R EPORTS accumulation, B (positive for melting), and the dif- ference in ice flux between the two gates per unit Hybridization and the Evolution t ϭ A Ϫ B ϩ ( Ϫ )/ISA, where ץ / Hץ ,area GL DG GL and DG are the ice flux for the GL and the DG, H / of Reef Coral Diversityץ ,respectively. Under steady-state conditions -t ϭ 0, and neglecting surface melt and accumulaץ tion (Ͻ0.5 m/year) compared with basal melting, B is equal to the decrease in ice flux per unit area. If the Steven V. Vollmer* and Stephen R. Palumbi ice shelf is thickening (thinning) and ice flow is steady, then B would be lower (higher) than calcu- lated under steady-state conditions. Hundreds of coral species coexist sympatrically on reefs, reproducing in mass- 11. J. Weertman, J. Glaciol. 13, 3 (1974). spawning events where hybridization appears common. In the Caribbean, DNA 12. C. J. Van der Veen, Ann. Geophys. Ser. B 4, 45 (1986). sequence data from all three sympatric Acropora corals show that mass spawn- 13. R. H. 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We thank the European Space Agency, the Canadian Space Agency, and the Alaska SAR Facility for pro- viding the ERS and Radarsat satellite data used in this project. Manuscript reviews helped to focus the dis- cussion. Funding for this project was provided by a research contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Cryospheric Sciences Program and by the National Science Foundation, Office of Polar Programs. Fig. 1. The Caribbean Acropora species: (A) A. cervicornis and (B) A. palmata, and (C) the bushy and 15 February 2002; accepted 16 April 2002 (D) palmate F1 hybrid A. prolifera morphs from Puerto Rico. www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE VOL 296 14 JUNE 2002 2023 R EPORTS hypothesis is lacking. Polyphyletic sequence lifera. The B haplotypes contained all three The presence of multiple B variants in A. cer- data for corals continue to be taken as direct taxa: A. palmata, A. cervicornis, and hybrid vicornis indicates the mtDNA introgression has evidence of reticulate evolution (8–11) with- A. prolifera. All three haplotypes were found occurred more than once. Because nuclear loci out due consideration to alternatives such as in A. prolifera, indicating that hybrid crosses should sort more slowly than maternally inher- incomplete lineage sorting. occur in both directions. Hybrids receive ma- ited mtDNAs (18, 19), polyphyletic patterns in To examine the potential role of hybridiza- ternally inherited mitochondrial DNAs from the mitochondrial data but not the minicollagen tion in coral speciation, we analyzed DNA se- either A. palmata (B haplotype) or A. cervi- data are consistent with recent introgression quence variation at three loci in the three sym- cornis (A haplotype) “mothers.” rather than incomplete lineage sorting. patric species of Caribbean Acropora (Fig. 1). Although hybrid crosses occur in either di- In Puerto Rico, we sampled two distinct Acropora cervicornis and A. palmata are sister rection, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) intro- morphs of A. prolifera, i.e., the bushy and species with fossil records dating back at least 3 gression appears unidirectional because A. cer- palmate morphs (Fig. 1, C and D). Although to 3.6 My (12, 13). Both have distinct morphol- vicornis colonies possess all three haplotype all individuals, irrespective of morphology, ogies and habitat preferences. The arborescent clades, but A. palmata colonies do not. The data are F1 hybrids, they differ in which species “staghorn” coral A. cervicornis occurs through- indicate that “palmata” (B) haplotypes are donated its egg and mitochondrion to the out forereef and backreef habitats, whereas the passed to A. cervicornis through backcrossing hybridization event. All bushy hybrids had a robust “elkhorn” coral A. palmata occurs pri- of A. cervicornis with hybrid A. prolifera. In- palmata maternal and mitochondrial back- marily in high–wave energy reef-crest habitats trogressed B haplotypes in A. cervicornis were ground, whereas all of the palmate hybrids (14, 15). Both species spawn synchronously common (ϳ20%) and sampled at every site. had a cervicornis background. This suggests over a few nights each summer (16) and can potentially hybridize. The third species, Acro- pora prolifera, occurs Caribbean-wide, where it varies from being locally rare to occurring in large patches (7, 14, 15). It is morphologically intermediate between A. cervicornis and A. pal- mata, causing many to consider it a species of hybrid origin (7, 15). Pax-C intron data show- ing high heterozygosity support this possibility (10). Morphological variation in A. prolifera is high and yet surprisingly discrete. In Puerto Rico, for example, there are two discrete A. prolifera morphs—a thin, highly branched form we term the “bushy” morph (Fig. 1C), and a thicker form with palmate, flattened branches we call the “palmate” morph (Fig. 1D). We obtained sequence data for the Caribbe- an Acropora species at introns of the nuclear minicollagen and calmodulin genes, and at the mitochondrial putative control region (17). The nuclear data indicate that the species A.
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