Congratulations to ALL of our SHS Graduates (1-4B) Salado illageillage oiceoice VOL. XXXVII, NUMBER V7 VTHURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 254/947-5321 FAX 254/947-9479 V V SALADOviLLAGEVOICE.COM 50¢ Graduation slated for 7 p.m. June 7 Valedictorian, Salutatorian for SHS Class of 2014 Commencement for the Salado High School Class of 2014 will be 7 p.m. June 7 at the Mayborn Center on the campus of the University of Mary Hardin Baylor in Belton. VALEDICTORIAN DANE HANKAMER Dane Hankamer is the Valedictorian for the 2014 Salado High School Gradu- ating Class with a grade point average of 105.95. Molly Danner is Salutatorian with a GPA of 104.50. (PHOTO BY TIM FLEISCHER) Hankamer will attend the Air Force Representatives from the Salado Chamber of Commerce and Village of Salado Academy, where he will also continue his welcomed employees of the CEFCO Convenience Store to Salado with a Ribbon career in competitive golf. Cutting on May 30. The CEFCO is now open 24 hours a day on the west side ac- He is the son of Ty and Christina Han- cess road in Salado. kamer and the grandson on Bob and Do- ris Hankamer, of Salado, the late Edwin Moehling and Laura Gray, of Prescott Man and Beast gather Valley, AZ and the late Buddy Gray. Hankamer has been involved in five UIL State Championships, either as a team member or an individual. As a junior for Furry Family Fest he won the Individual gold medal in golf, The Salado Chamber as part of the third place team in state. of Commerce will host The Salado Golf Team won the 2014 State the Furry Family Festival Championship. He was a member of the 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. June 14 in two-time State Champion Number Sense Pace Park along Salado team (2013 and 2014) and the UIL Math Creek. state champions (2014). The Furry Family Fes- Hankamer was nominated by Senator tival will host an array of Ted Cruz to attend the Air Force Acad- animal themed vendors, as emy. “I chose the Air Force Academy well as treats for the pups over Ivy League school offers in order to and humans. be a part of something much large than Admission to Pace Park myself, serve and represent my country playing on their NCAA men’s golf team.” is free to all animals and He will study Applied Mathematics at humans. the Air Force Academy, where he hopes Danner, she has attended school in Salado Returning again this to earn a scholarship to pursue a Master’s since she was in junior high school. year will be the Military degree. Her grandparents are Mary and Rich- Dog Demonstration Unit Hankamer said that among his favor- ard Danner, of Bonham, and Rita Richard from Ft. Hood. The crowd ite teachers in Salado is Dennis Cabaniss, Provost, of Omaha, Nebraska. will be wowed by the who he respects for “ his passion, exper- Her sister Annie is a junior at Texas strength, agility and com- tise and example he has set for me.” Han- Tech. mand of these military po- kamer nominated Cabaniss who recently Danner has been active in the Span- lice dogs as they perform received the Temple Daily Telegram’s ish Club, National Honor Society, Student their “take-down” tech- Golden Apple award. Council, Speech and Debate, tennis and niques. Specialist David Triste with his bull mastiff service dog. He also holds his basketball coaches in track and field. PHOTO BY MARILYN FLEISCHER high regard. “They taught me the value To add to the enjoyment She took Advanced Placement courses of hard work, integrity and preparation,” at SHS and will have 15 credit hours from of Dog Daze, the Pace he said of coaches Kenny Mann and Scott those when she enters Texas Woman’s Park Pet Parade returns! Ringo. University in Denton in the fall. She will This time, the Parade will will go to the Wounded (six for $25) for a cash prize to the top winner. As a senior, Hankamer led the Salado study child development in hopes of be- be a Costume Contest as Warrior Project. Eagles as a two-time captain to matching coming an occupational therapist. Tickets will be available well. Entry is free for the The event will conclude the best regular season in boys basketball During the summer, though, she will from the Salado Chamber costume contest. with the return of the Duck history at 32-4. He was named District raft the Snake River in Idaho. “After that, A portion of the Furry Race to Salado Creek. of Commerce. MVP as well as receiving first team All- if anyone needs a salutatorian to work, I’ll Family Festival proceeds Tickets will be $5 each Area and All-Region honors. He averaged be free!” she said. 20 points and 10 rebounds per game this Her volunteer work with KidZ Thera- year. pEZE in Killeen has helped prepare her Hankamer lettered three years in bas- for her future occupation. Frazier to play in state All Star game, ketball and four years in golf. She will attend TWU on the TWU As active as he has been at Salado, he Presidential Scholarship and Bonham Ki- Hawes, Haag to play in Area games won’t get much rest after graduation this wanis Scholarship. week. He reports to the Air Force Acad- She says that after college she wants to Even though their sea- emy for training on June 26. “practice occupational therapy in a clinic son was cut short of their SALUTATORIAN MOLLY DAnnER up north.” ultimate goal of a state Maybe she is heading north because of championshiop, three Sal- Molly Danner is the 2014 Salutatorian with a GPA of 104.5. The daughter of Ret. her summers in Salado, where she says “it ado Eagles baseball play- feels like I’m melting.” ers will be playing in area Col. Ben Danner and Dr. Susan Provost- and state All Star games in the next week. Senior Aldermen to discuss pitcher Casey Frazier, who pitched his way to an 11-2 record, will be playing in three of those games, in- Stagecoach sewer Salado aldermen will ness. Exception to Fireworks cluding the Texas High discuss the Stagecoach Other items on the busi- Ordinance for Mill Creek School Baseball Coaches Wastewater Treatment ness agenda are these: Event. Association (THSBCA) Plant and economic devel- Chisholm Trail street The board will also All Star Game 3 p.m. June opment policy at its 6 p.m. rehabilitation award. conduct a public hear- 14 at the Dell Diamond. June 5 meeting at the Mu- Approval of Donation ing for Revised Rules for Frazier was also named nicipal Building, 301 N. of $500 for gas and main- Board of Aldermen meet- to the District 22AA All Stagecoach Rd. tenance costs for Salado ings. District Team as the De- The WWTP is one of Volunteers. In the earlier workshop fensive Most Valuable Casey Frazier will be playing in the Texas High School 10 items on the board of Main Street Vision Plan session, aldermen will Player for his mound per- Baseball Coaches Association All Star Game on June aldermen agenda for the Approval of Jani King meet with staff and hear formances during the Ea- 14 at Dell Diamond. (PHOTO BY DEEDEE HAWES) business meeting. Prior to for cleaning of Stagecoach reports on: court clerk, gles’ 28-9-1 run that ended Texas All Star Game at hit nine with pitches. He the meeting, the aldermen restrooms and municipal office space issues, code at the Region III final last Baylor at 6 p.m. June 10. allowed 55 hits, 21 runs will meet in workshop ses- building. enforcement, permitting week. Frazier and Hawes led (9 earned). Frazier also sion at 4 p.m. June 5 at the Pace Park tree trim- fees, road maintenance Frazier, Cole Haag and the Eagles on the mound swung a heavy bat for the Municipal Building. ming for Blue Lapis Light budget, Main Street Vision Britton Hawes were all se- with stellar records of 11-2 Eagles, with a hitting per- Aldermen will receive performance. planning, Can Academy. lected to two Area All Star and 10-2 respectively. centage of .271 and an on- reports from the Chief of Door Hanger Notifica- Aldermen will also games: the Austin Area Frazier pitched almost base percentage of .367. Police, Financial Officer tion Cards for code en- discuss enforcement of Baseball Coaches As- 90 innings with an ERA Frazier had 29 hits on 107 and Tourism Director be- forcement. village dumpster and pod sociation All Star Game of .703. He struck out 116 at-bats, knocking in 35 fore addressing new busi- Permit Fee Revisions. regulations ad emoployee 7 p.m. June 9 at the Dell batters, walked nine and evaluations. Diamond and the Central SEE ALL STAR, PAGE 7A BELL COUntY BURN BAN STATUS ALADO ATER UPPLY ROUGHT OntinGENCY LAN S W S D C P CURREntLY AT LIFTED URREntLY AT TAGE C S 2 CALL TO REPORT A PLAnnED BURN - DAILY OUTSIDE WATERinG ALLOWED (254) 933-5555 USTOMERS ENCOURAGED TO WATER BEtwEEN P M AND A M - C 10 . 5 . TO BURN inSIDE CitY, CALL 254-947-5060 Page 2A, salado Village Voice, June 5, 2014 For all your printing FORUMFORUM An Open Exchange of Ideas The virtue of D-Day If I asked you, as we other passengers turn and mark the 70th anniversary stare in stunned silence. of D-Day, to sum up that Heritage Forum Rosa Parks is defying battle in one word, what by Edwin Feulner the unwritten, centuries- would it be? For me, it old code of racial subser- would be “courage.” vience.
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