Το Ιστορικό Αυτοκίνητο και η ΕΛΠΑ Τα τελευταία χρόνια δηµιουργείται ένα ισχυρό ρεύµα και ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον προς τα ιστορικά (κλασσικά όπως λέγονται) αυτοκί- νητα και τις αγωνιστικές δραστηριότητες γύρω από αυτά. Το ρεύµα αυτό έχει παγκόσµια απήχηση µε προεξέχουσα θέση στην Ευρώπη, στις χώρες όπως η Μ. Βρετανία, Γαλλία, Ιταλία, Γερ- µανία, Βέλγιο και στον λοιπό κόσµο της Β. και Ν. Αµερικής. The Historic Cars and ELPA Η αγάπη και η νοσταλγία για τα παλαιότερα αυτοκίνητα ανεβάζουν τις αξίες και το ενδιαφέρον που αφορά σε ένα κοινό υψηλότερου During the last years, there has been a growing interest towards κοινωνικού επιπέδου και πολιτιστικής καλλιέργειας. historical cars, known as «Classic Cars», and their relevant ac- tivities in rallies. Στη χώρα µας έχουµε δύο σηµαντικές κληρονοµιές: The most ardent supporters of these events worldwide are Gr. • Τη πολιτιστική µας ιστορία, τα αρχαία µνηµεία και τους διάση- Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, as well as both North µους αρχαιολογικούς µας χώρους. and South America. • Το µεγάλο όνοµα που έχει δηµιουργήσει η ΕΛΠΑ µε το Ράλλυ The love and nostalgia for older cars raise the values and inter- Ακρόπολις, αγώνα του παγκόσµιου πρωταθλήµατος επί 52 est of people of culture and higher social standing. χρόνια. In our country we have two really important legacies: Ο στόχος που έχει η ΕΛΠΑ είναι η τεχνογνωσία και η φήµη του Ακρόπολις να µεταφερθούν και στο Ιστορικό Ακρόπολις. Αυτό • Our cultural history, the ancient monuments and the famous σε συνδυασµό µε την προβολή όλων των αρχαίων µνηµείων και archeological sites. τοποθεσιών να προωθηθεί σε ένα αθλητικό γεγονός παγκόσµιας εµβέλειας, αφού το 4ο Ιστορικό Ράλλυ έχει ήδη τον υψηλότερο • ELPA’s reputation that has been established through the συντελεστή 3 στο Πανευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθληµα µαζί µε τα διάσηµα Acropolis Rally which is part of the World Rally Championship αντίστοιχα γεγονότα Trofeo Florio, San Remo, Elba, Monte Carlo, for 52 years. Mille Miglia. The aim of ELPA is to transfer the know-how of the Acropolis Η προηγουµένη εµπειρία από τα πρώτα 3 Ιστορικά Ράλλυ Ακρόπο- Rally to the Historic Acropolis Rally and make it as famous as λις η πολύ καλή οργανωτική δοµή όπως έχει σχεδιασθεί και οι 115 the former one. In combination with the promotion of all archeo- συµµετοχές µας δίδουν τη πίστη ότι θα επιτύχουµε τους πολλούς logical sites and monuments of Greece, this rally can become µας στόχους. a sports event of international interest and notoriety. The 4th Historic Rally is already in top Category (coef. 3) of the European Aλέξανδρος Mανιατόπουλος Championship along with other relevant events such as Trofeo Aντιπρόεδρος EΛΠA - Eπικεφαλής των Σπορ Florio, San Remo, Elba, Monter Carlo and Mille Miglia. Based on our previous experience from the organization of the first three Historic Acropolis Rallies, the successful organiza- tional structure put in place, the design of the route and the 115 entries, we believe that our goals we will be met. Alexandros Maniatopoulos ELPA Vice-President Head of Sports Ι∆ΙΟΚΤΗΤΗΣ: ΕΛΠΑ, Λ.Μεσογείων 395,153 43 Αγ.Παρασκευή ΕΚ∆ΟΤΗΣ: Bασίλης ∆εσποτόπουλος (Πρόεδρος ΕΛΠΑ) ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΚΑΝ: Ευαγόρας Παπαθέου, Σπύρος Χατήρας ΚΑΛΛΙΤΕΧΝΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΕΙΑ: Παυλίνα Καλογεροπούλου PREPRESS-EKΤΥΠΩΣΗ-ΒΙΒΛΙΟ∆ΕΣΙΑ: Τεχνικές Εκδόσεις Α.Ε. 1 4o Ιστορικό Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις Sporting PROGRAMME Tuesday 1 March Thursday 21 April Opening date for entries 08:00 Re-Start Leg 1 from Loutraki 19:10 End of Leg 1 in Loutraki Monday 4 April 21:30 Publication of partial unofficial 20:00 hrs Closing date for entries classification of leg 1 and starting order for leg 2 Tuesday 19 April 14:00 First StewardsΆ Meeting Friday 22 April 17:00 to 22:00 Administrative checks / 08:00 Start of leg 2 from Loutraki Scrutineering of cars for Greek 19:30 Finish Leg 2 in Loutraki competitors, optional for foreign 21:00 Publication of partial unofficial competitors classification of leg 2- and starting order for leg 3. Wednesday 20 April 09:00 to 11:00 Administrative checks / scrutineering Saturday 23 April : of cars for foreign competitors 07:30 Start of leg 3 (last leg) from Loutraki 13:00 List of Crews admitted to start and 19:30 Finish in Athens, the Acropolis - exact start times for Leg 1, section 1 parc fermé and Re-start Leg 1, section 2 20:15 Final Checks 15:30 Ceremonial Start - Start Leg 1 from 22:00 Publication of provisional final Athens, the Acropolis classification 17:00 Megara Circuit 19:20 Finish of Leg 1, 1st section in Loutraki Sunday 24 April 21:00 Publication of partial unofficial 11:00-13:00 Prize-Giving Ceremony (Philopapou Hill) classification of Leg 1, section 1 13:30 Gala Lunch HONORARY COMMITTEE Officials of the Rally Safety Officer Stewards of the Meeting: John Kandas Alexandros Dardoufas Chairman of the Stewards: Secretary of the Meeting Honorary President ELPA Stan Minarik (CZ) FIA Ms Matina Vaitsi Bruno Longoni (I) FIA Chief scrutineer Maurice Gormezano John Anagnostopoulos ASN Honorary Vice President Nick Kotronaros ELPA Secretary to the Stewards Scrutineers Ms Georgia Patakia Nassos Papakostas, Organising Committee: FIA Observer Alexis Maratzidis Chairman: Yves Bacquelaine (B) Stratis Hatzipanagiotou Competitors' Relations Officer Eligibility Delegate Thomas Gourtsoulis Members: Ralf Pettersson (FIN) Chief Medical Officer Christos Apostolidis Clerk of the Course Pavlos Petridis Ms Catherine Halivelakis George Pavlopoulos Matthew Mansolas Press Officer Ms Anita Passalis Assistant Clerk of the Course Evagoras Papatheou John Papapanagiotou Antonis Hatzimihalis Administrative care George Mavroudis 4o Historic Acropolis Rally 2 Regularity PROGRAMME Tuesday 1 March 21:30 Publication of partial unofficial Opening date for entries classification of Leg 1, section 1 Monday 4 April Thursday 21 April 20:00 hrs Closing date for entries 09:00 (app) Re-Start Leg 1 from Loutraki 19:30 Finish of Leg 1 in Loutraki Tuesday 19 April 22:00 Publication of partial unofficial 14:00 First StewardsΆ Meeting classification of leg 1 and starting order 17:00 to 22:00 Administrative checks / Scrutineering for leg 2 of cars for Greek competitors, optional for foreign competitors Friday 22 April Road book distributed to competitors 09:30 (app) Start of leg 2 from Loutraki 20:00 Finish Leg 2 in Loutraki Wednesday 20 April 22:30 Publication of partial unofficial 09:00 to 11:00 Administrative checks / scrutineering classification of leg 2 and starting of cars for foreign competitors order for leg 3. 13:00 List of Crews admitted to start and exact start times for Leg 1, Saturday 23 April section 1 and Re-start Leg 1, section 2 08:30 (app) Start of leg 3 (last leg) from Loutraki 15:30 Closing time for nominating Team entries 20:30 Finish in Athens, the Acropolis 16:30 (app) Ceremonial Start - Start Leg 1 from 23:00 Publication of provisional final classification Athens, the Acropolis, 5 minutes after the last car competing for the Historic Sunday 24 April Rally Championship (Sporting) 11:00 Prize-Giving Ceremony (Philopapou Hill) 20:00 Finish of Leg 1, 1st section in Loutraki 13:30 Gala Lunch HONORARY COMMITTEE Officials of the Rally Scrutineers Steward George Moukandemis Alexandros Dardoufas Angelos Bavelas Competitors' Relations Officers Honorary President ELPA Secretary to the Stewards Ms Anthi Hatzinikolaou, Ms Georgia Patakia Thomas Gourtsoulis Maurice Gormezano FIA Observer Honorary Vice President Press Officer Yves Bacquelaine (B) ELPA Evagoras Papatheou Clerk of the Event: Chief Medical Officer Organising Committee: Christos Apostolidis Pavlos Petridis Chairman Safety Officer Administrative care Stratis Hatzipanagiotou John Kandas George Mavroudis Members: Secretary of the Meeting Alexandros Maniatopoulos Matina Vaitsi Christos Apostolidis Chief Scrutineer Dimitris Georgitsis Dimitris Georgandas Stavros Grossomanidis Matthew Mansolas 3 4o Ιστορικό Ράλλυ Ακρόπολις START LEG 1 - WEDNESDAY 20 APRIL 2005 TC Location S.S. Liaison Total Target 1st SS dist. dist. dist. Time car due 1 SECTION 0 STARTATHENS - ACROPOLIS 15:30 1 MEGARA CIRCUIT 44.32 44.32 1h 30’ 17:00 SS 1 Megara (asphalt) 3.93 17:03 1A SERVICE In - LOUTRAKI 43.98 47.91 1h 57’ 19:00 SERVICE (Loutraki) (3.93) (88.30) (92.23) 20’ 1B SERVICE Exit - PARC FERME In 19:20 LEG 1 - section 1 totals 3.93 88.30 92.23 OVERNIGHT REGROUPING RE-START LEG 1 - THURSDAY 21 APRIL 2005 1C LOUTRAKI PARC FERME Exit 08:00 2 SOULINARI 34.78 34.78 43’ 08:43 SS 2 Soulinari (asphalt) 12.58 08:46 2A ASTROS 55.71 68.29 1h 28’ 10.14 3 PALEOHORI 73.79 73.79 1h 41’ 11:55 SS 3 Kosmas (asphalt) 10.95 11:58 3A GERAKI In 14.71 25.66 35’ 12:33 3B GERAKI Exit 0.32 0.32 45’ 13:18 2 SECTION 4 KALLITHEA 14.82 14.82 21’ 13:39 SS 4 Parnon (asphalt) 24.30 13:42 5 KATAFYGIO EOS 11.22 35.52 1h 00’ 14:42 SS 5 Vamvakou (gravel) 11.20 14:45 6 VARVITSA 11.76 22.96 35’ 15:20 SS 6 Agios Petros (gravel) 9.60 15:23 7 FIHTI 80.43 90.03 2h 01’ 17:24 SS 7 Mycenae (asphalt / gravel) 7.27 17:27 7A SERVICE In - LOUTRAKI 46.91 54.18 1h 23’ 18.50 SERVICE (Loutraki) (75.90) (344.45) (420.35) 20’ 7B SERVICE Exit - PARC FERME In 19:10 LEG 1 - section 2 totals 75.90 344.45 420.35 LEG 1 totals 79.83 432.75 512.58 OVERNIGHT REGROUPING LEG 2 - FRIDAY 22 APRIL 2005 7C LOUTRAKI PARC FERME Exit 08:00 8 ATHIKIA 30.82 30.82 40’ 08:40 SS 8 Athikia (gravel) 8.89 08:43 9 DIMENA 41.31 50.20 1h 10’ 09:53 SS 9 Epidavros (gravel) 12.35 09:56 9A EPIDAVROS In 15.71 28.06 39’ 10:35 9B EPIDAVROS Exit 0.44 0.44 30’ 11:05 SPORTING 10 ADAMI 4.25 4.25 8’ 11:13 SS 10 Adami (asphalt) 10.77 11:16 10A NAFPLION In 20.87 31.64 50’ 12:06 SECTION 10B NAFPLION Exit 0.40 0.40 1h 00’ 13:06 11
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