BLACK SMOKE: WIDE OPEN NO POPE YET SEC TOURNEY Cardinals hold first Florida only ranked conclave vote, PAGE 8A team, SPORTS, PAGE 1B The Wednesday Gleaner March 13, 2013 HENDERSON, KENTUCKY © No. 62, 129th year 75¢ Health care application lengthy process ■■Federal plan requires 21 steps, covers 15 pages By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar at Amazon or Travelocity is starting money part, actually picking a health Associated Press to look like wishful thinking. plan will require additional steps, At least three major federal agen- plus a basic understanding of insur- WASHINGTON — Applying for benefits cies, including the IRS, will scru- ance jargon. under President Barack Obama’s tinize your application. Checking And it’s a mandate, not a sug- health care overhaul could be as your identity, income and citizen- gestion. The law says virtually all daunting as doing your taxes. ship is supposed to happen in real Americans must carry health insur- The government’s draft applica- time, if you apply online. ance starting next year, although tion runs 15 pages for a three-person That’s just the first part of the most will just keep the coverage family. An outline of the online ver- process, which lets you know if they now have through their jobs, sion has 21 steps, some with addi- you qualify for financial help. The Medicare or Medicaid. tional questions. government asks to see what you’re Some are concerned that a lot Seven months before the Oct. 1 making because Obama’s Affordable of uninsured people will be over- J. DAVID AKE / ASSOCIATED PRESS start of enrollment season for mil- Care Act is means-tested, with low- whelmed and simply give up. This is a draft of the 21-page Health and Human Services De- lions of uninsured Americans, the er-income people getting the most “This lengthy draft application partment form proposed for use to apply for low-cost insurance idea that getting health insurance generous help to pay premiums. from Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program. could be as easy as shopping online Once you’re finished with the See HEALTH carE, 8A New bicycle plan wheels Lady Colonels shown some love off to a rousing start By Frank Boyett of the ideas shared that [email protected] drew a lot of interest was 270-831-8342 the possibility of develop- ing a greenway along the The job of putting to- eight miles of Canoe Creek gether a new community between Old Madisonville plan for walking and bicy- Road and the Ohio River. cle paths got new impetus “People are looking at Monday when 27 people what they’ve done over turned up at a workshop in Evansville and Owens- to begin the process. boro,” she said. Greenways “We got a lot of good are strips of open land, ideas,” said Marcia Eblen, often along waterways, chair of the Henderson- that are reserved for rec- Henderson County Bike- reational use and environ- way Advisory Commit- mental protection. tee. She added, however, “I Other much-discussed don’t know that the ideas ideas were bicycle safety we talked about will end and the need for better- up in the plan. People were marked bicycle routes. just throwing out ideas Educating people about and that’s what we wanted the rules of the road, and to hear.” perhaps providing fourth- The workshop’s pur- grade students a course pose was to gather pub- in bicycle safety, were lic input on what people MIKE LAWRENCE/THE GLEANER would like to see, and one See BICYCLES, 8A TOP: The Henderson County Lady Colonels line up at the bus windows Tuesday as cheering fans see the team off to their trip to the Girls New librarian is ‘doing Sweet 16 tournament in Bowling Green. something I love so much’ AT LEFT: Henderson County High students show their support at a pep By Frank Boyett job already.’” The library rally held at the school before the [email protected] board obviously thought Lady Colonels basketball team left 270-831-8342 otherwise. for Bowling Green to compete in the She came here from Girls Sweet 16 tournament today. The new director of the the job as library director For more on the tournament, Henderson County Public in Clinton, Tenn., which see Page 1B. Library, Essy Day, serves a county feels like she has with approximately just won the jack- the same amount of pot. population as Hen- “I’m doing some- derson County. She thing that I love so got that position in Four Star might develop ‘landing pad’ for industry much that I don’t 2009 after getting a look on it as a job,” bachelor’s degree By Chuck Stinnett for dirt work at one of its best indus- time it would take a company to con- she said. “I feel so from the Univer- [email protected] trial sites that would give a company struct a new plant on the site. lucky that I get paid Essy Day, sity of Maine and 270-831-8343 a head start on constructing a plant. “They would be able to do con- for doing something Henderson her master’s degree The board authorized its consult- crete foundations without any (addi- that I love so much.” County Pub- from Drexel Uni- When NASA wants to launch a ing engineer to prepare a request for tional) dirt work,” which could help a Day, 49, began lic Library versity in Philadel- rocket, it starts by putting it on a pad. proposals from construction compa- new industry start construction even work Friday. She Director phia. Now, a pad is being considered nies for excavating a 150,000-square- in the middle of a winter, Glen Ross, wanted this job be- The library’s in southern Henderson County in foot flat, compacted-dirt building president of the MSE of Kentucky cause of the excellence deep roots was one of the hopes of landing something else: a pad on a 40-acre site at the intersec- Inc. engineering firm, told the Four of the library here. “I did main attractions for her. new industry. tion of U.S. 41-South and Southern Star board. all the research about “It was that commu- In hopes of attracting more indus- Star Way near the Henderson-Web- “Companies are looking for build- the library and I thought, nity support that drew trial prospects — perhaps a food pro- ster county line. ings” that are ready to be moved into, ‘They don’t need me; cessor or packager — the Four Star Having a pad prepared could they’re doing such a great See LIbrarY, 8A Industrial Park board is seeking bids shave weeks or even months off the See DIRT PAD, 8A INDEX FarMERS America’s new love: Water ADVICE, 6B MarKET BUSINESS, 5B online A meeting of the new By Candice Choi For more than two de- www.TheGleaner.com TV SCHEDULES, COMICS, IN Henderson Farmers Associated Press cades, soda was the No. 1 CLASSIFIEDS S Market Association is drink in the U.S. with per CROSSWORDS, set for 6 p.m. Thursday NEW YORK — It wasn’t too capita consumption peak- IN CLASSIFIEDS 43˚/24˚ at the Henderson County long ago that America had ing in 1998 at 54 gallons a DEatHS, 2A Mostly sunny and Cooperative Extension a love affair with soda. year, according industry Office. LOCAL & REGION, 3A breezy today, but Now, an old flame has the tracker Beverage Digest. The public is invited to country’s heart. LOTTERIES, 2A cooler, high 43; low Americans drank just 42 attend and/or join. As New York City grap- gallons a year of water at MOVIE TIMES, 6B 24. Warm-up begins A member does not have to ples with the legality of a the time. SPORTS, 1B-4B Thursday, with highs be a producer to join. ban on the sale of large cups But over the years, as “One person on the board SUDOKU,D 6B reaching into 60s by now is not a vendor, but of soda and other sugary soda increasingly came Friday. just has a passion for the drinks at some businesses, under fire for fueling the ROGELIO V. SOLIS / ASSOCIATED PRESS one thing is clear: soda’s nation’s rising obesity A customer reaches for a Full forecast, 8B Farmers Market and for local food, ” said County run as the nation’s bever- rates, water quietly rose bottle of water from the Printed partially Horticulture Agent Jeff age of choice has fizzled. to knock it off the top spot. cooler at this Jackson, Miss., on recycled In its place? A favorite Americans now drink Sam’s Club. Displayed among paper Porter. for much of history: Plain a number of energy drinks, See WATER, 8A water sales hold their own. Printed old H2O. partially on recycled paper 2A » Wednesday, March 13, 2013 » THE GLEANER Funerals State lawmakers at odds on pensions George William Hancock Jr. The Associated Press Taxing districts: In other areas, both sides of a controversial bill Services for George William Hancock Jr., 59, Hen- the House and Senate have passed a that would strengthen legal pro- derson, who died Saturday, will be at 2 p.m. today at FRANKFORT — No new negotiations bill that would strengthen account- tections for religious freedom in Rudy-Rowland Funeral Home. The Rev. Mary M. Wrye meant lawmakers were at odds still ability of Kentucky’s 1,200-plus tax- Kentucky. will officiate. Entombment will be in Fairmont Cemetery Tuesday on how to shore up Ken- ing districts that collect revenue for Civil rights groups, including the Mausoleum.
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