< t 0 ®l)t finJtn lejus-®lisenitr O The LINDEN NEWS, eetablished 1927. combined with The LINDEN OBSERVER, established 1920. Entered second class ma.. nui’er PRICE: 5 Cents Vol. II, No. 45 8 PAGES LINDEN, N. J, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1957 fie I '■ *1' L ‘‘ d e'i. N J * LINDEN Linden Library Director ^ I.iiideii Dancer ^Know Yourf Fealiircal in Oh io SCENE To Assume State Chair | Viola Maihl, director o f : Policeman Robert F. Lohr of 1309 Thel­ ti.e Linden Public Library, who by PETE BARTUS ma terrace, a senior at the New ha.< been .serving a.s chairman of Brunswick evening division of the library development commit­ Rutgers University, has been tee of the New Jersey Library A.s- Patrolman George Modrak lives 1 elected to the Hutger.s Honor .sociation, will become pre.sident- a. 319 CurtLs Street and was bom i Society ,the top honor group of elect of the state organization at in Ne-«' York City on September j the four evening branches of the annual .spring conference, to 12, 1928. He attended Public j University College, it ha.s been be held at the Hotel Berkeley- School No. l , j announced by the University. Carteret, Asbury Park, on May 2, Linden Jr. High Initiation of the twenty-six men S, and 4. School, and -v.-a.s | selected wil Ibe made on Satur­ Mi.s.s Harriet Proudfoot will be­ graduated from j day, April 27, at 7;00P.M. at come president of the Children’s Linden H ig h ; Zig’s Restaurant. Newark. Mem­ Section of the New Jer.sey Library- School in 1947. \ bership in the evening college Association for the ensuing year. honor society i.s open to students Two of the staff members will Creorge volun­ who have completed seventy-five bt active in group meetings. Mi.ss teered for the credit hours, the last forty-five Jacqueline Harri.s is to be one of United S t a t es of which were earned in Univer­ the leaders of a discussion of Marine Corps Proceeds at a recent cake sale have been tamed v»ver to the Cancer Fund by Eta ( hapter sity College with an average “ Reading Improvement Pro­ and after serv­ Psi Lambda Tan Snrority of Linden. Shown presenting the donation to Mrs. Ann Dougherty, grade of 1,8 or better, grams,” on May 3. On May 4 ing four years was discharged with residential chaimun. is Harriet Katz. Looking on are. left to right: Janet Levine, Janet .ScUen- * * • Roger Greer is to be one of a a Pfc. rating. inger, .Marlene Kaplan, Francine .Schmidt and School Commissioner Raymond J. Donahue, local Edward Tylicki of 516 Am­ panel on the topic, “ Library Serv­ police force on October 1, 1953, chairman. — (Ed Tehorz Photo) herst road, ha.s celebrated ten ice to Labor Groups.” police force on October 1, 1933, Elinor Schroe<ier of 1301 N. year.s’ service with the Esso Re­ Mrs. Jo.seph E. Grygotis and George attendeil a course at the Stiles street, known profe.ssif.nally search and Engineering Com­ Dr. Paul R. Brown, trustees, will Union County Police School held 1 a.s “ Malle” , has starte<l a ten week pany. Mr. Tylicki is a labora­ attend the meetings as representa- at the Westfield .Armory. Along | 20 Students Qualify engagement as the featureii dancer tory technician in the company’s MISS VIOLA MAIHL I t've.s of the Library Board. with the rest of his clas.smates he | _ I ■■ I i Uhoose New Leaders --------- i w-ith Hal .Aloma’s Hawaiian Orch chemicals research division. was instructed about such things Carol Walker wa.s chosen presi- j e.stra, appi-aring nightly at the » • * a.- actual crime cases, auto acci­ Jaycees Road - E - O Final dent investigation and hand-to- dent of the Junior tlirls’ Unit of 1 Shalimar Room of the ( ommo<lore Three young women from College Club Lists hand combat. State Police, FBI the John Ru.s.sell Wheeler Post j Perry Hotel in Toleilo, Ohii>. Linden are among the candi­ Moose Seats At Linden Airport Sun. agents and other police officers 1S97, Veterans of Foreign Wars : Elinor .":t.arteii her dancing car- dates to receive degrees from Jungle Explorers all contributed their time and ex­ .All qualifiers for the Teen-Age Road-E-0 .skill test must be at .Auxiliary, at a recent meeting. eer :ybou! a year ago, appearing Douglass College on Wednes­ perience to the course. the Linden .Airport no later than 12:30 P.M. Sunday, May 5, an- , Other------ officer.^ selecteil were , with a Hawaiian tnmi>e directe<l day, June 5, in Elizabeth Rod- Mr. and Mrs. Rus.sell H. New Staff His club activities include mem­ nounceil Nino Mannuzza, general chairman. The contest is being j Pamela Kravetz and .Maryann Lo-j ly Kinio, former ■'•tar of^the Hotel man Voorhees Chaper. They Gurnee, who will be the speakers bership in the Linden Patrolmen’s sponsored by the Linden Junior Chamber of Commerce. puch, vice presidents;. Patricia ' Lexington’- itHawaiian.......... .. Room, anti are; Miss Faith Jaffa of 707 for the College Club of Linden Byrnes, treasurer; Camille Ro-| ha.-- appearisd at the \Hilllani Penn at the meeting next Monday, May Benevolent Association Local No. Tw-enty contestants, four girls Amherst road, Miss Carol Ser- and 16 boys, qualified for the fin­ niano, chaplain; Kathleen Romano, i Hotel in Pittsburgh, th* Hotel John Derkach was in.stalled as 6, recently spent a month in the 42, the Fourth Ward Democratic tions at 12:45 P.M. and the con­ ra of 319 Brook street, and al event after competing in a conductress; Laura Twa.ska.s, pa-1 Emerson in Baltinuire, and tne governor of Linden Lodge, No. jungle areas of V’enezuela, hiking Club, and at present he is work­ test w-ill start promptly at 1 P.M. .Miss Shona S. Stolar, of 33 E. written exam .April 26 at Old City triotic instructor; an<l Camille Bel Chalfonte ILtddon Hall in Atlantic 913, Loyal Order of Moose at a through practically uninhabited ing w'ith the Police Athletic Lea­ All contestants must have their li- j Elm street. Hall. Sunday’s event is not a .speed lero, guard. City. public ceremonial at the Moo.se mountains to reach remote and un­ gue, being on the entertainment cense or permit with them or be ‘ * ♦ » committee for the annual dance. race but an obstacle race designed -Appointment.s made by Miss She recently completetl intalel- home on Sunday, April 28. explored caves. di.squalified. The judges’ decisions | Julius Vekassy of 212 Rob- George ha.s been a member of to promote .safe driving. Walker are as follows)* Secretary,' ing for Mr. Rolf .Armstrong, well Colored slides of these caverns, will be final. The winner will com­ binwood terrace, has celebrated Other officers in.stalle<l were: the policemen’s softball team, play­ Those who tjualified are: Stan­ Kathy Donahue; color lanirers, 1 known Nev,- A ork artist, for a cai- a.' well a.s of some in this coun­ pete at a later date in the state twenty years’ service with the George Ligush, junior governor; ley Belchik, Barbara Copeman, Carol'yn .Mollica an<l Lorraine .Mol- i endar to l>e release<i in P.'.Ae by try, will be used to illustrate the ing either .second base or the out­ road-e-o. | E.SSO Research and Engineering John Fessler, prelate; .Alexand­ Elizabeth Dalton, Sebastian DiLeo, lica; historian, Barbara Tw:i-k:is. ; Brown and Bigelow. talk. field. During the .summer months, Company. Mr. Vekassy is a er Kalla, Jr., treasurer; James J. Drivers and spectator.^ are to i Officer.s will installed at a ; She formerly attemied l.uuien The Gurnee.s will also show the hewever, he enjoys a relaxing day Frances Dragan, P'rank Dynda, member of the design and draft­ Peirano, Sr., trustee for 3 years; enter the airport through the Stiles | public meeting on Sunday, .May 19. ! High School, where was a type of boot.s, helmets, carbide at the .sea.shore with his wife, Helen Hemko, Stanley Holloway, ing section of the company’s con­ John Sanford, sergeant-at-arm.s; street gate. Local police will be at 3:30 P.M . at the Post room.s. 1 cheerleader. lamps necessary for cave explora­ Irene, ami their five-year old Jr., Jack Javornicky, Richard Mar- struction engineering division. William Lukach, assistant ser- on hand to take charge. tion, sometime.s called “ The Last daughter, Janet, either catching cino, Jr., p’rancis Martin, Ronald At the present time he is on a geant-at-arms; I^eon Gorezyea, M cK eow n . Children are to be accompanied Frontier for the Pioneer.” crabs or fi.shing. foreign assignment In France. inner guard; and Charle.s Kube, Oeorg-e has had some experience A .l2$o, Hussell Meyers, Robert by parents. No child will be per­ ♦ • * outer guard. The meeting i.s set for 8:30 P.M. in the Ash-well Room of the Pub­ in the radio-patrol car, but being Nagele, George Ri.sko, Alexander mitted to enter alone. Seats for Phone Rate Hike Looms Robert Edward Stankus, son Past Governor Lucian W. Alose lic Library. Guests are welcome a relief man he can u.sually be S.abunas, Richard Schaab, Robert onlookers will be erected by the of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Stan­ was the installing officer; Pilgrim t'. this program, which is expect­ .seen near the Chandler Avenue Shaw, Harry Sw’ain and Michael Recreation Commis.sion.
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