THE NASHVILLE GLOBE, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1909 T L L MOORE, T. CLAY MOORE. the Silver Star Club, received the MRS. IDA IN . Residence 'Phone, Notary Public HARLIN THE CITY. Main J92-- y. Main 3293. $5.00 and the $2.50 prize went to Miss There is visiting in the citv from 'PHONE Office, Main 2093. Martha Flynt. Everybody seemed St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Ida Harlln, who BANK DIRECTORY. to be delighted with the treatment is here as the guest of her brother. Thr ara.thtptTjuviin M VV mnA 4t. n.4... s 41 . u.V-- a T. CLAY MOORE & CO. they received at the hands of the Bishop Evans Tyree, of North Hill business in the United SUtea. Tnej are owned and operated excliuirei committee of arrangement. Rev. J. street. She has a host of friends in by Negroes and are scattered throat bout the several states, prladfaT? T. Gilmore, the affable pastor, was Nashville, where in Real Estate and Loan Agents, Rent- she has spent the the South. The names, location, and other information concermlzs busy looking after bis guests. better part of her years, having left some of them are given below. ing, Buying and selling Property here recently to take up her resi- a Specialty, AFTERNOON TEA. dence in St. Louis. Mrs. Harlin is no stranger to Misses Dilsey Butler, of Murfrees-- . the Globe readers, as she was one of OXE-CEN- St. Luke Penny Savings Baak 418 CEDAR STREET, boro and Jonny Avent, Mrs. A. Rober- - the first members of T SAVINGS BAKE, WITH son, Mr. Kelley, E. Gray, the Globe force during its Dioneer Wm. Dr. W. days RICIIMOXD, YA. E. R. CAIXF.T, TIIE TAILOR. Master George Jones, Mr. Samuel and officiated at the Globe's first Incorporated Under the Laws of Tennessee. were guests of Mrs. Ameri- annual banquet. Although not direct- CAPITAL STOCK, $25,000.00. CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000. Jones the ly ca Jones, of 1406 Cedar street, recent connected with the paper at this Does regular banking business. NASHVILLE, TENN. time, feels a Ir,t?r ly at an afternoon tea. The guests she a keen interest in its est paid on all time deposits. Only New success. Mrs. insti York and Foreign were entertained by string music Harlin is also a sis- tution of its kind in Tennessee. ter to the President of Publishing Drafts issued. furnished by Mr. Wm. Kelley and the R. H. BOYD. President. Company, Mr. D. A. Vice-Presid- Louisville & Nashville R. R. others. Hart. It is like- J. W. BOSTICK, Bankers' Money Orders payable in any part of tbQ ly that she will remain in this citv J. C. NAPIER. Cashier. U- - S. lor sale. Collections receive CN. LANGSTON, Teller. ' until after the Sunday-schoo- l prompt attention. PLEASANT EVENING. Con New Union Station. City Ticket Office, 224 gress. 3 Per Cent. Paid on Time Deposits. Fourth are., North. Telephone Main 768 Mr. and Mrs. Patterson, of Eighth 411 Fourth Avenue, 'ortb, Leave. Arrival, avenue and Jefferson street, en- MAGGIE L WALKER, EMMETT C BURKE Louisville & Cincinnati 3:47am ;.':15ara PROF. LANE HERE. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. President. Cashier. Lonisville & Cinciunnti in honor of Miss Fannie 7:66am 8.27am tertained Prof. J. F. Lane, of Lane Louisville & Cincinnati 8:06pm 8 85pm L. Douglass on Monday evening, May President Louisville Accom'oda :20pm 06pm College, located at Jackson, Tenn., J- - a12 a3 31. The evening was an enjoyable TIIE PEOPLE'S ISVESTiMEST AM P. ROBINSON, President. Kvansville & Chicago 8 :57am i :05am was a visitor in the city week. Kvansville & Chicago 7:40pm 8:10am one, the table being set with all this S. A. JORDAN, the Prof. Lane to Kvansville 4 St. Louis 8:67am 2:05am delicacies of the season. The flowers stated a Globe reporter BANKING COMPANY. .C B. KING, Cashier. Kvansville A St. Louis.... a7 :30am a8:10pm that the object of "his visit here was A 7 were roses and ferns. Among Kvansville St Louis :40pm 8:10am those to look BIRMINGHAM, ALA. CAPITAL CITY SAVIXGS Birmingham, Kontgom- - present were Miss Mae J. Woodall, after the matter concerning'the BAH ery, Mobile and New summer school for Middle Tennessee, Mrs. Roberta Settles-Crow- , Mrs. Mary Capital Stock, $10,000.00, Orleans 2:25am 3:37am which is held each summer col- LITTLE ROCK, ARK.. Mentcom-ery- , E. Douglas, Mr. at the Doing Col- Birmingham, Settles, Messrs. Fred lege. a regular banking business. Mobile and New Box-le-y. The school, according to Prof. Johnson, John H. Carter, Edward lections solicited. Depository for the CAPITAL STOCK $ 2o,000.0C Orleans 8:45am 7:J5pm The waiters were Little Miss Lane's statement, will be larger and Great Southern Industrial Home Insur- Nashville A Scottsville better than ever this year, as the SURPLUS 2,000.0(1 Accommodation 3:10pm 10:16am Lylia Patterson and Miss Clark. ance Company. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savintfs Nashville & liartsville state has already given assurances of Accounts. Accommodation 5:10pm f7:50am an increased appropriation as W. L LAUDERDALE, President. Real Estate, life. Sick, AccidentFIre Insurance. nJa Hopkinsville Aecom'oda...a6:46pm 10:00am NASHVILLIANS GRADUATE IN well DR. R. D. MACKL1N, Vice President as some D. Cashier. Nashville A Clarksvilie CHICAGO, v extra instructors. Among A JORDAN. A. HARRIS, Accommodation 4:16pm t8 :17am these Nashville will figure- - conspic- THOS. Teller and Write us about our system of depositing y Invitations from Chicago have been acting Cashier. Nashville & Decatur Ac- uously, mall. Wedoforyou all that a gool Imi commodation 8:50pm 10:10am announcing the graduation as well as West Tennessee, received can do. Colombia tc Mt. Pleasant.. 8:50pm 7:26pm of Miss Buelah E. McGavock from but the majority of these instructors Columbia, Florence, will come from the college at Jack- Sheffield, & Tuscumbia..7 :40am 6:00pm Provident Hospital and Training Daily. tl'ly except Sunday. School on June 3. Miss McGavock is son. W. A. ATTAV.AY. M. P., Pres. W. W. COX. Ca'Jiler. a Steps at North College-stree- t station. girl W. H. C0A1S. Vice Pres. IK. B. R( RNfTf, Ass't Csfalcr. Train arriving at 4:66 p. m. runs from Mt. a Nashville ana is a graduate Pleasant eniy. from Fisk University in the class of BIRTHDAY PARTY. Union Savings Bank. Penny Train arriving at 7:45 p. m brings connec- 190G. She will remain at the hospit- The little son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Delta Savings tions from Tnscumeia and Florence. VICKSBURG, MISS. R. , al until July the 19th. ' W. Griffin, of 1209 Phillips street, C. Willis, W. Hal. Mubtainb ' INCORPORATED OCT. 1904. District Pass. Agent. City Ticke t Age ut. celebrated hte twelfth birthday on Capital Stock, $10,000.00. ENTERTAINED FRIENDS. May 19, 1909. Owing to inclem- CAPITAL $ 3.0U0.0 the Collections and Out-of-tow- n Bus Mrs Lizzie Johnson entertained a ency of the weather many children BESOUBCkS OVEIt $100,000.00 iness Solicited. a limited number of her friends at the could not be present. A three-cours- e Does General Banking Business. Makes Loans on Approved Security. Pays beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank menu was served to the following: H. E. CONNER. M. D.. President. Interest on Deposits. N..C.&S..L.Rf. J. a H. BOWMAN, First Vice President Collects Rent. Pays Taxes. Handles Real Estate. McCullough at the Corner of Eighth Hunter and Gray PetwayT Charlie THOS. DILLON, Second Vice President Etc. Correspond with us. Your Business, however and Winter streets, Sunday, May 3D, Franklin, Lenida Crosthwait, Alonzo T.G. EW1NG, JR.. Cashier, small, is solicited. We Pay Four per cent Interest M. MclNTYRE, Assistant on Time Deposits. 1909. program a TICKET An interesting was Wade, Green Northern, Emory Mer- Cashier. OFFICES rendered. Miss Mary Hargrave gave rill and William Dod'son. UNION STATION, BROAD WAT us one of her best selections; Miss LNDIANOLA, : MISSISSIPPI. Annie Rucker sung a beautiful solo, CITY OFFICE Mr. Will Tenon gave us an interesting AN APPRECIATION. In Maxwell House, Corner Chureu wishes to congratulate select reading. Mrs. Fathia Hart and The writer OF MOUND BAYOU. Savings Bank of the Grand Fountain, Street and 4th. Ave., North. Miss Maggie 'Hargrave gave us a the faculty and pupils of Bradley BAM United duet; recitation by Miss Lizzie John Academy, of Murfreesboro, on their MOUND BAYOU, MISS. Order of True Reformers. son; Maggie Hargrave sang a program during commencement. It Capital PHONE MAIN 377 Miss CAPITAL STOCK, $10,000.00. and Surplus .... $ 185,000.00 charming solo, "The Southland is the was pleasing, bright and instructive Deposits 306,902.00 land for me. Those present were throughout. It left an' impression up- JOHN W. FRANCIS. President. Loans and 12, 1908.) Discounts ... 444,732.00 (Corrected January g W. T. MONTGOMERY, Vice Preside. Mrs. Nellie Rucker Williams and Mr. on me. The hard work and pains-takin- Total business to CHAS. Cashier. date .. 18,028,800.00 Leaves West and Northwest Arrives Will Tennon, Miss Queenie V. Arnold to produce so good a result should BANKS. Tnterest paid on deposits. m. Mccarty, "The 7:00am Memphis, Hickman, Pa-- 3:35pm and Mr. D. Beard, Miss Maggie Har be gratifying to all. : r. L tematic Saving habit is an con-conuec- BAN lis. anchor ducah, St. Louis, ts Mrs, CHAS. of safety for Cntrevllle (!) grave and Mr. Irvin, Fathia J. W. FRANCIS. to every roan." Deposits sr 2:15 ; I'aducah, l:32pm Hart, Mr. Robert Banks, Miss Mary H. A. OODBOLD. licited. a Hickman, S. AL MORGAN, Jackson E. Miss Fannie Amos, Miss ENTERTAINS CHURCH CHOIR.
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