Oxiconazole Nitrate (BANM, USAN, Rinnm) Tral.: Kenacomb; Otocomb Otic; Austria: Mycostatin V; Mycostatin- Fungichromin; Lagosin; Pentamicina

Oxiconazole Nitrate (BANM, USAN, Rinnm) Tral.: Kenacomb; Otocomb Otic; Austria: Mycostatin V; Mycostatin- Fungichromin; Lagosin; Pentamicina

544 Antifungals Port.: Mycostatin; S.Afr.: Candacide; Canstat; Mycostatin; Nystacid; Singa- Preparations Profile pore: Mycostatin†; Spain: Mycostatin; Swed.: Mycostatin; Switz.: Mycos- Parconazole is an antifungal that has been used as the hydrochlo- tatine; Thai.: Lystin†; Mycostatin; Turk.: Fungostatin; Mikostatin; UAE: Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) ride in the treatment of gastrointestinal candidiasis in veterinary Mikostat; UK: Nystamont†; Nystan; USA: Mycostatin; Nilstat; Nystop; Pedi- Dri; Venez.: Micostatin; Nistafesa†; Romalina†. Austria: Afongan; Fr.: Fongamil; Fongarex; Gr.: Fongamil; Hung.: Mikogal; medicine. Mex.: Afongan; Port.: Afongan†; Fongamil; Rus.: Mikogal (Микогал). Multi-ingredient: Arg.: Bacticort Complex; Bexon; Biotaer Gamma†; Bi- otaer Nebulizable; Dermadex NN; Farm-X Duo; Fasigyn Nistatina; Flagys- tatin; Kenacomb; Linfol; Min O; Naxo TV; Neocolpoben†; Nistinol; O-Biol; Pentamycin O-Biol P; Pelvicillin NF; Polygynax; Terra-Cortril Nistatina†; Tratomax; Aus- Oxiconazole Nitrate (BANM, USAN, rINNM) tral.: Kenacomb; Otocomb Otic; Austria: Mycostatin V; Mycostatin- Fungichromin; Lagosin; Pentamicina. Zinkoxid; Topsym polyvalent; Belg.: Eoline†; Mycolog; Polygynax†; Braz.: Nitrato de oxiconazol; Oxiconazole, Nitrate d’; Oxiconazoli Ni- Benzevit; Bio-Vagin; Colpagex N; Colpatrin; Colpist; Colpistar; Colpistatin; Пентамицин tras; Ro-13-8996; Ro-13-8996/001; Ro-13-8996/000 (oxicona- Colpolase; Dermodex; Dermokin; Donnagel; Flagyl Nistatina; Fungimax; Gi- C35H58O12 = 670.8. nec†; Ginestatin; Gynax-N; Londerm-N; Minegyl C/Nistatina†; Mud; Nax- zole); SGD-301-76; ST-813. 2′,4′-Dichloro-2-imidazol-1-ylace- CAS — 6834-98-6. ogin Composto; Neolon-D; Nistazol†; Omcilon A M; Onciplus; Oxyderme; tophenone (Z)-O-(2,4-dichlorobenzyl)oxime mononitrate. Poliginax; Tricolpex; Tricomax; Trivagel N; Vagi Biotic; Vagimax; Vagitrin-N; ATC — G01AA11. Canad.: Flagystatin; Kenacomb†; ratio-Triacomb; Triacomb†; Viaderm-KC; Оксиконазола Нитрат ATC Vet — QG01AA11. Chile: Multilind; Naxogin Compositum; Naxogin Dos†; Nistaglos; Cz.: Macmiror Complex; Polygynax; Denm.: Kenalog Comp med Mycostatin; C18H13Cl4N3O,HNO3 = 492.1. Fin.: Flagyl Comp; Fr.: Auricularum; Mycolog†; Polygynax; Polygynax Virgo; OH OH OH OH OH OH Tergynan; Ger.: Aureomycin N†; Candio-Hermal Plus; Halog Tri†; Jellin CAS — 64211-45-6 (oxiconazole); 64211-46-7 (oxicona- polyvalent†; Lokalison-antimikrobiell Creme N; Moronal V; Multilind; Myko- zole nitrate). HC proct sine; Mykundex Heilsalbe; Nystaderm comp; Nystalocal; Penanyst; ATC — D01AC11; G01AF17. H Polygynax†; Topsym polyvalent; Volonimat Plus N; Gr.: Kenacomb; Hong OH Kong: Kenacomb; Macmiror Complex; Polygynax; Triacomb; India: Kena- ATC Vet — QD01AC11; QG01AF17. O O HO comb; Indon.: Fasigyn-Nystatin; Fladystin; Flagystatin; Gynoxa; Myco-Z; Naxogin Complex; New Kenacomb; Trichostatic; Vagistin; Irl.: Kenacomb; HC OH Nystaform-HC†; Nystaform†; Timodine; Tinaderm-M; Israel: Auricularum; OH CH Dermacombin; Kenacomb†; Ital.: Assocort; Fasigin N; Macmiror Complex; N Malaysia: Kenacomb; Mex.: Acenil; Bidrozil; Decadron con Nistatina; Dermalog-C; Flagystatin V; Kenacomb; Macmiror Complex V; Metrofur; Mi- Profile costatin Baby; Novageon; Nysmosons-V; Promibasol-Plus; Vagitrol-V; N Pentamycin is a polyene antifungal antibiotic obtained from Neth.: Mycolog; NZ: Kenacomb; Viaderm-KC; Philipp.: Dermovate-NN; Streptomyces pentaticus. It has been used in the treatment of vag- Flagystatin; Kenacomb; Lidex NGN; Pol.: Macmiror Complex; Triacomb; inal candidiasis and for the protozoal infection trichomoniasis. Port.: Dafnegil; Dermovate-NN†; Kenacomb; Rus.: Macmiror Complex Cl Cl (Макмирор Комплекс); Polygynax (Полижинакс); Tergynan (Тержинан); S.Afr.: Duoderm†; Hiconcil-NS; Kenacomb; Riostatin; Tetrex-F; Singa- O N pore: Flagystatin; Kenacomb†; Polygynax; Spain: Interderm; Intradermo Cl Cl Cort Ant Fung†; Milrosina Nistatina; Positon; Swed.: Kenacombin Novum; Switz.: Dermovate-NN; Multilind; Mycolog N; Mycolog†; Nystacortone†; Posaconazole (BAN, USAN, rINN) Nystalocal; Topsym polyvalent; Thai.: Dermacombin; Gynecon; Gynecon- (oxiconazole) T; Gynoco; Gynova; Gyracon; Kenacomb; Nystin; Quinradon-N; Vagicin; Posaconazol; Posaconazolum; Sch-56592. 4-{p-[4-(p-{[(3R,5R)- UAE: Mikostat Baby Ointment; Panderm; UK: Dermovate-NN; Grego- 5-(2,4-Difluorophenyl)tetrahydro-5-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-ylme- derm†; Nystaform; Nystaform-HC; Timodine; Tinaderm-M; Tri-Adcortyl; Profile thyl)-3-furyl]methoxy}phenyl)-1-piperazinyl]phenyl}-1-[(1S,2S)- Tr imovate; USA: Myco-Biotic II; Myco-Triacet II; Mycogen II; Mycolog-II; My- Oxiconazole is an imidazole antifungal applied topically as the 1-ethyl-2-hydroxypropyl]-Δ2-1,2,4-triazolin-5-one. conel; Mytrex†; NGT; Tri-Statin II; Venez.: Halcicomb; Kenacomb. nitrate as a cream, solution, or powder equivalent to oxiconazole 1% in the treatment of fungal infections of the skin (p.521). It is Позаконазол also given as a pessary in a single dose equivalent to 600 mg of C37H42F2N8O4 = 700.8. oxiconazole in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis (p.518). CAS — 171228-49-2. Omoconazole Nitrate (USAN, rINNM) Local reactions including burning and itching have been report- ATC — J02AC04. ed. Intravaginal preparations of azoles may damage latex contra- ATC Vet — QJ02AC04. 10-80-07; Nitrato de omoconazol; Omoconazole, Nitrate d’; ceptives. Omoconazoli Nitras. (Z)-1-{2,4-Dichloro-β-[2-(p-chlorophe- For a discussion of the caution needed when using azole antifun- noxy)ethoxy]-α-methylstyryl}imidazole nitrate. gals during pregnancy, see under Pregnancy in Precautions of Fluconazole, p.532. Омоконазола Нитрат ◊ Reviews. C H Cl N O ,HNO = 486.7. 20 17 3 2 2 3 1. Jegasothy BV, Pakes GE. Oxiconazole nitrate: pharmacology, ef- CAS — 74512-12-2 (omoconazole); 83621-06-1 (omoco- ficacy, and safety of a new imidazole antifungal agent. Clin Ther nazole nitrate). 1991; 13: 126–41. Preparations ATC — D01AC13; G01AF16. Adverse Effects Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) ATC Vet — QD01AC13; QG01AF16. The most commonly reported adverse effects with Arg.: Oxistat; Austria: Gyno-Liderman; Liderman; Oceral; Braz.: Micotin; Oceral; Oxipelle; Oxitrat†; Canad.: Oxizole†; Cz.: Gyno-Myfungar†; My- posaconazole are headache and nausea. Other common fungar; Fr.: Fonx; Ger.: Myfungar; Oceral GB†; Mex.: Gyno-Myfungar†; adverse effects include abdominal pain, anorexia, Myfungar; Oxistat; Rus.: Myfungar (Мифунгар); Spain: Salongo; Switz.: Cl Oceral; Turk.: Oceral; USA: Oxistat. asthenia, back pain, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, dizziness, dry mouth, dry skin, fatigue, fever, flatulence, hot Multi-ingredient: India: Zoderm. flushes, insomnia, neutropenia, paraesthesia, pruritus, rash, somnolence, and vomiting. An increase in liver Cl enzyme values has occurred in some patients, especial- Parconazole Hydrochloride (USAN, rINNM) ly in those with serious underlying disease. Hypersen- H3C C O sitivity and allergic reactions, including Stevens-John- CO Hidrocloruro de parconazol; Parconazole, Chlorhydrate de; Par- son syndrome, have occurred rarely. N conazoli Hydrochloridum; R-39500. cis-1-{[2-(2,4-Dichlorophe- Cl nyl)-4-[(2-propynyloxy)methyl]-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl]methyl}-1H- imidazole hydrochloride. Precautions N Some azoles have been associated with QT interval Парконазола Гидрохлорид prolongation and licensed product information there- (omoconazole) C17H16Cl2N2O3. HCl = 403.7. fore advises that posaconazole should be used with CAS — 61400-59-7 (parconazole); 68685-54-1 (parco- caution in patients with potentially proarrhythmic con- nazole); 62973-77-7 (parconazole hydrochloride). ditions. Patients who develop abnormal liver function Profile Omoconazole is an imidazole antifungal used locally for fungal tests while being treated with posaconazole should be routinely monitored for the development of more seri- skin infections (p.521) and for vaginal candidiasis (p.518). It is Cl applied topically as the nitrate as a 1% cream, powder, or solu- ous liver injury. O tion in the treatment of cutaneous candidiasis, dermatophytosis, Breast feeding. Breast feeding while taking posaconazole is and pityriasis versicolor. For vaginal candidiasis, omoconazole O Cl HC not recommended by licensed product information. nitrate is given as pessaries in doses of 150 mg daily for 6 days, H O 300 mg daily for 3 days, or 900 mg as a single dose. Pregnancy. Posaconazole has been shown to be teratogenic and N embryotoxic in animal studies and its use is generally not recom- Intravaginal preparations of azoles may damage latex contracep- and enantiomer mended during pregnancy. For a discussion of the caution need- tives. ed when using azole antifungals during pregnancy, see under N Pregnancy in Precautions of Fluconazole, p.532. Licensed prod- For a discussion of the caution needed when using azole antifun- uct information recommends that women of child-bearing poten- gals during pregnancy, see under Pregnancy in Precautions of (parconazole) tial should use effective contraception during treatment with Fluconazole, p.532. posaconazole..

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