- THE OTHER SIDE VOLUME XXVII OCTOBER.1996 Editor-in-Chief POLITICS S EASON: 0 Shanti Webley Tire political minds of Pit=er rise to f7Tllrftlmv'fliQ Executive Editor: hy justin Anderson, Ed Martini III Albert Aaron Rhodes - ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- ·- --A - -- ·- ·- -·-·- ·- ·- ·- ·-·-·- ·- ·- ·- · WITHOUT A Box'S MISSION Assistant Editors: Putting the "Imp" back in Imprav: Tile group sets out again to reclaim Bill Pluecker their namesake. by jonathan Stokes mfd Aaron Rhodes Angelica Diehn AbbieTew l'liisiArio; · e:i·EViAND . !s-oNFii£ · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - · - - - · - - ~ Music Editor: Todd Berry ::si~:= ~~~~-~~~~n~J:.::d~ ~.:~ ~~·-~~~l~nd Mall Rmnirez ~ ' Photographers: Aaron Rhodes GUATEMALA, UP CLOSE AND PERso AL Trillium Sellers Her visions tuzd ~ to. Centml by La Ia Welbom Artists: Liz Biala Tracv Johnson Do-ugWein Thomas Weitz Registered Voters: Justin Anderson Ben Ball Adam Block There are 't ry few reY1ardS J Jose Calderon But there is one reward tl\~t money cannot buy 53.'11 J. Farrar And that no gift in the •orld can ~urpass - Suzanne Foster The gift of your eyes, Tou;r heart, and }'miT mind. Ed Martini ill Zach Pall The moment when your eyes open wide and I can see Matthew Ramirez That you can see Michael A. Rippins The plight of the farmworkers in the fields. r-..fichell Silas The tired arms of the janitor scrubbing the floors in the college halls, Fiona Spring The power relations that create a chasm between Jonathan Stokes Domestication and Liberation -- Rebecca Uchill There is no greater gift than to see your eyes open wide AI Wachtel Layla Welborn And your heart, your heart - Scapegoat: When you put yourself in the shoes of others - Jeff Lewis The excluded, the underrepresented, the poor, the lonely -­ Those without shelter, those on drugs, those dying in Some dark cell, those with AIDS - THE OrnER Snx: '-fAG~t r; A PlfRI IC-\110': R'r TI-ff And you absorb their pain as if it was yours - sn.roExrs OF PnzER em THE EDilORS Rf5ER\r: 1HE RIGHT 10 EDIT OR REFL"S£ A.'! ~lAJ"ERIAL, Gi\'ing of your 10\·e and your caring Al..ll-f()l;GH WE USUALl\ 00. "T. THE ~10~ Through that union internship, that altemati,·e break, EXPRF5SB) I:\' Tii!5 i\tAGAZI}.'E 00 ~OT XECIS5ARIL'I That simple moment of a smile REFlECf THE Of"r\.10~ OF THE EDITORS, STAFF, OR When you sen·e a worker \\ith the care that they sen·e you. E\"E.': 1HE AUTHORS ~!SEl..\CS. Send any words, art or ideas to: The heart, the heart - That beats for one as it beats for others - The Other Side That emanates friendship with a hug, a hand shake, 1050 K Mil.b A\ e D A moment of "It's so good to see you brother -- Claremont, CA 9171/ It's so good to see you sister" - 8 • (this space for rent) The Other Side October 19% students informed on all senate and committee issues being Dearest Other Side reader, they have to go and pull this whole synonym thing. What's discussed, which "'rill sen•e to allow more students to voice their Allow me to introduce myself. I am a first year student wrong with plain English? Pretty soon we'll be calling drinking feelings on pertinent issues. Senate is e-xtending open invitations here at Pitzer, and like many of you, I am very interested in fountains hydration apparatuses. to all members of the community to participate, putting out majoring in "really cool stuff that doesn't require a lot of 3. Why don't they set the clock tower to the right time? newsletters, having accessible drop boxes on doors to allow legitimate ·work." I'm originally from a small city in the LA area Like many others here at Pitzer, I am not a watch-person, so students to express there opinions, distributing comrruttee located just south of Pasadena, namely South Pasadena (unJess, having a large, visible public clock is a great idea. However I'm meeting sununary's and Senate meetings to larger areas of the of course, you' re from Seattle, in which case, so am I). That not much of a math person either, so its not as easy to add or school, and publishing names and phone numbers of all the class, should cover all the generic information and answer the subtract the appropriate number of minutes to find out if I'm late dorm, and committee representatives so they can be easily questions which any first year student knows only too well after for class or not. Its not as if its impossible to change the clock's contacted by the students. Senate also plans to have information that agonizing first week of Camp College. time. I mean they have to do something when day light savings tables and open forums throughout the year to help facilitate Nmv, a month into this new way of life, I have a bit more time rolls arouncl I wonder if they'll intentionally set it to the communication between representatives and the rest of the self confidence, a whole lot of reading to do, and have finally wrong time then as well, perhaps to keep up the tradition or A great big thank you to Dave Carls, the best sign maker student body. figured out how to open up doors with my ID card. However, whatever. I'd just like to know what time it really is. at Pitzer College. Dave helped The Other Side create the door With proper communication every student will ha\'e a there are a few things here a Pitzer that are still quite beyond my 4. Who was the genius that came up with the micro­ sign that is now hanging up for display on the 3rd floor of Mead \'Oice in Pitzer policy, which leads to the biggest voice the comprehension. Perhaps I'm confused because I'm a newcomer fridge? I hope Pitzer doesn't have any sort of long-term contract "The Other Side: Mission Control". Dave took time out of his day students haYe, College Council. here, but I'm more apt to believe that there are simply no logical .,,;th these people. It just seems like one of those impractical to hand craft the sign. Anyone that has the time should look him College Council is the body that makes direct explanations. I've narrowed my list down to seven baffling de\'ices that have short-lived popularity, but are ine\itably up to discover the vast experiences of his life. He traveled all recommendations to the president of Pitzer. Not only does each questions which you may have wondered yourself, or might destined for failure (i.e. shower radios, video telephones, the over the world for 30 years before settling down with his wife. student senator have a vote on College Council, but the meeting-. never have considered, but should. (clapper). He has a particular interest in story telling and music, not to are open to the whole community to directly express their beliefs 1. What on earth is in the vegetarian beef soup? It might 5. Why couldn't they have made a pool with a deep end? mention sign making. on all issues on the agenda. VVith student voices properly bein~ be that the soup is made from the beef of vegetarian cows, but all Were they afraid of people drowmng? D!d they hit SP\' er lines heard in Student Senate and the standing committees, senators cows are, for the most part, vegetarian. And if they were going to while excavating? All I know is that a four ~uoi pool really takes Thanks again Dave. will \'ote on issues on behalf of each student at the school. be so specific as to include the eating practices of the animal being the fun out of diving for rings, uot to mention water-treading Aaron Rhodes and Staff Furthermore, if there is an issue of great importance to the sen•ed, they contests. Curiously enough, our p<'Cl is the perfect size for student body, it can be brought to college council by the seildte might as well A FOUR FOOT POOL synchronized swimming, but we don't have any organized team. Dear Other Side, president to be discussed and ha\'e action taken by the rest of the ha\'e called it REALLY TAKES THE FUN OUT I wonder why? Last year there was a rumor prevalent around campus Pitzer Communitv. vegetarian-cow 6. What is that stuff that comes out of the tap? At first I that the stud~ts had little to no ,·oice in what happens at Pitzer Students ha\'e a ,·el)' large and effective voice at Pitzer it beef soup. OF DIVING FOR RINGS thought that it was air bubbles in the water or something, which College. Fortunately this rumor is false. In fact, the student body is the responsibility of all student representati,•es and the rest of Another theory slowly dissipated. After closer observation, howe,·er, I noticed has a \'Oice on almost every matter, whether it is a campus life or the student body to use this voice effecti\·ely. An effective voiCe is that the soup includes chunks of veggie-burger masquerading that as my glass cleared there was some sort of sediment which academic issue. The problem last year was that due to a lack of of the student body is a great deal more powerful than a t \\ as beef. I like to think that if the kitchen people are attempting to sank to the bottom, perhaps a group of microscopic organisms communication bv Student Senate, students were unaware of the individual students being noisy about their opinions.
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