Issue No. 16: Spring/Summer 2009 Nutcracker Notes Foundation Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation WPEF P.O. Box 17943 Missoula, MT 59808 WPEr l1i r~ctor: 0,:111:1 F. ToaHb;.t,(,;k Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation Ulljvc~ily { f C lorado Den 1::1' DepL )f Integrative Bi,.IDgy .. C'B rn Nutcracker Notes, Issue No. 16; Spring/Summ,er 2009 ~) Box 17:1364 D<,~I1\'cr, CO .'O~ 17 :CONTENT$ PAGE Di:Ulil.To mhad:(d: ucdO:lIv,;r.,:t..!lI Director's Message {D. Tomback) ,.,., __ , __ .. __ 3 /1,,~sO". Di rector: CyndiM, SmillJ Bo~ 2{)() WPEF's Conference &. Field Trip--Nelson, B.C .4 W'll,'rl )Il LilKe~ National Park. 1\1l1Cl'la TOK :!MO. C;lnad~l Announcing 2010 ~High Five I Symposium __ , 5 I:}'l1di ..~lTIi. h ~ p~.g{: .ca Helen Y. Smilh 2009 WBP Restoration Program (J. Schwarldt) .. , ,.,., __ 5 Mi~~()1I1~8 R\-lRS Ust W hitebark under the ESA? (0. Tomback) " .. ,__ __ , 6 I~,~ mith04 Cd: r~.IOO.lL' Status 01 Whitebark & Limber Pine in Canada (P. Achufl) __ 8 Wanl Mc{.';,'ugllq RMR F.:tircd J 10 til&,xoaeh l'1';jil "Coor' Shirts S. Hats Showcase Whitebark Pine "" __ _ ,9 Florcnc . MT 5WLU Membership Campaign Offers a Reward __ -­ ,.,., _ __ 9 wm~ 1227(~ly~dl()(},com WBP Resloralion at Ski Resorts: Can il Work? {D. Reinhart)., 10 1'\'1elHhership &. Outreach Coordinator; Bl'y;ll11 L DmlllC, Interview with Brya.n Donner, __ 11 P1;u IH~'l'IJ N~l iDnal Forest 650 Wolfpack I,V':l)' Gri,zzly Bear Use of Whitebark Seeds (T. McKay & K Graham) 12 Killl~fJoCll. MT .'5990 I I What Happens to Tfee Reoourees wilen Beetles Attack (E. Latlr) 14 bdollll.:r (;T, r.~ .I(~llu ~ l'uhlicatiolls ~ditor; Sl..:ve ,'l.mo Relationship between WBP Health and Nutcracker Visits .....__ ..... .... 15 5755 Ltlpin~ bn~ r!(lreI1Cl:. MT :;'18:-3 (L. Barringer & D. omback) .~r;lm(l(~1 Insn .com Modeling the Sp((~ad of Blister Rust (J. Hatala & R. Crabtree) , 17 01h'~I' Ro;m:.1 f\'km'h",:r.s: enfl Fj dl~r Gone Missing;: W8P in lhe Great Bum Country (S. Amo) 19 l1niversity of Mo11 Laml Sdl(H)i of Foreslry & C, n~c(\'atioll Retired WPEF EleC'lion Ballot (Separate Form Enclosed) carl.lIedIcdi,l de.m nl.'~llll Roh,~rt F, Keanc RMRS Missoula" rk~:lIle 0!h. retl.lI:'; 'Vel) it.e: www.whitebarkfound.org K.u lh..:rinc C. K..:ntlalJ U.S. GCOll ~j(-a[ SUl'vel' G[ac iCI' N al.i.MI81 b rk Web ite Coulad l~erson: Ruberl Keane (addrc s above) WeSl (II,J(,:icr, MT 599}() kk,~I1t1alJ {~. {I ~g~.g;ov 'Veh "ite Provider: Chuck Crouter MIl'hacJ MElI'r;)}' fI,'hnisll'y of Porc;>l~ & RnJ1~(: KoolcmlY Lake F )rCslry Cell.r~ 1907 RiJgcwnod RLlad Our Mis.sion: The White bark Pi ne cosy ·tern Poundatinn NebolL. RC V I L 6 l Canada (WPEF) i' H sci I1ce-ba.<;ed nonprofit organization dedicated tu M icIlad,fI.'furray (<lJgo','.Ix:.ea counleractin? the dCl.: line or whilebark pine and 'TJhanc-ing I):an R~ iohar! knowh.:.dgi,; ll' ils eeO-systemf;. N'lli l)11;1) P"rk Scr...·icc y dl O',1.'~lonc Ni3hl)'tKll Park.WY R:! 190· iJan_Re inhaH (n) I1p~.gn ... Mcmhcl'shill h rom 'llion and an application is ('ound at M~l:;Lro~iu:;cpp(: 'RUll <w ..... ow. wh ilcbarkt·ound.org> Cmter Lake 11l~lilliL': CI'~lcr [.,jkl~ NP" OR <:.l7604 Inl:ldi (!!'ya!loo.com ~'USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station Slla~\ln T. 'lc;Kinn,cy, PO Rox 089 N,lti'orml Park Service i~soula, PO Ho:>: 700-\V l'vl NH 59807 EI Plll1;'11, CA f)53l8 .;hawn_md:.illnc '(~fl,r~·~nv - Director's Message ber pine ~nder Albert~·sWildlife Ad. Further- ill more, wtlitebal1l PIlle rn canada is now ranked by NatureSerYe as "vulnerable". A repor1 on the ranpeww1e conservation slatus of whltebarit: pille 11'1 Canada was recently submitted to the Cornrmttee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife," Canada (CO~EWIC) for review under lhe Canada Species at Risk Act. But, there are many regioos in the northern Rocky Mountains and Northwestem U S where whitebal1l pine is In worse shape than illS Petition to list whiteb;;Jr1( pine as a T&E species in Canada_ As many of our (WPEF) members no doubl Managers and researchers in the U S. For­ know. the Natural Resources Defense Council est5ervice and National Park ServICe have been submitted <I petrtlOl'l to list whltebal1l pme as an sounding the alarm aboutlhe heallh traJeclory of endangered species 10 the U S. Fish and Wildlife whitebal1l pine for more than 20 years, We formed service in December. 2008. The initial 90 day the Whitehark Pine Ecosystem Foundation in evaluation or lhis petition was delayed by transi­ 2001 to raise awareness of the situahOn and to 1100 10 a new admlnlstrallOn and delayed approval encourage whltebark pine restoration Regard­ of lhe FY2009 budget Thts first ~ feVlew is less of whether whltebark pine is granted T & E aboul to begm, and IS desalbed II'l a separate arti­ status, maior fundlll9 must be made available for cle IS thIS ISSue of NulCt<JCker Noles Whether its restoration This lI"I'o'e5trnent should II'ldude the whltebal1l pine goes 10 the neXl1eve1 of revIeW wiD development of an effectIVe rangewJde restoration depend on ·substantlal informatlOO"lOdicating a strategy, based on Irltegrallng current IOformalion threat to lhe species across its range, In genetICS, pathology, and ecology This strategy Since the early 1990s, and panlcularly over should pnorillze areas within regIons, and make the last 10 years, a number of published and un. efficient use of resources Furthermore, we need publIShed regIOnal surveys have examined lI1e new management approaches to enable whitebark health of whIlebark pine Ihroughout its U.S. and pine to respond to the effects of dimate change Canachan dlSlribution. providing a reasonably and, If~, to mll'lrrmze the potential for se­ complete pecture of the status of u.s species, par­ Yere damage by mountall'l PIne beetle outbreaks Ilcularty as mpacled by while pine blISter lUSt, caused by the invasive fungal pathogen Cronar­ FHP Whitebark pine restor;lltion fund Ifum riblCola Furthermore, information from aerial This past year, the Whitebar1l Pine Ecosys­ detection surveys on the mortalily of high eleva­ tem Foundation, in partnership with the Arbor Day tion whrte pines caused by the recent outbreaks of Foundatioo (ADF), offered $30,000 to supplement mountaJrl pine beetles was recently synthesi:l:ed in the USFS Forest Health Protection Whitebark Pine Gibson et al. (2008, USOA Forest ServIOe, Forest Restoration Fund Our mutual confributlOll will pri­ Health ProtectIOn R1--08-020, available on the marily 90 10 support p1antJog protects approved by II'ltemet) The data indicate that the geograpt1lcal the Forest Health ProiectlOll (FHP) Techmcal eXlenl of whltebal1l pine mortality betwee" 1998 CornrMtee, in keeping wrttIthe role and missIOn or and 2007 is much greater than thaI for any other AOF This summer we expect a good whltebark high elevahon white pine. In 2007, mountain pine pine cone crop. and cone collecting proposals, ap­ beetles killed whitebarll pine across nearly a half propnately. were well represented among those to millioo acres throughout seven weslern states, in­ be supported by the FHP Fund. The WPEF clUding over 200,000 acres in Wyoming alone. would like to rebuild its own Whltebal1l Pine Res­ Ground surveys indicated up to 96% of whrtebal1l toratIOn Fund When it is lJrne to renew annual ~ were killed wrthin a plot, inctodng trees as 'NPEf rnernbershrps, we hope fhat members WId small as 5 inches in diameter In the greater Yel­ help by making a donation beyond the basit lowstone Area member~fee to our restoralJOn fund The precarious status of whitebark pine IS now recogniZed in Alberta (see the article by Peter September 2009 Annual Meeting Achuff). In 2008, the Minister of Alberta Sustain­ Join us in the beauliful resort town 01 Nel­ able Resource Development approved Endan­ soo, British Columbia, this fall, September 10-11, gered Speaes status for both whitebar1l and llm­ 2009, for WPEFs annual meeting, ThIS minI­ IIlconference and field trip IS hosted by WPEF Outreach Coordinator, was re.e~ed by acclama· board member Dr. Michael Murray, who wor1o>s tion, Bryan, thanks for your conllnuing service! • for the Bntish Columbia Forest service. The Sci­ ence and Management Workshop will emphasIZe WPEF's Conference & Field Trip: the status of Canadian wtlltebal1t and limber pille, Nelson, B.C., September 10,11, 2009 and provide an opportU1'IJ1y to strengthen our trans-boundary Interests. The location also pro­ The vibrant town of Nelson, BC, three and vides access 10 outslandlllg whilebal1( pine habitat a half hours dnve north of Spokane, is hostIng In the nearby 5elklrlt Mountains IJI/PEF's annual conctaye With a population of "High FiYe" Symposium and annual members' about 10,000, Nelson is the cultural and adminIS­ meeting trative cenler for the Kootenay district. Nelson has Just a lew weeks ago, we sent out a dale­ been catled "the number one Small Arts Commu­ saver flyer, wtllch is also ayallable on our website nity in Canada" Baker Street IS the heart of Nel­ wwwwtlltebarkfound.O!O, announCing a major 500, where a vibrant processlOfl of street mUSI­ meetJng for managers, researchers, and graduate cians, shoppers, tounsts, and locals mingle among stUdents, 'High-Five' Symposium. The future 01 some 0( the most attractive tum..of-century archt­ high-elevalion while f)fIl8$ oWl weslem North Amer­ tecture in Canada_ In facI, Nelson has more ica.
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