Published by Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. !\Irs. Holton R. Prlce, Jr. Prcsi<lt•nt Girl SCOUt Loni«· A. \\'ood Natiorwl £:t,·cutl<r Dlr~·ttrrr Ml". \l~mtt C. Furr~ll Cllnirmnu. PrOR'<lm Commillt" :\It> J:::d ...ml L. W.1rnrr, )r Chn.rmn11 . .\foJ:tJ:itu t Cummtttt.r J. Herbert Sihemlan, Publ~ller Leader Patricia S. di Semia, Edttor-in-Chief Vol. 45, No.9 Virginia Greene, Edttor Joan F. ~lyers, ..\Hoci11tc Editor :l.lclha :I. I. f't>rguson, A \SOCillle Editor Tillie W. Green, M<mnging Editor Ruth Langfddt•r, l'roductlou Judy Kaplan, Art Associate The Corchia Croup, Inc., De~ign Direction Editorial Board .~lu:~ S Ri\C>Ir<'. Clroormau \·1t~i Ji.\ Gra-ue lr.. n• Anthom l;ath~nne S. Horbn Eluaht-th ~ - Bru\H•r \·.,~un it juOl"S Ru. •h~ Campbrll \\ rlm.r Ldng Lucl ~ C.mnon Elinllf'lh \lcRugb P.uricl.l S do ~~ moa ln;.rn F. ~l)en :\ldh.• ~1. .1-"''''"on r rf'dt·rick Todd CONTENTS 4 \\'hat Are High Ideals of Character? Ann R. Franklin Developing a clearer <:oncepl of ~our own p<·rsonal value~. 7 Planning in a Girl Seoul Council, Audrey R. Finkelstein Four indispensable advantages of council planning. 10 Adventures of Troop 351. Carrie flarri.s lkginning a new seril-s: the re<ll-life story of a Cadette troop in Sturg<·on B,1}, Wisconsin. 12 To Catch a Cadette, C~tTtlclc>/yn C. E/,cmore Take a good look at your Senior troop and see what it offers Cadettes who might join. 15 What Do You Kuow About Junior Girl Scouting? A quiz to find out how much ) 'Oil know about Juniors. 18 Exchange Troop Trips Judy \'an \'lief Cook Cadettes disco,er a practical wav of going places and doing <.Omething new and different. 21 Juliette Lo\\ Session at Hotk\\ood. .\lab el A. Hammemnit/1 A report on the conference on citizenship .md scnice. 23 Self-test on Personal \'alues Test }OUr reaction to twent} different situations involving personal values. 24 A Guider's Year in the U.S.A., Jenny Lippe~·tad A Norwegian trainer talk, alx)ut ht•r sta} in tllC' \'irginia Skyline C.ouncil. 26 The Light of a Candle, Corinn£' .\l. .\lurplly Candle customs around the world and how to make a candle. 29 ~ew Re~ources for Brownie Leaders A pre\.iew of three new re,ource. de-igned to aid Brownie leaders. 32 Seniors Speak Out Senior Scout! sound oH on high :.chool curriculum. 3 Problem Clinic 20 Author, Author 31 Camping Comer 6 Bulletin Board 22 Sincerely Yours 33 Index. GIRL ScotJT LEADER, 11 The Catchall File 28 Success Stories \'olume 45 14 JIL~t What You Wanted 30 Girl Scout Books and Films Sonrc~' of pictures in this rssu~ h) pul(es: Cover-Puper sculpturl' by Cer~ldine Coney. Cov,·r pholo: Ll\rry Goldstein. 8-Court('Sv ol C.\1\E. 21-Second from top: A now ToJl(;imz: nil othtM h~ \\ urrf'n ~f:ltto•. ;l.t-Chnrlottf'1' illt·. \' i\ •• Daoly Progrt'H. 26-Bottom: \\-.u • Suhcommrttf't'. American Petrolrum lrutotutr ~&-Bottom, Courte•> Guam C1rl S''Out Councrl 30- From the Grrl Scout mo\Jc PromrJt'. GIRL SCOCT LEADER. puhl"hl'd rn<1nlhl\ from October to june b)· Ctrl Seoul> of thv U.S.-\ .• 1!30 Third o\\f'nue. '\t·w Yurk. '>'.\'. 100:!1. Co~nght. 1968 • b) Crri ,Scuuu <Jf the l'.S. \. St-cond-cl.u• po:.tage paJd at :\cw \'ork. 1\,Y., and •t additional m;uling officu. ~umcnpbon Sl.OO " )l"ar rn the l n•tl'd St.Ua 3nd Canada. S2.00 ehl'"'h~r.. Vol. 45. '1 II. 0f'<rmllf'r 19615. 0 From Cathy Kush, Senior, Chicago, Ill.: When everyone participates, they all Have you, as leader, ever considered ac­ learn from the Challenge group, and it problent quainting your ninth-grade Cadettes adds to their enjopnent. with a group of Seniors? Any small Sen­ elinie ior troop, or even one of fair size, would From Mrs. Wilma Watkins, troop consul­ what would you do be happy to invite yom girls to a co-ed tant, Sylvania, Ohio: It's a Challenge: activity. Or perhaps yom ninth-grade Three girls are on a walk, about dusk, mw girls could get together with ninth-graders evening in their neighborhood. Suddenly Every month this column presents a dif­ from anotl1er troop and plan their own they see smoke coming out of a kitchen ficult situation from actual b·oop experi­ party. window. The scene is as follows: Food ence. hut without naming the individual As a Senior Scout, I know that most has spilled over in the oven and is on or group concemed. Send us your b·oop Senior troops are anxious to recruit girls, fire; the mother, who is hysterical, has problems, leaders! and a co-ed activity wilh ninth-graders, cut and burned her hand; two small chil­ as special guests, is a great way. dren are clamoring for attention and food: Here are some additional suggestions for a fuse has blown and there are no lights the problem of - From Mrs. William Gilmour, Cadette in the kitchen area. This situation could leader, Jessup, Pa.: Om Cadette troop incorporate \'arious skill~ and be handled Why can't we invite boys? has had two successful Boy Scout-Girl by three girls. I am a Cadette leader who ran into a Scout parties. We invited a Boy Scout From Mrs. ]ames Bamard, Cadette lead­ problem not encountered before. The troop consisting of bo;·s from seventh er, Belleville, N.Y.: As a leader I have ninth-graders want a party with Explor­ through tenth grades. Their leader ac- worked with a large group in Emergency er Scouts, and the girls in the other two ' companied them, and we also bad other Preparedness. ?\fost were ready near the grades are not at all enthusiastic. Some adults as chaperones. Some of the boys end of the school vear to meet the Chal­ of the eighth-graders think it will be in the troop bad a dance combo, and lenge together. H~wever, a few had not "O.K," but we do everything by vote of they supplemented the entertaimnent by the majority. They raise their hands very playing a number of selections. At both completed the preps and one girl who was to take the Challenge with the larger reluctantly because the older girls egg parties a marvelous time was had by group became at the time; so later, them on. What would you do? all, laughing and dancing, and enjoying ill refreshments. I arranged the following Challenge for two girls. "Your neighbor has been taken From Barbara Connelly, Philadelphia, A party of this type met \\ith the ap­ to the hospital and is leaving you in Pa.: I am a Cadette leader who has also proval of parents, and I can say that charge tmtil5:00 P.M. when her husband encountered this problem. Some of the their faith was justified. will arrive home." younger Cadettes have not yet finished l\'fore replies to the problem of- giggling at boys, let alone started dating Perhaps you can help this Senior Scout them. One solution would be to suggest with her problem of- a skating party or a hayride, instead of It's a Challenge a dance. where dates would be accept­ I am having trouble finding a Challenge able but not necessary. of Emergency Preparedness for my Ca­ The do-it-herself adviser dettes. I have only three girls in the I am a twelfth-grade Senior who really From ,Tai Schrader, Houston, Tex.: If group, and I can't think of anything that adores Scouting. However, ow· troop is this is a dance party, your girls may find so few could accomplish. confronted with a problem tl1at tends it difficult to get the boys to attend. to discomage girls from joining ow· troop Why not make it a "Sundae Party" and From Sally Hill, Cadette, Omaha, Neb.: and encourages them to drop out of plan to make something for an orphanage, Involve the whole troop. Plan and carry Scouting. Our adviser likes to do things mu·sing home. or hospital? Conversation out a camping trip, including an emer­ herself. As a result, we often find that can start immediately on how-to-do things gency that involves everyone. The Chal­ we have nothing to do and cannot carry and continue to badgework and school. lenge group should be able to handle the out the plans we have made. We don't :-.Jear the end of the work, put on some situation. want to hurt her, but it's getting to be recorcL~; if the boys want to dance, they'll If the troop is large, plan "emer­ too much. What can we do? ask. If your girls don't want to make it a gencies" by patrol. ''Accidents" could in­ service project, try a picnic or cookout. clude burns, poision ivy, ·Cuts, scrapes, Address your letters to: Problem Clinic, Let the Scoutmaster know that your and broken bones. Rain should not put Gnu. ScoUT LEADER, 830 Third Avenue, girls are in junior high, and ask him to a damper on your activities, because New York, N.Y. H)022. Letters to this see that the boys attending are about the there are Challenge preps for entertain­ deparbnent cannot be individually ac­ same age. ment and emergency fuel and lighting. knowledged. DECEMBER 1968 3 Ann R.
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