for them to experience the seder plate and how they relate to the or e-mail interfaithbroomecounty@gmail. preparation of seder plates and snacks. how we as Jews observe Passover and the story of the Exodus, will make memorable com if you are interested in assisting at There is a charge of $10 for those who meaning it has for us as Jews. So we looked connections for participants,” added Brown. the event. Help is needed to host tables, can afford to pay. at how to offer this for our non-Jewish A member of the Jewish community will to prepare the seder plate and matzoh ball “The Passover seder holds a partic- neighbors,” said Rabbi Barbara Gold- serve as table host, helping with the rituals soup, and to cleanup. ular fascination far beyond the Jewish man-Wartell. of the seder plate, and sharing their own Non-Jews can sign up for the sed- community. Muslims revere Moses as This seder for non-Jews is being designed experiences of Passover. At the conclusion er at https://www.signupgenius.com/ a prophet, the Exodus from Egypt in- as an educational opportunity for the com- of the event, each table will share their go/30E0D4AAFAF2AA2FC1-children1. spired African-Americans in their quest munity, to experience Passover in a wholly reflections on the experience. See www.interfaithbroomecounty.com for freedom and justice in America, and Jewish context. While Goldman-Wartell of The menu will include vegetarian mat- for more information on the event and to sign up to volunteer. Spotlight As winter weather batters populations INSIDE THIS ISSUE worldwide, JDC calls for aid efforts By JNS staff utility subsidies; minor home repairs; and (JNS) – As extreme weather sweeps extra food and medical supplies for people across the United States and Europe, the with limited access to stores and facilities American Jewish Joint Distribution Com- in inclement weather conditions. mittee urges the public to support local and “The human toll of extreme cold, espe- global winter efforts that aid poor popula- cially for vulnerable groups like the poor, tions. JDC has provided such aid this year elderly and children, cannot be underesti- to more than 9,500 poor Jews, including mated,” said JDC CEO David M. Schizer. the homebound elderly, across the former “As parts of America are plunged again Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. into dangerous temperatures, the warm The relief – deployed to ensure protec- home and clothing we take for granted is Nadezhda B. (last name withheld) shoveled tion from dipping temperatures and rising often out of reach for those on the margins coal provided to her by the American Jewish costs during the winter months – includes of society, like elderly Jews in places like Joint Distribution Committee and the JDC- thousands of tons of coal, firewood and the former Soviet Union. supported Hesed Social Welfare Center gasoline; warm clothing and bedding sets; See “JDC” on page 5 outside Odessa, Ukraine. (Photo by JDC) INSIDE THIS ISSUE Haifa port controversy News in brief... Special Sections A Chinese company is set to run Israeli rescue team in Brazil; Legal Notices .................................. 4 a new, private seaport in Haifa, Jerusalem cable car proposed; Book Review .................................... 4 testing U.S.-Israel relations. Israel gets Eurovision “key”; more. Classifieds ....................................... 8 ........................................Page 3 ....................................Pages 7-8 Bar/Bat Mtizvah Guide ............. 1A-4A e the information in this annual, keepsake guide to plan your event Page 2 - The Reporter February 8-14, 2019 Opinion From the Desk of the Federation President Changes to our annual donation letter SUZANNE HOLWITT You should have recently received your 2018 tax dona- sending you a letter when we receive any donation that Those of you making structured monthly contri- tion letters from Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton. you make to the Federation (i.e. your generous pledge, butions will receive your tax statements as usual in Although the tax laws at the federal level have changed, or PJ Library, or in honor of, or in memory of, or for a January. under New York state law there are still deductions that special pledge drive). This letter will need to be placed in I also want to thank our generous community for are allowed, so the letters should be helpful. a folder by you with any other tax/donation information the support you have given to the Federation with your Moving forward, we are making a change that we collected during the year. If you have made a donation continued giving. This lets us know how much you hope will help make things easier. Instead of getting an since January 1 of this year, you should start to receive appreciate all that we try to do for our community. I end-of-year letter showing your donation(s), we will be these letters. look forward to seeing you at many community events. Jewish journalism isn’t dead, it’s just changing By Jonathan S. Tobin paper, under the leadership of its brilliant longtime editor There should be no schadenfreude about what hap- (JNS) – The news about The Forward hit the small Abraham Cahan, aided the efforts of its immigrant read- pened at The Forward from those who disagreed with community of Jewish journalists hard.
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