St. Francis Creche Preschool at St. Francis Episcopal Church in Great Falls performed the Christmas Story. Pictured: Bell Ringers singing “Mary riding on a Donkey” are Sam Rhines, Eva Steorts, Jamie Roth and Carter Martin. Classifieds, Page 10 Classifieds, v Entertainment, Page 9 v Preschoolers Present Opinion, Page 4 Christmas Story News, Page 7 County Faces More Wellbeing Budget Challenges Page 8 Commentary, Page 4 Session Brings Sea Change News, Page 3 Photo contributed Photo January 3-9, 2018 online at www.connectionnewspapers.com 2 ❖ Great Falls Connection ❖ January 3-9, 2018 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] Session Brings Sea Change ing marijuana. Several states across the Wave election country have already done this, and now that California has legalized pot for recre- swamps Richmond ational use many feel that the tide may be turning on this issue. According to a recent with freshman report by the Virginia State Crime Commis- sion, law enforcement officers have arrested members eager to more than 130,000 people for possession of marijuana in the last decade — 84 per- make their mark. cent of them first-time offenders. “I think people are realizing how inap- By Michael Lee Pope propriate it is to give people a criminal pen- The Connection alty for a drug that so many people have tried and used and is arguably less signifi- his year’s General Assembly cant and harmful than alcohol,” said Ebbin. will be like no other. For start- “It’s still a tough fight. But we’ve got Sen- T ers, the members walking the ate Majority Leader Tommy Norment sup- halls of the Capitol will not look porting it generally. And we’ve got Govenor- the same. The crop of freshman includes the elect Ralph Northam supporting it, gener- first transgender woman to serve in the Vir- ally.” ginia General Assembly, the first lesbian, the first Asian-American woman and the first ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL last year, two Latinas. Gone are the 12 Republican Republicans and Democrats both supported members who were unseated, all white several key agenda items — an indication males. Also gone are the three members who Photo contributed that members from both sides of the aisle got out before the bloodbath that flipped Republicans were unseated in 12 House districts, and Democrats flipped may end up working together this year on their seats from red to blue, also all white three seats where GOP incumbents decided against running in a year certain issues. One of those is ethics reform, males. In their place is a diverse and young that ended up being a Democratic wave. a hot topic in Virginia since former Repub- group of new members who are eager to lican Gov. Bob McDonnell was convicted of make their mark on the commonwealth. out of them.” against banning assault weapons, for ex- corruption then cleared of wrongdoing by At the top of the agenda for the Demo- ample. State Sen. George Barker (D-39) is the U.S. Supreme Court. During the cam- cratic freshmen is expanding Medicaid to THE WAVE ELECTION of 2017 was introducing a bill that would allow judges paign last year, Republican candidate for 400,000 people who would be eligible un- widely seen as a reacting to the Trump ad- to confiscate firearms from individuals they governor Ed Gillespie and Republican can- der the Affordable Care Act. ministration, and some of the bills that are consider dangerous. didate for lieutenant governor Jill Vogel “I think what’s really important for us, as now being crafted are also a reaction to the “It would have to go to court, and a judge both talked about closing a loophole that Democrats, is to identify on the other side Republican agenda in Washington. State would have to issue a ruling that there’s allows candidates to use campaign money who we could have come over and join us,” Sen. Dave Marsden (D-37) is putting to- probable cause and it’s a serious situation for personal use. That’s an issue that already said Kathy Tran, who flipped a formerly gether a tax reform plan as a Virginia an- and the gun should be temporarily re- has support among Democrats, although Republican seat held by Del. Dave Albo (D- swer to federal tax reform that gives tax cuts moved,” said Barker. “In some states, it al- drawing a distinction between official use 42) for more than 20 years. “We’re going to for the wealthy and corporations. Marsden lows police officers to confiscate it. But the and personal use can be a gray area. have to reach out and basically identify wants to eliminate the food tax, reinstitute bills that we are putting in do not. You “I think we’ve got a consensus that we who’s really vulnerable and who’s going to the inheritance tax and increase the gas tax. would have to go to court.” need to do something,” said Del. Marcus be in a position where they’re going to have His tax-reform plan also taxes some services Simon (D-53). “Whether we make it a weak to be supporting the progressive values that for the first time. For example lawn care MANY OF THE BILLS lawmakers are ban or a strong ban — a civil violation or a were voted in as a wave across the com- and dry cleaning would be taxed but law- working on involve unfinished business criminal act — I think we’re going to out- monwealth.” yers and doctors would not. from previous sessions. State Sen. Scott law it one way or another.” Even if they’re successful navigating the “Ever since I’ve been in the legislature I’ve Surovell (D-36) is working on a bill that Another issue where Republicans and diminished House Republican caucus, heard complaints that we have a 19th cen- would force Dominion to clean up decades Democrats are in agreement is expanding House Democrats will still have to deal with tury agriculture and manufacturing tax base of pollution at several coal ash ponds broadband to rural areas. Of course the a Republican-controlled Senate. But the but we’re now a service economy. So this throughout Virginia. Dominion Energy details of how to make that happen and who culture in the Senate is more moderate, and will start to tax some of those services,” said plans to seal the pollution in place and put benefits are where lawmakers get divided, Republican senators have a history of sup- Marsden. “We’re trying to draw a distinc- a cap on the ponds, which is significantly although this is one of those issues where porting bills that have been routinely tion and get the discussion going around cheaper than cleaning up the pollution. But party ideology is less important than re- blocked in the House. which services are optional for people and Surovell wants to require that the utility gional ties. Last year, for example, Republi- For example, Senate Republicans have a which ones are really necessary that we recycle the coal ash into concrete or ceram- cans were divided about whether to create history of supporting the effort raising the shouldn’t burden them with taxes on.” ics. And, Surovell adds, it won’t actually be new hurdles for local governments to set threshold for grand larceny. That’s an issue Democrats are also eager to finally get more expensive for Dominion at all because up broadband networks in places where that Democrats have been pushing unsuc- some traction on gun control, which House the utility will end up passing along the cost that might create competition for private cessfully for years that may now finally have Republicans have blocked for years. Back to people who are paying for electricity . providers. This year, the issue of broadband a chance in 2018. in 2015, Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe “You eliminate the possibility that this will once again be an important topic of “We heard during the gubernatorial cam- was able to forge a deal with Republicans toxic gunk will continue to leak arsenic, lead conversation. paign, Ed Gillespie was supporting an in- to make state police available for voluntary and other chemicals into our groundwater “I’m looking at ways to reduce regulatory crease so this is one of those issues that — background checks at gun shows. Now forever,” said Surovell. “Landfilling is the burdens,” said Del. Jennifer Boysko (D-86). especially with the outcome of the election Democrats are hoping that newly reconsti- short-term cheap solution. But long-term it “So I’m talking about including broadband — I think you can see some support behind,” tuted House committees and subcommittees has the worst potential effects because the in your municipal comprehensive plan, set- said Del. Patrick Hope (D-47), who is in- might give them a chance to at least get stuff continues to leach out chemicals and ting up a dig-once policy and creating a data troducing a bill that raises the threshold gun control legislation on the floor rather give people cancer and poison fish and birds governance board for smart communities.” from $200 to $500. “If someone makes a than having it killed in subcommittee, a and ruin our groundwater.” dumb mistake and walks out of a store with strategy Republicans used that allowed State Sen. Adam Ebbin (D-30) is also re- something small we shouldn’t make a felon them to avoid being on the record voting turning to a familiar theme: decriminaliz- See Assembly, Page 11 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Great Falls Connection ❖ January 3-9, 2018 ❖ 3 Opinion Great Falls A Happy New Year? At least www.ConnectionNewspapers.com An independent, locally owned weekly some cause for hope .… newspaper delivered 2018 to homes and businesses.
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