в Поднебесной Поднебесной в Кочубей Кочубей aномалии aномалии стр. 28 стр. стр. 8 стр. стр. 18 стр. Наши люди Наши Чем славен славен Чем Оперные Оперные April 2019 SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP MAGAZINE Issue 10/29 Апрель 2019 /Выпуск 10/29 Апрель pages English English With With With With Russian Russian pages pages Русский / Russian Maecenas Меценат April 2019 / Issue 10/29 2019 /Issue April Апрель 2019 Апрель Выпуск 10/29 Выпуск What Kochubey Operatic Our People is Famous For р. 8 Anomalies р. 18 in the Orient р. 28 Restored in 2016 with the participation of Cartier. of participation the with 2016 in Restored Рубины, изумруды и жемчуг, обрамленные золотом в аромат- Hermitage. State enamel. gold, crystal, Rock c. 14 Italy, Mounting: c. 11 Egypt, Lamp. th нике эпохи Великих Моголов, составили причудливый узор. th Форма сосуда для «розовой воды» совершенна. Технологии, примененные для его создания, и по сей день объект научно- исследовательского интереса. Экспонат, бережно хранящий- ся в Золотой кладовой Государственного Эрмитажа, стал сво- его рода эталоном для идентификации подобных предметов из других мировых коллекций. Редчайший образец декора- тивно-прикладного искусства средневековой Индии был до- стоин того, чтобы мастера высшей квалификации заново за- крепили на своих местах драгоценные камни, ни в малейшей степени не вторгаясь в исконную аутентичность неповторимо- го предмета. Драгоценный сосуд не просто исключительный артефакт. Причудливый предмет культа империи Великих Моголов из числа тех, что вдохновили мастеров дома Cartier на созда- ние направления, изменившего стилистическую картину пер- вой половины XX века. Ар-деко, воплощенный в ювелирном искусстве, был инспирирован среди прочего и проникновен- ным восприятием культуры Индии. Ошеломляющая новация Cartier оказала влияние на образ жизни, дизайн, архитектуру… Поэтому участие Cartier в реставрации ароматника столь сим- волично, это возвращенная крупица долга за дар творческого вдохновения и чувство сопричастности мировой культуре. Аркадий ИЗВЕКОВ, генеральный директор Дома Cartier в Санкт-Петербурге, доктор философских наук, профессор Золотой ароматник с грушевидным туловом. Сокровище Великих Моголов. Индия, XVII в. Золото, алмазы, изумруды, рубины, серебро. Источник поступления в Государственный Эрмитаж: дар посольства Надир-шаха, правителя Ирана, Российскому императорскому двору в 1741 г. Отреставрирован при участии Cartier в 2017 г. Fair Government Welcome! Strong Business Prosperous Citizens The Need for a Museum Arkady Sosnov — Editor-in-Chief Igor Domrachev — Art Director Timur Turgunov — Photographer Elena Morozova — Copy Editor Irina Hicks — Translator People on Earth have this need — to preserve the It is amazing that, in spite of all the difficulties, historical and cultural memories embodied in works museums of various types and status continue to appear. Editorial Office: 5 Universitetskaya nab, flat 213, of art, documents, artefacts and lives. That is why there 2017 saw the opening of the Museum of the History 199034, St. Petersburg. Tel. / Fax +7 (812) 328 2012, tel. +7 (921) 909 5151, e-mail: [email protected] have been museums since the time of Ptolemy. of the St. Petersburg Eparchy, encompassing the period Website: www.rusmecenat.ru I do not mean only great repositories — a museum from 1742, but the section that leaves the deepest Chairman of the Board of Trustees: M. B. Piotrovsky can be for the relics of a school, a factory or a football impression describes the repressions suffered by priests Founder: Arkady Sosnov, e-mail: [email protected] club, but creating even a small museum is not an easy for their faith in the 20th century. A museum is always Publisher: Journalist Centre LTD undertaking. The founders are usually enthusiasts like Irina an opportunity to gaze into the mirror of time and take Address: 5 Universitetskaya nab, flat 212, 199034, St. Petersburg. Tel./Fax +7 (812) 328 2012. Snegovaya, who has managed to set up the Kellomäki- a look at yourself. Distributed to the leaders of government agencies, Komarovo Museum in an unconverted location, highlighting A few days ago, the city’s Acting Governor Alexander companies, cultural institutions, and charities. the cultural phenomenon of this dacha settlement. Beglov lent his support to the idea of Hermitage Director These people are not necessarily driven by a sense Mikhail Piotrovsky to open branches of the Museum The Magazine is registered with the Federal Agency for the Supervision of Conformity with the Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Media and the Preservation of Cultural of mission — occasionally it is simple curiosity. Some of the Defence and Blockade of Leningrad. This will bring Heritage. Registration certificate: Pl No. FS2–8864 from 01.11.2007. Issue submitted to publisher 08.04.2019. Printed at ‘Premium Press’, 4 Optikov St. 197374, St. Petersburg. publishers from Minsk whom I knew in the early 1990s other museums linked to the theme of the blockade — Circulation: 2000 copies. ®Russian Maecenas, 2010. bought land for dachas near the village of Dudutki, the Tram Museum, the Museum of the Bakery once and what did they not find out about it! The road there, named after Badaev and now Karavay — into one large The use of this material is only permitted with the written approval of the editors. according to the chronicles, was the one along which museum. This is our history, our memories which we The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the editors. The editors have no responsibility for the contents of the advertisements. All advertised the Polotskian prince Vseslav the Sorcerer galloped ‘like have no right to lose. products and services have the required certificates. All rights reserved. a wolf to the Nemiga from Dudutki, having learned about Cover image: the siege of ancient Minsk’, and musical life was thriving Arkady Sosnov, Fragment of façade frieze depicting angels from the bell-tower of the Church of St. Anna the Righteous of Kashin. Restored by Pallada. in the estate of the Yelsky family. Now Dudutki has not Editor-in-Chief Keramarkh Museum of Architectural Ceramics, St. Petersburg. just a museum but a whole ethnographic centre. of Russian Maecenas 1 Contents HERITAGE OPERATIC ANOMALIES Famous singers reflect on the vicissitudes A CELADON STORY of the profession / p. 18 A gift to the museum helps to uncover palace mysteries / p. 4 EFFECTIVE PRACTICE ABAZA LESSONS A round-table discussion on the preservation of the language, culture and traditions of minority indigenous peoples was held in Cherkessk / p. 24 OVER THE BARRIERS OUR PEOPLE IN THE ORIENT The Peter the Great Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg has established friendly relations with China / p. 28 WHAT KOCHUBEY IS FAMOUS FOR The Higher School of Economics is Opening a Cultural-Educational Centre in an Historic Estate in Pushkin / p. 8 A BLAST FROM THE PAST What can be understood from taking photographs of one’s native village throughout one’s life / p. 14 2 Russian Maecenas — April 2019 Contents Contents WHICH WAY TO THE LIBRARY? The Finns have given a specific answer to this question from a cult Soviet I find Tchaikovsky’s passionate Herman more interesting than comedy film / p. 36 Pushkin’s calculating Hermann — I can sing it endlessly, and every time it adds to my experience; the role grows... I don’t ENTHUSIASTS stand still and repeat what I have done before. Each time I look for something new in the character. And if you dig, you always UNDER THE AEGIS unearth something! OF PALLAS ATHENE A man who once dreamed Vladimir GALOUZINE, Mariinsky Theatre soloist, of being a cosmonaut found his People’s Artist of Russia / p. 18 Cosmos in ceramics / p. 42 3 Heritage A Celadon Story A GIFT TO THE MUSEUM HELPS TO UNCOVER PALACE MYSTERIES Maria MENSHIKOVA, Senior Researcher and Curator of the Collection of Chinese Applied Art in the State Hermitage Oriental Department Photos: Anastasia Abramova, Sergei Soloviev. Portraits: P. S. Demidov. © State Hermitage, St. Petersburg, 2019 On Maecenas Day in 2018 the collector Yury Abramov donated In the early 18th century Chinese ceramics were luxury items to the Hermitage a ceramic dish with engraving and light-bluish that few could afford. The earliest documented oriental objects in glaze in a bronze mounting. Although the first-class gilded bronze France relate to the collections of Louis XIV (1643–1715). In the is immediately noticeable, the value of the gift could be established Sun King’s reign palace interiors were richly decorated in La Chine only after lengthy painstaking research. style (also called chinoiserie). From the 1720s, with the arrival The piece had been altered so much over time that it was of the rococo style, gilding of walls, furniture and mountings of unrecognizable, but step by step we managed to reconstruct its various objects became fashionable. This fascination with the history. In the first place, the elements of this table decoration Orient intensified during Louis XV’s reign, particularly between are not coeval: the gilded bronze — ormolu mounting is French the 1740s and 1760s. Expensive oriental porcelain began to be th Dish — ceramic, with work from the mid-18 century, whereas the dish was made in mounted in gilded bronze so that it would blend into an interior. light-blue transparent glaze. Russia in the early 20th century. It is now only remotely similar Chinese porcelain vases changed their shape and purpose with Mounting — gilded bronze. th th France, 1740s–1750s. to 14 –15 century Chinese ceramics with olive-green glaze that these added ormolu mountings: they became pitchers with State Hermitage. were called celadon in Europe. metal handles and bases; large deep dishes — bowls for fruit 4 Russian Maecenas — April 2019 Heritage which served as table decorations (surtouts-de-table); vessels for potpourri; candelabras, lampions… In 18th century Paris there were special ateliers managed by marchands-merciers (literally — merchant-traders). Journals of sales and purchases of some antique dealers have survived, for example that of the court purveyor Lazare Duvaux.
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