NET PRESS RUN THE WEATH^ AVERAGE DAILX CIRCULATION Foreeaat'br O. Weather Bureau, for tbe Month of June, 1929 Wew H area 5,307 Local showers and sUghtljr cool* Ucmben of the Aodlt Bureau of er tonl^t; Friday fair and cooler. Ctrculattona , VOL. XLin., NO. 233. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CEN'J^ DRY ENFORCEMENT WICKERSHAM’S COOPER RAPS PLAN EXCITES FAKE MERGERS CHINESE ENVOYS RUSSIA NOT UP TO STATE SOUTHS DRYS I N A D D R ^ ASKED TO COUNTRY RITCHIE ASSERTS Congressmen Open Cam-1 Warns Public Will Deal With Area of Russo-China Dispute States’ Rights p aip to Force President | Force Against Combina- REUTIONS GOVERNOR to Endorse or Disavow j tions Founded on Greed ARE SEVERED BY SOVIET ANSWERS Chairman’s Suggestion. | and Selfishness. Washington, July 18.—Southern Groton, Conn., July 18.—Warn­ Clash dh Manchurian Border Reported, But This is Un­ CHAIRMAN Congressional Drys today opened a ing th at the p.eople will deal “ with campaign io force President Hoo­ directness and force” in big utility krashoyarsk confirmed—Shanghai Re ports 40,000 Soviet Soldiers ver to indorse or disavow the pro­ mergers that have for their pur­ PSPOBI-'C Chief Executive of Mary* posal of ex - Attorney-General pose ‘Selfishness and greed” was Massed at Frontier—Chinese Continue to Deport George W. Wickersham, chairman voiced by Governor Myers Y. Coop­ land Replies to Wicker- of the president’s law enforcement er of Ohio in an address today be­ Russian Reds—Military Planes Being Prepared hy ^ ■> commission, to divide prohibition fore the conference of governors. enforcement between the federal The right kind of consolidations, sham’s Letter at Gover­ government and the states. however, will meet with no objec­ VLA Both Sides—Japan Maintains an Attitude of Aloofness At the same time they attacked tion from the public, he declared. the sincerity of the administra­ “If consolidations and enlarge­ nor’s Parley — “18th tion’s enforcement pledge, and in­ ments bring to the people advan­ MOUKDEM « jected politics with the declaration tages of service and a consequent CHlIiA Moscow, July 18.—Attaches of the Chinese Legation and all that Wickersham has done whit lowering of the cost, then benefits the Chinese Consulate throughout Soviet Russia prepared today Amendment Imposes No the Drys said Alfred E. Smith will accrue and such consolidations will prove of advantage to the peo-' to evacuate the Union following the Soviet’s decision to break ^ 4 would have done if he got into the off all diplomatic and commercial relations with China. Albert E. Ritchie White House. ’ pie.” said Governor Cooper. Legal or Moral Obligation Although heads of some dry or­ “If on the other hand great ag­ Train service on the Chita-Harbin line has been suspended. ganizations have defended the gregations of wealth enjoying mon- At least a dozen Americans, including Dr. Derizas, of the Uni­ to Enforce Prohibition,” Wickersham proposal as the pres­ polistic privileges fail tj contribute Here’s a map showing the far eastern sector where the Russo-Chinese versity of Pennsylvania, who were en route for China, will be ent government policy, the south­ to the economic and social well be­ dispute over the seizure by Chinese Nationalists of a railroad operated forced to travel via Vladivostok. PICKETT SCORNS ern Senatorial Drys rose en masse ing and use these enterprises for through Manchuria by Russia is centered. Soviet officials were driven He Says. to condemn it as the capitol some­ the purpose of selfishness and from Harbin to Chita by Nationalists when the property was seized. It is claimed that the security of the eastern frontiers is men­ what recovered from its astonish­ greed, the people will not be with­ The Chinese eastern railroad passes through Manchuria from Krasnoy­ aced. The official newspaper Tzvestia announced that ths out remedv to deal w’Uh the situa­ RITCHIE’S VIEWS ment over the pronouncement. arsk to Vladivostok, far eastern terminal for Russia. f Soviets are taking measures to repulse possible attacks by White Groton, Conn., July 18.—Gover­ Wets ihjzzled. tion and that with directness and Guards (Anti-Communist Russians) and Manchurian (Chinese) nor Albert C. Ritchie of Maryland The Wets generally were still force.” troops. precipitated a sharp debate on the somewhat puzzled over the possible 'I Ke Important Question effect of the idea. They particu­ Governor Cooper declared that The situation is such that guerilla warfare on the, frontier Prohibition question at the con- Methodist Leader Says His larly welcomed what they assumed an important question before tne isrpossible at any time. Jerence of governors here today to be an implication that the pres­ American people has to do with when he took tlie floor and vigor­ ent law is unenforceable. proper regulation of great aggrega­ Today *s Developments Peiping, July 18 — The Soviet^" between China and Soviet Russia ously dissented from the Wicker- Suggestion, If Followed, With Senator Caraway (D) of tions of wealth invested In enter­ Russian charge d’affaire: and the prises of a quasi-public nature for over the seizure of the Chinese sham suggestion that the states as­ Arkansas, calling for Wickersham’s Soviet consul were recalled to Mos­ resignation “unless Air. Hoover general service of the people. In Manchurian Dispute cow by the Soviet government to­ Eastern Railway hovered today be­ sume a greater part in the burden Would Disrupt Union. know that his chairman was to “The attitude of the people day. tween war and peace. of tlie Federal government in en­ make such a proposal” other Dry toward the function of government The Soviet have begun closing With diplomatic relations be­ tween the two nations pre-emptor- forcing the Eighteenth Amendment. Washington, July 18.—Gover­ Senators attacked it as a plan to in this matter is definitely fixed A clash between Soviet Russian troops and Chinese on Russian business houses ihroughout virtually nullify the 18th Amend­ and clear” he said, "while recogniz­ Manchuria and are withdrawing ily broken off the Soviet govern­ Half a dozen governors promptly nor Albert C. Ritchie, of Maryland, the Manchurian frontier when the Russians attempted ment has declared itself of the be­ took occasion to express their ment. ing the need for expansion, the Russian women and children from has taken an indefensible position While Senator Borah (R) of people demand that government to cross the Amur river was reported in an unconfirmed Manchurian summer resorts. lief that all means of reaching an views on Prohibition and the Wick- press dispatch from Peiping to the London Daily Mail amicable settlement of the question ersham proposal, and two of the in the speech he made today at the Idaho has declined to discuss the shall so regulate these vast inter­ Moscow’s action in breaking off plan, it is expected that he will ests as fully to protect them against today. diplomatic a.nd commercial rela­ have been exhausted. governors, Governor John G. Rich­ governors' conference, at Groton, Thus far, no possibility of solv­ ards of South Carolina, and Gover­ Conn., E. Deets Pickett, research join in the criticism. unjust rates and Inferior service. Attaches of the Chinese Legation in Moscow and tions with China has increased to If Smith Had Won. Age Of Bigness the utmost gravity the seriousness ing the issue has presented Itself, nor O..Max Gardner of North Caro­ secretary of the Methodist Board Chinese Consulates throughout Soviet Russia are pre­ and as things stand today, there is lina sought to have adopted resolu­ of Temperance, Prohibition and “If Governor Smith had been To talk about destroying or tear­ of the situation arising from elected president and had appoint­ ing down structures of this charac­ paring to evacuate the Soviet Union, according to Inter­ China’s seizure of the Chinese East­ at least a fifty per cent, chance of tions they had introduced pledging Public Morals, declared. Russia and the Oriental Republic to President Hoover the support of He said Ritchie’s statement that ed Wickersham chairman of the ter is simply to ignore the bigness national News Service dispatches direct from Moscow. ern Railway and the arrest and de­ investigating committee which he of the age In which we live and the portation of scores of Russian Com­ bringing the dispute to a head on the governors in. his effort .49,. bring the ijighteenth Amendment impos­ On the Manchurian frontier, troops equipped with air­ the field of battle, about stricter law enforcement. proposed, the letter of GOVe”rhdr tfeihendous exactions made upoa munists in Manchuria. ed no obligation on the states to planes, poison gas apparatus and field guns, are gather­ Consulate Closed j Blames China. But the resolutions were referred enforce prohibition was morally Smith’s chairman would have been such service. haled as the first effort looking to "The real test and value to the ing. The concentration at Pogranichnaya was reported The Soviet Consulate at Harbin Is I First definite indication of the to the executive commli.tee. It was false, and asserted general accept­ ' extent to which war clouds are announced that it was the custom the modification of the 18th people or large corporate interests to be exceptionally heavy. being closed except for a skeleton ance of such a view would disrupt Amendment, revesting the states is found in the capacity and the staff to Is.sue visa for passports of hanging over Asia came when the of the governors at their annual the Union. Shanghai reports 40,000 Soviet troops massed be­ Soviet government. In making pub­ conferences not to adopt resolu­ much of powers granted to the gov­ will to better serve, and, since persons bound for Japan Indefensible Position tween Manchuli, the gateway to Siberia, and'Blagovest- According to word from Darien, lic its reply to the Chinese note on tions, and in this instance, this ernment in the 18th Amendment,” “Gov.
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