MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN FOR THE YEARS 1773-1 828. VOLUME I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY T. MASON AND G. LANE, FOR THE METHODIST EPI8COPAL CHURCH, AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE, 200 MULBERRY-STREEt. J. Collord, Printer. 1840. 188 Minutes for 1811. Poland, Enoch Jaques. Mexico, Gideon A. Knowlton, S. L. Raw- Portland, Epaphras Kibhy. leigh. Kennebeck Dist. Oliver Beale, P. Elder. Western, Asa Cummins, Jas. H. Baker. Westmoreland, Readfield, Caleb Fogg, Edward Hyde. L. Bishop, W. B. Laey, Norridgwock, Ebene'zer F. Newell. John P. Weaver. HaJlowell, Zachariah Gibson. Pompey, James Kelsey, Isaac Teller. Vasselborough, Isaiah Emerson. Scipio, Elijah Batchelor, Reuben Farley. Boothbay, John Wilkinson. Cayuga, Anning Owen, Peregrine Hallett. Georgetown, Ethen Stevens. Upper Canada Dist. Henry Ryan, Industry, Joshua Randle. P. Elder. Orrington, Joseph Baker. Cornwall, Bela Smith. Hamden, Jonathan Chaney. St. Lawrence, Edward Cooper. , Bristol, Daniel Wentworth. Augusta, Elias Pattie. Penobscot, Benjamin Jones. Bay Quintie, Thomas Whitehead, P. Co- Union, David Stimson, George Gary. venhoven. Smith's Creek, John GENESEE CONFERENCE. Reynolds. Young-street, Joseph Lockwood. Susquehannah Dist. Gideon Draper, Ancaster, Daniel Freeman. P. Elder. Niagara, Ana"w Prindle, Joseph Gatchell. Lyons, Benjamin Bidlack, Benjamin G. Long Point, Robert Perry. Paddock. Detroit, Ninian Holmes. Ontario, George Thomas, Geo. W. Dens- more, Noah Bigelow. Quest. 16. Where and when shall our Holland Purchase, John Kimberlin, Wm. next Conferences be held? Brown. 1. Western Conference, at the New- Canestio, Henry Montooth. Chape), Shelby county, Ky., Nov. 1, 1810. Lycoming, Timothy Lee, Samnel Ross. 2. South Carolina Conference, at Co Northumberland, Abraham Dawson, Isaac lumbia, S. C, Dec. 22, 1810. Puffer. 3. Virginia Conference, at Raleigh, Wyoming, Thos. Wright, Elijah Metcalf. N. C, Feb. 7, 1811. Canaan, Geo. Harmon, Sam'l Thompson. 4. Baltimore Conference, Baltimore, Tioga, Loring Grant, Joseph Kinkead. March 20, 1811. Seneca, John Rhodes, Dan Barnes. 5. Philadelphia Conference, at Phila Cavuga Dist. William Case, P. Elder. delphia, April 20, 1811. Shenango, Ebenezer White, Chas. Giles. 6. New- York Conference, New- York, Otsego, W. Jewett, S. Mattison, M. Van- May 20, 1811. duzan. 7. New-England Conference, at Bar Herkimer, Wm. Snow, Jonathan Huestis. nard, Vt., June 20, 1811. Black River, Joseph Willis, Chandley 8. Genesee Confer., at Paris, Oneida Lambert. county, N. Y., July 20, 1811. MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOB THE TEAR 1611. Quest. 1. Who are admitted on trial ? Daniel Fraley, John Strange, James WESTERN CONFERENCE. M'Mehan, Michael Ellis, Joseph Piggot, Vivian Daniel, Caleb J. John M'Farland, John Page, Matthew Taylor. Isaac Pavey, Marcus Nelson, Baker Wrather, James Dixon, Lindsey, George A. Col bert, Nathan Pullurh— 26. Jacob Mills, Thomas Wright, James G. Leach, Joseph Haines, Stephen Tim- SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. mons, Walter Griffith, Thomas A. King, Solomon Bryan, John I. E. Byrd, Jehu Samuel Griffin, Sam'l King, John Phipps, Postell, Lewis Hatton, John Boswell, Minutes for 18 It. 189 Daniel Brown, Samuel Jenkins, John S. Ford, John S. Capers, James Capers, Sewell, Reuben Tucker, John Campbell, Henry D. Green, Drury Powell, Whit Aaron Mattox, James Hutto, Samuel M. man C. Hill— 17. Meek, Thomas Dickinson, Andrew Pick- VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. ins, Elias Stone, John Mullinex, Ashley Joseph C. Bell, Leroy Blackburn, Hewitt, James John Shrock — 20. Hays, Erasmus Stimson, Josiah Morton, Thomas VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. M. Bacon, Robert Gilbraith — 6. James Avent, Joshua Lawrence, James BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Sandford, William M. Elliott, Samuel John Davis, John White, John W. John Jesse Branch, Waggoner, Mallory, Bond, James Stevens, Wesley Webster, Henry Holmes, John Kelly, Samuel William Monroe, John Taylor, Asby Hunter, Hunter, John C. Traylor, Henry Pool, Nathan Lodge, Tobias Reiley, Ezra Abraham Trail, Lewis Kimbell — 14. Grover, Rob't Wilson, James Wilson — 13. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. John C. French, James M'Cann, Abel John Fernon, Wm. Torbert, Lawrence Robinson, Jacob Gorwell, Thomas Kin- Lawrenson, Thomas Davis, John Price, caid — 5. Wm. Williams, John Emory, John Van PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Schoick, Samuel Griffith — 9. Joseph Lybrand, Samuel P. Levis, NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. John Hall, William Wickes, James L. John Russell, John Haskins, Timothy Smith, William Ryder, William W. Minor, Stephen Richmond, Justus Bying- Foulks, Force, Wm. Leonard, Manning ton, Ephraim Sawyer, Hugh Armstrong, Ross— 10. Hugh Arnold Scolfield, Peter Bussing, Samuel NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Bushnell, Heman Garlick — 11. John B. Matthias, Gilbert Lyon, Ben NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Griffen, Culver, John T. jamin Cyrus Ethen Stevens, Francis Dane, John Addnms, Sand ford, Samuel Wea Hawley Jewett, Nathan B. Ashcraft, Artemas ver, John Jesse Hunt, Reynolds, Elijah Stebbins, Benjamin Sabin, Orlando Hinds, Hibbard, David Lewis, John Finley, Al Stephen Wingate, Joseph Lull, Jonathan mond Dunbar, Samuel — 14. Luckey Worthen, Joseph Dennett, Elias Marble, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Leonard Bennett — 13. Aaron Lummus, James Jaques, William GENESEE CONFERENCE. Lewis, Thomas Norris, Da Marsh, John Dan Barnes, Peregrine Hallett, Jona Keith, Daniel vid Blanchard, Benjamin than Huestis, Edward Cooper, Seth Mat- Atwell, Fillmore, Cyrus Cummins, John tison, William Brown, iNoah — Bigelow, Harvey Morey 11. Samuel L. Rawleigh, Samuel Thompson, GENESEE CONFERENCE. Peter Covenhoven, Benjamin G. Pad Silas Hopkins, Enoch Burdock, Mar- dock, James H. Baker, Reuben Farley, maduke Pearce, Ralph Lanning, Palmer Joseph Kinkead, Abner Chase— 15. Roberts, Ira Fairbank, Orin Doolittle, Quest. 3. Who are admitted into Gillett, John Haz- full Elijah King, Truman connection ? zard— 10. WESTERN CONFERENCE. Who remaim on trial t Quest. 2. William Young, Lewis Anderson, Rich WESTERN CONFERENCE. ard Richards, John Johnson, Moses James B. Finley, Thomas Nelson, Crume, James Blair, John Lewis, William Samuel West, Alexander Cummins, Sa Winans, Isaac M'Kowen, William B. muel Heliums, Samuel H. Thompson, Elgin, Isaac Lindsey, Eli Truett, James Henry M'Daniel, John Manley, Francis Gwinn, William Lambden — 14. Travis, John Brown, Chas. Holliday— 11. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. Moses Andrew, Robert L. Kennon, John Rye, Frederick D. Wimberly, Wm. S. Talley, Lewis Hobbs, Anthony Alexander Talley, Alex'r M. M'Ewen, Senter, Nicholas Powers, Jacob Rumph, Thomas Griffin, Albcrton Jones, John Thomas D. Glenn, Michael Burdge, Wil Jennings, John B. Glenn, Andrew Gram- liam Capers, Urban Cooper, Joseph Sal- bhng, John Tarrant, Michael Durr. John tonstall— 12. 190 Minutes for 181 1. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Benjamin Dulany, Christian Rumph, Tho Thomas Cooper, Joseph N. Kilpatrick, mas Mason — 18. Joel Burgess, Samuel Duty, Jesse Brown, VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. James Morris, Thomas Moore, Henry Thomas Cooper,* Joseph N. Kilpa Robert Griffith, Jacob Hill, Ethel- Hardy, trick,* Joel Burgess,* Samuel Duty,* bert Drake, William W. Hill, William William Compton,* Jesse Brown,* James John Thomas Compton, Moore, Burge, Morris,* Thomas Moore,* Henry Hardy,* N. 16. Caleb Bell— Robert Griffith,* Jacob Hill,* Ethelbert BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. Drake,* William W. Hill,* John Moore,* Joseph Frye, Simon Lauck, Beverly Thomas Burge,* Caleb N. Bell,* Leroy Waugh, Richard Tidings, James Ewen, Merritt,* Alexander Sale, James M. Ar James M. Hanson— 6. thur, Edmund Wright, Jesse Butler, PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. James Smith, Thomas Anderson, Thomas P. Anderson, John Anderson, Thomas Y. Daniel Ashton, John Woolson, Tho Cook, Ewen Johnson, Thomas Neeley, mas Miller, James Quail, John Smith, John Humphries, Edward Cannon, James Stephen Martindale, John Fox, James Harris— 31. Laws, John Wilson, Thomas Drummond —10. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Joseph Frye,* Beverly Waugh,* Rich- aid Tidings,* James Ewen,* James M. Marvin Richardson, Robert Hibbard, Hanson,* Joseph Lanston,* Joshua Mon Bela Smith, Coles Carpenter, Jacob Bee- roe, Eli Henkle, Daniel Stansbury, Jacob man — 5. Snyder, Allen Green, Simon Lauck — 12. NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Benjamin Bishop, Benjamin Jones, Ste John Woolson,* Thomas Miller,* John phen Bailey, John Lindsey, Wm. Frost, Smith,* Martindale,* John Fox,* Isaiah Emerson, Daniel Wentworth, Ro Stephen James Laws,* Thomas Drummond,* Da bert Arnold, Elisha Streeter, Amasa Tay niel Ashton,* William S. Fisher, Thomas lor, George Gary, Edward Hyde, Ebene- Neal, Avra Melvin, John Sharpley — 12. xer F. Newell, Robert Hays, Benjamin R. Hoyt— 15. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Marvin Richardson,* Robert Hibbard,* Coles Jacob Beeman,* Wil Loring Grant, George W. Densmore, Carpenter,* liam Cyprian H. Gridley, Joseph Gatchell, Thomas Wright, Isaac Blagborne,* Friend Lansford James Puffer, Elijah Metcalf— 6. Draper, Whiting, Edmonds, Bela Smith — 10. Quest. 4. Who are the deacons? NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Those marked thus {*) were ordained this year. Benj. Jones,* Stephen Bailey,* John WESTERN CONFERENCE. Lindsey,* William Frost,* Isaiah Emer William Young,* Lewis Anderson,* son,* Daniel Wentworth,* Amasa Taylor,* William Lambden,* Richard Richards,* George Gary,* Edward Hyde,* Robert John Johnson,* Eli Truett,* Thomas Hays,* Benj. R. Hoyt,* John W. Hardy, Kirkman,* Wm. Winans,* John Lewis,* David Kilbourn, Wm. Hinman, Leonard Isaac M'Kowen,* William B. Elgin,* Frost,
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