Charlotte E. Blattner, Dr. iur., LL.M. (Harvard) Research Output List 1. PUBLICATIONS IN PEER-REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS • Charlotte E. Blattner, Animal Labor – Ecosystem Services, Journal of Animal and Natural Resources Law 1-33 (accepted) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Secondary Victimization of Animals in Criminal Procedure: Lessons from Switzerland, Journal of Animal Ethics 1-33 (in print) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Should Animals Have a Right to Work? Promises and Pitfalls of an Emerging Theory of Interspecies Justice, Animal Studies Journal 1-23 (in print) • Lauren van Platter & Charlotte E. Blattner, Advancing Ethical Principles for Non-Invasive, Respectful Research with Animal Participants, Society & Animals 1-44 (in print) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Just Transition for Agriculture? Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 1-6 (2020) • Charlotte E. Blattner & Odile Ammann, Animal Agriculture and Farmers’ Rights: Exploring the Human Rights Nexus, 15(2) Journal of Food Law & Policy 92-151 (2020), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Sue Donaldson & Ryan Wilcox, Animal Agency in Community: A Political Multispecies Ethnography of VINE Sanctuary, 6 Politics & Animals 1-22 (2020), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Beyond the Goods/Resources Dichotomy: Animal Labor and Trade Law, 22(2) Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy 63-89 (2019), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, The Recognition of Animal Sentience by the Law, 9(2) Journal of Animal Ethics 121-136 (2019), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Wildtiere im Umwelt- und Tierschutzrecht: Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis? 1 Zeitschrift für Kritische Tierstudien 9-36 (2018), link • Charlotte E. Blattner & Vanessa Gerritsen, Animal Personality im Tierschutzrecht, Internationale Gesellschaft für Nutztierhaltung (IGN) Nutztierhaltung im Fokus: Animal Personality – Persönlichkeit bei Nutztieren 46-51 (2018), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Nun sag, wie hast Du’s mit den Wildtieren? Zur Gretchenfrage im Umwelt- und Tierschutzrecht, 13 Tierstudien 56-69 (2018), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Tackling Concentrated Animal Agriculture in the Middle East through Standards of Investment, Export Credits, and Trade, 10 Middle Eastern Journal of Law and Governance 141-159 (2018), link • Vanessa Gerritsen, Andreas Rüttimann & Charlotte E. Blattner, Zulässigkeit von Beschränkungen des Handels mit tierquälerisch hergestellten Pelzprodukten, 15(2) TIERethik 56-85 (2017) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Tiere lebend essen: Tierschutzstrafrechtliche Analyse eines wachsenden Food- Trends, Ex Ante 5-18 (2017), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Can Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Help Overcome Regulatory Gaps of Animal Law? Insights from Trophy Hunting, 111 American Journal of International Law Unbound 419-424 (2017), link Charlotte E. Blattner – Research Output List – April 2020 • Charlotte E. Blattner, An Assessment of Recent Trade Law Developments from an Animal Law Perspective: Trade Law as the Sheep in the Wolf’s Clothing? 22(2) Animal Law Review 277-310 (2016), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, The Potential and Potential Limits of International Law in Regulating Animal Matters, 3 Mid-Atlantic Journal on Law and Public Policy 10-55 (2015), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, 3R for Farmed Animals – A Legal Argument for Consistency, 1 Global Journal of Animal Law 1-27 (2014), link 2. PEER-REVIEWED BOOKS/MONOGRAPHS • Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter & Will Kymlicka (eds.), Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice? 240 pages (OUP, New York and Oxford) (2020) • Vanessa Gerritsen, Andreas Rüttimann & Charlotte E. Blattner, Zulässigkeit von Beschränkungen des Handels mit tierquälerisch hergestellten Pelzprodukten, 88 pages (Schriftenreihe Tier im Recht, Zürich 2017), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Protecting Animals Within and Across Borders: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Challenges of Globalization 520 pages (OUP, New York and Oxford 2019), link o Reviewed by Nathalie Kupfer, Protecting Animals within and across Borders: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction and the Challenges of Globalization, 52 N.Y.U. J. Int’l L. & Pol. 333-339 (2019) o Reviewed by David Chauvet, Le droit animalier à l’heure de la globalization,1(2) Revue Semestrielle de Droit Animalier (RSDA) 246-250 (2019) o Reviewed by Barbara Felde, Charlotte E. Blattner: Globales Tierrecht in Zeiten globaler Tierquälerei, 42 NuR 107 (2020) o Reviewed by Torben Guretzki, Schutz von Tieren kennt keine (Staats-)Grenzen, 17 Tierstudien 161-162 (2020) 3. PEER-REVIEWED CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS AND REVIEWS • Charlotte E. Blattner, Haben Tiere Rechte? Aspekte und Dimensionen der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung (review), tierETHIK (in print) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Tiernutzung aus ernährungs-, tier- und umweltethischer Perspektive (review), 16 Tierstudien 179-181 (2019) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Tieranwalt revisited (review), 14 Tierstudien 170-172 (2018) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Antoine F. Goetschel: Animal Spa – die Geschichten des Tieranwalts, 40 Natur und Recht 540 (2018) • Eberhart Theuer & Charlotte E. Blattner, The Animal Turn and the Law, 1 Tierethik 131-4 (2014) 4. CONTRIBUTIONS TO BOOKS • Charlotte E. Blattner, Global Migration Crises, Non-human Animals, and the Role of Law, In: “Like an Animal”: Critical Animal Studies Approaches to Borders, Displacement, and Othering (Natalie Khazaal & Núria Almiron eds., Brill, Leiden (peer-reviewed) (accepted) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Turning to Animal Agency in the Anthropocene, In: Animals in Our Midst: The Challenges of Co-existing with Animals in the Anthropocene (Bernice Bovenkerk & Josef Kulartz eds., Springer, Berlin (peer-reviewed) (accepted) 2/8 Charlotte E. Blattner – Research Output List – April 2020 • Charlotte E. Blattner, Art. 13 TSchG: Verkehr mit Tieren und Tierprodukten, In: Kommentar zum Schweizer Tierschutzgesetz TSchG 1-35 (Daniel Jositsch, Margot Michel & Gieri Bolliger eds., Schulthess, Zürich) (peer-reviewed) (accepted) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Art. 14 TSchG: Bedingungen, Einschränkungen und Verbote, In: Kommentar zum Schweizer Tierschutzgesetz TSchG 1-21 (Daniel Jositsch, Margot Michel & Gieri Bolliger eds., Schulthess, Zürich) (peer-reviewed) (accepted) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Art. 22 TSchG: Forschung, In: Kommentar zum Schweizer Tierschutzgesetz TSchG 1-34 (Daniel Jositsch, Margot Michel & Gieri Bolliger eds., Schulthess, Zürich) (peer-reviewed) (accepted) • Valeska Bernhart & Charlotte E. Blattner, Art. 27 TSchG: Widerhandlungen im Verkehr mit Tieren und Tierprodukten, In: Kommentar zum Schweizer Tierschutzgesetz TSchG 1-22 (Daniel Jositsch, Margot Michel & Gieri Bolliger eds., Schulthess, Zürich) (peer-reviewed) (accepted) • Charlotte E. Blattner & Gilles Laube, Art. 30 TSchG: Juristische Personen und Handelsgesellschaften, In: Kommentar zum Schweizer Tierschutzgesetz TSchG 1-16 (Daniel Jositsch, Margot Michel & Gieri Bolliger eds., Schulthess, Zürich) (peer-reviewed) (accepted) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Art. 45a TSchG: Koordinationsbestimmung, In: Kommentar zum Schweizer Tierschutzgesetz TSchG 1-6 (Daniel Jositsch, Margot Michel & Gieri Bolliger eds., Schulthess, Zürich) (peer-reviewed) (accepted) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Animal Impact Assessments: Contesting Denial, Changing the Future? In: What Can Animal Law Learn From Environmental Law? (Randall S. Abate ed., 2d ed., ELI Press, Washington DC) (peer-reviewed) (in print) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Trophy Hunting, the Race to the Bottom, and the Law of Jurisdiction, in Studies in Global Animal Law 135-152 (Anne Peters ed., SpringerOpen, Cham) (2020) • Charlotte E. Blattner, Animal Labour: Toward a Prohibition of Forced Labour and A Right to Freely Choose One’s Work, In: Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice? 91-115 (Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter & Will Kymlicka eds., OUP, New York and Oxford) (peer-reviewed) (2020), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter & Will Kymlicka, Introduction: Animal Labour and the Quest for Interspecies Justice, In: Animal Labour: A New Frontier of Interspecies Justice? 1-25 (Charlotte E. Blattner, Kendra Coulter & Will Kymlicka eds., OUP, New York and Oxford) (peer-reviewed) (2020), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Rethinking the 3Rs: From Whitewashing to Rights, In: Animal Experimentation: Working Towards a Paradigm Change 168-193 (Kathrin Herrmann & Kimberley Jayne eds., Brill Human-Animal-Studies Series, Leiden 2019) (peer-reviewed), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, Extraterritoriale Jurisdiktion und Tierarbeit – Perspektiven einer globalisierten Ethik, In: Jahrbuch Praktische Philosophie in globaler Perspektive Vol. 2: Schwerpunkt “Natur” als Bezugspunkt der praktischen Philosophie 305-338 (Michael Reder, Alexander Filipović, Dominik Finkelde & Johannes Wallacher eds.) (Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg im Breisgau 2018) (peer-reviewed), link • Charlotte E. Blattner, The Human Animal Bond: 3R for Farmed Animals, In: Multispecies Relations Analysis from Humans and Animals’ Point of View 269-291 (Chiara Blanco & Bel Deering eds., Interdisciplinary Press, Oxford 2015) (peer-reviewed) 3/8 Charlotte E. Blattner – Research Output List – April 2020 5. CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONFERENCES ORAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO CONFERENCES • Charlotte E. Blattner, Cambridge University, Faculty of Law, Cambridge UK, Mar. 3, 2020, presented On the Ubiquity of Human-Animal Conflict and What Transitional Justice Can Contribute to Its Resolution • Charlotte E. Blattner, Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Accelerating the Transition towards Animal-Free Innovations: Pioneer-2-Policymaker Conference, Utrecht
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