University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1990s) Student Newspapers 10-17-1994 Current, October 17, 1994 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: http://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, October 17, 1994" (1994). Current (1990s). 153. http://irl.umsl.edu/current1990s/153 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1990s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. EDITORIAL SGA and OSA issued a joint statement Reading Rainbow concerning their differences on Thursday. But The UM-St. Louis chapter of the As­ was it really enough? sociation for Computing Machinery FEATURES holds book fair. Relationships: Can 't live with them, but you can 't live without them. SPORTS In light of Chris Berman IS theatrics on ESPN, sports editor Pete Dicrispino tags UM-St. Louis athletes with some very humorous nicknames. Issue 803 .UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS October 17, 1994 Congressional·races heat up ABC follows through with protest plans; 'Not Ashcrojt,Wheat send representatives; done·to offend anyone' Kelly, Talent exchange spirited words by Jeremy Rutherford McCollum. news editor "This (the protest) is not done to by Beth Robinson for Excellence in Urban Education at part in the event either in person or by offend anyone," McCollum said. associate news editor UM-St Louis. sending a representative. Some of the Nkrumah Zuberi carried out his "The point is to enlighten people. Marvin Beckerman, the director of more notable were, U.S. Senate: Andrea plan of protesting the celebration of People don't know thy untold facts CECH, was responsible for bringing Massey, a representative for Alan Missouri candidates running for Columbu~ Day, Oct. 10. It was about ilijustice in America, acts . U.S. Senate and U.S. Congress an­ the candidates to the University. He Wheat (D); Donald Trigg, a represen­ Zuberi's third such protest. AmeriCa has done and portrayed as . said it took four months of planning to tative for John Ashcroft (R); Bill swered questions in an open forum last The Associated Blac~ Collegians good." Thursday on the South Campus. make Thursday a success . Johnson (L); U.S. Congress: 1st Dis- (ABC) member said too much im­ Business major Reagan The event was sponsored by the "It took at least that long in plan­ . trict Bill Gay, a representative ' for portance is placed on the holiday . Muehlberger disagrees. Citizen Education ·Clearing House. ning," Beckerman said, "and involved William Clay (0), Donald Counts (R), When his plans to bring Wabunu "I hear a lot of contradictions in CECH helps young people become many people including: students, staff, . Craig Williamson (L): 2nd District Pat Inini (Vernon Bellecollrt), a Native' their protest," Muehlberger said. "One infonned participants in the civic, faculty,CECH staffand the community Kelly (0), James Talent (R), Jim American Indian, to campus failed, minute they're saying, '1 don 't care if governmental and political affairs of people as well." Higgins (L); 3rd District: Dick' Zuberi conducted his own demon­ America gets blown up tomorrow,' democracy. CECH is part of the center .Approximately 45 candidates took Gephardt, representative Glenn Jim Talent stration behind ThomasJeffersonLi­ and then they're saying 'except for Campbell (D). brary . • the fact that innocent people might Each candidate had three minutes able. People are not going to save · Zuberi had asked the University get hurt.' That's not a minor thing." to speak to the audience of approxi­ enough money. We need preventive Program Board (UPB) ID help defray Muehlberger said she doesn't mately 150 people. Here are excerpts care and vaccinations. It is nonsense to Bellecourt's $1,600 fee. The board know why the protestors are putting from some of their speeches. hide behind the facade that kids are voted4 -3 against giving ABC $1,100 such an emphasis on Columbus Day. Talent: ''The Clinton health care different in suburban or urban areas. of the requested amount "They (the protestors) think that plan is government domination at all Parents need to make a commitment to "If we can't get the money to Columbus Day is the cause of ev­ levels of health care. It will result in a be involved in the child's education." bring the man to campus, th en wc' II erything that is happening today," higher deductible. We need medical Beckerman said he was glad CECH have OUf ow n protc,st," Zuberi said. she said. "They say they want equal malpractice liability-Federal gov­ could do its pan. "We have no other choice." this and equal that, and that we are all ernment can stop raiding funds that are "CECH feels fulfilled that it was Shav,'O Gittons, UPB president, one America But then they say, 'We for scholarships and spending the able to help the University and the said his organization was not given African-Americans need to do this.' money elsewhere. If Amendment 6 community in· terms of bringing the enough notice. Zuberi made his pro­ It's a win-lose situation. passes, you can't say that spending in issues to the forefront this year," he posal Sept. 30, seven days before he "I think of us all as Americans," that area (education) will go up, they said. wanted to bring Bellccourt to the she said. "They need to let one or the (government) can take Olher funds The candidates will be on the Nov. University. other go." away. I think I made it clear that I don't 8 ballot, and Beckerman said he ex­ "I can't get a voucher paid, m3ke Sobukwe Shukura, a protestor, want the Federal Government in con­ pects to see more people at the polls, at hotel reservations or do anything, in said OcL 10 is a day of solidarity Photo : Monica Senecal trol of education. The family needs to least from UM-St. Louis. th pl amount of time,"'G inons said in against imperialism. be more responsible for their child's "I think there will a better turnout issue 802 of The Curren/. "Certain1y anyone who believes COLLEAGUES: Pat Kelly (D~ lalks with SGAVice President ~< el yvard education. What the federal gOY because there will be a more infonned Zuberi and ' ABC Pl:csiden c . s to go where last Thursday. Kelly is running against Jim Talent (R-Mo) fora seat in U.S. menlOcould do is help make f8.milies . voter as a result of meetIng 'the candi­ cholas Wrenstagcd their own protest, injustice is," Shukura said. 'That's Congress in the 2nd District. stronger in that area." dates on campus and seeing what their which was led by a number of stu ­ what Martin Luther King taught us." Kelly: "J im Talent's plan is laugh- all about." dents, including student Michael see Protest, page 4 SGA, OSA end negotiations, issue joint statelTIent by Jeremy Rutherford agaiti.." news editor Jones and Schmalfeld thanked '/ am pleased with the deliberations and Miranda Duncan, who acted as a fa­ Three months of negotiations be­ cilitator between the two sides. the results they have brought. 1 tween the Student Government Asso­ "We would like to thank: her for ciation (SGA) and the Student Activi­ -Bob Schmalfeld, director her time and effort in this matter," ties Office (OSA) came to a close Student Activities J ones said in the letter. "Her ability to . Thursday when the two offices issued help groups confront problems in a a joint statement explaining their nonaggressive manner helped to expe­ resolutions. dite the sessions, as well as help us to The meetings began in August and Atthattime. SGAofficials said in issue SGA's compliance with University/ accomplish our goals." concluded last week, with the two sides 795 ofThe Current the suspension was State/Federal laws concerning em­ Duncan said she appreciated the agreeing on a few items. requested by personnel in OSA. After ployment, which includes approving willingness of the two sides to com e to SGA expressed ill feelings about much deliberation on the issue, Jones the time-sheet of the office staff. an agreement. its use of University Center; the re­ said in the letter, "The SGA will be Schmalfeld .said he is glad the two "Generally, when you find your­ sponsiveness of the OSA to student responsible for the documentation of offices are moving forward. self in a disagreement, you tend to cut problems and the expectations of its all hours worked by our office staff, "I am pleased with the delibera- . off the communication, and you need Photo: Matt Forsythe org3nization. However, those were not and to supervise the day to day activi­ tions and the results they have brought," that communication to reach an uhder­ its major concerns. ties." Schmalfeld said. standing," Duncan said. VOICE OVER: Sobukwe Shukura takes his turn to vent frustration over ''Perhaps the strongest of the con­ Jones said the OSA seemed inter­ Jones, however, said if issues in She said both SGA and OSA the celebration of Columbus Day. About 30 students attended. cerns regarding OSA was the control ested in SGA'sproblems. The Assem­ the future cause as much concern, his worked through their differences and that they had over the SGA secretary," bly has formed committees in the organization will be prepared. that deserves credit. Jones said in the letter. troubled areas, which are expected to "Then, we'll be back to square "The positive is you reach your Bob Schmalfeld. director of Stu­ report to SGA officials their relation­ one," he said.
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